Chapter 124 Guess on Ye Daocang!

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Ye Daocang suddenly waved his hand, and the picture returned to the previous time when Hou Yi shot ten Golden Crows.

Ye Daocang pointed in the direction of Hou Yi, and everyone suddenly discovered that the luck that belonged to Hou Yi was also rising into the sky at this moment.

As one of the overlords of heaven and earth, the Wu Clan is also one of the top great witches. Hou Yi’s luck value is strong and strong, especially dazzling, almost making everyone look away.

However, when they discovered that Hou Yi shot the big Golden Crow, his luck was rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, between the heaven and the earth, the black qi, which represents bad luck and bad luck, unceasingly boiled, converging on Hou Yi’s body.

Seeing this, everyone in the Ye family was shocked, and a slight strangeness revealed in Own’s eyes.

Subsequently, as more and more Golden Crows were killed and annihilated on the spot, Hou Yi’s body had more and more black qi, and it had even reached the point of fighting against the qi and luck.

“Patriarch, why is this? Golden Crow ravaged and destroyed the earth, and Hou Yi shot him. Shouldn’t he be rewarded by the heavens and the earth? Why?”

Ye Yan suddenly felt puzzled, and looked at Ye Daocang in surprise.

Ye Daocang heard the words and smiled faintly: “No matter how the Golden Crow destroys the prehistoric world, as long as it does not cause such a catastrophe, it is also the crown prince of the demon race, the overlord of the world. Provoke the backlash of the demons’ luck! ”

“That is to say, Hou Yi himself, as a great witch of the Witch clan, has the luck of the Witch clan, coupled with the merits of preventing the Golden Crow from continuing to destroy the prehistoric nature, and the blessings of all parties can stand safely!”

Having said that, his gaze flickered, paused for a moment on the people, and said faintly: “You think Golden Crow destroys the endless land, and the god-tier communication between the sky and the earth really doesn’t know? Do you think that? They don’t have the strength to kill Golden Crow? Or do they think they are afraid of the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor? They are just afraid of being backlashed by the Demon Race’s luck.

That’s it! Change to other creatures, they have long been beheaded on the spot and turned into merit!”

“At this time, the only thing between heaven and earth that can deal with them is the Lich family, and these two families really haven’t noticed this scene now!”

Having said this, Ye Daocang smiled inexplicably, and continued: “Of course, at this time, they may have already reacted. But if I want to come over in a short time, I am afraid it will be too late!”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and at the same time, they had a new insight about Qi Luck.

As long as your luck is strong enough, even god-tier experts will not dare to attack you!

Having said this, Ye Daocang’s fingers continued to point in midair.


At this moment, only a small Golden Crow still exists between the world and the earth, and Hou Yi has already bent his bow and set an arrow!

At this time, the black energy around Hou Yi had completely covered up the Qi Luck.

At this time, his own strength of Qi Luck was already supporting it with difficulty, and it was very likely that he would be completely swallowed by the black Qi.

Once the black qi completely swallows the luck, Hou Yi’s fate is no different from the top ten Golden Crow.

“If Hou Yi shoots this last Golden Crow prince, Hou Yi will die on the spot. Even with the blessing of the Witch Clan’s luck, he will not be able to save him!”

“However, as long as there is one Golden Crow surviving and the blood of the Demon Emperor is preserved, there will be room for maneuvering, and Hou Yi may also have a glimmer of life!

Ye Daocang continued to explain, and at this time, the last burning sun arrow had already left the string and pointed directly at the last little Golden Crow.

Just at this time!


As soon as a bell rang, the entire prehistoric land was turbulent, and the entire prehistoric space was rippling with a wave of ripples.

Countless people brightened up and looked at the scene before them in shock.

The bell even penetrated their bodies, sank into the deepest part of their hearts, and could not go back for a long time.

Chaos clock! The bell rings!

Ye Daocang sighed with emotion and fell in the eyes of everyone, seeming to miss and sigh.

In fact, Ye Daocang is just suffering from flesh and heart, nothing more.

The ringing of the bell cost him 30,000 exchange points, and it is strange that he does not feel distressed!

Just after the sound of the bell, the burning sun arrow that was about to penetrate the body of the little Golden Crow suddenly stopped you, and then it exploded in the air and disappeared.

The damage caused by the ringing of the bell is far from this.

Everyone followed Ye Daocang’s sight all the time, and they were suddenly shocked.

After hearing the bell ringing, Hou Yi suddenly felt like a lightning strike. The Meridians all over his body exploded directly, his body flew upside down, and countless great witch blood spurted out.

Not only that, but he himself flew directly from the top of the mountain, hit the ground, and a deep pit appeared directly.


In the huge pit, Hou Yi was seriously injured on the spot, and he didn’t know his life or death!


Seeing this, everyone in the Ye family couldn’t help but breathe in the air, shocked to the extreme, in their hearts, for the first time, they had a glimmer of understanding of the terrible god-tier master.

“Here, a bell not only pierced that terrifying Sunburst Arrow, but also severely wounded Hou Yi. There was no resistance at all. How terrible was this strength?”

“It’s too cruel. Is this the god-tier expert in the head of the family? I thought that they are better than the big witch at best, and there will be no crushing situation. Now (cfee) it seems that I am too naive. what!”

“The Great Witch is already terrifying, and it’s so strong that the god-tier strength is so terrible, I can’t imagine it, alas!

For a moment, everyone shook their heads involuntarily, with emotions in their hearts, shocking again and again.

It was Ye Daocang, standing with his hand in his hand, looking at the scene indifferently.

Everything was in his expectation.

If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was not terrible, he would not be regarded as the Eastern Emperor, he would not be called the God of War, and he would not deserve to be called the first power under Hongjun!

As Ye Daocang pointed towards the air, everyone’s eyes were cast over, and their hearts were shocked again.

A young man in white clothes, he is plain and unparalleled, and his eyes contain endless majesty and courage.

In his eyes, there is an innate sense of oppression and endless arrogance, as if there are no creatures between heaven and earth worthy of being put in his heart!

His expression was indifferent, he ignored the people, and his eyes seemed to contain two sun stars.

Around him, there is a vacuum zone, and the Three Thousand Rule cannot cause any harm to him.

Around his waist, a deep dark small clock hung from his waist, shaking slightly, as if it could shatter everyone’s souls.

His appearance suddenly became the focus of the whole world, and every move, as if the world could not bear it, and wanted to fall into it.

Everyone was shocked, and countless eyes fell on those who came.

“What a peerless powerhouse, I have never seen a terrifying existence whose aura can reach this level!”

Ye Youran couldn’t help but sigh. This is the first time he has seen that a creature can come and can bring such a terrible destructive power and oppressive feeling to this world!

“I can’t help but want to surrender, hiss! What a terrifying attitude!” Ye Chen couldn’t help speaking.

“I thought that Master Wu Tian God was already invincible, but I didn’t expect that the strength of this senior would be far above Master!’

Ye Qingcheng’s mouth opened slightly, and it was rare to speak.

And everyone in the Ye family was talking about the man in front of them.

“Uncle San, who is he? Could it be that he is one of the six sages you once said!”

Ye Daocang heard this, but shook his head faintly: “He, he hasn’t been sanctified yet!”


When everyone heard the words, they couldn’t help but breathe in air-conditioning, shocked.

Without being holy, he is already terrified to such a point, then when he is holy, how terrifying will he be?

For a while, everyone discovered that they couldn’t imagine it!

At this time, Ye Daocang’s explanation also came.

“Although he hasn’t been sanctified, his deeds are more widely spread than Sage. In the entire primordial land, almost no one is his opponent, even before the six holy sanctifications, because of his name, he is called Donghuang Taiyi!”

Donghuang Taiyi!

Everyone couldn’t help but move their minds, feeling inexplicably that their own blood is stopping circulation.

It was as if the four words Donghuang Taiyi were enough to make waves in the hearts of everyone.

Ye Daocang ignored these, his expression was indifferent, and he slowly revealed the deeds of Donghuang Taiyi.

“The Eastern Emperor Taiyi, one of the Xiantian demon gods, was born as a sun star, surrounded by the chaos clock, one of the Three Treasures of Heaven, and shocked the world when he was born. In the years that followed, his brother and his brother fought all the way to establish a demon clan. Heaven Court, has established the name of invincible victory!”

“In the prehistoric times, there are more than three thousand god-tier masters. However, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is the only one, because he has never been defeated since his transformation. The No. 1 powerhouse in the wild!”

“The name of the Eastern Emperor resounds throughout the world. He is an invincible noun, an invincible myth, and the belief of the monster Heaven Court. It is by virtue of this that the monster Heaven Court is able to suppress the common people, and has the same name as the witches. The situation of the chambers resisting rituals!”

“The chaos clock on his waist, I don’t know how many god-tier masters were killed, no one is its opponent!”

“Some people say that it was the Chaos Clock that made the myth of Donghuang Taiyi’s undefeated, but I said that it was the Donghuang Taiyi that made the Chaos Clock!”

Ye Daocang’s words are not false. Otherwise, since the ages, so many people have obtained the treasure of the heavens and the earth, why is he alone, the emperor of the East, has made the prestige and won the prestige of the first strong!

In the ancient times, the god-tier communicator who was at the same time as Hongjun, the Yin & Yang ancestor holding the Tai Chi diagram, and the upside down ancestor holding the Pangu flag. In the ancient times, they were transferred to the hands of the daddy Yuanshi, but everyone was afraid of them. It will always be their Sage name!

As the Xiantian Three Treasures, why did the Eastern Emperor who took the Chaos Clock move the world? It is enough to see that the powerful are always creatures, not the treasures!

Stronger than the Taishang daddy. At the peak, when you have not yet achieved Sage, you can hold the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Tai Chi Figure, Eight View Palace Lanterns, crutches, purple gold and red Calabash. !

The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower and the Taiji Diagram are recognized as the top defensive treasures in Honghuang.

Tai One is terrible, it can be seen in general!

At this moment, after hearing Ye Daocang’s comments and explanations on Donghuang Taiyi, everyone felt shocked.

The most powerful man in the wild, Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

This name echoed deeply in everyone’s hearts.

Seeing this detached world, there was a terrifying white-clothed man with great power coming between the eyebrows and the slight movement, everyone felt trembling in their hearts.

“Emperor Taiyi, what a Donghuang Taiyi!”

Among the Ye family disciples, some people couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

However, at this moment, Taiyi, who had been staring at Hou Yi indifferently, frowned, turned his head slightly, and looked in the direction of everyone in the Ye Family.

At this glance, everyone in the Ye family was about to be struck by lightning, and they only felt that Divine Sense burst in their minds.

The next moment, a terrible white-clothed fuzzy man, his eyes penetrated the endless chaotic river blockade, and in the time and space river after another, he found the eyes of several people accurately.


It was another terrible existence that was so chilling!

Everyone only felt that their hearts were cold, even the old gentleman at the time could not give them such a feeling.

They knew very well that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had found them over the breath of the years and the blockade of the times.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged, he was already immune to all this.

He might think about this before, but now, he finds that thinking is just for nothing. Only when the actual strength is really strong, maybe everything will be solved.

Donghuang Taiyi’s gaze fell, everyone’s hearts were blank, and they couldn’t say anything, they could only stare at Donghuang Taiyi in a daze.

Dong Huangtai’s mouth moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

But at The next moment, his gaze was closed. Obviously, at this time, the timing was wrong.

The chilling feeling disappeared, everyone involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, and many Ye family members who had a low Cultivation Base fell directly and sat on the ground.

The other people’s breath is also lowered, as if they have been under the pressure of the sky.

Even Ye Wu and others breathed a sigh of relief and involuntarily wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Afterwards, they set their gazes on Ye Daocang. When they saw Ye Daocang’s unscathed, nonchalant, indifferent appearance, they were shocked again, and they couldn’t help but become more awed in their hearts.

Ye Daocang was more mysterious than they thought.

The gaze of the first strong man in the wild, he didn’t even care, as if he hadn’t seen it.

And just as they were meditating, a voice of grief resounded in their ears.

“Uncle! Dead, the nine Big Brothers are all dead, and the sixth brother was also killed in order to save me!”

The little Golden Crow turned into a three-two-inch size, and wailed in Tai Yi’s arms.

At this moment, in the eyes of a tiger, there was also a hint of tenderness and deep pain.

Pure-blooded Golden Crow is scarce. Apart from him and his brother Dijun, there are only these ten nephews.

However, this time Closed Door Training, ten nephews only had the one in front of him. How could he accept it?

But he still held back the boundless anger and murderous intent, and gently touched the head of the little Golden Crow to soothe it.

“Little boy, you will sleep first, and wait for your uncle to avenge your brother!”

After speaking, he waved on the head of the little Golden Crow, and suddenly, the little Golden Crow fell asleep.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, the little Golden Crow disappeared.

At this moment, his sky full of killing intent completely broke out.

“Hou Yi!!

The two words Taiyi are full of endless killing aura, which makes the sky pale, and everything bursts apart.

With him as the center, the world seems to be unable to bear the same.

This is that he has never hated a person so much, even if it is the Twelve Ancestor Witch, and between them, it is just an orthodox dispute.

But today, he can’t wait to smash Hou Yi’s corpse into thousands of pieces, and tortured day by day!

However, for his killing intent, it was only the great witch’s Hou Yi, not the slightest fear, but instead laughed freely.

“Hahahaha, it feels uncomfortable to lose a loved one? Then when your ten nephews killed my best friend, Kuafu, you have thought that when your nephew killed this endless land and killed my hundreds of millions of people, you Have you ever thought about it?”

It seems that knowing that it is impossible to survive, Hou Yi is not afraid at all, on the contrary, he has become more and more exalted.

In his eyes, there was a indifference and indifference, and the sarcasm on the corners of his mouth was not concealed in the slightest.

With a glance at his words, except for the coldness, there is no more meaning to say anything.

The real fire of the blazing sun was burning in his eyes.

“If you don’t kill you, how can I kill my heart, die!”


In his eyes, a terrifying Golden Crow flame burned out directly, blasting towards Hou Yi.


Feeling this terrible Golden Crow anger, everyone in the Ye family couldn’t help but breathe in air-conditioning.

This Golden Crow anger flame, even if it still falls on the boundless world, can turn the boundless world into ashes in an instant!

Hou Yi couldn’t stop this terrible Golden Crow flame.

But he didn’t have the slightest regret or fear because of Death, instead he faced it resolutely with his head up.

When he killed Golden Crow, he never thought about surviving.

Seeing Hou Yi’s attitude, everyone’s expressions couldn’t help becoming awe-inspiring.

Being able to face life and death so calmly is enough for them to admire.

Seeing Hou Yi is about to die!


PS: I beg you to stop guessing. Regarding the protagonist’s setting in Honghuang, I.

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