Chapter 137 The terrible Martial Sage, the accumulation of magic power for thousands of years

As soon as he stepped into the Suotian Tower, several powerful Demon Cultivator experts instantly felt a terrible breath rushing toward their faces.

In need of time, their expressions also came with a terrible dignity.

It was a thick breath that rushed to the face, which made people look discolored, and was extremely timid.

An unparalleled force in the world, as if the courage that can shatter the sky, comes directly, making people fearful.

“Everyone, here, why do you give me the look of a dragon lake and tiger’s lair, I have always been scared!”

“Yes, I can feel it too, as if there is some terrible mysterious strong man looking down at the emperor!”

“I also have this feeling. It seems that this Sky Locking Tower is not an extraordinary thing, it is no wonder that it is as strong as His Royal Highness, and it can be held here!”

“It should be the reason for this treasure. Don’t worry. According to the leader, as long as you find the Saint Son and give him those things, Ye Family will be annihilated in no time!”

After everyone heard it, the originally fearful thoughts also slowed down, and a turbid breath was slowly spit out.

After that, they did not say a word and walked towards the depths.

But as they walked away, they became more frightened, and a trace of fear was not concealed in their eyes.

“This! This is Blood Demon, I heard that he once killed a country at the beginning, and wanted to use magic power to help him achieve the existence of Happy Realm! I don’t know if you still have any impressions?”

“I have heard that he was originally a rural boy who accidentally obtained this magic skill when he went up the mountain to collect medicine. In order to practice this skill, even the village fathers and relatives were killed, and the humans in a town were killed, and then he fled countless. In years, he swallowed countless creatures before he became a king!”

“This person’s deeds have been passed on to the church, even the deputy leader has heard a little. I was planning to invite him to join the Nether Cult, but unexpectedly he disappeared mysteriously. Originally, we thought he was unwilling to join my Nether Cult. It turned out to be caught here!”

“These prisons are different. Don’t be careless. All those detained here seem to be enduring terrible torture!”

“This mad shark Blood Demon was the king’s peak strength at the beginning, how incredible, now it is only the Cultivation Base that has been wiped out!”

“There is also the Sky Devouring Tiger, one of the great monsters, who once plundered the human border and disappeared after swallowing millions of people in a county. It turned out to be caught here!”

“Here, this Tian-Swallowing Tiger is just like an ordinary domestic cat!”

“Don’t get close to these places, so as not to be triggered, Restrictions will be detected!

Everyone went well all the way, and frightened all the way.

They even saw several powerful masters of the Netherworld Sect, many of them were the old-fashioned 25 holes they were familiar with, but at this time, they didn’t dare to rescue them!

Along the way, they walked all the way to the third floor, and they saw a young man in the deepest place.He was black in black robe and black hair, but he was born with red eyes.


Seeing this, several people were immediately overjoyed, and then quickly emerged and saluted the young man.

Hearing this voice, the young man’s heart moved, and he looked sideways, and a trace of surprise appeared.

“It’s you? You can actually find this place. It seems that the treasure has been given to you from above!”

The young man spoke slowly, it was obviously a young man, but the opening was an old voice, which made the eardrum painful!

Fortunately, several people are at the emperor level, and it is not a problem!

Everyone originally wanted to step in, but they stopped when they thought of the Restrictions here!

Seeing this, the Holy Son of Medical Ming taught lightly: “You don’t have to be like this. Every room here is targeted and only affects the Son, and it can only prevent the Son from being able to go out! ”

Hearing this, the few people took a sigh of relief and walked into it one after another.

“Farewell to the Son!” The great emperors directly bowed to the young man.

Seeing this, the holy son just nodded faintly: “This Ye family is very weird. This holy son thought that the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage of the Happy Realm could be invincible. Unexpectedly, that Ye Youran’s Tianjiao was very weird. The Cultivation Technique of a hand thunder just restrained this holy child, and in desperation, he could only be captured and locked in here!

The young man spoke faintly, and if he spoke nonchalantly, it was as if Ye Youran was able to take him down, completely because of Cultivation Technique restraint.

But at this time, when Ye Youran was talking about it, his blood pupils contained monstrous jealousy!

And when he said these words, at the top of Suotian Tower, Ye Wu and Ye Chen stood side by side, and they curled their lips when they heard this.

Ye Youran’s Cultivation Base was only half a step away from the Cultivation Base. When he faced his Third Stage, only three hammers came out. He vomited blood and fainted on the spot.

Subsequently, the other party threw it into the Suotian Tower like a dead dog.

This kind of battle is not a level, but fell in the mouth of this young demon, but it seems that the two sides have fought for three hundred rounds, and they are evenly matched.In the end, Ye Youran defeated him because of Cultivation Technique restraint!

But this battle ended too quickly, and almost everyone didn’t notice. Ye Youran resolved the battle, so it didn’t spread out.

The demons didn’t know, but they still showed a trace of admiration.

“The son is invincible, and that Ye Youran was selected as the seventh heavenly pride of the world by the Heavenly Dao list. He has invincible combat power and defeated all the top talents. The strength is very terrible.

“Yes, if it weren’t for the holy son to be locked here, you would definitely be on the list of Tianjiao!”

Hearing this, the corner of the son’s mouth suddenly twitched, and the cowhide grew louder.

He unexpectedly produced a wave of fortunately being imprisoned here, otherwise he would not know how to lie.

Fortunately, his face is comparable to a city wall, he changed his tone directly and looked at a few people and asked: “You are here, but there is a way to rescue this holy son?”

Seeing this, the few people looked at each other, quickly took out the withered bones Martial Sage gave to the few people, and handed it to the teenager.

“The devil dragon’s spear, the devil’s tortoise armor, are still matching! And this, it turned out to be a drop of active effort from my father, hahahaha! Absorbed it, the vast world, this saint son is free to come and go, this world is still Who is my opponent?”

“The so-called Ye Family Tianjiao, what kind of shit, the first swordsman in ancient and modern times, this sage can easily suppress it!”

Seeing these treasures in hand, the young Saint Son couldn’t help but laughed triumphantly, his voice pierced all over, impacting everyone’s heartstrings.

Hearing his words, the hearts of several powerful emperors suddenly moved, and a trace of envy has been revealed.

The effort, Blood Essence, depends on whether it has activity. For example, the quasi-immortal effort given by Heavenly Dao, this thing has little effect except transforming it into Magic power.

At most, it allows you to understand something else, but it is also very limited.

And like the drop of Thunder Emperor’s blood that Ye Youran touched at the beginning and the drop of demon blood in the hands of the young man, they all contain vitality, and these are the treasures that can directly help the youngsters obtain great Ascension.

But this thing is exceptionally scarce, because it is too difficult to obtain.

At this time, a powerful emperor looked at him in surprise and asked: “Holy Son, when we sneaked into this place, we found that many of the Cultivation Bases of the Great Demon and Great Demon had begun to be robbed, why have you been safe and sound!”

Hearing this, a trace of resentment was directly revealed in the eyes of the young Saint Child!

I saw him gritted his teeth and said: “This Suotian Tower is extraordinarily weird. If my father hadn’t left it for the secret treasure body, I’m afraid my current situation is not much better than them!”

“But even if that is the case, the devilish nature of that exotic treasure will be shaved off. If you come here for a while, I am afraid that this saint child will follow their footsteps!”

When he said this, he was full of anger and burned: “When this Saint Child goes out, the first thing is to destroy the Ye Family. This is the price of bullying me!”

After saying this, the young saint son also didn’t talk nonsense, and directly swallowed the drop of demon blood in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, two treasures slowly appeared and fell into his body.

To take time, the Cultivation Base of the Young Saint Child started unstoppable riots, and the Cultivation Base continued to erupt, ascend, and a terrifying spirit came to the sky.

After almost a few breaths, he reached the half-step Martial Sage, and then directly reopened the shackles and advanced to the Martial Sage stage.


The terrible breath of Martial Sage rose to the sky, and this was not over yet.

His aura is still constantly impacting, and the remaining power of that drop of magic blood begins to transform towards Magic power.

Soon, his Magic power kept on impacting. Three thousand years, five thousand years, and nine thousand years, until the magic power was slowly transformed.

A drop of active magic blood directly allowed his Magic power to accumulate for nine thousand years.How terrible is this?

These Magic powers, if they set foot in the heavens, breakthrough Martial Sage, they can even be directly converted into the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Peak.

Because once Magic power breaks through ten thousand years, hit him in the heavens and become the King of God instantly!

These are common sense, everyone understands.

Moreover, in the collision between Martial Sage, the stronger the Magic power, the greater the strength it will exert.

None of the three Martial Sages and Magic powers of the Vientiane Temple that were destroyed at the beginning have reached a thousand years, so Ye Wushi can destroy them only with a single piece of grass and a shadow!

It is not that the vast world does not have thousands or even thousands of years of magic power powerhouses, but that in the current world of heavens, those Martial Sage powerhouses can no longer do it.

Today’s Spiritual Qi is not as good as the ancient times, and they simply cannot accumulate so much Magic power.

This is the reason why after the ancient times, except for Emperor Taixu, there is no other Martial Sage that can set foot in the heavens.

No way, the magic power is not enough, set foot on the ancient road of the starry sky, it is estimated that you will be obliterated by the star beast before you reach the barrier of the heavens!

Of course, it seems like Ye Wushi exists, and it is difficult to produce one for hundreds of millions of years!

However, due to the recovery of Spiritual Qi, the accumulation of Magic power today is not as difficult as before!

Many Martial Sages have already begun to attack the Millennium Law.

“Hahahaha, nine thousand years of Magic power, no matter what kind of arrogant you are, what strong person, this holy child will suppress it all!”

The young saint son was overjoyed, and the terrible brilliance continued to erupt.

In the prison, it seems that he can’t be guarded a little anymore.

Seeing that the Magic power of the young son has arrived for nine thousand years, several people looked at each other and all saw the excitement in each other’s eyes.

The magic power of nine thousand years, in the current world, Ye Wushi is no longer, who is the opponent?

For a while, their original vigilant heart relaxed!

At this moment, on the Suotian Tower, Ye Chen and Ye Wu looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes!

“Unexpectedly, these people will come with things from the upper realm. It seems that the identity of this young man is not simple!”

“Nine thousand years of Magic power, I don’t know if Suotian Tower can trap him!

Ye Chen was also a little worried, and it was a big game now.

When Ye Wu saw this, he shrugged: “Don’t worry, you forgot what San Shu said before? Qiongqi’s strength, even San Shu can’t hold it, and San Shu once said that as long as he locks the sky in the vast world In the tower, Qiongqi is an invincible existence. Besides, you can see that Qiongqi’s expression has changed!”

Ye Chen couldn’t help looking down upon hearing the words.

Sure enough, Qiongqi lay there and didn’t move a bit.In the lock sky tower, the nine thousand years of Magic power fluctuated, and it didn’t make any waves at all!

Seeing this, Ye Chen felt relieved.

At this time, looking at the incomparably arrogant, armored young Saint Son who hated the magic spear, several powerful emperors became excited.

“Hahahaha, Saint Son is mighty, this time with you, where can’t you go in the vast world?”

“My chance to teach the Netherworld to dominate the vast world is here!’

“Yes, we should destroy this Ye family first, Yixue’s hatred, and then destroy the Great Xia Dynasty, and finally conquer the entire continent!”

“Nine thousand years of Magic power, in the vast world, who is the opponent?”

Everyone was talking about it, and the one in the lead directly dragged the cupped fist: “Holy Son Magic power is great, what if we kill it first?”

Upon hearing this, the young saint son flashed an inexplicable color in his blood pupils.

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, don’t worry, according to my father’s blunt words, the ninth thousand years magic power of this saint son is still not insured. This saint son wants to hit the magic power of ten thousand years, I hope you can help me!”

After speaking, he looked at several people bloodthirstyly.

Seeing his blood pupils, everyone’s expression changed, and a trace of badness had appeared in the bottom of their hearts.

“Shengzi, don’t you know what you mean?” He asked the young Shengzi cautiously.

The teenager even heard the words, licking his tongue on his mouth, and a trace of bloodthirsty brilliance radiated directly.

The next moment, he shot directly, and a terrifying spirit directly rioted out.

Several powerful emperors changed their colors in an instant, and they found that the Magic power in their bodies had begun to gather towards the young saint son.


Several people suddenly yelled, wanting to resist.

It is a pity that in front of the young saint son of Magic Power of Nine Thousand Years, they don’t have the ability to resist at all.

At this time, they didn’t know where they were, and they were calculated by Martial Sage and Young Saint Child.

As their voices stopped abruptly, the Cultivation Base in the body of the young son also directly broke through the ten thousand years of barriers.

Wannian Magic power, his every move contained a terrifying horror, and he went straight away.

Looking at the dry corpses of several people, he stepped out without any nostalgia.

The Sky Prison Restrictions were dispatched directly, seeming to imprison him, but he was punched out.


The Restrictions of the sky prison shattered instantly.

He walked out of the jail 720 wittily, with an arrogant expression on the world.

“Wannian Magic power, the vast world, my lord ups and downs, who is my opponent?”

The young Shengzi was full of spirits, and a spleen brilliance rushed out from his blood pupils and went straight in all directions.

“Okay, what a liking for Blood Demon skill, it is worthy of the cultivation technique that my father came out of the Fallen Immortal Zone. As long as we can’t help swallowing the cultivator, our Magic power will continue to accumulate. Once it has accumulated to 100,000 years, we will set foot The heavens can immediately become the emperor of the gods. If they can accumulate millions of years, they can break through the hole, directly enter the Sea of ​​Bitterness realm saint, and become the strongest of the heavens!”

“At that time, in the words of my father, I can transfer my karma to other Tianjiao with the secret method of the demon. Anyway, it is the Heavenly Dao of Minor World. Come to me!”

When the own father, the demon of the demon clan said to him, his eyes were filled with endless bloodthirsty gas.

It’s as if I have swallowed countless cultivators in the vast world, achieved millions of years of Magic power, and crossed the void to achieve the Sea of ​​Bitterness realm saint!

At this moment, a terrible aura rose up into the sky and went straight through the clouds.

“Hahahaha, what so-called Tianjiao, what so-called first swordsman in ancient and modern times, all have to be turned into the source of my Magic power, and what Ye Youran, this saint child will kill you to death!

With the sound of the damage Ye Youran had brought to herself, the young Saint Child’s face was embarrassed, and a terrible bloodthirsty light burst out in his eyes.

Above the spire, Ye Wu and Ye Chen looked at the scene in front of them with their tongues, shocked.

“Wannian Magic power, it seems a bit scary!” Ye Wu also said in surprise.

Ye Chen’s expression fell into calmness: “Qingqi is about to make a move, get ready to watch!”

Ye Wu suddenly looked over, and saw that Qiongqi seemed to be annoyed by the other party. He got up directly, yawned, and walked towards the tower.

Its eyes are full of plainness, and it doesn’t seem to think that the other party can make any big storms!


Ye Chen and Ye Wu looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

A Martial Sage of Wannian Magic Power, Qiongqi didn’t seem to care at all.

This scene caused them to lose their minds and looked over.

They are all waiting for Qiongqi’s shot.

In the Suotian Pagoda, the young saint child made no secret of his own terrible, and the many imprisoned people with huge karma on the third floor were absorbed by it and swallowed up magic power.

However, at this moment, he suddenly turned around and looked towards the door.

I don’t know when, Qiongqi has appeared at the gate, and the beast’s eyes are looking at him faintly.

“It’s you beast, it’s okay, I will kill you first today, and then destroy the Ye family!”

The young saint son was furious, and his body rose into the air.

PS: Recently, I saw a few people commenting that I wrote the battle is too easy, one punch, one sword, and it is gone. After thinking about it, it is true, so I decided to try to write the battle screen in the next chapter. Thanks!

By the way, in Feilu Town, suppressing these two words is a banned word. I don’t know why. It’s okay when there are two thousand words per chapter, but if you change to five thousand words per chapter, it is easy to trigger refinement!

No way, every time you want to write these two words, you can only change it to cover pressure!

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