Chapter 155 Saint Cultivation Base, system upgrade 2.0

“My seat, are you allowed to leave?”

An indifferent and indifferent voice appeared to everyone’s ears, with a voice that was indifferent to the extreme, and it was clearly audible.


When this voice appeared, not only the bodies of the two ancient sages had a meal, they turned their heads in shock, and even the people in the vast world were shocked.

Because of this voice, they are too familiar.

Sure enough, with the appearance of this voice, the void barrier that was about to be completely disturbed, as if it had suffered a huge impact, was directly torn out an incomparably huge hole.

“Pretend to be a god, get out!” The two ancient sages rushed into the crown, and a terrible Killing intent burst out directly.

They stared at the starry sky and ancient road, their expressions were shocked to the extreme.

Accompanied by this sound, The next moment, on the ancient road of the starry sky, a tall figure, a white robe, slowly stepped forward and fell into the eyes of everyone.

Seeing this person, countless people in the boundless world suddenly exclaimed, and an incredible look came out.

He turned out to be Ye Daocang!

Suddenly, the entire vast continent boiled and exploded.

“What! Ye Daocang didn’t die, how did he escape?”

“Fleeing? Look at him in a jade-white shirt, does that seem to be running away?”

“Do you mean? The one from Death before is his clone?”

“I don’t know, from his birth to the present, his mysterious, vast world is widely circulated, who can know?”

“Have you noticed, Ye Daocang’s Cultivation Base, breakthrough, it seems that it doesn’t belong to the cave virtual realm anymore!” Someone stared at the sky and said in a condensed voice.

Hearing his words, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked sideways, The next moment, exclamations of exclamation spread throughout the vast world!

“This is the Sea of ​​Bitterness Realm Saint, he has broken through to the Sea of ​​Bitterness Realm Saint. When did this happen?”

“Unbelievable, he actually crossed the Void Void Realm in such a short time and was promoted to the Sea of ​​Bitterness Realm Saint!”

“This is so good. When the saint was half-step, he had the strength to kill the saint. Now he has come to the saint. The two old demon sages, can they take him? what!”

For a time, countless people began to speak in shock.

At this time, the Zhongtian Lin family, Ye Yan sighed with relief. Although he felt that Ye Daocang would not die, he was still very worried.

At this moment, seeing Ye Daocang appear, he was naturally excited.

“Great, Ye Yan Big Brother!” Gu Qingyao couldn’t help holding his hand and said happily.

Lin Feifan’s eyes on the side also flashed with deep shock, with emotion.

He also really didn’t expect that Ye Daocang would be so amazing and gorgeous, even the ancient sage can’t kill him!

In the Ye family in southern Xinjiang, everyone was surprised when they saw Ye Daocang who had come back from the dead, and then there was an incomparable joyous voice, and countless people were excited.

“It’s great, I know the old Patriarch will not die!”

“The old Patriarch Hong Fu Qitian, the two ancient sages just wanted to kill him, it’s a foolish dream!”

However, at this time, someone calmed down: “Don’t be eager to be happy, the Patriarch is still facing two ancient sage powerhouses, don’t be careless!

Hearing this, everyone immediately calmed down, looking at the two murderous Old Sages, their expressions also became solemn.

But they didn’t realize that the seven strongest Ye Family members in front of them sighed with relief and glanced at each other, and they all saw the indifferent and relaxed feelings in each other’s eyes.

It seems that he noticed the puzzled look of the people around him, Ye Hao smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, since Sanshu dared to show up at this time, it can only explain everything. Sanshu has absolute certainty to deal with the two ancient sages. !”

“Yes, Patriarch will never do things that are uncertain!” Ye Zangtian also followed.

“The two ancient sages, the Patriarch will kill them today, and use their blood to inform the heavens of his arrival!”

Ye Anlan also spoke, his expression especially arrogant.

Afterwards, he stroked Anlan’s spear: “It won’t be long before I, Ye Anlan, will follow the pace of the Patriarch, set foot in the heavens, kill all enemies in the world, and achieve my undefeated myth!”

At the end of the ancient starry sky and the edge of the barriers of the heavens, the two ancient sages looked cold and murderous looking at Ye Daocang who came out step by step, and the Killing intent in their eyes made no secret.

Seeing Ye Daocang stepping out calmly and calmly, like an immortal, the expressions of the two of them sank to the extreme.

“I didn’t see it, you still have this hand, but unfortunately, you shouldn’t show up!” An ancient sage looked at him indifferently, the killing intent in his eyes rose to the sky, and it broke out strongly.

Ye Daocang was indifferent, as if the sky was exploding and shattering in his eyes.

His expression fell on the two of them without any panic: “Since this seat dare to come, you two will fall here!”

“A joke!” Another ancient sage who never spoke was angry and rioted, rushing towards the eternal starry sky with a terrifying spirit.

“I think that if you break through, you will be invincible? In front of the old sage, you are still an ant. Killing you is just a matter of a finger!”

He looked at Ye Daocang with disdain, and the indifference in his eyes reached a freezing point.

Ye Daocang shrugged relaxedly: “Really? Then you try!”

His appearance completely angered the two ancient sages, and there has never been a saint like this in front of them.



The sky trembled in waves, and the explosion sounded uncontrollably.

“Old Sage Treasure, Niu stepped on the mountains and rivers!” An Old Sage spoke directly, and an endless heavy breath burst out from all over his body.

A terrifying ancient demon cow roared to the world, roared, and a huge ox foot came towards Ye Daocang town to kill.

He is an ancient sage made by the demon cow clan. This foot shakes the world and makes people tremble.

“Old Sage Treasure, the sword breaks the three lives!”

On the other side, an ancient sage also broke out.


An extreme knife light was cut out by him. This cut, as if to kill Ye Daocang’s past, present, and future lives on the spot.

The prestige of the ancient sage was terrifying to a limit, wherever it passed, pieces of void burst and trembled.

This strike attracted the attention of many people. The sentient beings in the vast world held their breath and watched this scene without blinking, without speaking for a long time.

Ye Daocang, can you really stop the two people from joining forces?

Under the eyes of everyone, Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged. Facing this strike, he faintly stretched out his hand: “Sword!”


The originally bleak Azure Cloud Sword felt the master’s call, and instantly cut through the sky and fell into Ye Daocang’s hands.

“One sword divides Galaxy Cluster!”


Ye Daocang’s indifferent voice echoed in everyone’s eardrums. The next moment, the terrifying and invincible Sword Ray spurred everyone’s eyes.

This sword showed the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and it shattered everything incisively and vividly wherever it passed.

One by one Taikoo Star annihilated, shattered, exploded, and turned into boundless powder.

When the sky pierced the starry sky with a sword, the air of the starry sky was annihilated and cut.

Subsequently, this sword, with a fascinating tingling sensation, directly shattered the ultimate moves of the two ancient sages to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, the majestic Sword Qi directly urged the long river of void and directly knocked the two ancient sages into the air on the spot.


The body slashed across the void with a light color, bringing out an endless flame, and burning all the precious robes behind them!

After finally stabilizing his body, his internal organs burst and the sky was turned upside down. A burst of sacred blood was directly sprayed out, and his breath fell uncontrollably.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged, a sword pierced through time and space, and the ultimate Sword Ray, annihilating one party after another, pointed directly at the two of them.


An immortal, long-stayed, large and boundless Taikoo Star was rendered by Sword Qi, and it was directly cut into two halves and dropped downwards. The Azure Cloud Sword was a sword of mighty power and shattered in all directions.

The Azure Cloud Sword at this time showed its horror vividly, Shang Zhu the Great, down the Old Sage!

With this sword, piles of meteorites burst one after another, it seems that there is nothing above this starry sky that can stop this invincible blow.

The sound of swords rang through the starry sky, and a simple sword contained the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, completely annihilating the two ancient sages.

The two ancient sages were frightened and furious, and they used countless ancient sages, but in front of Ye Daocang’s sword, it was like a blister that broke easily.

Knowing that Sword intent was added, the two people were completely frightened.


A violent roar drowned everything.

Then, the sound stopped abruptly, and the entire starry sky became silent.

After the boundless Sword intent shattered and disappeared, Fan Mang’s starry sky, only the peerless figure in white clothes was standing with a sword.

At this moment, his arrogance, his strength, and his invincible Sword intent deeply shocked everyone’s minds.

This battle was thoroughly introduced into the hearts of the people in the vast world, and they became hard to remember.

At this moment, people who had heard the movement in the past came over and swallowed their saliva after seeing the scene in front of them.

A saint killed two ancient saints!

This is a ruthless person!

When they met Ye Daocang’s emotionless eyes, they shuddered one after another, and then hurriedly left.

With one sword, the two ancient sages fell directly.

But Ye Daocang’s expression was indifferent, without the slightest feeling of surprise.

He didn’t leave here, but turned his head faintly, and glanced at this ancient starry sky road.

After a little silence, he slowly raised his hand, Qing Yunjian seemed to feel something, exuding a terrifying power.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless aura exploded in the ascending of his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback first, and then exclaimed.

“He, what is he going to do?”

“He, is this going to cut the ancient road of the starry sky? How can he do something that Zhunxian can’t do?”

“No, it’s impossible. The younger generation of his Ye family is still in the vast world. How could he cut the ancient road to the starry sky?”

Suddenly, someone suddenly turned his head, thought of something, and opened his eyes: “I see, he, he is going to cut off the traces of the ancient starry sky and make it chaotic!”

…For flowers…

“Chaos? What do you mean?” someone asked quickly.

The man took a deep breath: “Chaos means that the barrier of the vast world is no longer fixed with the heavens. That is to say, if Martial Sage will step on the ground in the future, the broken heavens will be random, not fixed. !”

“This!” When everyone saw this, they were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly understood Ye Daocang’s plan.

This is paving the way for the younger generation of the Ye family!

But afterwards, the major forces became bitter again, and this would hurt them!

But Ye Daocang obviously doesn’t care what they think.

With Ye Daocang’s sword into the sky, the void trembles directly.

Ye Daocang directly cut off the ancient fixed starry sky road.

Immediately afterwards, everything between heaven and earth began to heal, and the barriers of the heavens began to close.

Ye Daocang, completely lost contact with the vast world.

After doing all this, Ye Daocang was about to leave, but soon, he found that there was a figure he knew well, which seemed to be leaving quietly!

Ye Daocang frowned slightly, telling him intuitively.

Just now, it seems that Ye Wushi has been here!

“Will it be you?” Ye Daocang whispered.

After that, he shook his head again and ignored it. Perhaps Ye Wushi had come, but he didn’t know why the other party didn’t meet him.

The other party was able to hide his perception, obviously his strength had reached an unprecedented terrifying level.

He is a saint, the other party may already be a great saint, or even a saint king, otherwise, he couldn’t figure out how Ye Wushi could hide his own perception.

After thinking about all this, Ye Daocang left here directly and headed into the distance.

After he left, I don’t know how long it has passed, and several figures appeared one after another.


When they discovered the four saints of Death and the breath of the ancient saints, they were all unforgivable and furious.

And when they saw that the starry sky and ancient roads in the vast world were cut off, they were even more angry to the extreme.

Soon, news about Ye Daocang spread to all major forces.

On that day, in the Vientiane Temple and Tianfanye’s house, a few terrible auras rose up, among them, a Venerable aura even appeared.

They came in the direction of Ye Daocang at a speed of a few yuan.

And at this time, in the demon clan base camp, in the demon womb.

After Young Emperor learned the news, a strong killing intent broke out directly.

“Emperor, I still underestimate your uncles and nephews!”

The young emperor was very angry. This kind of small force was actually more difficult to deal with. The other party was like a duckweed without roots, and he could go anywhere. Even if he was the emperor personally looking for it, it was estimated that it would be difficult to find in a short time.

During that time, he even sent people to chase and kill Ye Wushi. As a result, it was obvious that not only did he not kill him, but he also lost a lot of his subordinates.

Thinking of this, he took a slow breath and looked at the people below who were waiting for his order and said: “Recall all the people who chase them and find two people in the heavens. No doubt, find the needle in the haystack, this emperor, wait for them to grow up on their own. !”

“Yes!” Although the man in black was a little confused, he didn’t dare to say anything. Obviously, he was very afraid of Young Emperor.

After waving his hand and beckoning the other party to go down, there was a gleam in his cold eyes.

“Gu Qingyao, you actually put yourself as a father, okay! Very good! I think you don’t want to save your mother anymore!”

A humiliation flowed out of the eyes, which was calculated as unhappiness.

On the spot, he was ready to deal with Gu Qingyao’s mother, but soon, he was silent again.

He thought that Gu Qingyao still has a great use value.

Thinking of this, he weighed it over and over again, but still resisted the plan to vent his anger.

“Huh~! Ye family, right? This emperor will take a look, what kind of wind and waves can you wait in the hands of the emperor!”

“And you, Gu Qingyao, do you think you have ruined this emperor’s grand plan? As everyone knows, Minor World, which contains the land of immortality, is not the only one in the vast world, and the heirs of this emperor are not limited to you!”

After speaking, the thick black flames in his eyes were burning, as if he could swallow everything.

“Have you finally caught a glimpse of the bottleneck? The titled emperor, the title of this emperor, is coming soon!” The young emperor’s eyes flickered, and then he directly entered the Closed Door Training.

At the same time, Ye Daocang resorted to swordsmanship, and Sword Ray shuttled through the survivable Stars one after another, moving towards the distance.

I don’t know how many years have passed before he came to a huge section and fell down.

This continent is extraordinarily huge, and its ability to withstand it is also extremely strong.

Just when he was about to find a place to inquire about the news, the cold voice of the system came directly.

[Ding~! Check the host to go to a higher level plane, the system upgrade is enabled, this upgrade is one hundred thousand years, hereby open a large check-in task for the host, check in one hundred thousand years, choose a fixed place as the check-in location, every day Sign in once to get a variety of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures Spiritual Roots redemption points Cultivation Base, after 100,000 years, you can get 30 million redeem points, infinite

Lucky reward!]

PS: Ready to zoom in! Ding,

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