Chapter 127 Explore the secret realm, the big arrogances of the Ye family have great opportunities

At this moment, following Ye Daocang’s gaze, the place where Ye Wu appeared at this time was the place where Taiyi rescued the little Golden Crow.

Taiyi single-handedly fought the six ancestral witches’ combat power, which shocked Ye Wu deeply.

Therefore, he directly followed his own mind and came to this place where Taiyi once appeared.

Unlike the other Ye family members looking for opportunities, this time, he was just to witness the terrible of Taiyi again.

On a huge mountain peak, Ye Wu sat in Lotus Position and closed his eyes, but Divine Sense explored the place where the Eastern Emperor once fought.


A huge picture appeared in Ye Wu’s sea of ​​consciousness.

Inside, it was the picture of Taiyi and the six ancestral witches. Ye Wu stared at this scene without changing his eyes, and said nothing for a long time.

He remembered all Taiyi’s every move and every terrifying killer move brought out by every shot.

“View ideas!”

Ye Daocang’s Eye of Insight looked at Ye Wu’s appearance, and couldn’t help but open his mouth in surprise.

In terms of thinking, this is not something that ordinary people can comprehend. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to comprehend from it.

But Ye Wu did it. He still had the most difficult mental outlook, and the object was actually the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Time passed slowly, and I don’t know how long it had passed. The screen flashed suddenly and the battle disappeared.

At this time, a stalwart figure stepped from the void and walked into Ye Hao’s heart.

He was plain, lax, and unparalleled in majesty, with a late spleen, so I was the only one, and he was alone in the wild, and the courage that I was the only one to defeat directly broke out.

Afterwards, he stood up into the sky, throwing a finger at Ye Wu, and a white light fell and entered Ye Wu’s body.

“Junior, watching me for so long, I have given you the unique skill of the emperor “East Emperor Golden Bell Seal”. You can cultivate together inside and outside, and cultivate to the strongest. It will be invincible against the ancestral witch, and a golden bell will be condensed on the surface of the body. The charm of the Chaos Clock, I hope you will cultivate well!’

Tai Yi’s words couldn’t echo for a long time in Ye Hao’s sea of ​​knowledge, forcing him to think before he could immediately start practicing in Panxi.

He didn’t think about why Taiyi was able to see him. At this moment, he just wanted to practice the Dharma taught by Taiyi.

The Spiritual Qi between the heavens and the earth kept converging towards Ye Wu’s body, Ascension his Cultivation Base.

The endless Xiantian Spiritual Qi entered the body, letting him show a relaxed expression.

If it weren’t for 25, most of the Xiantian Spiritual Qi had gone to practice the Golden Bell Seal of the East Emperor, he might have broken through to the emperor of Xiaoyao realm long ago.

“Zhuzha, worthy of the wild, the existence of the emperor template, the chance seems to be ordinary, but every time it is obtained, it is the strongest, it is really unimaginable!”

Ye Daocang looked at Ye Wu, who was practicing at this moment, and slapped his tongue.

Then, his gaze began to change, and he looked at a certain place.

There, it is really where Ye Youran is!

“Huh? This guy, what a powerful opportunity and induction, he can find this!”

Ye Daocang’s expression was suddenly astonished, not for anything else, just because the other party was able to find such a world-famous opportunity.

Here, almost all the secret realm of fire attribute, but Ye Youran has always been Lei Xiu, whether it is Cultivation Technique or Martial Skill, he has a natural lightning attribute.

But at this moment, he unexpectedly found a mouthful of the blood of the ancestral witch left by the ancestor of thunder Wu Qiangliang.

Before, there was a battle when the Tai fought against the six ancestral witches.

That is, Taiyi held the Chaos Clock and took a blow from the four ancestral witches, and punched Qiangliang’s chest, forcing him to spit out a puff of blood.

And this mouthful of blood has not disappeared, because it is the reason of the thunder attribute, it has been preserved.

Although after the invasion of time and the decay of the years, there is little remaining power, but for Ye Youran, it is still a rare treasure.

Even Ye Daocang himself has to admit that the blood of the ancestor witch is definitely one of the top treasures of this secret realm.

“The blood of the ancestor of thunder witch Qiangliang, good baby, with it, it can definitely make the Thunder Emperor’s battle body promoted to the thunder prison dao body. By then, the combat power of this seat will definitely increase day by day!”

Ye Youran couldn’t help showing a hint of joy.

A drop of the Lei Di Blood Essence at the beginning transformed his body into the Lei Di Eucharist, but at this moment, he can catch the blood of the ancestral witch, continue the Ascension of his own physique, and go one step further.

Without too much thought, he flew over and fell into the blood of this ancestor witch.

The huge thunder element swallowed it, making Ye Youran’s expression tense, and quickly ran the thunder element Cultivation Technique and began to practice.

A flow of terrible aura continuously nourished his body, forcing his body to begin to be remodeled, and earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Immediately afterwards, Dao Dao spirit emerged and blessed on him.

Gradually, he began to adapt to the oppressive power of the blood of the Ancestral Witch. In the sea of ​​knowledge, I don’t know when, the figure of the Ancestral Witch of Thunder appeared slowly, and he was teaching him how to practice the Thunder Element and refine the thunder.

Gradually, a large amount of sentiment appeared in Ye Youran’s mind. He began to close his eyes and quietly understand it. The endless rhyme and sentiment couldn’t help pouring into his chest.

With the gaze of regaining his qualifications, Ye Daocang was stunned, and it was another top opportunity.

Sure enough, a Tianjiao who can become a system template has no bad luck in his own.

Then, his gaze began to roll, and he looked in another direction.

There, it is the direction of Yingzhou Island.

Although Yingzhou Island is an island, it occupies a large area, perhaps even wider than the entire southern Xinjiang.

There are more than two hundred Ye Family disciples, in fact, there are not as many people who choose to go to the prehistoric world than Yingzhou Island.

There is no way, Honghuang, there are already a lot of strong men, and a small soldier appears at random, and they all have the combat power to kill the great emperor of the vast world.

And Zhunti Daoist, as one of the six prehistoric sages, he actually chose to leave a chance here, who doesn’t want it?

Even the disciples of Ye Family Tianjiao had to say that they were really moved.

“Is this Tanggu?” Ye Yan walked slowly, his expression unchanged.

At this time, his combat effectiveness did not know how much it soared.

This time the secret realm, the biggest beneficiary is him.

Walking along the way, he didn’t know how many treasures related to the fire attribute he had obtained, and even found a trace of Spiritual Roots that contained the spirituality of hibiscus.

Although it is impossible for Ascension to reach the stage of Fusomu, but in the future, it will be a sword of top-level Spiritual Roots, and it may even be transformed into Houtian Spiritual Roots.

Such treasures all entered Ye Yan’s hands.

Tanggu, as a place where you can bathe in the top ten Golden Crows, can neutralize the real fire of the sun. Even if most of the spirituality has disappeared, the prestige it exudes still prevents the Ye family from entering it.

Only Ye Yan, who was born with fire attributes, walked all the way, relying on the three flame seeds of the fire in the stone, fire in the wood, and fire in the air to get here with difficulty.

Sweat dripped constantly, and the hot air around him even surpassed the Flame Mountain, making him uncomfortable.

But he still stared at this terrifying prestige, and walked forward with difficulty step by step.

“Huh? Sunfire!” Ye Yan stared at the tremendous pressure, and went all the way, relying on mental induction to find a strange fire.

He suddenly rushed towards there with excitement.

The fire of the sun, the emperor in the fire, wherever he appears, the fire will retreat!

There is no him, just because it was born out of the real fire of the sun and has a touch of the spirituality of the real sun of the sun, so it is called the sun fire.

Although it is said that even if it is the strongest cultivation, it can’t be promoted to the real fire of the sun, but the power of his flame is absolutely beyond the imagination of many people.

He didn’t know how long he walked before it was difficult for him to put this fire into his own body.

Today, there are more than thirty kinds of different fires fused in his body.

Slowly, the scorching temperature around him was getting higher and higher. Relying on his affinity for fire attributes, he felt something.

“Going forward, is the deepest part of Tanggu? There is still a trace of Tanggu’s spirituality. If I can merge it, it will be enough to make my aptitude and body close to Ye Chen. Gap!”

Ye Yan thought silently in his heart that in the hearts of Ye Family’s children, their opponents were only Ye Family’s children.

There is only one difference between Ye Yan and Ye Chen, but his combat power is showing signs of being pulled apart.

Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng are abnormal. They had the idea of ​​transcendence before, but then they almost all chose to give up. However, in the eyes of the other Tianjiao of the Ye family, Ye Chen was the only one they could transcend.

However, Ye Chen’s affinity for the sword is too high, and the Patriarch, who is also a swordsman, often points out that their strength is so fast that they even surpass them, which makes them very powerless and can only hate that they are not. Swordsman, can’t be directed by the owner from time to time.

Soon, Ye Yan came to the center of Tanggu and started his own practice.

Ye Daocang looked at the scene in front of him, and he couldn’t stop talking.

Obviously, there are such enchanting people. In order to be stronger, they did not neglect in the slightest. For the unstoppable Ascension and practice, they must continue to walk even under great pressure.

At the other end of Tanggu, Ye Anlan held the Anlan gun all the way forward.

“Anlan Spear has the ability to swallow the supreme treasure and increase its power to promote its advancement. If it devours the supreme spiritual treasure for a long time, it may grow into the legendary Houtian supreme treasure in the future!”

“A branch of the hibiscus tree, not bad, swallow it! Hey, a trace of the falling sun is really fire, this thing is useless, swallow it!”

Along the way, Ye Anlan’s Anlan spear didn’t know how many spiritual things he had swallowed.

Until, he came to a huge divine pit and stopped.

Below the divine pit, it is like an abyss, which is intriguing.

Ye Anlan was silent.

“Is this the divine pit that used to plant hibiscus? After these endless years, there are still countless Taoist rhymes. Is this the terrible one of the top ten Xiantian Spiritual Roots?”

Ye Anlan looked on, entered the secret realm, even the emperor Holy Physique couldn’t stand proud anymore.

When he first entered the secret realm, he would indirectly pretend to be forced, but gradually, he discovered that he could not do it.

It seemed that the emperor’s body in his body was also subdued and became silent.

At this moment, An Lan Gun seemed to have noticed something, and it fell off his mouth and flew into the pit.

Ye Anlan’s expression suddenly changed, and he quickly jumped over.

This jump, but jumped out of the big good fortune.

A strong Spiritual Qi blended into his body, An Lan couldn’t help but raged, plundering the surrounding Dao Yun and swallowing it, and then, the brilliance became more and more huge.



Above An Lan’s gun, a white light flickered, The next moment, an extremely terrifying and invincible marksmanship was integrated into his stillness.

Without the slightest accident, he fell directly into contemplation and practice.

Withdrawing his gaze, the eye of insight flickered and fell on a disciple, who suddenly became surprised.

“Huh? Zhunti Daoist’s inheritance was actually obtained by him!”

Following Ye Daocang’s gaze, on Yingzhou Island, under a seemingly inconspicuous giant tree, Ye Zangtian was sitting in the river, as if feeling the same.

Based on Ye Daocang’s reaction to the secret realm, one can tell at a glance that this giant tree is nothing but the Bodhi Tree.

Of course, this is just a branch, but the main trunk is the real body of Daoist, and it is impossible to meet people easily.

Many disciples of the Ye family walked through it, and they didn’t notice the strangeness of the Bodhi wood, but Ye Zangtian did.

Ye Daocang looked at Ye Zangtian, who was enlightening under the Bodhi Tree, stunned.

The inheritance of a Sage is not trivial. I’m afraid that the gap between Ye Zangtian and the other members of the Ye family will quickly close.

He couldn’t help but think, that the bumpy head of Tathagata at the beginning was not the realization of Sakyamuni under the Bodhi Tree!

Will Ye Zangtian also come to the back with one finger, one finger, and shout out the slogan “Heaven is above the earth, I am the only one?”

But think about it, he also thinks it’s impossible!

At this moment, in Ye Zangtian’s sea of ​​knowledge, a terrifying eight-armed golden body practice method has been completely controlled by Ye Zangtian.

Not only that, as he continued to observe the cruelty, Bodhi Tree suddenly turned into dots, and sank into Ye Zangtian’s body.

Although it didn’t make him quickly break through the Ascension Cultivation Base, he was remaking his body in 713, making him stronger and more terrifying!

Withdrawing his own gaze, Ye Daocang continued to look at a certain place.


Above the wild land, in an ancient place, Ye Chen sits on the green shirt, and is no different from Ye Hao. He is also using the idea of ​​view.

The difference is that Ye Wu visualizes the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but Ye Chen visualizes Dijiang, who is in charge of the law of space.

Moreover, Ye Wu is sitting in the Lotus Position, while Ye Chen is holding a long sword, Mo Kong.

Suddenly the sword became more and more weird, more terrifying, and a sword flickered, as if it did not belong to this space.

Ye Daocang suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

Ye Chen actually realized that it belonged to the Sword Technique in the own space.

Let him talk about this scene.

As we all know, time is the emperor, space is the respect, both of which are extremely difficult to understand, but Ye Chen, he did it.

Not only that, the aura left by Dijiang all around seemed to gather towards Ye Chen’s surroundings and was absorbed by him, causing him to rise uncontrollably on his spatial attainments.

Seeing this, Ye Daocang couldn’t help but smile and shook his head.

“Ye Yan Ye Yan, you think you can narrow the gap with Ye Chen by entering Tanggu this time, but now it seems that it is still impossible to do it!

Ye Daocang couldn’t help but smiled, then his eyes continued to flicker.

In an ancient high sky, Ye Qingcheng was doing the same thing as Ye Wu Yechen.

None of her visualization objects is Emperor Jun.

This is an emperor that is different from Wu Tian, ​​but also Tian and Emperor. As the first emperor in the empire, Emperor Jun is definitely stronger and more terrifying than everyone imagined.

Although, before him, the closest to the emperor was Zulong, but Zulong failed to claim the emperor.

Qi Luck in the ancient times, if the Zulong proclaims the emperor, it will surely become Hunyuan, but unfortunately, he failed to do it.

At this moment, the imperial aura of Emperor Jun’s body began to be comprehended and merged by Ye Qingcheng.

As a generation of emperors, she is bound to walk out of a road that is not inferior to other emperors.

Therefore, for every Geshidi, she must feel and learn.

Slowly retracting his gaze, Ye Daocang sighed with emotion: “They are all the people of great opportunity!”

“I don’t know what that bastard is doing?”

Ye Daocang couldn’t help but think of Ye Huang, and then looked at a certain place.

At this time, above the wild land, Ye Huang unexpectedly found the fountain of the fall of the nine Golden Crows, and found the purification in it, and finally practiced a new practice Cultivation Technique.

“Nine Days Hengtianlu”!

Seeing this, Ye Daocang is also worth shook his head helplessly.

Ye Daocang couldn’t help but amazed after watching the fate of Ye’s top Tianjiao.

Time slowly passed, Ye Daocang knew that next, it should be his great opportunity!

Thinking of this, an expectant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

A month’s time passed so slowly. .

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