Chapter 140 You mean, my Zhongtian Ye Family, merged into your Southern Xinjiang Ye Family?


At this moment, because of Ye Zheng’s words, behind the Ye family, the expressions of the core Elder suddenly changed.

Obviously, they all discovered that things are not simple. This Elder named Ye Zheng is so uneasy and kind!

Ye Daocang waved his hand, but he looked very plain, neither angry nor angry, but rather plain.

This scene made the Ye family feel at ease for a while, and also made Ye Tiao’s heart sink.

Then, Ye Daocang’s eyes fell on Ye Zheng and asked faintly: “What kind of fusion is your so-called fusion? What kind of win-win situation is it?”

Ye Zheng heard the words and looked at Ye Daocang’s smile, which made him feel a sense of pressure.

But he still resisted the thoughts in his heart and spoke out his own thoughts completely.

“The Ye family must know that the Heavenly Dao list is about to be released for the last time!” Ye Zheng asked this question first.

Ye Daocang heard the words and nodded, expressing that he was clear.

Seeing this, Ye Tiao smiled faintly: “In the ranking of the top ten powers, rewards are very important, especially the importance of luck. I don’t need to say, Patriarch Ye should also know?,

Ye Daocang heard the words and nodded lightly.

Ye Zheng saw that Ye Daocang didn’t say a word, the smile on his face became stronger, and a trace of confidence was already born.

“Then Patriarch Ye thinks, with the strength of your Southern Xinjiang Ye Family, is it possible to be on the list?”

Ye Daocang looked at him calmly: “If you have anything to say, let’s just say it, the owner doesn’t like going around in circles!”


Ye Zheng also simply said, “Shu Ben Elder said bluntly, with the strength of the Ye Family in southern Xinjiang, although Ye Hao and Ye Chen and other world-famous arrogants, they dominate the top eight in the total list of tianjiao, but the Ye family’s strength From the perspective of development and high-end combat power, the strength of the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang is still insufficient. There is no possibility that the Ye Family will be among the top ten forces!”

As soon as his words came out, the surrounding Elder looked slightly angry, but there was nothing to say, because what the other party said was not a lie.

Of course, only Ye Daocang doesn’t think so. He has himself, Golden Crow, and Qiongqi.

Walk out at will, the current strength has the power to sweep the boundless world, no less than Ye Wushi’s deterrent.

At the top of the top ten forces, apart from the Ye Family, who can be in the forefront?

But he didn’t refute, he was unwilling to explain these, and, these are all the Ye Family’s background.

Seeing that the Ye family and Ye Daocang did not refute, Ye Zheng was even more satisfied. He thought that his own words had infected the Ye family.

He continued to speak: “And my Zhongtian, passed down from ancient times to the present, has developed countless years, even in the upper realm, it still occupies one side of the territory, dominates the other side, my Zhongtian Ye family, the top Martial Sage class powerhouse, is a breakthrough. Double digits!

“And none of them passed the Martial Sage of the Godhead Ascension!”

When he said this, he couldn’t help but raised his head with a proud face.Obviously, he was proud of the strength of his family’s top combat power!

As soon as he said this, many Elders in the Ye family were silent.

Although they are arrogant, as long as they continue to develop, it is possible for the Ye Family to reach this height or even surpass them.

However, if it has not been reached now, it means it has not been reached. It is useless to say more.

“only ”

Ye Zheng’s tone changed, his expression stopped for a moment, and the Ye family suddenly looked at him.

He sighed with regret: “It’s just that in this era, the new generation of my Ye family is in a downturn. Although Tianjiao has produced a lot, there is not one of the top big Tianjiao!”

Speaking of this, he and several Elders of the Zhongtian Ye Family are very sorry.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged. He knew that although the Zhongtian Ye family was well-known in the world, it was one of the top families in Zhongtian.

However, there is no representative in this generation of top Tianjiao.

Not to mention the total list of Tianjiao, even Zhongtian 36th Tianjiao, Zhongtian Ye Family, there is no Tianjiao on the list.

Ye Daocang didn’t say anything about this, but just looked at him faintly: “So, what does Ye Zheng Elder mean? If you and my two merge, you will surely win the first power in the vast world?”


Ye Zheng spoke very confidently, and his tone was full of endless confidence.

“My Zhongtian Ye family has top powerhouses, Martial Sage has more than ten statues, and none of them are Martial Sage, and the Southern Xinjiang Ye Family has the world’s great arrogance, Ye Hao, known as the Desolate Emperor, and Ye Hao, known as the Sword Emperor. Chen, the female emperor Ye Qingcheng, as well as Ye Family Master, the first swordsman in ancient and modern times, you and I merged. In the vast world, which force would dare to surpass us?”

Ye Zheng said these words categorically, and the members of the Zhongtian Ye family also nodded their heads.

Even the many Elders of the Ye family in southern Xinjiang have to admit that if the two are united, the Ye family will surely dominate this era.


The two are integrated, who is the main one?

Ye Zheng seemed to be silent in the fantasy, expressing his inner feelings with passion.

“Patriarch Ye, this time my Ye family is here with sincerity. If you and my family are united and win the top spot, then the Heavenly Dao reward will be given, and the rise of luck will be so strong that it can generate dozens of money for my Ye family. Ten thousand years of luck.”

After that, he looked excited and looked at Ye Daocang with sincerity. The sincerity in his eyes seemed to touch him.

Even the individual Elder behind Ye Daocang was exaggerated by him.

Only Ye Changliu and other heads frowned.

Ye Zheng talked for a long time, and he didn’t say which family was the main one, and his true intentions were not revealed at all.

With the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang as the mainstay, will the Ye Family in Zhongtian agree?

They have a headquarters in the heavens, and they are the top power of Zhongtian, how can they agree to be merged into the Ye Family of Southern Xinjiang!

In this way, the other party’s intentions are already obvious.

Devour Ye Family!

Thinking of this, a trace of anger rose in their hearts, and they were about to refute.

However, at this time!

“I agree!”

At this time, Ye Daocang suddenly spoke firmly, as if he was exaggerated by Ye Zheng’s passion.


Ye Changliu and others suddenly changed their expressions, and they were about to pull Ye Daocang off the bar.

But when he saw Ye Daocang wave his hand directly, he spoke out his thoughts.

“The owner of this family thinks that Ye Zheng Elder said very well. If you and my family are merged into one, they will be the number one power in the vast world!”

When Ye Zheng heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, and the faces of the Ye family members behind him all showed a satisfying smile, stroking their beards and smiling!

It’s done!

Ye Zheng himself became unbelievable. He didn’t expect that Ye Daocang would be infected by himself.

Could it be that the Patriarch of the Ye Family really only knows about cultivation, and doesn’t know anything about it?

So, then his Zhongtian Ye Family will assimilate the Southern Xinjiang Ye Family in the future, it will be much easier!

Ye Zheng looked at the big change in expression and Ye Changliu and the others, who was about to speak, hurriedly took the first step: “Ye Patriarch Yingming, the merger of you and me will be a good story handed down forever!”

“Don’t worry, Patriarch Ye, you and me are merged, but the Ye family in southern Xinjiang still maintains an independent right to speak. On weekdays, my Ye family will only send a Martial Sage Elder to sit here. The Yejia branch teaches Tianjiao, on the other hand”

He was talking about own words passionately, but he saw Ye Daocang just waved his hand faintly.

Afterwards, he looked at Ye Zheng and asked: “Since you and my family agree with this merger, I don’t know when will your Zhongtian Ye Family Patriarch lead high-level leaders to come to my southern Xinjiang to discuss your Zhongtian Ye Family’s Is it merged into my Southern Xinjiang Ye Family? In the eyes of the owner, this matter cannot be delayed, the sooner the better!”

As soon as these words came out, Ye Zheng was passionate, and his heroic expression instantly solidified, staring blankly at Ye Daocang’s arrival.

The Elders behind him also changed their faces, and for a while, the picture was very embarrassing.

Behind Ye Daocang, the few Elders who had been anxious heard the words. They were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at each other weirdly, letting go of their worries and stopped talking.

They were excited before, and almost forgot, on the black belly and the vast world, who is the opponent of their own Patriarch!

Although this Patriarch is always simple and simple, and seems to ignore family affairs, only a few people know best that this Patriarch is definitely not as simple as everyone imagined.

Ye Zheng was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and looked at Ye Daocang with a surprised look: “Patriarch Ye, do you mean I am Zhongtian Ye Family, merged into your Southern Xinjiang Ye Family?”

He didn’t seem to hear clearly, looked at Ye Daocang and asked again.

Ye Daocang nodded as a matter of course: “Naturally, Brother Ye, as the big Elder of the Zhongtian Ye Family, came from Zhongtian, inevitably hundreds of millions of kilometers, and came with the sincere heart of the whole family of Zhongtian Ye Family. This Patriarch was very moved. !’

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Zheng’full of sincerity’, and said with a look of’moved’: “Since the establishment of the Ye family in southern Xinjiang, I have never accepted the incorporation of other humans of the same surname. Here, I will make an exception for you and accept your request from the Zhongtian Ye Family to merge into my Southern Xinjiang Ye Family!”

After speaking, he stood up, patted Ye Zheng on the shoulder, and looked at him with great relief.

Ye Zheng: “.

Representative of Zhongtian Ye Family: “.

its not right!

When Ye Zheng saw Huangshen, he secretly said something was wrong. Looking at Ye Daocang, he asked in confusion, “Patriarch Ye, Ben Elder meant not that my Zhongtian Ye family was merged into your southern Xinjiang Ye family, but you and my family. Merged, with my Zhongtian Ye family as the main one!”

Ye Daocang suddenly became unhappy: “Where did Ye Da Elder’s words start? This merger was brought up by your Zhongtian Ye Family. It should be your Zhongtian Ye Family that merged into my Southern Xinjiang Ye Family. In this order, Don’t mess up!”

Seeing Ye Daocang’s expression, Ye Zheng’s heart sank.

Sure enough, if you want to annex the Ye Family, there is a long way to go!

At this time, he has not spoken yet, and a representative of the Zhongtian Ye Family behind him can’t help standing up: “Patriarch Ye, my Zhongtian Ye family has grown to this day, and there are hundreds of millions of people. IMHO, you Zhongtian Can the Ye family eat it?”

Ye Daocang smiled faintly when he heard the words. He didn’t even look at him or answer. He just drank tea to himself.

Seeing this, Ye Changliu behind him smiled and said, “Hehe, what did this brother say? Since the development of my Ye family, it has the rules that belong to its own family and are detached from other ancient clans. It is for the supply of resources for personnel. , Records, and the development of Tianjiao all have their own set of rules. Don’t say that you have hundreds of millions of people in the Tian Ye family, even billions

, Tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions, my Southern Xinjiang Ye Family can also eat it!!

“You!” The man pointed to Ye Chang and said in anger.

Seeing this, Ye Zheng waved his army and motioned him to sit down.

He looked at Ye Daocang, who was holding a teacup and sipping tea calmly, and said in a deep voice: “Patriarch Ye, really don’t think about it? As long as your southern Xinjiang Ye family agrees to merge into my Zhongtian Ye family, I will ask Ye The Patriarch promises that not only will he not interfere with all the rights of the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang, but he will also give endless resources every year.

You will miss the share of the Southern Xinjiang Ye Family!”

…For flowers…

“Not only that, as long as Patriarch Ye nods, I can guarantee that even in the upper realm, my Ye Family Headquarters will treat you Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang equally, and I can promise that the trouble from the Vientiane Temple, my Ye Family. And bear it, as long as Ye Family Master set foot in the sky in the future, and bring my Ye Family’s big gift to Vientiane Tiangong Young Master once!”

“These can all represent the sincerity of my Ye Family. As far as I know, the number one expert of your Ye Family, Martial Sage Ye Wushi, is now in the heavens and is being pursued and killed by the Young Master Feng Wuhen of the Vientiane Tiangong. With your words, Patriarch Ye, Ye Wushi’s difficulties can be resolved immediately!”

After that, he looked at Ye Daocang sincerely, showing his own sincerity.

Ye Daocang heard the words, but was unmoved: “Ye Da Elder, the owner of the family still said that. If the Zhongtian Ye family wants to join my southern Xinjiang Ye family, the owner of the family welcomes them with both hands, and everything else, don’t talk about it!

Don’t talk about anything else, let him go and apologize to a trash?

Sorry, he can’t help but extinguish the waste.

Secondly, he didn’t worry about Ye Wushi’s safety from beginning to end.

If Ye Wushi was really killed so easily, then he wouldn’t be worthy of the name Wushi!

Seeing that Ye Daocang was not moved at all, and the oil and salt did not enter, Ye Tiao’s heart was finally polished.


He placed the teacup in his hand heavily on the tea table and looked at Ye Daocang in a deep voice: “Patriarch Ye, really don’t think about it?”

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly reached freezing point!

Ye Zheng’s eyes were dark, and the threat in his eyes did not conceal it.This is the rhythm of tearing his face!

Ye Daocang didn’t get angry when he heard the words. He just played with the tea cup in his hand and looked at him with a smile.


“E? ​​I don’t think about it, how are you doing?”

Ye Zheng couldn’t help it anymore. He was a cultivator. He was even a powerful Martial Sage, possessing magic power for more than a thousand years. Even if Ye Daocang was Martial Sage, he was not afraid.

“This time the union between you and me is an order given by the headquarters of the heavens. You can also be considered to be in the eyes of the headquarters. It is an honor of you. Otherwise, you think that your southern Xinjiang Ye family is qualified to be incorporated into me. Tianye family?”

The arrogance in his eyes did not conceal, and he did not conceal his contempt for the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang.

His words immediately aroused the anger of the Ye Family Elder.

Instead, Ye Daocang looked at him faintly: “Oh? This kind of honor can’t be afforded by the owner of the family. The owner of the family still said that, unless you merge with the Ye family in the middle of the sky, you will not talk about everything! ”

“Good! Good! Good! Ye Daocang, do you really ignore the warnings of my strong Ye Family?”

Ye Daocang couldn’t help being amused. He looked at each other playfully: “How do you think Ye Family of your Heavens compares to the Vientiane Temple?”

Ye Zheng couldn’t help but flashed a little unnaturally: “The Vientiane Temple is huge, with a Galaxy as support, and even the current emperor is sitting in the town, but my Ye family is also not bad, although there has never been a great emperor, but it is not Many great emperors have old times and have the qualifications to have equal dialogue with the great forces!

He said that the passion is generous, but his luck is weak by three points!

Ye Daocang didn’t chuckle easily, nor did he dismantle the property. He just looked at each other curiously: “Then you think that the owner of this family dares to destroy the Vientiane Temple for the children of the clan, and even kills their young master. Going back to the heavens, do you think this family leader will fear the threat of your heavens Ye Family?”

Ye choked as he rectified!

After a long time, his expression changed and he looked at Ye Daocang gloomily.

He knew that the plan to devour the Ye Family was ruined.


In the end, he didn’t hold back the anger in his heart and smashed the coffee table next to him!

“Okay! Ye Daocang, I hope you don’t regret your decision today! Let’s go!”

After finishing speaking, he directly led the Zhongtian Ye family delegation and walked towards the gate.

A group of Ye family delegations gave them a gloomy look, and then they flung their sleeves and were about to leave.

“Hold on!”

Ye Daocang picked up the tea cup and spoke lightly.

Ye Zheng stopped and turned to look at Ye Daocang, “Have you changed your mind? Huh! Even if you change your mind now, don’t think about the previous conditions. You, the Ye family in southern Xinjiang, merged into my Zhongtian Ye family. , My Zhongtian Ye family will send three Martial Sages and dozens of powerful emperors to your Ye family to sit in your house. Two of them will serve as deputy paternal masters, and one person…”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Daocang interrupted him.

I saw Ye Daocang look at him indifferently: “Destroying my Ye Family’s things in my Ye Family is just slapping my Ye Family in the face, and want to leave without leaving some compensation? Have you asked my Patriarch?”

Ye Zong thought that Ye Daocang had changed his mind and was about to take advantage of the fire. However, Ye Daocang’s next words almost didn’t make him faint.

He suddenly turned back angrily and laughed: “Presumptuous!”


An invincible Martial Sage power erupted directly from him, and the sky was truly shaking.

For a time, the Zhongtian Ye family delegation sneered, triumphantly.

They thought that the big Elder shot would be foolproof!


PS: The writing of the book has been delayed and delayed, the update is late and late, lazy cancer breaks out, and tears ask the sky: “Isn’t it just updated yesterday? Why is it updated again today!”

Well, there will be another update later, but it may be a bit late! Ding,

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