Chapter 141 The strength of Ascension will come to Yejia in Southern Xinjiang two months later

A turbulent spirit erupted from Zhongtian Ye Family Elder’s body, rushing in all directions.

The power of Martial Sage, which has accumulated magic power for a thousand years, is exceptionally terrifying, and the entire Ye Family is shocked by this breath.

However, whether it was the big black dog lying at the door, or Bifang Crane, the three-legged Golden Crow, or Qiongqi under the lock sky tower, they just turned their heads towards the family.

When they saw Ye Daocang, they directly withdrew Divine Sense and ignored it.

Ye Zheng was very arrogant and looked at Ye Daocang stubbornly. With just one blow, he would make Ye Daocang suffer a big loss. By then, he would use iron and blood to subdue the Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang.

If the soft one is not good, then the hard one will come!

At this moment, a terrible form of dharma rose up behind him, and Wushuang’s blow came straight to Ye Daocang’s front door, and it came in an instant.

Seeing Ye Daocang is about to fall under this trick.

At this moment, Ye Daocang moved.

He raised his head slightly, and in his eyes, the Sword Ray flew by, pushing horizontally.


The invincible momentum directly rioted, bombarding the sky, and the courage that dominated the world overwhelmed the common people.

At this moment, Ye Zheng changed color in an instant, and the delegation of the Zhongtian Ye family, and all the powerful emperors, all showed horror.

Just the momentum made his blood stagnate, and he couldn’t afford the slightest resistance.

At this time, there was almost no time for them to respond, and the Martial Sage Elder next to them flew out directly.


In his mouth, countless blood spurted out, his expression was pale, and his breath fell to a freezing point.

He covered his chest, and his body drew a huge gap on the ground.

“You!” Ye Tiao looked at Ye Daocang in horror, and said in fear. He couldn’t say anything, and another breath of blood came out.

“Big Elder!”

The expressions of several powerful emperors suddenly changed, and they were going to help!


However, at this time, Ye Daocang let out a cold snort, The next moment, a long sword appeared above Ye Zheng’s “Zero Sansan”, a surge of monstrous sword power vented out, suppressing the movement of countless powerful emperors. No.

A trace of fear was deeply revealed in the eyes, and a half-step Martial Sage couldn’t help but said, “Patriarch Ye, negotiation can’t be righteous and righteous, what do you mean by Ye Family in Southern Xinjiang?,

Ye Daocang glanced at him with indifferent eyes, but this look made this half-step Martial Sage like a lightning strike.

Then, something strange happened.

At that half step, Martial Sage shook his whole body. The next moment, blood flowed out of his mouth and nose, which directly stained him into a blood man.

Before everyone could come over, this half-step Martial Sage had his eyes blank and fell towards the ground.

“Ye Long Elder!” The crowd exclaimed again.

Looking at Ye Long who had lost his divinity, this time, none of them dared to help.

At this time, their fearful eyes fell on Ye Daocang.

Death is not terrible!

The scary thing is that such an unclear Death.

Ye Daocang’s voice came indifferently: “What kind of thing do you dare to question the owner of the house?”

Yu Guang only stayed on Ye Long’s corpse for a while, and then he set his sights on the bodies of several powerful emperors.

Following Ye Daocang’s gaze, several people suddenly lowered their eyes.

In front of Ye Daocang, they treated gods like mortals without a Cultivation Base. Apart from awe, they were afraid.

For the first time, they discovered that Ye Daocang was so terrifying and suffocating.

I’m afraid it’s another Ye Wushi!

For a moment, they couldn’t help but pop up in their hearts that Ye Wushi had once dominated Zhongtian, and the many big forces that killed him were shrinking and daring to confront it directly!

Ye Daocang only then retracted his gaze, and said faintly: “Ye Zheng dared to be wild at the Ye family’s resident, ignoring the majesty of my Ye family, and even shot at the family, and was detained by the owner of the family. For the sake of keeping one’s life, within three months, let the Ye Family bring a top-grade spirit vein, 30 billion top-grade Spirit Stones come to redeem it, it is out of date!


Hearing Ye Daocang’s conditions, not to mention that the Ye Family’s senior leaders behind him were shocked, even the Zhongtian Ye Family delegation took a breath of air-conditioning.

Ye Daocang, this is the lion’s big mouth!

However, they did not dare to refuse, nor did they dare to speak.

I could only watch Ye Zheng who had passed out in a coma, and then left directly.

When they came, they were full of spirits, thinking that they would annex the Ye Family, just around the corner, but they didn’t expect that when they left, they were so embarrassed.

Even the face of their Zhongtian Ye Family, Ye Zheng was left behind.

Seeing that the people of the Zhongtian Ye family had gone, Ye Daocang ignored him and waved his hand: “Throw him into the Suotian Pagoda and tell Qiong Qi that if the Zhongtian Ye family does not come to redeem him, please tell Qiongqi. , It’s gone!”

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the hall. Ye Changliu hurriedly hoped to order the Ye family to follow suit, and then brought a few high-level core Elders to the hall.

Seeing a few people coming with dignified expressions, Ye Daocang drank a sip of tea and smiled: “Sit down!

How can a few people sit down at this time? Ye Changliu knew that Ye Daocang didn’t care about those rules, so he couldn’t help but said, “Patriarch, why did you choose to directly engage with Zhongtian Ye’s family?”

Ye Daocang smiled slightly: “General Manager, do you think that even if you don’t engage in evil, the Zhongtian Ye Family will give up the plan to annex my southern Xinjiang Ye Family?”

“What they really fancy is the core of my Ye Family. It is Ye Hao, Ye Youran and other peerless arrogances. It is the reason why there are so many top arrogances in my Ye Family. The family is just around the corner!”

Hearing Ye Daocang’s explanation, Ye Changliu and the others suddenly had a heartbreak. Obviously, they didn’t expect that the other party’s intentions were like this.

When Ye Daocang saw this, he smiled faintly: “This time I left that Ye Zheng, it was just a temptation. If they choose to come to redeem Ye Zheng, the owner of the Patriarch will believe that they have lost their minds, and will ignore them!”

On the side of the war hall, Elder Ye Zhantian couldn’t help but asked, “What if they don’t choose to redeem it?

After Ye Daocang heard it, he smiled faintly, and hid the knife in his smile: “That means I still don’t give up to my Ye family, treat the enemy, I, Ye Daocang, are never polite!”

Having said this, a cold light flashed from his eyes.

After that, he even stood up directly: “I, Ye Daocang, founded the Ye Family in the midst of the dynasty, but the clan rules I established have never changed. Don’t bully the weak with the strong, don’t bully the small with the big, of course, who dares? Bother my Ye Family, you will kill it!”

“No matter who he is or what kind of power he is, if you dare to provoke my Ye family, I, Ye Daocang, will surely kill him in the cradle!”

Having said this, he was slightly proud, and an aura broke out directly.

Seeing this, a group of high-level officials felt emotional, and they were exaggerated: “Follow the teachings of the Patriarch!”

“Perform your own duties!”

Ye Daocang finished speaking, then turned and left.

Time flows, and at this moment, a conspiracy against the entire vast world is being planned.

The headquarters of Medical River Education, the top of Moyun Mountain, and the Bishop’s Great Hall, Martial Sage led several high-level representatives of Martial Sage to come here.

At this moment, they knelt on the ground religiously, their eyes were extremely enthusiastic, as if they were kneeling down for their faith.

Then, in front of them, a black robe phantom slowly rose up, and he looked at the withered Martial Sage below indifferently, without saying a word.

If it was Qiongqi, and Ye Hao and Ye Chen were here, he would definitely recognize it.

He is no one else, he is the contemporary demon of the powerful demon clan of the heavens, the young emperor!

“Welcome to His Majesty the Devil, and I hope His Majesty Devil will be immortal as soon as possible and become a contemporary Immortal!”

Several people spoke in unison, and the madman made no secret of their eyes.

Young Emperor looked at all this indifferently, and said lightly: “Get up!”

When a few people saw this, they got up cautiously, but they kept their heads down and didn’t dare to look directly at Shaohuang’s eyes.

“Where is Holy Maiden?” Young Emperor asked directly.

The reason why he appeared here was to ask Holy Maiden.

Withered Martial Sage heard the words and carefully raised his head and explained: “Your Majesty, forgive me, the Holy Maiden came and left even the sixth rank Gold Core you gave him to heal the wounds!”

When Young Emperor heard the words, he didn’t change his expression on the surface and said nothing.He knew that Gu Qingyao was guarding him!

Seeing that the Emperor didn’t mean to blame, the few people breathed a sigh of relief.

Withered Bones Martial Sage continued to ask: “I don’t know that His Majesty Demon needs his subordinates to bring a message to His Highness Holy Maiden? The traces of her subordinates and others still know the traces of her. It shouldn’t be too difficult to find her!”

“No, she won’t be able to listen even if she takes the talk!” Shaohuang said flatly. He knew Gu Qingyao’s daughter very well!

The young emperor said this, and paused: “This emperor comes this time, there is something to tell you to wait!

Seeing this, Martial Sage knelt on the ground immediately: “I follow the orders of your Majesty the Devil!”

Shaohuang waved faintly, and several people suddenly got up.

Later, he looked at a few people and said, “Listen well, I want you to wait and start the battle of Demon Lin!”


Withered bones Martial Sage and others suddenly changed color, took a deep breath, and looked at Shaohuang in shock.

They knew exactly what the battle of Demon Lin meant.

It’s very simple, it is to open the entrance of the world barrier by Sleeping Mingjiao, attract the demon to come, and initiate a war of destruction against other creatures in the vast world!

This is almost pushing them to the opposite of all beings in the boundless world.

The demons are different from other races. They have a special Minor World, which borders the major worlds. As long as they break through the barrier, countless demons can descend.

These demon races are not light, but they are powerful, eager for blood, and eager to kill, which is almost a nightmare in all the world!

“That’s good, why do you suddenly start the battle of Demon Lin?”

Withered Bone Martial Sage’s side, an old Martial Sage couldn’t help but ask in surprise.


Young Emperor suddenly turned around indifferently and gave him a cold look.


In the time of ink, this demon Martial Sage with a thousand-year magic power suddenly burst, and it turned into blood mist and wine on the ground without a sound, many of which fell on the dead bones of Martial Sage.

But at this time, they didn’t dare to wipe and resist!

At this moment, their hearts stopped beating, and they were secretly grateful, but fortunately, it was not themselves who asked the question.

At this time, the indifferent voice of the young emperor came over: “This emperor is acting, why don’t you tell the ants like you, wait, just do it!”

“Yes! Follow your majesty’s order!”

With the lessons learned, they didn’t dare to have the slightest doubt, and they all promised to speak

Seeing this, the young emperor nodded faintly, the previous deterrence was still very useful.

Of course, as a devil, he naturally knows that both grace and power are applied.

I saw him slightly raised his hand, The next moment, the base exuding noble black Blood Essence appeared in the hands of Shaohuang Xuying.

He looked at a few people and said with a faint smile: “This is a drop of supreme blood, and a few drops of Venerable blood, both contain activity, which can increase Magic power for 20,000 years and Magic power for 10,000 years, respectively. Wait for it to be divided!”

Withered Bones Martial Sage and others trembled with excitement suddenly, took them carefully, and distributed them to everyone.

In the heavens, Blood Essence is precious, but it is not uncommon. What is rare is the active Blood Essence.

Because of the active Blood Essence, it is necessary for me to voluntarily separate a wisp of spirit on it.

Who will rip apart his own soul every day?

So this is the reason why active Blood Essence is scarce.

But all of this is not very precious to the contemporary devil, the young emperor.

This time the plan is ambitious, so naturally he won’t be rewarded in different ways.

Seeing the mentality of a few people who couldn’t wait to take refining language, Shao Huang smiled slightly: “Go, you wait, remember, help the emperor, the emperor will not treat you badly!”

“You don’t have to worry about your safety. After this time of the Demon’s War, this emperor will send someone to personally pick you up and come to work under my Devil’s Uterus!

Hearing this, Martial Sage shivered and became even more excited: “Your Majesty Devil, rest assured, we will do everything with all our heart!!


The young emperor nodded in satisfaction and was about to leave. Then, he thought of something and continued to order: “Remember, don’t notify Holy Maiden about this matter. Even if she knows, order you to stop, you don’t need to wait. Pay attention!”

Several people saw this, although they didn’t know what the father and daughter meant, but they didn’t dare to ask more, they all responded!

In the base camp of the demon clan, in the demon womb, the young emperor who was sitting in the river slowly opened his eyes.

“So, it’s foolproof, my dear good daughter, because my father knows that you are soft-hearted, he will take the initiative to help you. In this way, you should be able to capture millions of years of Magic power in a very short period of time!”

Shaohuang’s expression was cold, and his mind was occupied by endless reason.

Thinking of Gu Qingyao’s special nature, the corner of his mouth was curved.

“Who would have thought that the combination of the Holy Maiden of the Human Race Temple and the contemporary demon son of the Demon Race, and the birth of a daughter, turned out to be a combination of merits and Taoism and a natural Sacred Heart! This is the great good fortune for this emperor! Haha! Ha ha!”

“My dear daughter, you will never think of it. You have hidden so deeply, in fact, you have long been given insight by your father. The way to Ascension own strength, the posture of a natural emperor!”

“Originally, if you choose to devote yourself to cultivating your heart, you will have to kill your relatives righteously because of your father’s threats, and strangle you in the cradle. However, your only concern will be your mother. This has become the father to threaten you. The only way to do it! Hahahaha! After all, you can only be a chess piece of the emperor Dengxian!”

A piece of laughter filled the magic womb, very enjoyable 1.2!

And at this time, in the vast world, Zhongtian, and Ye Family, the Patriarch of the Zhongtian Ye Family, Ye Wen, is also communicating with the heavens!

“Is he really unwilling to merge into my Ye family?” An inexplicable voice came from the portrait in front of him.

“Yes, not only that, he also captured my Ye Family Elder Ye Zheng!” Ye Wen hurriedly said.

Over there, after the portrait was silent for a while, the voice continued.

“Since he refuses to cooperate, don’t be polite. Later, the emperor will give active Blood Essence down and give it to you. In addition, he will also give you three hundred Ascension strengths such as God Ge Yuer. Southern Xinjiang Ye Family must be taken!’

“The bright world of the Minor World of all parties has been opened, and the bright world of the heavens is also coming. For this reason, my Ye Family has exhausted one hundred thousand years of luck and endless treasures before I invite the top powers and claim to be counted. The landlord of the Tianji Building of Tianji made the move, and forgot it for my Ye family.

Fate is all in this southern Xinjiang!

“So, for the development of the Ye Family of My Heavens, this Southern Xinjiang Ye Family must eat it!”

“No matter how many Tianjiao they have, no matter how much background they have, no matter how powerful they are, they can’t miss it!”

As if feeling the firmness of the master’s house, Ye Wen also said in a deep voice, firmly speaking.

Soon, a huge light of enlightenment descended on the Zhongtian Ye Family, and Ye Wen, who had obtained a large amount of resources, also appreciated the attitude from the families of the gods.

He did not hesitate to say: “With all the strength of Ascension, two months later, I will come to southern Xinjiang with my family!”


With a shout, endless voices rose from the Ye Family’s residence in Zhongtian, gathered in one hall, and resounded everywhere!

PS: The belated chapter, here comes

Everyone’s comments are being reviewed, and I can’t see any of them. .

I don’t know what everyone wants to say, but the plot is about to appear again, worry!!.

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