
Chapter 83 - 83 - Blue Translucent Ball

I can taste the dirt in my mouth as my ears ring with that uncomfortable sound. I'm barely able to open my eyes to the surroundings. Holding my hands over my eyes didn't help and I can see that everyone was trying their best to endure the pain but it hurts. It really, really, hurts.


Something warm sprays over my head and back.

I reach a little over my shoulder as I feel something trickle down the nape of my neck. I touch the warm liquid with the tips of my fingers and then bring it away from my shoulder and closer to my eyes. 



I jolt my body up quickly but a wave of dizziness hits me at the same time forcing my body to lean to the side. I prop myself up with my arm to prevent myself from falling and I look around. Whose blood was it?

The towering monster covered most of my sight. Standing in a pool of blood and munching on a goblin leg as if it was a drumstick. At the same time, I finally notice the death notification in the corner of my eye.

[ Gopo has died. ]

[ Guro has died. ]

[ Gami has died. ]

[ GobuTi has died. ]

[ Garipi has died. ]

[ Gebui has died. ]

6 goblins had perished to the monster. Their green blood pool around the monster's feet with their torn limbs scattered in every direction.

Quickly I check my status to view my HP.

Name: Ian

Race: Human

Faith: 23/10,000 ( Reach 10,000 to pick a Religion )

Happiness: 2 ( Happy )

Health Points (HP): 6/10 

Mana Points (MP): 0/0

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Dexterity: 5

Agility: 5

Luck: 11

Equipment: Lucky Goblin Totem Necklace, Improved Stone Spear, Stone Chest Plate, Stone Knife, Stone Shield 

I must have taken some damage earlier from the stone monster's screech. Around me, I could hear the soft groans of the survivors. Howard, Frank, Owen etc all slowly struggling to get to their feet. The front of their body is covered in mud and dirt while their backs were spotted with bits and pieces of goblin flesh and blood. 

The stench of blood envelops the surroundings and with green lipstick on, the monster smiles at us. Its side still shattered from our attempt of bringing it down before but when it smiled at us a chill ran down my spine. An illusion that our damage was negligible. Oppression from its presence. 

"Ian! Snap out of it. We can defeat it."

Howard places his hand on my shoulder waking me up from my own delusions. 

"Right…Everyone make sure you have a shield and a stone mace. Aim for the cracked part and be run or shield if needed!"

With a somewhat determined voice, I instruct everyone on their duty. Knowing I wasn't in the best mental state Howard chimes in and yells at the top of his voice while swinging the club above his head. Followed by Kingston as he grabs a stone mace and charges towards the monster.

With newfound energy, the rest of the residents charge including Luna and Gobi. Howard lead the charge with Kingston and Luna following behind him closely, the rest followed behind shields ready for an unexpected situation.

With a loud cry from Howard, the monster turns towards him swinging its stone fists. Matching the fist was the Hobgoblin Club creating a loud sound that echoed in my ears. Momentarily stopping the monster's movements and creating an opportunity for the agile Luna to dash around Howard's body ramming the monster's weakness forcing it to take a step back. Followed up by Kingston shattering yet another weapon across the monster's head but this time creating a small web of cracks on the place of impact.

Those three weren't the only ones putting in work. Owen and Frank did their best to poke and stab at the monster's cracked skin creating small holes which slowly enlargened after multiple stabs. 

Behind the monster, I could see our reinforcement as well. Noah and a rag-tag team of demi-humans, humans and goblins came sprinting down the pathway each holding onto a spear or a mace and some of the stronger ones holding onto a shield, leading the charge. 

With the attacks increasing on the monster it starts to panic and flails around. Bashing its stone arms around and continuously turning and spinning, picking up dirt and scattering rocks. Weapons constantly break against its hard skin but at the same time the web of cracks grows and holes appear more frequently until with a last loud screech the stone monster falls.

The stone monster is now replaced by a mound of rocks but with something blue and shiny at the top of it. Throughout the whole battle, I was at the back watching everyone fight, I was afraid of it and couldn't move. 

BUT since it was over, time for me to move. I walk past everyone that was huffing and puffing near the rocks and climbed the small mound of rocks. At the top, I took a quick glance around somewhat expecting something to happen but nothing.

I kneel down and look at the shiny object at the top of the stone mound. It was the size and shape of a tennis ball but a translucent blue color. I pick up the blue ball and a message appears in front of me.

[ Golem Core

A blue translucent ball that can contain mana. Combined with a magic circle and a medium a golem can be created. ]


That stone monster was a golem.

Those stone monsters which took over the copper mines were all golems?

Who is controlling them then?

Or are they autonomous?

What is happening…?

I took a deep breath look up and in the corner of my eye was something flying away. I snap my head towards the fleeing object and squint my eyes. 

A bat? No, a bird? No…

It was a flying golem, similar to the one we just defeated but a smaller size. 

Shit…Whoever it was, was watching us for the longest of time.

Looking at the fleeing golem I gulp and pray for the best.

Hopefully, I won't be raided by them any time soon…

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