Chapter 156 Large-scale tasks, sign in for 100,000 years

Ye Daocang’s expression was immediately stunned, signing for 100,000 years, isn’t it a bit too long!

However, the tens of millions of redemption point rewards made him very greedy, and, since it was a system task, they couldn’t be denied.

His eyes changed and weighed again and again. Ye Daocang chose a place after all, and fell down.

Afterwards, he walked on this continent for several days and came to a place.

Here is a huge canyon, and there is indeed a cave inside. Ye Daocang will choose this place after weighing it over and over again.

One hundred thousand exchange points were consumed instantly, The next moment, a huge formation appeared directly in front of Ye Daocang.

Demon Sword Formation, one of the highest grade sword formations in the heavens, extremely powerful and terrifying, under the Venerable of the other shore, you will die if you touch it!

Since he chose this place as a shelter, he would naturally be foolproof.

If a strong person strikes in one hundred thousand years, and he has to passively move his position, the sign-in task will start to calculate again.

Standing at the gate of the canyon, Ye Daocang’s heart moved, The next moment, he waved his hand.

A huge boulder appeared, Ye Daocang’s fingers waved a few times on it, and the terrible Sword Qi cut slices of sword marks on the stone, and three huge characters suddenly met.

[Ask Sword Valley!)

These three characters have gathered Ye Daocang’s understanding of kendo over the years. Those who are not Sword Intent can not decipher the principle of it.

Only a swordsman who has beyond the will of ordinary people in the sword can comprehend his Sword intent and obtain the great good fortune!

After finishing all this, Ye Daocang sat in the Lotus Position, and then waved his big hand. Golden Crow, Bifang Crane, Qiongqi, and Sky Dog appeared in front one after another.

“Perform your own duties!”” Ye Daocang said lightly.

Afterwards, Golden Crow took the seedlings of hibiscus tree and came to the valley one after another.

Bifang Crane also took the Parasol Tree that Ye Daocang gave him, and planted it on a flat ground.

On the other hand, Qiongqi came out of the Suotian Pagoda at the sacrifice of “Zero Four Zero”, and continued to doze under the tower.

As for the snarling dog, I don’t know when he ran to the gate of the canyon with his food bowl and fell down.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Daocang’s battle on the ancient starry sky road and entering the heavens was prepared.

First of all, the four wild beasts bound to him must definitely come together. When he set foot on the ancient road in the starry sky, the system would put them away.

Together with it, there was the Suotian Tower bound to Qiongqi. As for the other buildings, they were all left in the vast continent by Ye Daocang.

Of course, he believed that in the future, Ye Wu and others would bring them up.

[Ding~! The check-in task is detected, whether to choose today’s check-in!]

Seeing this, Ye Daocang nodded directly: “Choose to sign in!”

[Sign in successfully! Congratulations to the host for getting three thousand redemption points!]

Three thousand points are very rare, but don’t forget, it’s just a day’s worth!

After all this last night, Ye Daocang stopped talking nonsense and started to sign in for own 100,000 years.

The entire heavens have not changed at all because of the arrival of Ye Daocang!

After all, no matter how talented he is, no matter how enchanting he is, after all, he is just a holy First Stage existence.

Time has passed by in a long time, and the time of 50,000 years is fleeting.

On this day, the thunder shook the heavens, and countless people’s hearts exploded. They couldn’t help but opened their eyes and looked towards the sky.

Even Ye Daocang was not surprised. He was above the sky and saw a scene that was very similar to when Ye Wushi fought the ancient star road.

However, in this picture, it is obvious that no one has rushed through the ancient starry sky.

However, he has just arrived and never went out to communicate, so many things are naturally unfamiliar.

Fortunately, at this time, Ye Daocang Divine Sense flows.

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the sound of communication on a huge city attracted his attention.

“Huh? This is? Someone has set foot in the Void Realm!”

“Nothing Realm? Could it be that someone wants to break into the Emperor’s Mark Monument?”

“It’s 80%, I don’t know that it is the terrifying great emperor who wants to leave their aura on the emperor mark monument in order to obtain the title!”

“Who is it, won’t it be announced soon?”

“The Emperor Mark Monument is not so easy to break through. If the strength is not enough, I am afraid that I will be hit hard by the backlash of the Emperor Mark Monument, and the Void Realm is very dangerous. The backlash of the mark monument, and when you return to the heavens, you encounter the Void Beast, then it’s over!”

“Who said no? In history, the emperor who was killed by the backlash of the emperor mark monument and then swallowed by the void beast, but there are many!”

Emperor Mark Monument!

Ye Daocang retracted his mind, and the breath that belonged to the Supreme slowly burst out.

After 50,000 years of sign-in, his Cultivation Base has come to the Supreme Third Stage. The large number of Cultivation Base rewards obtained during the sign-in are the key!

Has anyone rushed to the Emperor Scar monument?

Ye Daocang was very curious and couldn’t help looking sideways.

The next moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

It’s him!

Ye Daocang’s eyes condensed. Obviously, he didn’t expect it to be the other party.

At the same time, the appearance of this figure also attracted the attention of countless people.

“Young emperor! The young emperor of the contemporary demon, it will turn out to be him who broke through the emperor’s mark monument!

“God! He has been repaired to the emperor for less than a million years, right? Is he about to start breaking the emperor’s mark monument?”

“I don’t know if he can succeed!”

For a time, countless people looked sideways at the sky, shocked to the extreme.

That’s right, the one who broke through the emperor’s mark monument is Ye Daocang’s old opponent, the devil young emperor!

At this time, the young emperor’s spirit was amazing, killing intent was terrifying, and the terrifying spirit of boundlessness, shook the sky, and was shaken by the momentum. Around him, pieces of nothingness boulders exploded into powder.

Traveling all the way, I finally came not far from the Emperor Mark Monument. The huge courageous power, even if it was separated from the screen, still shocked the mind and courage of countless people.

A jet black long knife appeared in his hand, and the young emperor’s expression was full of cold and arrogance, and his boundless spirit rose to the sky, changing the color of the people!

At this moment, I don’t know how many old titled emperors opened their eyes and looked at Young Emperor in surprise.

In the void, I don’t know when, there were bursts of exclamation.

“Title, stable!”

“What a contemporary demon young emperor, it is worthy of being the first arrogant of the demon clan who only came out in an era. This strength is really horrible!

“This person’s strength will come to the titled emperor level tomorrow morning, but he has been unable to bear it. It seems that there is a big calculation!”

At this moment, the young emperor ignored the common people’s gaze, with a black knife in his hand, piercing the Galaxy Cluster with one knife, breaking the common people.


In a touch of the ultimate sword light, there are dozens of great emperor’s treasures, and they fall strongly on the emperor mark stele.

In time, a huge brilliance radiated from the emperor mark monument.

Countless people watched this scene with their eyes wide open. This is the autonomous reaction of the Emperor Mark Stele. If this strike is enough, it can break the defensive cover and leave marks on the Emperor Mark Stele.

If this strike is not enough, it will be backlashed directly, and the power of backlash is doubled.

Under the gaze of all eyes, the young emperor stood directly with his sword closed, his expression indifferent, and the arrogance in his eyes made no secret.

He is so self-confident, confident that with this knife, he can definitely leave his mark on the Emperor Mark monument.



A clear voice came, The next moment, on the Emperor Mark monument, the defensive shield was directly broken, The next moment, a deep knife mark, fell on the Emperor Mark monument.

It succeeded!

At this moment, I don’t know how many people’s hearts exploded. Finally, someone else succeeded in smashing the emperor’s mark monument, leaving his mark.

At this moment, the boundless white light suddenly appeared on the emperor mark monument, reflecting the entire picture extremely white.

After the white light disappeared, countless Heavenly Dao runes flashed directly and fell into the eyes of everyone.

[Young Demon Emperor, contemporary demon, title: Demon Emperor!]


When these two characters appeared, countless people couldn’t help but breathe in air-conditioning.

What these two show, really needless to say.

The word “devil emperor” is enough to sum up everything.

The Devil Emperor, the contemporary Devil Emperor, all the demons, should regard him as the emperor!

For a while, everyone’s mind was shocked.

No one thought that the title of the Emperor Mark Monument and the title of the Young Emperor would be so high!

At this time, on the screen, the young emperor stood proudly in the air, with a bloodthirsty curve at the corner of his mouth, which made many people shudder involuntarily after seeing it, and did not dare to look directly.

Only Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged. He stood halfway up the mountain, looking at the sky indifferently, without any fear in his eyes.

He knew that the Devil Emperor Young Emperor used this gesture to warn everyone who opposed him, and he would not let them have the slightest chance!

But all of this can’t scare Ye Daocang, his expression is still extremely indifferent, indifferent to the extreme.

Ye Daocang took his own gaze back when the picture completely disappeared.

The Cultivation Base of the Supreme Third Stage was still not enough. After a while, he directly chose to continue practicing.

Time goes by, wind and moon flow, and in a blink of an eye, another 49,900 years have passed.

It is only one hundred years before the last one hundred thousand years of signing in.

Ye Daocang slowly opened his own eyes, and a trace of emotion appeared in his eyes.

I don’t know how the Ye Family is developing, how far Ye Wu and others have grown up!

Ye Daocang is not worried about the safety of these people, but for the Ye family, he still has a concern.

In the nearly 100,000 years of signing in, he has won a lot of rewards.

At this time, what was originally very ordinary, Wenjian Valley in Pingchuan, has now been transformed into a paradise on earth by him.

Countless spiritual flowers and weeds flow, one by one, the sacred Spiritual Roots rise from the ground, hundreds of thousands of years, millions, or even thousands of years of immortal medicine Immortal medicine is everywhere.

In addition, he also obtained the Secret Code of the Heavens.

This is a secret book that records everything about the new era of the heavens.

Here, there has long been no racial distinction. After all, races like Monster Race, Human Race, Demon Race, Spirit Race, Evil Race, and Ghost Race are more than Hengsha in the entire heavens, even if you want to destroy it. Killing is endless.

Just like the Devil Emperor Young Emperor, even though he was titled Devil Emperor Demon Son, he could never order all the powerful Demon Clan powers to move, even one percent of them could not move.

This shows how terrifying the demons alone are.

The heavens are divided into star regions, the eastern star region, the south pole star region, the west neighbor star region and the Northern Dipper star region. The place where Ye Daocang is at this time is the Northern Dipper star region.

And in each star field, there are hundreds of millions of Galaxy units. These Galaxy, there are strong and weak, the strong, containing hundreds of thousands of lives, Taikoo Star, the weak are three or two, it seems It’s a Galaxy, but no one cares about it!

Just like the Vientiane Temple, it seems to occupy one Galaxy, which is a big power. In fact, it only occupies five Primordial Life Stars.

In each Galaxy, there are endless life Stars, on which there are one huge life body after another.

And in the place where the four star regions are broken, within the most central zone, there is a vast and boundless giant continent that even quasi-immortals can traverse.

Here, is the continent of the heavens and the source of the word for the heavens.

According to records, the continents of the heavens were originally much larger, tens of thousands of times larger than they are now, but in the common catastrophe of the last chance, the continents of the heavens were blasted to pieces by the peak powerhouse, and the fragments of the sky burst and melted. For the current four star domains and infinitely small worlds!

Whenever I say this, the creatures of the heavens are shocked.

The perseverance of the heavens is far better than that of the four star regions.Even the quasi-immortal will be suppressed on it, destroying hundreds of thousands of miles is already very valuable, and it is unimaginable to break it!

The Continent of the Heavens is the source of the Spiritual Qi of the four star regions. It can be seen that the richness of the Spiritual Qi on it has come to a certain level.

The entire heavens, the real strong clan, are almost all entrenched there.

In addition, a lot of the knowledge of the heavens is well known by Ye Daocang. He even knows which places have the most treasures and which places can help people in their practice.

In a hundred years, Ye Daocang sighed a few times before entering the practice again.

In one hundred thousand years, Wenjian Valley has long been famous in the world among thousands of life stars.

Everyone knows that in Wenjian Valley, there is a mighty sword repairing in the dark.

And the three words “Wen Jian Gu” have been continuously strengthened along with Ye Daocang’s practice in a hundred thousand years.

And any swordsman who can comprehend things in the three words Wenjiangu will receive a gift from Ye Daocang.

For example, all kinds of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures. Of course, these are the locations that Ye Daocang told them, and they picked them up by themselves.

And on this day, a woman appeared in this area, and another woman was walking with her.

Although they are young girls, they are obviously not young, and Cultivation Base is also in the Divine King Realm.

This Cultivation Base is definitely a arrogant one in the heavens.

The heavens are big and there are many strong ones, but they are still vast and sparsely populated. Even the most viable human race does not occupy much space.

The king of the gods is definitely a strong one.

“Xiao Xiao, we are not heady for searching like this. The two ancestors in your Ye family rumors have no trace of it. It is not a solution for us to find this way. It is better to take out the treasure and ask the peak powerhouse to help. NS!!

The woman named Xiaoxiao only shook her head slowly, and then sighed: “Ling’er, you don’t understand. As long as you find the two rumored ancestors, the crisis of my Ye family will definitely be resolved!”

At this point, her eyes showed a trace of worship.

1.2 As a child who has listened to the deeds of the two ancestors, Elder has always had a blind worship of the two ancestors.

But she is not a stubborn person. She agrees with Ling’er’s words very much: “But what you said is also reasonable. If you can take out the treasure and ask the peak powerhouse to come out, you can also relieve this crisis. After all, Ziyunhuo The strongest Zong is just the Supreme Cultivation Base!”

Ling’er on the side, hearing the words, couldn’t help but curl his lips!

The supreme powerhouse in the dignified Sea of ​​Bitterness realm, how did you become a little idiot in the mouth of a god king?

But he also knew how strong the arrogance in this close friend Ye Xiaoxiao was, even she admired it.

The opponent’s grade is more than five times less than his own, but Cultivation Base has come to the God King Fifth Stage, only two times lower than his own.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the opponent did leave him far away.

Slowly shaking his head, Yu Linger said: “I just found out the news. There is a place called Wenjian Valley three million kilometers away. Swordsman who goes out of the kendo can get gifts and treasures from the master of Sword Valley!”

Having said this, she looked at Ye Xiaoxiao and said: “Xiaoxiao, your kendo is the best Galaxy. It is absolutely unique in swordsmanship. If you can comprehend the terrible kendo, you may be astonished to ask the master of Sword Valley. , Let him see you, if he sees that Lie Xin likes to accept you as a disciple, then you will find it difficult for the Ye Family to understand!”

Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t wrinkle slightly. Obviously, she was a little bit resistant to apprenticeship.

In her heart, except for the elder in her clan, who is qualified to accept her as a disciple in the world?

Perhaps, there is also the sword repair of one of the two ancestors!

She wanted to refuse, but thinking of everything in the clan today, she finally sighed slightly: “Well, let’s go and try it!!

After that, the two of them headed directly in the direction of Wen Jian Gu!

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