
Chapter 82 - 82 - Don’t Be Afraid

Don't be afraid. 

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

It's only a game.

It's just a monster in a game.

It's got big scary claws.

A menacing smile.

Hard skin.


Looks like a human.

It's fine.

It's fine.

What can go wrong?

"Ian. What do we do?"

A question. So quiet I thought I missed it. The words escaped through the small gaps between the teeth. What do WE do? 

What can be done?

Do we move first?

Is it by itself?

Will we be able to defend against it?

Are the shields strong enough to withstand the sharp claws?

Do we even have a weapon that can damage the monster?

"Howard…I don't know."

I can feel the sweat forming on my forehead. I can feel it trickle down the side of my cheek and pool together at my chin before separating from my body and falling to the ground. 

I can tell it wasn't just me. I see Howard and David constantly shifting their hands on their weapon. As well as Gobi and the other goblins slightly trembling as they wait in silence unable to even see the monster. 

"It moved."

Don't be afraid. 

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

I gulp on my non-existent saliva as I observe the stone monster hover towards us a bit. It didn't move much. Just a bit. Like someone taking a step forward. But it was enough.

Unconsciously, everyone took a step back. The tension and pressure in the air loom over us, forcing us to take a step back whether we wanted to or not. 

I try to calm myself. Focusing on the task at hand. But I can feel my body shaking slightly. The scene of GomiTwo and the other goblins getting massacred in front of me plays in front of me. Only yesterday did a whole squad of goblins and myself get killed by the stone monster. Complete domination, without us, even standing a chance. 

I bite down on my lip and shake my head. I'm going to force my words out. If I the leader of HavenFall is already in this state then what about everyone else. They must be feeling worse or at least the same as me, right?

"Everyone, It's slowly approaching us but we can't let it have the first move. We must be ready right now to engage with it and be prepared for anything that happens."

I gulp once again and lick my dry lips. 

Don't be afraid. 

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

I inhale, filling my lungs with a lot of air.


Responding to my shout a rain of arrows pummels down from the cliffs. Both fire arrows and normal arrows rain down but it wasn't just the archers above that responded to my shout. Kicking off the air, the stone monster flies towards us with its arms wide open. Its creepy smile slightly agape with the rows of sharp teeth slightly showing. The arrows bounce off its hard skin and wings unable to penetrate through. Even the fire arrows have no effect since there was nothing to burn, but at least they lit the area sightly.


With my warning, Gobi and the others push the shields into the mud bracing themselves for the impact. 

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Four seconds.

Five seconds.


With its arms bent backward it swings it down at the shields. Penetrating into the first layer of wood and slicing across the whole row of shields, not once by twice. The sheer amount of force pushed the goblins back but luckily the other goblin spearmen and warriors were right behind them helping them keep the shield steady. 

Activating Roar, Howard jumps up swinging the Hobgoblin's Club at the stone monster's face. Reacting to the taunt the stone monster looks at Howard, only to receive a full swing to its face by Howard. Knocking its head back was the best Howard could do with his attack but it created an opening.


David steps around the shield wall, splashing into the river before dashing up the river bank to the stone monster.  Faster and more agile than David Luna jumps on top of the landing Howard and leaps into the air slamming her body against the stone monster's chest causing it to fall on the ground and giving David a chance to catch up. He swings the stone ax above his head before smashing it down on the monster's head. But it didn't work out like how I thought about it in my head.

The ax breaks into smaller rocks and the handle of the ax breaks in half. The monster swings his arm along the ground hitting David's legs knocking him off the ground and making him land on his back. A loud groan escapes David's lips but shortly turns into a cry for help. The monster grabs his ankle and lifts up David as it uses his wings to get off the ground.


"ON IT!!"

With the higher attack on the Hobgoblin's Club Howard jumps over the wall with the help of Frank and Owen and smashes the club against the right side of the monster cracking its skin. Seeing the opportunity Kingston wraps around the wall following David's previous path and swings his ax at the same side Howard just attacked creating a web of cracks along the side of the monster.

Its expression changes for the worse, with its creepy smile now replaced with a frown. The curves of its mouth create a big upsidedown U and the river of blood flowing from its eyes started to flow down the whole body reaching its feet. Tossing David against the canyon wall, it hovers in front of Howard and Kingston looking down on them.

"GOBI! We are moving the wall! GOGOGO!"

Like a machine, the goblins holding the shields lift them off the ground and form a new wall in front of Howard and Kingston, quickly forming a new defensive line.

"We can do this! Howard can do damage to it. That means we can win-"

Before I could even finish my moral boosting speech the monster swings its claws down again on the shields. This time constantly beating down on the shield and unable to handle the force the goblins got knocked back and the Scutums were mostly destroyed only having one layer of wood left.

With no wall between the monster and us, it rushes with its arms wide ready to swing down and claw into our flesh. Being the first person to create damage on the monster Howard meets its claw with a swing of his club. Followed by Kingston jumping on Howard's back screaming like a madman as his ax smashes into the monster's face shattering into pieces. 

For the first time, I heard the monster scream. Like a cat's claw running along a blackboard, the piercing sound blasts into my ear. An unexpected sound coming from the monster incapacitates everyone bringing them all to their knees.

The shadow of death looms over us once again. 

Don't be afraid. 

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid.

Again all I hear in my head is my voice repeating the same words.

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