Chapter 123 Chaos clock, the bell ringing is boundless


Everyone looked at the ten Golden Crows that had transformed the wild mess into such an appearance, but their hearts were flashing in every possible way.

Although they are not a Virgin Mary, they hardly do anything like this indiscriminate killing of innocents and wanton destruction.

They will not do things that bully the weak. In their hearts, there is no need for this.

And these ten Golden Crows, seeing the masterpiece of own, not only did not regret at all, but laughed and became more vigorous.

Ten days in the sky, almost no life can survive wherever it passes.

Demons, witches, other races, spirit races, flowers and trees, everything with vitality, all Death.

This scene made everyone a little bit unbearable.

But Ye Daocang’s mouth curled, and a trace of disdain had appeared.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, everyone suddenly found that a blood strip appeared on the ten Golden Crows, and a vague thing was constantly flowing and rising towards the sky.

“This is?” Everyone looked at Ye Daocang in confusion.

They faintly felt that the breath was very important and could not be lost easily, otherwise, there would be catastrophic disasters.

Seeing this, Ye Daocang said lightly: “This is called luck!”

“Qiyun?” Everyone was taken aback for the first time when they heard such a word.

Ye Daocang nodded slowly, his expression coming with a trace of solemnity.

“Qi Luck, every living creature is born with air luck, one flower and one grass, one leaf and one tree, one person and one demon, they all carry Qi Luck!”

“Qingyun is confusing, seemingly invisible and intangible, but every creature can’t do without him!”

“If you have strong luck, you will be strong. Even all kinds of treasures, the most precious Spiritual Roots, will be delivered to the door. According to legend, there is a person who was born with great luck and found that he was tripped by the holy Divine Armament. Walking and hitting a tree, I found it was a 9th-Rank Spiritual Roots. Picking up a tattered one and found it was the key to unlocking the treasure of the Great!

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

What kind of concept is this?

They can’t imagine!

At this moment, Ye Daocang looked flat and his voice continued.

“And people with weak luck, such as Tianzhe’er who was born with insufficient Xiantian, or a newly born grass was directly stepped on by a Demonic Beasts to destroy the vitality of life, etc.!”

Having said this, he looked at the ten Golden Crows, and then explained it lightly.

“The three-legged Golden Crow is a pure-blooded descendant of Heaven and Earth. There is almost no one among Houtian creatures. Their father is the demon emperor of the demon clan Heaven Court. Born god-tier through righteousness, he was born as the prince of the demon clan!”

Having said this, Ye Daocang couldn’t help but sighed, as if he was cherishing something!

“After they were born, Yingzhou Island, one of the Sanxian Islands that had disappeared, suddenly appeared, accompanied by the hibiscus tree, one of the ten-day Xiantian Spiritual Roots, and the Tanggu, which can nourish the sun’s real fire practice. Their birth has caused the monster race’s luck to skyrocket and completely unify the prehistoric nature, making the monster race Heaven Court completely capable of contending with the witch race!”

“Under mutual feedback, just how powerful the luck of these ten three-legged Golden Crows is, no need to say more!!


Hearing this, I was very knowledgeable and followed Ye Daocang to meet the Ye family’s younger brother. He couldn’t help but sucked in the air and was shocked.

With such a vast amount of luck, it is conceivable how powerful the future achievements of the demon clan princes are!

“The facts have also been confirmed. If these ten princes do not die in the future, they will be the world’s most powerful and dominate the existence of one party!”

Having said this, Ye Daocang pointed to the ten Golden Crows and continued to speak.

“However, there is a cause and there must be an effect. Under great opportunities, there are also great crises. For example, if they wantonly destroy the prehistoric land, how much loss will be caused to the prehistoric land, and the rapid loss of air luck will make them eventually be the predecessor. Disgusted by Heavenly Dao!”

With a wave of Ye Daocang’s big hand, the picture began to go by.

Everyone can see that in just a few days, these ten Golden Crows have wiped out tens of thousands of vast world-sized prehistoric lands without growing a single inch of grass.

The screen starts to freeze!

Everyone looked at the ten three-legged Golden Crow again, and their hearts were shocked.

At this time, on the three-legged Golden Crow, the brilliance of Qi Luck was passing. The light of Qi Luck that was originally golden had already started to glow green at this time, and then it began to turn red.

When they saw this red light of luck, everyone couldn’t help but felt a terrible and strange power emerging.

Just when their luck completely turned red, Ye Daocang smiled faintly: “Danger is here!”

After hearing the words, everyone hurriedly reduced their minds and looked forward.


The real fire in the sky is still falling, and countless creatures have died in the hands of ten Golden Crows, and the creatures of the Witch race have died hundreds of millions or even billions.

“Hahahaha, this is the so-called Witch Clan? With such strength, how can I compete with my Monster Clan? This prince can be destroyed by himself~~!’

A Golden Crow spoke arrogantly, his eyes were full of arrogance, and he didn’t put the witches to put in one’s eyes.

After being infected by him, the other nine Golden Crows were also triumphant.

“What about those so-called great witches? Why are they so late to show up? Could it be that I was afraid of being killed and hid?”

“Hahaha, it must be Kuafu’s death, and taught them a lesson. Seeing our top ten princes, we can only escape quickly!”

“Brothers, according to this prince’s opinion, we simply rushed into the hinterland of the witch clan, killed all the twelve ancestral witches one by one, and took their heads to the emperor and uncle, as a great gift to them. How about it?”

A Golden Crow is even bolder and speaks boldly.

“This is a wonderful remark, let’s go! Go to the Wu Clan residence!”

As soon as these words came out, let alone others, even the children of the Ye family began to shake their heads.

Obviously, they also feel that these Golden Crows are too arrogant.

Although they have never seen the Twelve Ancestor Witch, nor the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor, they can feel from these pictures how strong these prehistoric and top god-tier players are!

They already felt a little bit from the strength of the great witch Kuafu and Hou Yi.

Your father, emperor and uncle, the huge demon court has nothing to do with the twelve ancestral witches of the witch clan, but with a three-legged Golden Crow, can you do it?

Seemingly seeing the eyes of everyone, Ye Daocang suddenly raised his hand and pointed to a certain place.


Everyone was suddenly shocked, and only then discovered that on the only way to the core of the Wu Clan, there was an ancient Henggu mountain peak. I don’t know when, a big man was standing on the top of the mountain, looking down at the sky above. Top Ten Golden Crow.

Following Ye Daocang’s pointing out, the screen suddenly zoomed in.

“It’s Hou Yi, he’s back from Beiming!” someone from the Ye family said directly.

When everyone heard the words, their minds suddenly stopped, they had already seen the cold and monstrous killing intent in Hou Yi’s eyes.

“Ten little miscellaneous crows, killing my best friends and destroying my people, this hatred and hatred are not shared!’

A terrible killing intent erupted from Hou Yi’s body, and even the Ye family felt a sense of fear.

“Look again!” Ye Daocang’s body uploaded, and everyone looked sideways.

I saw that Ye Daocang pointed his finger at ten Golden Crows.

At this moment, on the bodies of the ten Golden Crows, I don’t know when, the remaining luck has all disappeared. On their bodies, a black beam of light shone on them.

“Is this?” The Ye family suddenly became puzzled again, looking at Ye Daocang in confusion.

Ye Daocang smiled faintly: “This is called bad luck, also called bad luck. When one’s own luck is not enough to support oneself, bad luck and bad luck, the negative luck between heaven and earth will come!”

“These things in the heavens and the earth are hard to detect. You won’t know when they will come. Maybe their luck is too rich, too broad, so it doesn’t matter!”

“These things, even the top ten Golden Crows, people like Kuafu Houyi can’t detect them, and they can’t resist them. body!”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again, and at the same time, for the first time, they had a faint cognizance of the strength of the Twelve Ancestor Witch and Demon Emperor!

“Look at their bad luck and bad luck. If they didn’t have these, they wouldn’t feel that they were capable of opposing the 12th Ancestor Witch in their arrogance. However, under the blessing of two negative fortune paths, they would have been Blinded the true spirit, fearless!”

As Ye Daocang spoke, the bad luck and bad luck of the top ten Golden Crows continued to gather and condense. I don’t know when, they have begun to turn black and purple.

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, the Ye family couldn’t help but recall the scene of ten Golden Crows shouting to kill the Twelve Ancestral Witches before, and they were suddenly surprised in their hearts!

At this moment, they finally understood the importance of luck.

At this time, the top ten Golden Crow were rampant all the way, and the target was directly targeted at the core of the Zuwu tribe, Bu Zhoushan.

At this time, they haven’t noticed the danger from downwind.

Ye Daocang, the tool man, did a good job. With a wave of his hand, everyone appeared in the air in an instant.

Ye Daocang pointed, and everyone followed Ye Daocang’s fingers to look at it. There were the eyes of the top ten Golden Crows.

Although it is still brave and fearless, everyone still sees a trace of black energy affected by bad luck in it, and their hearts are even more shocked.

It was at the time when the top ten Golden Crow was flying fast.


There was a sound that broke through the air, and the terrible sound echoed hundreds of millions of square meters, shocking everyone’s minds, and it was shocking.

Everyone looked down, not knowing when, Hou Yi had already bowed his bow and shot an arrow, and a burning sun arrow pointed directly at one of the Golden Crows.

The Burning Sun Arrow is made from the ultimate treasure in the North Ming, and it is born with a suffocating cold.

Where the long arrow passed, there was a piece of ice, and ice souls condensed in all directions, seeming to condense the world.

Even though everyone in the Ye family was far away, they still felt the extremely cold breath, and their faces trembled.

At this moment, a terrible brilliance continued to boil.

The top ten Golden Crow obviously also discovered the danger of coming, but they were still unmoved, the arrogance in their eyes was very obvious.

If not affected by bad luck, they might avoid it.

But at this time, they don’t think there is anything that can break through the blockade of the real fire of the sun.

The sun is really fire, it is a natural defense!

However, this sun-scorching arrow is extremely terrifying, and with the blessing of the sun-shooting bow, the surge of power that injures the great witch Houyi, I don’t know how terrifying it is.

With the addition of the three, even the quasi-sage can be threatened!

Hou Yi, but the Peak Great Witch, who has grown to the late stage, has the strength to fight the quasi-sage!

Although he was not at the peak at this time, his strength was far beyond the reach of the ten Golden Crows who were born with Ronaldo.


Without the slightest accident, a terrifying to the extreme brilliance fell directly on a large Golden Crow.


An arrow pierced the heart and gave this Golden Crow no other time at all. The terrifying power of ice directly blocked the real fire of the sun and took away the life of this Golden Crow.

With one arrow, Golden Crow falls!

The sun-shooting bow, the sun-scorching arrow, the power of the great witch, the terrifying combination of the three, are completely revealed at this moment.

At this time, the real sun fire around the three-legged Golden Crow has disappeared, and a golden crow bird with three fiery red and shiny golden legs, which is a bit similar to a crow, fell directly toward the ground.


Seeing this, everyone in the Ye family was shocked, and they felt an unprecedented sense of suffocation.

A three-legged Golden Crow died like this!

w… “Three brothers!”

“The third brother!”

For a time, nine unanimous voices resounded through the heavens and the earth.

With red eyes, they watched the Golden Crow fall towards the ground.

Feeling that there was no trace of vitality on his body, their eyes suddenly turned red.

“Great Witch Houyi, it’s Great Witch Houyi, he killed the third brother!’

Golden Crow recognized Hou Yi’s appearance and suddenly yelled.

“Kill him and avenge the third brother!


For a time, nine three-legged Golden Crows waved their wings and killed Hou Yi.

The boundless real fire of the sun hit Hou Yi mercilessly, and for a time, it was thousands of miles away!

However, the power of this flame fell in Hou Yi’s eyes, and a trace of disdain was immediately revealed.

“I can’t help myself!”

After finishing speaking, he directly ignored the sun’s real fire of the coming person, shooting the sun bow in his hand, and directly hitting the three burning sun arrows!


In a series, three sounds of breaking through the sky appeared, and they moved towards the sky in no time.

Where the arrow passes, all the real fire of the sun is directly annihilated by the power of ice.

Then, under the incredible gaze of countless people, they fell accurately on the three Golden Crows.


Three fleshy sounds appeared, and three snow-white long arrows directly penetrated the bodies of three Golden Crows. After extinguishing the real fire of the sun around them, they came out, then exploded in mid-air and dissipated.

The three Golden Crows couldn’t even resist, and died on the spot, falling towards the ground.

This is even more exciting to the remaining Golden Crow, they are even more angry!

However, Hou Yi’s anger against him was unheard of, and three long arrows were on it.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~!

There were three more breaking sounds, The next moment, under the incredible eyes of countless people, three Golden Crows fell and died on the spot!


Seeing this scene, the Ye family couldn’t help being shocked to the extreme, and the horror in their eyes was hard to conceal.

No one thought that Hou Yi was so terrifying, playing these Golden Crows was like playing kids!

At this time, the remaining three Golden Crows obviously found something wrong, and there was a strong chill in their eyes.

“No! Go! (Zhao De’s) Go back and ask Uncle and Father Emperor to avenge them!

The three Golden Crows left in no time, waving their wings, and the rainbow transformation technique turned directly, moving towards the distance.

Seeing this, Hou Yi frowned. He was not afraid of Golden Crow coming to him, but afraid that the other party would run away. After all, he was one of the fastest birds in the world.

At this moment, the movements of his hands are even faster.


Another arrow came out, and a Golden Crow couldn’t even resist and fell directly onto the ground.

Regarding this, Hou Yi didn’t even look at it. The arrow in his hand pierced the sky and pointed directly at the smaller of the two Golden Crows!

“No, Xiaoshi, go!”

Seeing this, the larger Golden Crow on the side rammed Xiaoshi directly, knocking it aside.

But he himself was directly pierced by this burning sun arrow, and the vitality quickly passed away!

“Brother Six!” Little Golden Crow couldn’t help but cried out in grief.

“Quick! Go!” Using the last breath of life, he finished speaking to the little Golden Crow, who also dropped directly toward the ground.

Seeing this, the little Golden Crow didn’t care about grief, and went straight to the distance.

He wants revenge, he can’t die now!

He waved his Golden Crow wings and hurried away towards the distance.

However, Hou Yi seems to be faster.

A terrible threatening force locked him!

“Escape? Can you escape? The feeling of losing an important person, feel it now!”

Hou Yi’s indifferent voice resounded in the air!

After saying this, Hou Yi stopped saying more, bending his bow and shooting arrows.

Accompanied by a sneer, a terrifying long arrow headed directly towards the last Golden Crow.

For a while, everyone’s eyes fell on the little Golden Crow.

“My life is over!”

Feeling the terrifying icy air behind, the little Golden Crow couldn’t help but stop, closed his eyes, and waited quietly for death!

Seeing this, the Ye family almost watched the scene in front of them quietly.

At this moment, no one felt that this little Golden Crow could stop the arrow.

However, it is cold at this time!


A crisp bell rang through the entire prehistoric land, as well as in the hearts of countless people!

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