Chapter 126 Zhunti Daoist even gave a Junior gift to Ye Daocang! Shocking!

“Is this?” Everyone in the Ye Family looked at this scene with surprise, and was puzzled.

“It must be a powerful man, otherwise, the surrounding Restrictions and formations will not be without the slightest reaction!”

“Yes, only a strong god-tier master of the world can do this!”

“This person does not seem to have the slightest aura, but why does it give me the feeling that it is more terrifying than the monster Emperor Dijun, Eastern Wasteland Taiyi and Twelve Ancestral Witches?”

“I have this feeling too, but I just took a look at him, and I found that my whole body was exploding!”

For a time, everyone kept communicating and talking.

Ye Daocang glanced at the man faintly, and said directly: “You guessed it right. At the beginning, he may not be terrible than Taiyi Emperor, but now he is definitely surpassed by Emperor Taiyi and Twelve Ancestral Witch. Waiting for someone!”


Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help being surprised!

Surpassed Taiyi Emperor Jun, isn’t it?

Thinking of this, their eyes suddenly fell on Ye Daocang again, wanting to know the answer!

Ye Daocang nodded when he saw this, “Yes, this person is one of the six saints, his name is Daoist!”

One of the Six Saints!

Zhun mention Daoist!

Everyone in the Ye family suddenly felt a terrible pressure coming!

Just a Dao name is enough to shock their hearts.

When Ye Daocang saw this, he didn’t explain, and waved his hand directly.


As soon as the picture moved, everyone immediately entered the Yingzhou Island!

Under the hibiscus tree and in the soup valley, ten little Golden Crows were already communicating with an old way of sacky monster race.

The old Dao, who had a very strong atmosphere of the monster race, looked angry and didn’t know what he was talking about!

All of a sudden, ten Golden Crows were suddenly angered, and a series of terrifying auras blew the Galaxy Cluster, and countless real fire riots swayed everywhere.

Subsequently, with the instigation and help of the old Dao, Tanggu’s Restrictions opened up, and the ten Golden Crows flew out of Yingzhou Island and headed for the wild land!

And the old-fashioned figure didn’t know when it turned into a streamer and headed toward the top of the Fusowood.

Everyone moved their gazes, and found that this old way of demon clan’s aura had directly entered Na Zhunti Daoist’s body!

Looking at the direction in which the ten Golden Crows disappeared, Daoist, who was holding the Seven Treasure Tree, nodded with a smile!

Seeing this scene before him, everyone in the Ye family suddenly realized.

It turns out that behind all of this, it is this powerful one of the Six Saints who is calculating!

“Such a strong person, whose strength surpasses that of the first class of Emperor Juntai, he still needs to rely on calculations to calculate the Lich Clan. Why is this?”

Someone issued such a question.

After Ye Daocang heard it, he couldn’t help but smiled faintly: “Because he is also afraid of suffering from the backlash of luck!”

“Qing Luck backlash?” Everyone in the Ye Family was shocked!

Ye Daocang nodded: “That’s right, it’s the backlash of luck, but don’t underestimate these. The luck of the second family of the Lich is so vast, you don’t know how many, even if Sage shoots them, they will fall directly into the holy position because of the backlash. It’s not easy to become holy. If you fall because of this, wouldn’t it be too bad?”

After hearing Ye Daocang’s voice, everyone in the Ye family had a clear understanding of the power of the Lich II clan.

It turns out that luck is so powerful that even the top powerhouse god-tier will be afraid!

At this moment, everyone in the Ye family couldn’t help falling into contemplation.

A member of the Ye family became a little bit indignant.

“I didn’t see it, this fat head with big ears, small eyes and big nose would turn out to be one of the Six Saints. I didn’t expect it, God is blind!”

At first, he felt that the ten Golden Crows were sinners, but after seeing this, he felt that this quasi mention was the culprit, and he couldn’t help complaining.

However, as soon as this word came out, suddenly, a word came from everyone’s ears.

“My little friend, it’s not a gentleman who speaks ill of someone behind his back!’

This voice is a bit loud, but it contains a holy power.

Everyone didn’t react at first, thinking it was the person from the Ye family who spoke.

But The next moment, there was a flash of light in their minds, and they suddenly woke up and looked forward.

I don’t know when, Zhunti Daoist is already holding the Seven Treasure Tree and looking at the people with a smile.His eyes are blank, and there are no people, but he can travel through time and years, and accurately find the location of everyone. Talk to everyone!

When everyone looked at him, they saw a smile on his face, without any anger at all because of the Ye family’s complaints.


Everyone was shocked again, and they couldn’t help turning up the stormy sea in their hearts.

This is the first time they feel terrible, and they also feel a touch of numbness!

They themselves don’t remember how many times they were blocked by these god-tier communicators after countless ages and torrents.

And the person who spoke in the Ye Family’s expression flushed for a while, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

In a god-tier master, the Six Sages spoke bad things behind the scenes, and he was arrested by others, which made him a little uncomfortable.

And the other people in the Ye family didn’t dare to speak. This one of the six saints gave them the feeling that it was too terrifying and terrifying.

Seeing that no one spoke, Daoist didn’t care about it. Instead, relying on his feelings, he attacked everyone in the Ye family.

Then, under the incredible gaze of many Ye family members, they gave a Junior ceremony before speaking.

“Junior will mention it, meet senior, thank you for his life-saving grace that year, Junior is still unforgettable to this day!”

Seeing Zhunti Daoist worshiping all around him, everyone in the Ye family couldn’t help looking at Ye Daocang, as if thunder was shaking in their hearts.

The terrifying existence of one of the six saints still couldn’t notice the figure of the Patriarch, and could only worship and obey the void.

Patriarch, how mysterious is it?

For a moment, they didn’t know how to speak.

The most important thing is that the terrifying existence of one of the Six Saints turned out to be a sincere salute to Ye Daocang. What does this show?

In the heart of this terrible being, Ye Daocang, whether it is strength or Realm, should be impressed.

Of course, the most shocking thing is that Ye Daocang once saved this Sage!

If it weren’t for Ye Daocang’s life-saving grace, would it be possible that there would be no Sage now?

For a while, Ye Daocang, who was already very awe-inspiring, once again set off a trace of mystery in everyone’s hearts.

It seemed that he had noticed that everyone’s eyes were converging in one direction, so Zhunti turned around and bowed to Ye Daocang.

Seeing this, Ye Daocang looked plain and said nothing.

Seeing Ye Daocang’s appearance, everyone in the Ye family didn’t know how to speak for a while, so they watched this scene quietly.

Perhaps, the owner of the family was excited when he saw his deceased, and he was speechless for a while!

This is what many Ye family members and even Ye Wu and other Tianjiao thought at this time.

If Ye Daocang heard it, he would probably complain again.

It’s not that I don’t want to speak, but I don’t know what to say!

I don’t even know him, the ghost knows why he worships me!

Whenever he has time, Ye Daocang himself began to wonder whether he was a legendary boss in the prehistoric age!

Even the Six Saints are worshiping themselves, there is no reason why there is no trace of themselves in the ancient records!

It seemed that Ye Daocang hadn’t heard Ye Daocang’s words for a long time, and he couldn’t help but sighed with regret, which attracted everyone’s attention.

At this time, Zhunti spoke again: “Senior’s unwillingness to speak more, Junior understands it very well, but Junior, like many fellow daoists and teachers, has been waiting for Senior’s return!”

Having said this, he looked at the surroundings again, and then smiled indifferently: “Since we have seen all of them, it is considered fate, so let me leave something behind! Little friends, whoever can get it, it’s up to you. It’s a chance!”

Said, he casually waved his sleeves, without knowing something, and sank somewhere on Yingzhou Island.

Immediately afterwards, he smiled and said to everyone in the Ye family: “My little friends, Peng Dao is looking forward to seeing you, goodbye!”

After speaking, he also smiled at Lang Shuang, then holding the special seven treasure tree, resolutely turned around and disappeared on Yingzhou Island!

Ye Daocang looked at his back and opened his mouth. When he wanted to say something, he didn’t say anything.

He really wants to know what role he plays in Honghuang!

Also, why don’t you want to talk more? Why don’t I know?

However, when he reached his lips, he could only become speechless.

After a slight sigh, he slowly turned his gaze back.

And his appearance fell in the eyes of everyone in the Ye Family, it was another picture.

Reunion with the deceased for a long time, but can only speak silently, watching the deceased leave silently, that trace of sadness was revealed, and finally turned into a sigh.

This is a pity that I can’t talk with my old friends!

For a moment, everyone in the Ye family directly started to make up for it.

A child who was closer to Ye Daocang couldn’t help but comforted: “Patriarch, don’t want to be sad. Didn’t this quasi-senior say that, when we will meet in the future, you don’t have to miss you, you still have our younger generations. , We will always be with you!

Hearing his words, everyone turned their heads, including Ye Qingcheng, Ye Chen and others looking at him with a trace of concern.

Ye Daocang:”

I am sad?

I miss it?

Why don’t I know?

Also, do I need you, a strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to accompany you?

Stop making trouble, brother!

But with these words, Ye Daocang will only complain in his heart!

Slowly retracting his own eyes, Ye Daocang looked at everyone.

“This time the secret realm is almost over. As for the screen that follows, I can’t show you for the time being, but in the future, your strength Ascension rises, you can see it!”

After explaining these things, Ye Daocang continued to speak, “Well, this time the secret realm is divided into two places, Yingzhou Island and the Ten Sun Fall Dojo. You decide where you want to go!”

“I can only tell you that the two places have a relationship, Yingzhou Island, you have also seen it, it is Tanggu, there are also hibiscus trees, and Yingzhou Island itself is very mysterious! In addition, Zhun mention Daoist also left a trace of inheritance there. I don’t know if any of you have the honor to be able to obtain it!”

After speaking, Ye Daocang pointed towards Yingzhou Island in front of him. Everyone looked at it immediately, and their eyes flickered. Obviously, many people were moved.

Then, Ye Daocang pointed to the other side.

“Here is the ancient battlefield where the nine Golden Crows fell. The opportunities inside are also expensive, but they occupy a vast area. You also know that, but because of the ten-day fall, you don’t know how much the chances on the earth have been reduced, so, How to choose is up to you to decide!”

After introducing the two places, Ye Daocang directly closed his eyes and waved his big hand: “Well, you can choose by yourself. This time, the time is still one month. Whether you can get a great good fortune and great opportunity, it all depends on you. own!”

After saying this, the toolman Ye Daocang closed his eyes and was too lazy to continue speaking.

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, everyone in the Ye family suddenly became nervous.

This time the secret realm is so big that it even surpassed the sum of Kuafu’s daily chase and Wuzhishan in the Tiangong Temple by several times.

But the time is still only one month, and they must prepare early.

For a time, the two hundred Tianjiao of the Ye family and high-level officials were dispatched one after another, heading towards the two places. They also made their own decisions in the first time.

Soon, there was no one beside Ye Daocang.

He was not surprised, his eyes flickered in all directions, the eye of insight moved, and he observed the audience at a glance.

More than two hundred disciples of the Ye family were originally the Tianjiao generation in the Ye family.

Naturally, their luck is extremely strong, even if the area of ​​these two places is very large, they still find a great opportunity that belongs to them!

“Hahaha, a Golden Crow feather that has lost its essence. My destiny, Divine Armament, will definitely make my strength soar several times!”

An arrogant Tianjiao happily collected a Golden Crow feather into his own storage space, and continued to look for it with expectant eyes.

“Huh? A wild grass, after being baptized by the real fire of the sun, and the decay of endless years, it is still reborn! What a powerful life force! However, although you are a wild grass here, you have gone to the vast world, You are the top herbal medicine that is hard to find forever. If you take you, not only can you wash my body, but it can also help me break through!


The prehistoric land at this moment has not yet been broken, and the human race has not developed since it was born. There are many treasures in the entire prehistoric land!

For a time, everyone in the Ye family wandered on this land, reaping their own opportunities wantonly.

As time passed, soon someone discovered the hot springs that nine Golden Crows turned into when they fell.

Of course, their bodies were naturally taken away by the Yaozu, but the spirituality of their bodies stayed here.

Ye Jia Tianjiao jumped into it and immediately began to practice.

These hot springs are so big and vast, even if all the two hundred Ye family members are packed into one hot spring, it will not be crowded, let alone a few people!

But one thing is for sure, this time the secret realm is simply a blessing to the Ye family who practice fire attributes or are very close to fire attributes.

“Oh! Regret for not choosing the fire attribute Cultivation Technique and Martial Skill cultivation at first!”

While complaining, a Ye family quietly put a drop of Golden Crow blood into a stone into the bag, which caused a passing Ye family to poach.

Ye Daocang couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

The opportunities here are so rich that even Ye Daocang is envious of him.

But there is no way, the dog system only refuses his visit, and can only wait for Ye Jia Tianjiao to finish searching and finally convert it into a reward for him!

I couldn’t help but complain, but 4.4 Ye Daocang looked at the Ye family who was plucking the feathers, and he was very satisfied.

The dog system doesn’t know what’s wrong. The more they search, the more feedback Ye Daocang will get.

The result of this is that Ye Daocang can’t wait to use the eye of insight to teach these arrogants to find the best opportunities.

Sometimes when everyone in the Ye family missed a good opportunity, he even broke up to beat and scold!

“Hey, hey, under the big rock next to you, why didn’t you pick up a very good flame stone? That was tainted with the blood of the great witch!’

“And you, three hundred miles next to you is the deep pit where Houyi was injured by Taiyi, why didn’t you go there? There is the blood of the great witch!”

“You bastard, don’t you know that the geese have plucked their hair? That is the treasure of the ancestral witch’s blood that has been dusted. You actually threw it out as trash? A treasure of heaven!

Seeing that some Tianjiao missed the opportunity, Ye Daocang suddenly cursed in frustration.

In the end, he shook his head slowly, and Wu held his chest up and down a few times.

“Forget it, I still don’t look at them, if I look at it, my liver hurts!”

“Go and see what happened to the opportunities Ye Wu and the others got!”

After Ye Daocang finished speaking, the Eye of Insight was activated immediately, and it fell on Ye Wu first. When he saw this scene in front of him, his expression suddenly changed and he was surprised.

“Huh? This little guy, is the opportunity really so unique? Such a great opportunity can be found!”

Seeing Ye Wu’s chance at this time, Ye Daocang was stunned.

Following his gaze, I saw Ye Hao at this moment.

PS: Why does anyone think I update? Just because my hand hurts yesterday, I only wrote ten thousand? Normally, I start with fifteen thousand. Even if it is the whole Feilu, I can’t find much faster than me, right!

Also, I don’t know why, when introducing the Daoist Daoist with fat head and big ears, small eyes and small nose, the author will always contact him (tears run!).

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