Chapter 102 The three great guardians of the Ye family are on the list, and the world is shocked

[Southern Xinjiang Kings ranking fourth: Snarling Dogs, Nirvana Ninth Stage, pure-blooded Heavenly Dogs, born with innate talents and supernatural powers to swallow all things, practice to the strongest, can swallow the sun and moon, fighting power is unknown, but pure-blooded Heavenly Dog The supreme bloodline of the family is enough to explain everything.Currently, it is guarding the Ye family’s residence in the Ye family of the Tianluo region.

Treated as a foe!)

[The fourth reward of the ranking of the kings of southern Xinjiang: Heavenly Dao initiation once, one sun and moon god pupil, one drop of the saint Blood Essence, the noble secret method swallows the heaven and the earth, the noble Cultivation Technique Heavenly Dog exercises!]

With the appearance of this ranking, the sky above the list, as usual, a picture of howling dogs appeared.

Inside a family residence that looked majestic and swallowing mountains and rivers, a dog that was three meters long and was covered in carboxyl black, which was almost the same as an ordinary black dog, was lying at the gate of the Ye family residence.

In front of him, put this huge Divine Armament-level big basin, in the basin, put huge bones, at a glance, they are the bones of the top monsters!

I saw the black dog with his mouth open, biting the bones.

At this moment, above the sky, a series of light knots fell and entered the body of the Sky Dog.

The snarling dog’s body suddenly let out a comfortable bark, and both dogs’ eyes narrowed.

Under Heavenly Dao’s initiation, he saw his tail sway comfortably, and a humane smile appeared on his face.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the Heavenly Dao empowerment disappeared, and the Sky Dog looked around with a puzzled look.

Obviously, in its limited life, there is not much thinking.

After shaking his head, he was attracted by the bones in the basin again, opened his mouth, and started eating.

From time to time, Ye’s family came back from outside, and some saw him drop a few Demonic Beasts in the basin.

When the snarling dog sees this, it will shake its tail immediately, as if to show good to the other party.

But if the other party didn’t bring him food, he suddenly turned his dog’s eyes, raised his head slightly, and looked at the other party sternly, expressing his own disdain.

He didn’t even want to talk to each other, as if he hadn’t seen it before.

At this moment, in the entire southern Xinjiang, everyone’s eyes fell on the Heavenly Dao list.

When the snarling dog performed these actions, until the picture on the list disappeared, everyone did not come back to their senses 25.

At this moment, they only felt that the thoughts in their hearts had collapsed.

The king of the Nirvana realm, the peak powerhouse that runs through life and death, and is born in adversity, in the hearts of countless creatures, it is a terrifying existence high above.

For many creatures, it must be out of reach and can only look up to the existence.

However, if the scene in front of them weren’t played by Heavenly Dao, they would even think that someone was teasing a Nirvana Realm King-level powerhouse.

Finally, after a brief stupefaction, they were completely regained.

But what followed was the hustle and bustle of a fryer, boiling over the entire southern Xinjiang.

“This is the fourth king on the Heavenly Dao list? Is this different from the big black dog in my backyard?”

“If it weren’t for the Heavenly Dao list, I would really think someone was playing a prank!

“Such a black dog can be ranked fourth among Nirvana Realm Sealed Kings? Is there any mistake!”

“I suddenly thought of a sentence, called, dogs can be on the list!”

Someone said leisurely, and the heart of those who heard it was sour for no reason.

“Yeah, the dogs are on the list, but we can only look up, this is true!

For a time, countless people showed a trace of resentment.

However, at this time, someone came up with different words.

“You guys, don’t you think that at this time, the powerful kings behind this big black dog are the most embarrassing?”

Hearing his words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions suddenly became weird.

“Yes, I have practiced for a whole life, in the Nirvana realm, even if it is a powerful emperor in the Xiaoyao realm, it can be ranked on the list. As a result, I discovered that I was overtaken by a dog. I imagined it would be sad!”

“Hahahaha, I suddenly wanted to laugh, do you know what it is called? It’s not as good as a dog, hahaha!”

As soon as this word came out, in the entire southern Xinjiang, in countless places, I don’t know how many creatures thought of this word.

For a time, the originally sad creatures burst into laughter!

“Haha, not even a dog!”

“Obviously, this Nirvana Realm Kings List is a solemn and prudent list. Countless people are thinking about whether they will be on the list. As a result, the appearance of a black dog broke the silence!

“Cultivating for a lifetime, I thought I could be invincible in the world, able to defeat own powers of the same level, there are not many, but I found that I am inferior to a dog!”

“I really want to see the expressions of the fifth to the ninth seniors at this moment! I don’t need to think about it, it’s absolutely wonderful!

“When you say that, I have that picture in my mind, hahaha!”

For a time, in the entire southern Xinjiang, I don’t know how many people boiled up because of the roaring dog on the list.

At this moment, in Southern Xinjiang, Human Race, Demon Race, Demon Race and other places, the faces of the people on the list are green, and their eyes are full of hatred!

“Ye Family! Dare to humiliate me like this!”

“The dog has always been ranked in front of the half king, and this dog has not had any outstanding record!”

“Huh! This matter, this king is counted on the head of your Tian Luo Ye family, and the whole dog came out to humiliate me!”

Tian Luo domain, Ye family.

Countless Ye family members looked at the sky, and the fourth-ranked ranking was silent for a while.

Then, until the end, there was a trace of surprise and surprise on their faces.

At first they couldn’t believe it, but when the picture appeared and the Tianzhou Ye family was mentioned, they suddenly came over.

Isn’t this the big black dog at the gate of the Ye family?

Usually they will take some Demonic Beasts meat and bones to play with it.

They really know something about this big black dog. As long as you are the Ye family, you can go to him with something delicious and fun.

It is completely that there is no majesty and boldness that a demon king should have.

They didn’t expect that such a big black dog demon would be ranked fourth on the ranking list, which really made them unimaginable!

“This, this big black dog, unexpectedly, unexpectedly

For a while, the Ye family didn’t know what to say.

Who could have imagined that such a big black dog would be so terrible to see everyone wagging its tail.

“The snarling dog’s father is a giant demon, if you remember, its father is the slender black dog that helped Erlangshen defeat Sun Wukong!’

Ye Daocang’s voice slowly fell into the ears of many Ye family members.

At this moment, many people’s minds could not help but have a picture of harmony.

Thinking of this, their expressions were unexpectedly surprised.

The original secret realm picture flicked through their minds.

The Sun Wukong copper wall and iron wall are invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire. You can see it in the Heaven Court back then.

But the big dog next to Erlang Shen is Sun Wukong who can bite without saying a word, and his strength can be imagined.

Thinking of this, their smiles converged, and a dignified look flickered in their eyes.

Fortunately, at this moment, the top three in the Southern Xinjiang General List are about to come out.

At this moment, many people in southern Xinjiang couldn’t help but feel shocked.

The first three are definitely the most true recognition of a king.

“This king has been overbearing and suppressing the Quartet for many years. This is the top three in the list of southern Xinjiang. It is the king!”

“Wu, Leiyan King, Leihuo dual cultivation, many times killed the strongest emperor in the Xiaoyao realm, the first three, there must be a seat of this king!”

A majestic middle-aged man is surrounded by the two terrifying profound meanings of thunder and fire, facing the storm and facing the wasteland.

“Hehe, a black dog of the dog clan can be on the list. I want to come to this southern Xinjiang general list but that’s it. The young master of my clan, awakened the blood of the previous life Xiaoyue Sirius, has returned to the ancestors, and has easily defeated the emperor of my clan. , If he is not on the list, who is qualified!”

For a time, countless people in various places in southern Xinjiang love to talk about it.

At this moment, the golden list greeted the storm and greeted countless people’s attention.

Everyone was shocked. They knew that the third place in the Southern Xinjiang General List was about to come out.

[The third in the ranking of the kings of southern Xinjiang: Bifang Crane, from the Ye Family of Tianluoyu Tianzhou, is the beast of the Ye family guarding the sect. It is the incarnation of flame. The flame is controlled by no one at the same level. Its body contains the blood of the ancient powerful, and there is no information on the true combat power!][The third reward of the Southern Xinjiang Kings Rankings: One Martial Skill, one Divine Fire Flame, one Divine Armament Eastern Flame Armor, one Divine Armament Flame Gun, one drop of Ancient Fire Venerable Blood Essence! 】

Afterwards, the picture flashed. Inside, on top of an ancient tower, there was a one-legged, blood-red hair all over, as if a beast with red eyes burned by flames was closing its eyes on the spire of the tower.

When they saw him, everyone couldn’t help but move their hearts.

Is this the third existence in the rankings?

It seems that there is nothing unusual!

Countless people in southern Xinjiang who were originally very upset by the snarling dog, did not hold back at this moment, and exploded one after another.

“What! This Ye Family again, what is the origin of this one-legged monster? Why can it be ranked third?”

“Another beast with unknown combat power, relying on the strength of its ancestors to rank? Is this a bit unrealistic?”

“Huh, no one at the same level can match the control of flames? The young master of my clan awakens the blood of the Fire Phoenix, bathes in the magma of the earth’s core, hides a mouthful of flames in his chest, swallows the world, and annihilates the common people. On the control of flames, who is Dare to surpass him?”

“Perhaps, his ancestors really have some proud records, but I think it’s a bit tricky to rank based on the ancestors’ record alone!’

“Agree, when will the Heavenly Dao ranking include background?”

“Why don’t you have to say more, after this time the rankings are over, I don’t know how many kings will challenge them. At that time, it will be the mule who has pulled out!”

“Yes, the Heavenly Dao list is not necessarily right. The previous sub-domain Tianjiao list is not enough to explain it? Many Tianjiao who entered the ranking list were off the list after a short time. Then, those reincarnations Didn’t the emperor ever be born?”

“Hahaha, I can think of how lively this Ye family is after this battle!”

In the Ye family, when he saw that the strange beast and bird on the huge tower behind him could also make the list, he was shocked again.

None of their Patriarchs were on the list, but two Huzong strange animals were on the list.

For a moment, they couldn’t help showing a trace of emotion in their hearts.

However, they didn’t give them much time to think about it, and there was another turmoil between the world and the earth.

The next moment, from the second person on the ranking list, has been out.

[The ranking of the top ten kings of southern Xinjiang is second: Qiongqi, Yejiazhenta’s beast, with a terrible and fierce spirit, and a fierce and powerful body, wherever it passes, a disaster, like a tiger and an ox, an adult Qiongqi beast Eyes destroy one Galaxy, one foot smashes an Primordial Star, feeds on sacred beasts, sacred beasts as opponents, no record yet, Nirvana Ninth Stage Cultivation Base, for the vast world

There is not one of the strongest fierce beasts in the world!][Second reward in the ranking of the top ten kings of southern Xinjiang: a drop of quasi-emperor’s blood, Emperor Martial Skill “Emperor Classic”, automatically doubles its physical body, and Heavenly Dao empowers once!]

Soon, it was still the familiar building of the Ye Family. Under the Suotian Tower, a big, tiger-like and ox-like beast greeted the sky, lying at the entrance of the tower, without looking up.

Even with Heavenly Dao’s initiation, its brows were not raised.

Its breath is restrained, and its eyes are filled with a trace of indifference, 700 as if all the rules between the world and the earth can’t make it move.

Unlike Bifang Crane and Snarling Dog, when everyone in southern Xinjiang saw this strange and beast, a trace of fear came directly into existence.

It was as if they were facing an ancient giant beast, with fear, panic, and fear, they couldn’t help but pop up in their hearts.

“Hiss~! This behemoth seems a bit scary!”

Until the picture disappeared, everyone came back to their senses, covering their chests involuntarily, and said in horror.

“There is something, compared to that one-legged monster and black dog, it feels that it is not a little bit stronger!

“Just lying there, what is oncoming is an overwhelming qi of the sky. I can’t imagine what kind of thunder power will erupt once it is shot!”

I don’t know why, when I saw the murderer of Qiongqi, many people who were not convinced were actually convinced at this moment.

Because they found that this beast, no matter its aura or strength, it seems that it should not be underestimated.

When many emperors of the Happy Realm saw it, they only felt that their hearts were boiling and shaking, and their blood was stagnant.

Among the monster clan, countless Big Demon King and even Demon King, when they saw the Qiongqi murderer, they couldn’t help but tremble. They seemed to feel an unprecedented horror Monster Qi rushing toward their faces.

Even many emperors who reincarnated from the Monster Race covered their chests, and their eyes flickered.

As the emperor of the monster race, they unexpectedly discovered that own blood means being suppressed.

Just looking at it, it has the ability to let them breathe. The strength of this strange and fierce beast can be imagined.

The appearance of Qiongqi was so rare that no one dared to question it.

At this moment, everyone in the Ye family was also astonished.

Only Ye Daocang’s expression is very plain, not happy or sad at all.

In his heart, Qiongqi, as one of The Four Fiends in the myth, is on the same level as the Four Sages.

Regardless of bloodline or strength, he surpassed Bifang Crane, one of the ten ancient demon saints.

Even Ye Daocang, among his peers, has no absolute certainty that he can take down the Qiongqi Ferocious Beast.

Therefore, he is not surprised that Qiongqi can be ranked second.

Just as everyone continues to wait, there is a clear sky between the sky and the earth.

The endless brilliance of wine is all over the sky, and the terrible spirit is rioting in the sky.

Of the top ten kings, nine have already appeared, and only the top of the top list is empty.

At this moment, endless golden brilliance wine spread all over the earth, attracting the attention of countless people.

Countless creatures in southern Xinjiang almost all looked up together by accident.


There was a deafening sound, The next moment, at the top of the list, rows of cuneiform characters appeared.

After seeing the name and deeds of the top of the list, at this moment, the entire southern Xinjiang is shaking and boiling.

[Top 10 of the top ten kings of southern Xinjiang:.. ).

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