Chapter 138 Surprised the current emperor, finally enters Martial Sage, magic power for eight thousand years

Wannian Magic power was added, and a shot came from the air, the prestige was particularly terrifying, and it shocked the minds of countless people!

For Qiongqi, he is naturally jealous when his enemies meet!

When he was locked into the Suotian Pagoda, it was Qiongqi who pressed him on the third floor!

At that time, he was furious and was resisting, but Qiongqi kicked him in the chest and kicked him directly into the wall!

At that time, he had already vowed that he must retaliate!

At this time, goodbye Qiongqi, there is no reason for him not to be angry!

The terrible gun storm moved, impacting the hearts of the world, and mixed with the proud voice of the young saint son.

“A shot of Wannian Magic Power, evil animal, this is not something you can stop, give me death!”


The gun path of Jidao was erupting, and wherever it passed, the gun wind drove hundreds of thousands of feet of sharpness, and the entire Suotian Tower was trembling, as if it were about to be torn apart.

Where this gun passed, the black and brilliant light flickered, and the divine might vibrated, and it couldn’t help boiling!

This is the power of Divine Armament. It can break the sky when it shakes at will.

The young Shengzi came towards Qiongqi with it in his hand, as if to freeze the Monster Qi all over his body and penetrate it on the spot.

The brilliance of the black jade color leaned like an eternal Galaxy Cluster, shaking.

The face of the young Saint Child was exceptionally cold and violent, as if there was nothing in the world that could stop him from killing Qiongqi’s heart!

The blood pupils in the eyes flashed with bloodthirsty brilliance, overwhelming the sky, boundless!

Even Ye Wu and Ye Chen’s expressions changed.

Even if their breakthrough reaches the Unfettered Realm, they are already sure to kill the god Martial Sage and the newly promoted Martial Sage, but they can only show their undefeated against Martial Sage, which is more than 100 years of Magic power.

But the horror of the magic power of the young saint son Wannian still moved them.

Seeing that Qiongqi was about to be penetrated by this shot.

At this moment, Qiongqi, who had never moved before, finally moved.

He stood quietly in the Suotian Tower, just like an ancient giant.

I saw that he slowly raised his left front foot and stepped towards the Suotian Tower!


Suotian Tower shook for a while, and Ye Hao and Ye Chen almost fell down without standing still.

After finally waiting for them to stabilize their figure, they saw that under Qiongqi’s feet, a wave visible to the naked eye appeared directly.


This ripple contained unparalleled prestige, and between the ripples, the young Saint Child’s spear was directly broken, and the black brilliance was shattered to the fullest!

Immediately afterwards, the ripples fell directly on the chest of the young Saint Son.

The inner armor that contains the divine nature exudes a defensive force, which can be able to block this wave of power.



A cracking sound sounded, very flat, but very clear.

At this moment, the young Saint Child’s expression suddenly changed, and he quickly looked down, his eyes condensed, and a trace of horror had been exposed in his eyes.

He seemed to have seen something incredible!


The young Saint Child exclaimed directly, the shock in his eyes could not be concealed!

I saw that the inner armour given to him by his father was cracked on his chest.

That was the inner armor that contained divine nature. Even if he couldn’t break it by himself, this beast actually swayed away with a wave of force stepped out by its own power.

Ye Chen and Ye Wu looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

No wonder, it’s no wonder San Shu appreciates Qiongqi so much!

No wonder that Qiongqi was indifferent to the Magic Power of the young son Wannian.

It turned out that in the face of absolute strength, all this was just a joke.

At this time, the look of Young Saint Son looking at Qiongqi had changed drastically.

“Who on earth are you? The Heaven and Myriad Realms have never seen Demonic Beasts like you!!

The young saint son roared at Qiongqi and questioned him, and the boundless magic power impacted the entire third floor of Suotian Tower.

However, the answer to him was a strange fall.


This time, it was a shocking blow, and the entire third floor of the Suotian Tower burst out with a sense of sight that shocked the common people.

The terrible ripple power directly fell on the young Saint Son’s body.


The young Saint Child directly bled on the spot, the inner armor exploded on the spot, and the magic spear in his hand broke directly into two halves.

His entire body was pierced by the ripples, one shoulder disappeared directly, the blood flow continued, and he fell to the ground!

Ye Wu and Ye Chen looked at each other, and they could see the shock and incredible in each other’s eyes.

It turns out that this is the strength of Qiongqi?

With one kick, even the Divine Armament full of divinity can burst!

Then what kind of point has his true strength come to?



Qiongqi walked towards the young Saint Child step by step, the beast’s eyes were full of plainness, as if he was dealing with a dishonest prisoner in the Suotian Tower.

Feeling the breath of the Primordial Fierce Beast rushing towards his face, the young saint son covered the bursting half of his shoulder wound, and couldn’t help shrinking towards the back.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with fear and fear.

Seeing the step by step, Qiongqi was like death urging his life, he couldn’t help screaming anymore.

“Go away! I am the son of the contemporary demon of the demon clan. If you kill me, my demon clan will smash you into pieces. By then, even the entire demon clan will not be able to protect you~~!”

“I am the son of the demon son of the Demon Race. I was born to be above the common people. You are a beast, what qualifications do you have to kill me!”

In the face of his threat, Qiongqi’s eyes did not flicker in the slightest.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Qiongqi slowly raising his foot, and he was about to fall down!

At this moment, it seemed that the danger of the young son was sensed.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the broken Divine Armament and the inner armor suddenly floating up, attracting the attention of the young son and Qiongqi.

For a while, the eyes of both sides fell.


On the shattered inner armor and spear, the brilliance began to condense and gathered together.

Later, it turned into a terrifying existence exuding monstrous prestige.

He was a phantom, but he seemed to possess the terrifying prestige that shattered the world and burst Star.

Standing with his hands behind him, a seat of black clothes slowly turned around, and looked at each other with Qiongqi.

Seeing this black-clothed phantom, Qiongqi’s eyes did not change at all, but the young Saint Son was overjoyed.

“Father, father, save me!” Young Saint Son seemed to have caught the last straw, and cried out involuntarily.

When Ye Wu and Ye Chen heard this, their eyes flashed with concentration.

There is only one father of Juvenile Saint Son, and that is the contemporary Demon Son of the Demon Race.

However, don’t think he is a demon, but his strength is at the level of the Daotai Realm Great Emperor.

It is said that as long as he is recognized by the Emperor Mark Stele, the moment he is promoted to the title of emperor, he will become the contemporary demon emperor of the Demon Race!

The existence of such a horror cloth, even if it is just a virtual projection, still makes people afraid to look down upon it.

However, Qiongqi just looked at him faintly, without any fear in his eyes.

At this moment, not only Qiongqi, but also the three-legged Golden Crow, Bifang Crane, and Roaring Sky Dog seemed to have discovered something, and looked towards Suotian Tower.

However, when they saw that it was Qiongqi, they immediately retracted their gaze and ignored it!

After the Demon Shadow appeared, he didn’t even look at the young Saint Child who was crying for help at him, but looked at Qiong Qilai with his hand.

“What a strong and terrifying blood, such a strong breath of a beast, this emperor has been in the heavens for hundreds of millions of years, and has never seen a beast like you. Could it be that you were born and raised?”

The devil looked at Qiongqi in surprise, and said.

Qiongqi just looked at him like this, and watched quietly without answering.

When the demon saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly came over: “It turns out to be the beast clan who cultivates the body. No wonder, with your strength, there is no transformation!

Demonic Beasts are generally divided into two types, one is selective transformation and is called the monster race, and the other is the Qiongqi, which is called the beast race. ,

They cannot speak without a Realm, but their wisdom is not low.

Moreover, they don’t never change shape, it’s just that the transformed Realm is more terrifying!

Knowing that Qiongqi can’t speak, Demon is no longer nonsense!

“Although I don’t know where my son has offended you, I hope you can sell this emperor’s face, believe in this emperor, when you reach the heavens, this face can give you a lot of help!”

He spoke indifferently, and a living emperor promised that it was obviously very valuable in the heavens.

However, Qiongqi tilted his head and looked at Dumozi.

The demon understood in an instant, and his expression suddenly sank: “Don’t sell this Face? Now this emperor can’t treat you, but you’d better pray not to let the emperor find it, otherwise, even if the entire monster race is dispatched, it will not be able to protect you. !

“Although my son is not a direct lineage, it contains the blood of the emperor. If he died in the Minor World, it would be an absolute shame to the emperor. Moreover, he will definitely not pose a threat to you in the future, you Are you sure it is because of him and the emperor?

He looked at Qiongqi indifferently, and said all his own words.

What he said was not a threat, but a threat.

The contemporary demon of the demon race, his influence can even make the entire heavens shake three times!

Seeing this, the young Shengzi’s mouth had already drawn a curve, and he even felt that his own life was saved.

However, the answer to their father and son was a strange kick!


The entire Suotian Pagoda shook directly. The next moment, the head of the young Saint Child was directly crushed, and the red and white pulp splashed out.

Two blood-red eyeballs fell directly, covered with dead ashes, full of disbelief and unwillingness!

He didn’t expect that Qiongqi dared to ignore the warning of his father, the contemporary demon son of the Mozu, and killed himself.

Until he died, he didn’t understand why Qiongqi wanted to do this.

In order to kill yourself, offend a powerful emperor, or a contemporary demon of the demon race, is it worth it?

However, he never knew.

In the eyes of Qiongqi, a demon race of the heavens is nothing at all!

What a bullshit, he doesn’t To put in one’s eyes.

What about the emperor, he really met, he even dared to trample him to death!

What a terrifying existence is his father?

That was the terrible existence of the fierce beasts in the ancient times, following the Beast Emperor God to fight against the prehistoric races.

What kind of bullshit demons, their ancestors were trembling under the trampling of beasts, and now they will be accused by him. To put in one’s eyes?

Back then, the demons were huddled in a small place in the west. In order to resist the threat of the beasts, they had to join forces with the ten thousand races to slightly contend with the beasts.

If it weren’t for the latter, the Beast Emperor God reversed and performed the act of heaven-defying the Dao, completely disgusted by the heavens and the earth, and the later protagonist would be a murderer!

Primordial fierce beasts were transformed from the corpse of the Chaos Demon God, only knowing to kill, not to Heavenly Dao’s delight?

Then kill all the tribes, do you still have a choice?

As the bloodline of the four fierce beast kings who followed the beast king to fight against the wild, if he was threatened by a so-called demon, it would be a big joke.

In the entire vast world, except Ye Daocang, no one would care about it!

I witnessed the own son being trampled to death on the spot, and a deep and fierce light flashed in the eyes of the devil.

But he knew that in this Minor World, even if he was the emperor, he couldn’t do much.

His gaze swept across the Suotian Tower, and then fell on Ye Chen and Ye Hao at the top. Then, he slowly guarded it and placed it on Qiongqi.

“1 is good!”

His voice was very flat, without any hints, as if Death was not his son!

“Ye Family, Tianjiao, the vast world, Qiongqi, this emperor remembers that you have waited, we, the heavens will see the difference!”

His eyes fell on Qiongqi’s body without any change.

If someone else is stared at by a great emperor-level demon, I’m afraid they would be terrified a long time ago.

However, the answer to the devil was a Qiongqi kick.


In need of time, the demon’s phantom was directly trampled to pieces, and burst open on the spot.

Afterwards, the last breath belonging to the demon also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the poor wizard walked out of the Suotian Pagoda, continued to lie down on the ground, and fell asleep.

He doesn’t need Ascension Cultivation Base, he binds with Ye Daocang anyway, just wait for Ye Daocang to practice.

Ye Wu and Ye Chen looked at this scene in front of them, shocked.

This time, Qiongqi’s horror was what allowed them to completely increase their knowledge.

Martial Sage of Wannian Magic Power?

Stomped to death!

The emperor?

Stomped to death!

Mozu contemporary devil?

Stomped to death!

From beginning to end, he didn’t put the other party’s words in his ears!

Ye Wu and Ye Chen looked at each other, and they both sighed with emotion in each other’s eyes!

It is worthy of being made by the master (third uncle). As expected, the spleen is out of the world, and the arrogance is overwhelming, giving people a sense of not putting in one’s eyes.

They even thought of the scene of the Ye Family.

After the three-legged Golden Crow came out, the bird surrendered on the spot, and the roaring sky dog ​​squatted on the ground and wagged its tail.

The strength of Bifang Crane and Snarling Dog is obvious to all.

However, in front of the three-legged Golden Crow, there is only surrender.

Only this Qiongqi did not pay attention to (Zhao’s) glance at the other party after the posture.

Even every time the three-legged Golden Crow spreads its wings, it will avoid Qiongqi.

You know, that’s a pure-blooded three-legged Golden Crow!

He would be jealous of Qiongqi, which is enough to show that this Qiongqi is not simple!

Thinking of this, there was a faint flash in their eyes.

It seems that this Qiongqi is more terrifying than they thought, the mysterious, perhaps still above the three-legged Golden Crow!

And at this time, in Ye Daocang’s yard.

Because of the breakthrough, Ye Daocang doesn’t know what’s happening here, even if he knows it, he won’t care!

At this time, he was originally at the most critical moment of breakthrough, the most critical moment of impact.

At this time, Qiongqi killed the young Saint Son with one kick, and his Wannian Magic power was immediately revealed, absorbed by the Suotian Tower, and then transformed into Ye Daocang’s body.

Ye Daocang, who was breaking through, suddenly opened up and released.


A terrifying divine might appeared, the breath that belonged exclusively to Martial Sage, and it was constantly rioting.

At this moment, Ye Daocang has reached the Martial Sage stage!

The Ye Family, after Ye Wushi, ushered in their second Martial Sage.

[Ding~! The host breaks through to Martial Sage, and the sealed Magic power is released!][Ding~! The host breaks through to Martial Sage, and the magic power for the transformation of luck begins to be released!][Ding~! The host breaks through to Martial Sage, and the magic power of Tao Yun conversion begins!]


A series of terrible breaths flowed from the darkness towards Ye Daocang’s body.

It takes time, and the Cultivation Base that just broke through has directly started to soar, and the Magic power can’t be absorbed.

One thousand, three thousand, five thousand, boom~~!

In the clan, it has been for eight thousand years before it slowly stagnated and judged!

The accumulation during this time can be described as very strong!

When he opened his eyes, a horrible spirit rushed into the sky. For a while, the entire Ye family stopped their hands and looked at Ye Daocang’s yard, revealing a hint of joy.

Their Patriarch, Ye Daocang, finally broke through!.

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