Chapter 101 The top ten kings of southern Xinjiang open

Everyone looked at Ye Daocang’s indifferent expression, and their hearts were silent.

The great emperor was actually called a poor worm.

But, they know that Ye Daocang is fully qualified and capable to say so.

Looking at what Ye Daocang said plainly, many Ye family members were shocked.

It turns out that in every age, even every moment, there are opportunities for detachment.

The chance is placed in the dark, or it can be said to be right in front of own.

It’s just that if you miss it, you miss it completely.

Ye Qingcheng and Ye Huang were silent for a while, but then shook their heads again.

Obviously, what Ye Daocang said has nothing to do with them.

First of all, it is not that they can choose to be reincarnated in this era, but they have been severely injured when they seize the treasure, and they have to be relieved by soldiers.

Neither Ye Qingcheng nor Ye Huang chose to be born at this time deliberately.

To insist that they chose this era, it is better to say that this era chose them.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that Emperor Ye was so badly injured, but he awakened without having to go through Samsara many times.

Can’t explain Ye Qingcheng Samsara IX, but he just woke up in this life.

“Okay, there are still two months left. The Kings List is about to be born. This seat is ready to break through. You should also go to practice. Two months later, gather here to watch the birth of the Kings List!”

Following Ye Daocang’s words, the entire Ye family children returned to their own residences and began to practice.

Ye Wu’s defeat of Luo Fanchen caused a tumult in southern Xinjiang, and countless people were shocked.

Even some people are spreading that Ye Wu is the world’s first native talent.

For a time, Huang Jun Ye Wu’s name spread very widely!

But two months is enough to change many things.

“Seven Zero Zero” as the tops of the major sub-domains alternate, gradually, everyone discovered that more and more local Tianjiao were born, and the counterattack began.

In the North Sea, on a magnificent building, countless people are actively talking about it.

“Hahaha, have you heard? The River of Forgetfulness of the Heavenly Dragon Territory has returned to the Sea of ​​Forgetfulness Closed Door Training for one year. A fiasco!”

“Guihai Wudi lives up to the name of invincibility, it’s worthy of being the top arrogant of the ancient clan Guihai family that is hard to find forever, even the emperor is not his opponent!”

“It is said that after the tentative fights between the two sides, they each started to exert their strength, and the Guihai Qidao who had cultivated Guihai Wudi only made four moves, and Tianbei Dadilu Wuhen was defeated!”

When one listened to this, he was stunned in admiration.

“Emperor Tianbei, according to the record, is one of the ancient emperors most pronounced in the heavens. Back then, he mysteriously disappeared. He thought it was transformed or transcended. Unexpectedly, he returned after hundreds of millions of years! ”

“Such a splendid and beautiful emperor is now defeated in the hands of Guihai Wudi!”

“In the name of Guihai Invincible, I am afraid that it has surpassed that Huangjun Yewu!”

“Long surpassed, Huang Jun Ye Wu is also strong, but he didn’t make it as easy as Guihai Invincible. Moreover, according to reports, the deadly immortal sword was a bit too big, and he chose to shoot before he could fully adapt to his body!”

“I also heard that a reincarnated emperor once said that if Luo Fanchen fights against Ye Wu again, Ye Wu will lose!”

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly stunned. After all, two months have passed since the period. Ye Wu also chose Closed Door Training, and his reputation naturally declined!

“I heard that in the Tingluo domain, the most wonderful and beautiful celestial daughter of the ancient family, Lin Xian’er, was born, and the technique of dropping immortals broke out. It understatedly defeated the reincarnated Emperor Chengfeng Liuye and shocked southern Xinjiang!”

“The Emperor Chu, an ordinary Tianjiao who walked out of a small Sect. Mysterious disappeared three years ago. After three years, he came back and broke out of the spirit platform. With one hand, he used domineering spear skills. This domain was lucky enough to escape!”

At this moment, one after another stunning and brilliant super arrogant was born, and the name of each one made people fearful.

In this period of time, Huang Jun Ye Wu’s fame was growing and falling behind.

Nowadays, few people go back to mention it!

However, compared with the famous emperor, there are still too few top powerhouses like this.

At this moment, two months passed quietly.

While countless people are looking forward to it, the list of kings is about to begin at this time and is coming.

On this day, Ye Daocang slowly opened his eyes, and a brilliant light flashed away.

The Cultivation Base belonging to the Ninth Stage of Nirvana broke out directly.

In more than half a year, he finally went from Nirvana Eighth Stage cultivation to Ninth Stage.

Nirvana Realm Ninth Stage, although compared with those old brands, it has been stuck in half-step for a hundred years, or even a thousand years of existence, but the real combat power is not so terrifying!

Coupled with the blessing of the Patriarch Yupei, he has absolute self-confidence. Even if Martial Sage comes, he will retreat calmly.

【Name: Ye Daocang!】

[Identity: Patriarch of the Ye Family of Tian Luoyu!][Cultivation Base: Nirvana Realm King Ninth Stage Cultivation Base!][Divine Armament: Qingyun Sword (Top Emperor Divine Armament)!][Qualification: Chaos Dao Body, Chaos God Eye, Lower Grade Miscellaneous Witch Body!]

【Martial Skill Cultivation Technique: Unsuperior Treasures of the Heavens Sword Art (contains all the swordsmanship practices in the heavens and all realms), the Unsupervised Treasures devour the starry sky (advanced by the swallowing skill, cultivation to the late stage is more terrible), close to the end of the world, Nine Cycles golden body (fourth turn peak), sun fire!]

【Exotic Treasure: Patriarch Jade Pei!】

[Family buildings: Cangjing Pavilion, Enlightenment Room, Trial Tower, Contribution Hall, Family Residence, Artistic Conception Monument, Ancestral Tomb, Wanjian Cave, Library!][Supernatural power perception: Dacheng-level kendo Realm, supernatural power superb speed, storage power, square inch, Sword Domain, invincible, sweeping, force breaking, breaking delusion][Exchange point: 110600!]

Cultivation Base breakthrough, Nine Cycles golden body also cultivation to the peak of the fourth round, coupled with the terrifying Dacheng-level Kendo Realm, combined with the blood of Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen, his body is terrifying, enough to run across the entire vast world. .

After more than two months, the exchange point once again broke through one hundred thousand.

Ye Daocang did not continue to exchange the secret realm, after all, the Ye family children hadn’t fully digested it yet.

Moreover, this time the new secret realm has a budget of more than one million.

Once successful, the Ye Family will surely become the strongest force in the entire vast world by then.

Withdrawing his own gaze, Ye Daocang stepped on his feet, slowly walked out of the room, and came into the Ye family room.

Today is the day when the Kings list opens.

At this moment, even the Ye family members were very excited.

Along the way, in addition to feeling the excitement and admiration of the Ye Family people, he was more speculation about the king’s list.

“The Patriarch’s aura is deeper and more terrifying again, and it’s constantly coming to what point!”

“I don’t know if these ten strongest kings in southern Xinjiang have a seat as Patriarch?”

“It’s very possible, you know, the strength of the Patriarch is not weak, even strong and terrifying!”

“Yes, the strength of the Patriarch is so powerful that he has never lost a single defeat in his life!”

“Hey, if only foreign objects and secret methods can be used, in this way, with the strength of the Patriarch to kill the Immortal Realm, you can definitely aspire!”

“There is no way, this kind of thing is not included in the list. After all, in this way, those top powers will attract the heavens and obtain some treasures from the heavens, not the top ten!”

“That’s true! But the strength of the Patriarch should have a chance to enter the top ten!”

Ye Daocang couldn’t help but smile when he heard this.

Those who say these things are the ordinary children of the Ye family, like the Tianjiao of the Dragon and Tiger List, have gathered in the courtyard of the conference hall, sitting with Ye Chen and other Geshi Tianjiao, and have the same observation list with Ye Daocang. pleasure!

For them, the number one king is definitely Ye Daocang, otherwise, they would all doubt Heavenly Dao.

The secret realm trip is very interesting, everyone knows it, and has been there, and the memories are also preserved.

But after coming out of the secret realm, they discovered that they couldn’t tell all the processes inside. When others asked, they wanted to say, but they couldn’t say anything when they came to their lips.

In this way, they admire Ye Daocang even more.

This kind of means, it is impossible to justify not taking the Nirvana Realm King first.

Soon after Ye Daocang’s arrival, there was a turmoil in the world, and the sky was full of golden brilliance wine.

Different from the previous rankings, this time, the entire southern Xinjiang is exactly the same.

There is still no nonsense, the top ten of the top ten kings of southern Xinjiang were directly released.

[The tenth place among the top ten kings of southern Xinjiang: the Xuantian turtle of the demon race, born on the coast of the North Sea, looks like an isolated island, has lived for six million years, and sleeps all day long, contains the double blood of Sleeping God and Black Tortoise, sleeping It can become stronger, the defense is strong, and he was born invincible. His tortoise shell, even the Martial Sage, can’t be broken!]

【Half-step Cultivation Base at the peak of the emperor, it has been a million years, the entire vast world, no one can break his defenses, under the double blood blessing, she will have the opportunity to return to the ancestors in the future, and become a sleeping god. Tortoise or Black Tortoise!][The tenth prize of the tenth kings of southern Xinjiang: Black Tortoise and Blood Essence, one drop each, God-given Cultivation Technique Black Tortoise, God-level Black Tortoise Shield, and Cultivation Technique tread!]

Subsequently, the name of Xuan Tiangui fell into the tenth place on the list of top ten kings!

Immediately afterwards, a familiar picture appeared. An isolated island of hundreds of thousands of square meters not far from the North Sea suddenly moved. .

He just saw a few rays of brilliance sink into his body and head, which is the reward given by Heavenly Dao.

Soon, a Black Tortoise shield mask rose up.

Two drops of Blood Essence merged into his body, constantly transforming his bloodline, making his chances of returning to ancestors even greater.

Facing this scene, Xuantian Turtle couldn’t help but shook his head in doubt, and finally buried his head in the North Sea again.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to hear another snoring sound.

Seeing this scene, I don’t know how many people’s mouths twitched, and their hearts became speechless.

You can become stronger when you lie down and sleep, without cultivation at all. This is not the envy of many people!

For a moment, everyone looked at the Xuantian Turtle who was asleep, and couldn’t help showing an urge to pick him up, but the terrible defense sounded from the other party and gave up.

“God, that turned out to be the back of Xuantian Turtle, I always thought it was a desert island!”

“I remembered that I was vying for a treasure with a strong man on it, and now that I think about it, I have a guilty heart!”

No matter how everyone talks, but from the bottom of my heart, they already agree with the power of Xuan Tiangui.

Ranked tenth, well deserved.

Afterwards, the crowd narrowed their minds and looked at the ninth place.

Sure enough, at this moment, the ninth place has appeared.

[The top ten kings of southern Xinjiang ranked ninth: Ximen Tibetan students, half-step imperial-level Cultivation Base, the first sword king in southern Xinjiang, stuck in half-step imperial emperor for fifty years, and have repeatedly killed the seal of the emperor. Emperor-level powerhouse! The self-created Ximen Sword Sect is known as the number one kendo Sect in southern Xinjiang. This person is unparalleled in kendo attainments!][Southern Xinjiang Kings Ranking 9th reward: cure all physical injuries, a Divine Armament handle, a Divine Armament, a Divine Armament, a Cultivation Technique, a Cultivation Technique, a Mysterious Sword One drop of Blood Essence, the mysterious sword master has a lifelong kendo experience!]


Seeing this sentiment, countless people couldn’t help but breathe in air, their eyes filled with shock and fire.

It’s a pity that the things that Heavenly Dao gave, except for me, can’t be used by anyone else, even if it is the Divine Armament reward, once the opponent dies, Heavenly Dao will take it away.

Otherwise, I’m afraid that at this time, all the Martial Sage level powerhouses will be dispatched one after another.

“Ximen Zangsheng, the existence of the world-class sword king level, has repeatedly killed the legendary sword king who has repeatedly killed the imposing emperor strongman. The strong.”

“Now Heavenly Dao cures the injury for him, I’m afraid he will be promoted to the Happy Realm before long!”

“Such a terrifying existence can only be ranked ninth. I am a little curious about which terrifying existence is ahead of him!”

For a time, everyone was talking about it.

At the same time, in a certain large area of ​​southern Xinjiang, among the Ximen Sword Sect, Ximen Zangsheng felt the strength of his body with excitement, the recovery of his injuries, and his face burst into tears!

The ranking of the king is extremely fast.

Soon, the eighth place followed.

[Southern Xinjiang 4.4 Kings Ranking 8th: The King of Devouring Sky, the art of swallowing everything, nothing is swallowed, anything that carries Spiritual Qi into his mouth, it can be turned into nourishment to supplement and nourish him, once swallowed Demon emperors and human emperors who have passed through many unfettered realms, the Cultivation Base of the Cultivation Base has the emperor level treatment in the demon clan, and is known as the first demon king of the hundred thousand mountains!][Southern Xinjiang King Ranked Eighth Reward: Swallow Heavenly Demon Rat Blood Essence one drop, exclusive Cultivation Technique for the Heavenly Demon Rat Cult]

What a terrible Sky-Swallowing Rat, he wants a monster king of the monster clan giant!

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but feel sighed again.

Along with the eighth place, the seventh came out.

[Southern Xinjiang King Rankings seventh: Zhuge blows snow, half-step emperor rank, has a weird physique, also called freak, loves to cook, as long as he cooks peerless dishes, he can be Ascension Cultivation Base. For him, everything in the world Material, can be put in the pot, known as the first freak chef king in southern Xinjiang, once in order to make delicious dishes, went to the demon Sacred Land alone, killing several dao Dao

The remote demon emperor returns, just to make a delicacy!][The seventh reward of the South Xinjiang Kings List:

With the passage of time, the ranking of the king is getting faster and faster, and everyone has no time to discuss, the next place will follow.

Among the Ye family in Tianzhou, the Ye family’s children were disappointed seeing that Ye Daocang hadn’t been ranked for a long time.

But they think it’s nothing.

The above-mentioned kings have been practicing for dozens of hundreds of years, and it is normal for the Patriarch to enter the Nirvana realm for the first time.

Only the true genius of the Ye family, as always, firmly believes that Ye Daocang is the number one on the list.

Just as everyone watched and showed their favor, finally, when the fourth on the ranking list appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Ye family.

【Ranked fourth on the King’s List: Roaring Sky Dog, Heavenly Dog Bloodline

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