Chapter 157 Ask everything about Jiangu, and finally see Ye Daocang

The two women walked all the way, the speed was shocking, and they soon came to the entrance of Wenjian Valley.

“This is asking Jian Gu? There is nothing strange!” Yu Ling’er couldn’t help but said.

Although asking the three words Jian Gu gave her a strange feeling, she didn’t feel anything.

After that, he was about to take a look at own good girlfriends, and found out.

“Huh?” Yu Linger looked at Ye Xiaoxiao in shock.

I don’t know when, Ye Xiaoxiao’s whole body has already exploded with an infinite and terrifying spirit, which is shocking to the extreme.

While surprised in her heart, she also quickly looked around to prevent anyone from disturbing Ye Xiaoxiao’s perception.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but fall into the endless insights, and a series of terrifying Sword intents traversed the sky, endlessly.

At this time, she found that she was directly silent in the ocean of Sword intent, and the sky full of Sword Qi’s brilliance wine filled the sky, and the pieces were shocking.

The Sword intent soaring into the sky caused the people around to look sideways and slap their tongues, and also made Yu Ling’er nervous.

She also didn’t expect that there were so many Divine King Realm powerhouses in these surroundings, and even Divine Emperors were in the minority.

At this moment, she was a little surprised.

Seeing this, a middle-aged god emperor could not help but smile faintly: “Girls don’t have to be so worried, ask Jian Gu Zhong, but no one dares to attack your companion!”

When Yu Ling’er heard the words, she was taken aback for a moment, obviously not expecting it.

Seeing this, the person next to him suddenly looked at each other and smiled: “The girl is afraid that I don’t know. I am asking Jiangu. If anyone dares to disturb others’ perception of kendo, he will fight against the master of Wenjiangu. Only one will end up, death!”

“There used to be a strong man who did not believe in evil, and attacked a Tianjiao who was in the process of comprehension, but he was torn to pieces on the spot by the beast guarding the canyon!”


Yu Ling’er couldn’t help but feel that the Supreme Eighth Stage, the peak powerhouse that was infinitely close to the Heavenly Lord, was torn to pieces by the mountain guardian beast.

Then ask the master of Sword Valley, how terrifying is it?

Thinking of this, she looked at Ye Xiaoxiao, and she couldn’t help but stretch out a hope in her heart.

Perhaps, this crisis of the little family is about to be resolved!

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao had no sense of everything in the outside world. She was swimming in the world of kendo as a whole.

Her aura and strength at this moment, can’t help Ascension, burst out.

The terrible Sword intent that soars into the sky is constantly erupting, which is shocking.

Even the strong god emperor who spoke first had his eyes solemn.

25 “What a powerful Sword intent, it makes me feel like I can’t resist!”


Hearing this, the strong people around could not help showing a hint of shock.

God Emperor Mingyu, but the top sword repairer of this generation, even he can’t resist, how terrifying this woman’s kendo understanding is!

Only Yu Ling’er proudly raised her head: “Of course, Xiaoxiao’s talent for kendo is the most terrifying I have seen in tens of thousands of years. The two of me have traveled all the way and died in her hands. There are already more than five people!”

Hearing this, the air-conditioning sounded uncontrollably, and the shocking eyes fell on Ye Xiao’s small body.

No one thought that such a seemingly weak woman would be so terrifying.

However, the Cultivation Base of the Divine King Realm has the ability to kill the power of the Divine King, but it shocks the world!

At this time, Ye Xiaoxiao’s whole body, the endless Sword Qi suddenly vented, rushing into the wasteland.

A terrible Sword intent, as if to swallow all the Sword intent in the world.

The pounding Sword intent arbitrarily cut everyone’s eardrums, making people’s faces changed drastically, and quickly withdrew and retreated toward the back.

“No! What a terrible Sword intent. Staying, I feel like I’m going to be swallowed by this Sword intent!!

“Rewind! This woman’s Sword intent is terrible!”

“Look, God Emperor Mingyu has retreated, is he even afraid of him?”

“It deserves to be the only Tianjiao who can comprehend kendo from Wenjian Valley in these 30,000 years, it is really terrifying!

Around, there were shocking sounds coming, attracting the attention of countless people.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly opened his eyes, and a majestic brilliance waved the wine into the sky and rose into the sky.

“Swallow the sky Sword intent, out!”


Accompanied by this crisp voice, the entire area of ​​Wenjiangu, a terrifying Sword Qi instantly swallowed and drowned the will of the people.

All around, all the power, Spiritual Qi, breath, was swallowed by this Sword intent.

Ye Daocang, who was about to continue Closed Door Training, moved his heart: “Huh? Someone realized that I swallowed the sky Sword intent, it really deserves to be the heavens!”

Before, when he was still in the Venerable realm, there were still many Tianjiao who realized own kendo from it. For them, Ye Daocang naturally gifted some nearby treasures.

But as his Cultivation Base quickly moved forward, in these 30,000 years, no one has been able to comprehend anything from it.

Never thought that when he was about to complete the one-hundred-thousand-year sign-in, someone actually comprehended his sky-swallowing swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, his mouth twitched, and a message came to the ears of the snarling dog lying on the ground.

Hearing Ye Daocang’s voice, he quickly got up and walked out of the canyon.

If at this time, Ye Xiaoxiao’s Sword intent also converged, and Cultivation Base also broke through the First Stage, and he couldn’t help showing a beautiful smile.

Yu Ling’er from a distance hurried over excitedly: “Great, little, I never thought that your talent in kendo was so terrifying. I heard them say that no one has realized kendo from it for 30,000 years. You are First!”

At this time, many people around also stepped forward to rejoice.

“Congratulations! Congratulations! I was able to comprehend the kendo of asking the master of Sword Valley!”

“Yes, it has been a hundred thousand years since the Master of Wenjian Valley came here. It is the first time I have seen someone who can fully understand his kendo!”

“I don’t know what kind of gift the master of Sword Valley will give, it is really exciting!’

They all could see that Ye Xiaoxiao’s bones were not big, and his grade was obviously very light. At this grade, he had this level of strength. A proper peerless Tianjiao, it’s always right to make good friends.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaoxiao didn’t mean to engage in evil with others, but nodded with a smile.

At this time, a large amount of Spiritual Qi could not live in the canyon.

Everyone hurriedly looked sideways, only to see a big dog with introverted aura but with divine light in his eyes came out from it, it was the snarling dog.

Seeing the snarling dog, everyone immediately did not dare to neglect, and quickly respectfully said: “I have seen a mountain guardian beast!”

Ye Xiaoxiao and Yu Ling’er were also surprised.

This is the existence that can give birth to the Supreme Being, and dare not neglect, hurry up and salute!

Roaring Sky Dog ignored so much, he came directly to Ye Xiaoxiao and gestured to him with the dog’s head.

Although it has continuously broken through, in a hundred thousand years, the snarling dog still can’t speak.

Ye Daocang estimated that he might have to wait until after going upstream!

Seeing this, Ye Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then said in horror: “What do you mean? Ask the master of Jiangu to see me?”

The snarling dog nodded his huge head, and then walked towards the valley step by step.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaoxiao and others nodded quickly and followed closely.

Then, she was taken aback suddenly and stopped!

Seeing this, the snarling dog looked back suspiciously!

Ye Xiaoxiao hesitated again and again, still pointing to Yu Ling’er and said: “She is my friend, can I take her in with her?”

When the people around saw this, they were shocked. They looked at Ye Xiaoxiao in a puzzled manner, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

You know, in the 100,000 years of Wenjiangu, no outsider has ever entered.

Ye Xiaoxiao was lucky enough to be able to enter by herself, and she even wanted to bring someone in together.

She was not afraid of evil and asked the master of Jiangu, can’t she even get in by herself?

Upon hearing this, Yu Ling’er suddenly became anxious, trying to stop but she didn’t dare to talk.

Ye Xiaoxiao’s heart is simple. Yu Ling’er brought her here. She wants to take the other person in and have a look.

Roaring Sky Dog’s puzzled head flickered. Suddenly, his ears paused, and then he pointed at Ye Xiaoxiao.

During the period, surprise eyes fell from all around, and then, some people looked at Yu Ling’er with a trace of envy in their eyes.

The ghost knows what kind of good fortune will you get when you enter this time!

But Ye Xiaoxiao and Yu Ling’er were overjoyed, looked at each other and quickly followed.

Just stepping into Wenjian Valley, passing through a transparent mask, and asking for time, Ye Xiaoxiao and Yu Ling’er were suddenly surprised by the scenery in front of them.

Around, Qionglou Yuge, Spiritual Qi swirling around, unknown Linghe waving its wings, long pointed mouth swept across a huge lake, a plump fish full of spiritual light was picked up directly , And then went away.

“Look at it, it’s Ziyun Koi, this is a rare spiritual thing in the heavens. If it is eaten for a long time, it can make people’s soul transparent and perceive the great road. Nowadays, one of the heavens needs tens of thousands of spiritual crystals! ”

Yu Ling’er excitedly pulled Ye Xiaoxiao and pointed.

Spirit Crystal, Spiritual Qi density surpasses Spirit Stones, and it is the main currency for transactions of middle-level practitioners and above in the heavens.

Although Ye Xiaoxiao was surprised, but the Cangjing Pavilion, Enlightenment Room and other precious treasures in the family did not let her go out like Wang Yulinger.

Immediately afterwards, the follower Roaring Sky Dog came to a path through the quiet, and the two of them were also shocked.

The top-grade Spiritual herbs that can be seen everywhere are listed among them. Each plant can be released to harvest countless spirit crystals, but here, like weeds, no one cares about it.

Even Linghe Linglu and other things don’t bother to move their mouths.

They grew up with snacks, they have long been immune to these, and the taste is not very good, they have better choices.

“Look, it’s the Sword intent grass, which can make swordsmen realize Sword intent, a good thing about kendo, here, it has become the ration of the spirit deer, asking the master of Sword Valley is too prodigal!”

Yu Ling’er was too excited, and shouted blankly.

Ye Xiaoxiao on the side suddenly pulled him, then looked at the snarling dog who looked back at them with an embarrassing smile, and apologized again and again.

The Sky Dog didn’t say much, but the expression in his eyes became a lot colder.

Although he can’t speak, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand. As his master, Ye Daocang has nothing to say to him over the years, and he naturally doesn’t want the other party to say bad things about him.

Had it not been for the master to see the two of them, he would have exploded long ago.

If you were asking outside of Jiangu, it might have started because of this. Don’t think he has a good temper.

In recent years, some people have made trouble outside the valley, and died in his hands, the Venerable Supreme, and even Tianzun, there are not a few!

After being warned by the snarling dog, Yu Ling’er swallowed her mouth immediately, her heart trembled, and she couldn’t help hiding behind Ye Xiaoxiao.

At the glance of the snarling dog, she felt that her own soul was about to freeze!

Ye Xiaoxiao is also very helpless.This friend is good at everything, but he is easily nervous and unobstructed. This time the warning of the snarling dog is also a good thing for her!

As time passed, I crossed the path and came to a huge forest.

Strains of Spiritual Roots took root on it, and they were full of spiritual fruits. All around, Spiritual Qi was about to liquefy.

A burst of animal laughter came, making the two of them look sideways.

I saw a group of golden-haired, blue-eyed, long-eared monkeys chirping through the forest, picking a ripe fruit and putting it in his arms from time to time.

From time to time, a little monkey laughed and made a lot of noise, and a little monkey seemed to reach out to a green fruit, and in a short time, a big hand hit its small hand.

Before the little monkey cried and made a lot of noise, a ripe fruit was stuffed in his monkey paws. The little monkey didn’t care about the pain, so he picked it up and gnawed.

“Little, look, it’s the Jade Fire Cloud Monkey. They are the natural winemakers of the Spirit Race. It is said that the fruit wine they brew has always been priceless in the heavens!”

“Furthermore, the Jade Fire Cloud Monkey advocates freedom. If caught, no matter what method is used, they would rather die than help people make wine. Now they are so comfortable Life is here!”

Yu Ling’er whispered with excitement, making Ye Xiaoxiao very helpless.

Roaring Sky Dog led a few people along the path, and the nearby Jade Cloud Fire Cloud Monkey was not afraid to see this.

Soon, a huge Jade Fire Cloud Monkey, which was twice the size of ordinary monkeys, came over. In his hand, there were several bamboo tubes.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Yu Ling’er could tell at a glance, this one in front of them is the Monkey King of the Monkey Clan!

It doesn’t seem that Monkey King has done this for the first time when he comes to the snarling dog.

I saw it put two long Lingvines on the body of the Sky Dog. There were seven or eight bamboo tubes hanging on both sides of the Lingvine. Just smelled it, and was intoxicated for a while.

“Oh my god, this should be the monkey king wine brewed by the monkey king himself. According to legend, one sip can make people intoxicated, the spirit platform is clear, and the thoughts go straight to the avenue. This thing is almost extinct in the heavens!”

Yu Ling’er seemed to be quite knowledgeable, and almost exclaimed once again.

It seemed that after hearing Yu Ling’er’s words, the monkey king straightened his chest, his face was proud, and he was very contented.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at the two of them, and then at the Roaring Sky Dog.

Seeing this, the snarling dog shook his head, and then shook a few more times.

The Monkey King seemed to understand the meaning of the snarling dog, and looked at the two of them with huge eyes, very surprised.

In my impression, this should be the first time that the owner of the valley has invited people in!

Then, he waved his hand again, and soon, two huge adult monkeys brought two bamboo tubes, and the monkey king gestured to them.

“Squeaky~!” The Monkey King said a few words, whether it is a spiritual creature, the two immediately understood.

Yu Ling’er almost exclaimed: “Little, he wants to give me Huoyun Monkey Wine. Although it is not as good as Monkey King Wine, it is also a treasure with a price and no market. Hurry! Hurry up! Pick it up! ”

Yu Ling’er urged Ye Xiaoxiao to come as she talked about a change. There was a snarling dog next to her, and she did not dare to go beyond it.

Ye Xiaoxiao was helpless, but still gratefully bowed, and then took two bamboo tubes.

Yu Ling’er got the bamboo tube and hung it on her face with excitement. With this bamboo tube monkey wine, the Divine Emperor Realm was not far away from her.

On the contrary, Ye Xiaoxiao looked plain, and the two continued to follow the snarling dog, and the speed began to accelerate.

Soon, on a mountainside in the canyon, the Skyroaring Dog took the two to a lake.

There, a man in white clothes floated like an immortal, independent of the above, holding a fishing rod made of Polygonatum odoratum in his hand, sitting there quietly.

At this moment, he gave Ye Xiaoxiao and Yu Ling’er the feeling that they were like an immortal in the world, as if they were all integrated into the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The artistic conception of a lonely boat and a Yoshida Weng, fishing alone in the snow in the cold river, deeply affected the two of them.

Yu Ling’er was stunned directly on the spot. In her life, she had never seen such a transcendent figure in the world.

But Ye Xiaoxiao was staring at this white figure, and a familiar feeling came to his heart, as if he had seen the other person wherever he was.

But she couldn’t think of it for a while, which made her uncomfortable and kept staring at each other.

At this moment, the figure in white suddenly moved.

I saw him holding the fishing rod with a wave. The next moment, a wave of ripples spread out from the lake, and a purple cloud koi king weighing several tens of catties flew directly from the lake towards the shore.

“Next!” A mellow voice came from the white-clothed man.

Seeing this, the snarling dog jumped directly, and bit the Ziyun Koi King accurately!

Then wagging his tail and headed towards the man in white.

At this moment, the white-clothed man slowly turned around.


A familiar feeling rushed into his heart, Ye Xiaoxiao looked at each other in shock like a lightning strike!

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