Chapter 158 Under the Taoist stage, everyone has to die!

Ye Daocang didn’t notice Ye Xiao’s gaze. Of course, he didn’t care more. In his heart, he completely regarded the other party as a good rising star in kendo.

As for the apprentices, he has no idea for the time being. Seeing the other party was just out of wanting to see He Fang Tianjiao the other party.

At this time, his gaze fell on the Roaring Sky Dog, and he smiled faintly: “The little monkey asked you to bring wine again?”

Roaring Sky Dog nodded slowly with the fish in his mouth.

Ye Daocang saw this and removed these bamboo tubes from the opponent’s back. Don’t underestimate this, but each of them is the size of a football field.

He was also full of emotion at this time. In the past, a small monkey that was rescued by a Demonic Beasts after establishing the valley again, in order to repay his favor, unexpectedly attracted thousands of Jade Fire Cloud Monkeys here.

These monkeys will arrange the whole question to Jiangu in an orderly manner.

Whenever he thinks of this, Ye Daocang feels even touched.

After taking a sip of the Monkey King Wine, Ye Daocang squinted his eyes and felt a familiar feeling, showing a knowing smile.

After a long time, he recovered and looked at Ye Xiaoxiao and Yu Ling’er.

Seeing Ye Daocang’s gaze, Yu Ling’er didn’t dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed her head and bowed a salute: “Junior, meet the senior of Wenjiangu Valley, senior!”

After speaking, she waited for a while, and she was shocked when she discovered that Ye Xiaoxiao hadn’t even spoken.

She was afraid that Ye Xiaoxiao would neglect the other party, so she would remind Ye Xiaoxiao.

But when she looked sideways, she was surprised.

Because Ye Xiaoxiao at this moment was excited, his eyes filled with joy, and a line of tears came out directly.

Yu Ling’er was suddenly startled, and looked at Ye Xiaoxiao in surprise, not understanding why the other party was like this!

At this moment, Ye Daocang couldn’t help looking at the other person, a trace of doubt flashed out.

Before Ye Daocang could speak, Ye Xiaoxiao knelt on the ground!

Yu Ling’er was suddenly shocked, but she knew Ye Xiaoxiao’s character, with the arrogance unique to a swordsman, she would rather bend than bend.

It would be hard to kill her if she wanted her to kneel down willingly.

But at this moment, the other party actually knelt down so easily, which she did not expect.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoxiao finally spoke.

“The vast Ye Family, the daughter of Ye Zangtian, the younger son of Ye Xiaoxiao, pay homage to the ancestors of Ye Daocang!”

As the Ye family, there is naturally a portrait of Ye Daocang in the family. She recognized Ye Daocang as the ancestor she was looking for at a glance!

Ye Xiaoxiao’s voice came, asking for time, Ye Daocang’s eyes suddenly condensed, and a hint of shock came out.

He didn’t have the blood of heirs to stay, so if he didn’t check the blood of Ye Family, it would be difficult to find.

At this moment, Ye Daocang’s heart was shocked to the extreme when he heard the other party’s words.

Afterwards, he didn’t talk nonsense, and directly activated the Eye of Insight.

[Ye Xiaoxiao: Ye family, the god king Cultivation Base, the only daughter born by Ye Zangtian and Fenglinger three thousand years ago, she is extremely talented, she is the body of the sky sword, the rare sword practice wizard in the world, because of the family crisis, she Resolutely decided to come out to find the two ancestors of the host and Ye Wushi!]

Ye Zangtian’s daughter!

Ye Daocang’s body was shocked, and then, a trace of shock was revealed in his eyes.

“It turned out to be the daughter of Funeral. I didn’t expect to see her in 100,000 years. Her daughters are all this old!” Ye Daocang couldn’t help but said with emotion.

Seeing this, Yu Ling’er on the side was already shocked to the point of incredible.

She originally planned to bring the other person here, to see if she could impress Ye Daocang and let him accept disciples, so that the Ye family crisis would be solved.

Unexpectedly, under the accidental collision, I found the ancestor of the Ye family, Ye Daocang!

Ye Daocang waved his sleeves, and the two immediately stood up and looked at Ye Daocang.

After 100,000 years of absence, Ye Daocang’s face remains the same, and the years have never left a trace on his face.

It was as if he did not belong to this world, and time and space could not take away half of the mark on his body.


Ye Daocang waved his hand. Three stone benches and a stone table appeared. Ye Daocang sat in the main seat and motioned for the two to sit down.

Yu Ling’er was a little bit cramped.Obviously, she knew very well that the person in front of her was definitely a large-powered existence, and she was a little bit ambitious if she sat in front of the other party!

On the contrary, Ye Xiaoxiao sat down very generously and looked at Yu Ling’er with a nervous face, Ye Xiaoxiao explained.

“Sit down, Ling’er, the ancestors are very talkative, and when they are practicing by the elders, all the elders admire the Patriarch, “!”

Seeing this, Yu Ling’er looked at this with a faint smile, and looked at Ye Xiaoxiao Ye Daocang lovingly, and then sat down cautiously.

After that, Ye Daocang waved his hand, two tea cups appeared, a pot of spirit tea appeared in his hand, and the green tea was poured into the cup.

“Try the tea I made myself, this, your father has never tasted it!” Ye Daocang said with a smile.

At this time, Ye Xiaoxiao no longer had the tightness and cold arrogance he had before, and completely showed his little girl’s character.

“Then I am much luckier than my father! Thank you ancestor, Ling’er, you can drink too!”

“Thank you senior!”

After the two of them finished speaking, they took the tea filled with the fragrance of tea, and took a bite.


As the tea poured into their stomachs, a huge Spiritual Qi surged into the sky. They wanted time, and they felt that they were so close to the avenue.

For a while, the two of them showed a relaxed expression of enjoyment, and the aura on their bodies continued to rise.

Ye Daocang was drinking tea by himself, and looking at Ye Xiaoxiao, he was extremely emotional.

In three thousand years, it is definitely not bad to cultivate to the god King Realm.

Regardless of him in the vast world, he has cultivated two million years of Magic power in a few decades, but without the blessing of the system and the Heavenly Dao list, he would not be able to do it.

Take Ye Wu Yechen and others as an example. Although Ye Daocang left, their accumulated Magic power had been tens of thousands of years.

But Ye Daocang is sure that it is almost impossible for them to accumulate magic power for a million years. Even if they want to accumulate magic power for one hundred thousand years, it will take decades, even a hundred years.

This is why they are the arrogant of the world.

And when they set foot in the heavens, breakthrough to the god emperor level, under the suppression of Zhutian’s Heavenly Dao rule, Ascension will become more difficult.

From the first stage cultivation of the gods to the half-step saints, the breakthrough achievement of the Sea of ​​Bitterness saints, Ye Daocang today is sure that even Ye Hao will not be able to do it in ten thousand years.

Even Ye Wu, with Huangtian, could not do the existence of the Emperor section, let alone other people.

Moreover, because of the help of Heavenly Dao list and Ye Daocang’s secret realm, these people can accumulate magic power for nearly 100,000 years in such a short period of time.

Ye Daocang is definitely an exception. After all, the magic power of millions of years is almost impossible in Minor World as long as it does not go the wrong way.

Even if someone does it, it will take more than ten thousand years. If this happens, it is better to set foot in the heavens!

Because Ye Daocang’s knowledge and physique are enough to support millions of years of magic power.

He is the body of the top-grade miscellaneous witch, and he has cultivated the Nine Cycles golden body to the sixth rank, and opened up the Chaos Cave Sky World. The combination of the three allows him to store more than a million years of Magic power!

Therefore, Ye Xiaoxiao’s breakthrough to the Divine King Realm for three thousand years, Ye Daocang feels that he is already a peerless Tianjiao.

Yu Ling’er next to her, placed in the vast world, is also a great arrogant, at least not much worse than Duan Muyu.

But the 20,000-year-old grade is no more than the Cultivation Base of the Divine King Realm.

I don’t know the little guys like Ye Wu, to what extent has Ascension been in these years?

Time flowed, and after three days passed, the two slowly opened their eyes.

Yulinger’s Cultivation Base runs through the top, reaching the pinnacle of the Holy King, only one step away from the breakthrough God Emperor.

Ye Xiaoxiao also came to the God King Eighth Stage, very powerful.

Looking at Ye Daocang, who looked at the two with a faint smile, the two quickly thanked them.

Ye Daocang waved his hand and looked at Yu Ling’er, with a hint of indifference in his eyes: “Originally, as a reward for bringing Xiao Xiao to find this seat, this seat should help you achieve the Emperor Realm, but you are on the Tongyou Path. Although the words of “are outspoken, but disrespect is disrespect. They only help you become the god king Ninth Stage. It is a lesson, and it will make you remember it in the future.

Know the truth of the evil coming out of your mouth!”

Ye Daocang’s voice was very low, but Yu Linger’s expression was shocked and pale.

She knew very well that if it weren’t for Ye Xiaoxiao’s reason, I’m afraid she would have been torn by the snarling dog on the spot!

And this look of Ye Daocang also completely impressed her.

Looking at Yu Ling’er at this time, although Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t bear it, she didn’t speak. She knew that this was for Yu Ling’er’s good.

“Thank you Senior for his magnanimity, Junior remembers it in his heart!” Yu Ling’er respectfully gave a big gift.

Ye Daocang faintly waved his hand: “It doesn’t need to be like this. The lesson this seat has given you has already been given. What happens in the future depends on your good fortune. Okay, you can go and wait outside the valley. Some homework!”

Ye Daocang’s voice is very cold. His enthusiasm has always been only given to the children of the family. For outsiders, he doesn’t even have the heart to look at it.

Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, Yu Ling’er didn’t dare to be anxious, and after a salute, followed the full snarling dog and left Wenjian Valley.

At this moment, she regretted to the extreme in her heart.She knew very well that if it weren’t for the unintentional remark of own, even if she couldn’t win the favor of Ye Xiaoxiao’s ancestor, at least she would not let herself leave!

At this moment, she regretted losing the chance of being promoted to the emperor by owning a mistake.

However, when she saw the monkey wine in her hand, she let out a sigh of relief.

With it, the breakthrough god emperor must be no problem.

After Yu Ling’er left, Ye Daocang’s indifferent expression showed a hint of softness, and he gave Ye Xiaoxiao a caring look: “Tell me about the Ye family’s affairs!”

“Okay!” Ye Xiaoxiao hurriedly sat down obediently, and said all the news of the Ye family.

It turned out that since Ye Daocang left the vast world, a thousand years later, Ye Hao was the first to break the barrier between heaven and earth and step into the heavens. His departure took away most of the strange buildings in the Ye family.

Soon afterwards, Ye Chen left after him. This time, he left with the nine top executives.

In the next hundred years, Ye Anlan, Ye Yan and other Tianjiao left one after another.

After that, in another five hundred years, Ye Qingcheng’s Great Xia Dynasty occupies an area and was completely promoted to the royal court level.

On the same day, Ye Qingcheng took the sacred capital of the Great Xia Palace to ascend. Many powerful Ye family members entered the sacred capital, and the follower Ye Qingcheng left.

In the next tens of thousands of years, everyone went around, Ye Wu, Ye Chen, and Ye Youran successfully met, and then chose a place as the Ye Family’s residence.

Three thousand years later, Ye Xiaoxiao’s father returned. After that, none of the remaining clan members returned.

In the following time, the Ye family also entered the development process, but it was extraordinarily low-key.

However, if the Ye family didn’t look for things, it didn’t mean that nothing would come to them.

Having said this, Ye Xiaoxiao glanced at Ye Daocang cautiously, and then spoke.

“…1-thousand years ago, my Ye family came out of a top Tianjiao named Ye Yiyi, a Dacheng Dao body that has not been born for hundreds of millions of years. When she went out to practice, she participated in a Taikoo Star arena and won the first place. But because of this, he was fancyed by the saint son of the strongest power of the Primordial Star, Ziyun Fire Sect, and wanted to welcome his relatives!’

“Naturally, Yiyi would not agree, but the other party was indeed very domineering and detained Yiyi here, and he came directly to the Ye family to inform that he would be married in 300 years, and it has been more than two hundred years now!”

“The clan is helpless about this. In the Ziyun Fire Sect, there is a supreme-level powerhouse, and it is reported that there is a super giant standing behind him!”

“By chance, I heard my father and Uncle Ye Wu talk. I heard that as long as I find the two ancestors of my Ye family, all crises will naturally be lifted!”

“So you ran out secretly and traveled through thousands of Galaxy to look for us everywhere?” Ye Daocang smiled and looked at her, feeling very emotional in his heart.

Sometimes miracles can really happen in the heart of a child!

Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but spit out his tongue, and looked at Ye Daocang as he waited for the late stage: “Patriarch, please take action and save Yiyi, she is definitely my Ye family’s rare treasure in the past few years!”

“Aren’t you?” Ye Daocang asked with a smile.

Looking at these two people, he was very clear that when he signed in the Boundless World, the two family Tianjiao disciples awarded by the system should be Ye Xiaoxiao and the one named Zao Yiyi in front of him.

You know, Dao body is not so easy to breed, even in the heavens.

“But Sister Yiyi’s talent and strength surpassed me. She is definitely the most powerful arrogant in my Ye family at the moment, Patriarch, hurry up with me to go back!” Ye Xiaoxiao couldn’t help acting like a baby.

It stands to reason that, except in front of her biological parents, even in front of Ye Hao and Ye Chen and others, she would not be like this.

But the feeling Ye Daocang gave her was so close to her, she just got up like this unconsciously.

Ye Daocang shook his head, “I’m not afraid to tell you, I can’t leave Wenjian Valley in this century!”

“Why?” Ye Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

Ye Daocang didn’t explain. Seeing this, Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of asking about the legend and time of Jiangu’s establishment. It suddenly became clear that Ye Daocang also had his own difficulties!

At this moment, she couldn’t help but become depressed.

Originally, I wanted to find Ye Daocang, and I would definitely be able to rescue Yiyi, but when I actually saw Ye Daocang, the other party couldn’t make a move.

Seeing this, Ye Daocang couldn’t help but smiled: “You girl, I only said that I can’t leave Wenjiangu, but I didn’t say that I can’t make a move. Why are you upset?”

Ye Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Daocang curiously, her small eyes filled with doubts.

Ye Daocang didn’t say much, he directly took out a picture scroll and handed it to her, saying, “There is a word of me in it, you take it back, and the crisis will resolve itself!”

Ye Xiaoxiao took it in a daze, but still felt a little unreliable. He couldn’t help but looked at Ye Daocang and said, “This thing is really useful? Ziyun Fire Sect, but with the supreme powerhouse!

Ye Daocang laughed blankly: “Even your father didn’t dare to question me, but you questioned me instead? Don’t worry, as soon as the word comes out, don’t talk about supreme, under the Taoist stage, whoever comes will be dead!


Hearing Ye Daocang’s words, Ye Xiaoxiao felt that the other side’s smile was full of endless self-confidence, and was shocked.

Carefully put away the picture scroll, Ye Xiaoxiao said excitedly: “Thank you ancestors, then I will leave first. When the family crisis is resolved, I will bring my father and them to visit you together!”

“Go!” Ye Daocang knew the other party was anxious about the family crisis, smiled faintly and spoke.

Looking at the back of Ye Xiaoxiao leaving, Ye Daocang said faintly: “Bifang Crane, follow her!”

His inability to leave does not mean that Bifang Crane and others cannot leave the towel.

The reason why they have not been asked to look for the Ye family over the years is entirely because Bifang Crane and their image are too single and cannot be transformed. If they are found by the young emperor and others, they will cause trouble to the upper body.

But at this time, after 100,000 years of cultivation, a powerful spirit burst out in Ye Daocang’s body.

“A hundred years, enough! Young Emperor, I am looking forward to the moment to meet you!”

A bright light flickered, and a terrible aura appeared directly.

At the same time, in the Ye family, a huge conspiracy crisis is brewing!

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