Chapter 173 The Six Great Emperors and Powerhouses Attack, Ye Daocang’s Calculations

“Huh?” Murong Wanqing said, looking at the scene in front of her, she was dumbfounded for a while.

She did not expect that the dignified quasi-emperor-level ancestor actually kept a watchdog.

However, this was not the end, and what surprised her even more was still to come.

I saw Ye Zhiqiu respectfully greeted the big black dog who was barking at the food bowl, saying, “I’ve seen the roaring dog senior, senior!”

The roaring dog raised its head, then threw the food bowl on the ground and barked at Ye Zhiqiu.


Hearing this voice, Ye Zhiqiu gave a wry smile, then waved his hand, and dozens of giant beasts and star beasts corpses were thrown into the food bowl.

The food bowl seems to be small, but it is actually all-encompassing, swallowing all the countless beasts.

“Wang!” The Howling Dog barked in satisfaction, then wagged its tail, no longer caring about the two of them, and directly put its head in the food bowl and ate.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu bowed again, and then walked inside with a confused Murong Wanqing.

Murong Xiaoqing only felt that her three views had been turned upside down. This dignified Ye family Tianjiao, since entering the Ye family, never thought of the treatment of Tianjiao at all.

He returned to the manor, just like an ordinary disciple returning to the manor, without any special treatment at all.

Not only that, when they came to Houshan, the other party even respectfully greeted a big black dog.

It seems that he noticed Murong Wanqing’s strangeness, Ye Zhiqiu didn’t care, just smiled faintly.

“Don’t underestimate howling dog senior, his strength is beyond your imagination!” Ye Zhiqiu turned his head to explain.

“How strong?” Murong Wanqing looked at him curiously.

Could it be that the other party is already a great sage? Or, a more powerful ancient sage!

It’s just that this big black dog has no air at all, so it’s too lacking in the demeanor of a strong man, right?

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu turned his head, and a faint voice came over.

“The quasi-emperor class, how strong do you think it is?”

Ye Zhiqiu’s light and cloudy voice shocked Murong Xiaoqing!

“Emperor Zhun, you, you say it’s Emperor Zhun?” Murong Wanqing stammered at Ye Zhiqiu and confirmed.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded with great certainty: “Of course, this is admitted by the ancestors, and also, don’t underestimate it, the roaring dog senior makes a move, even the emperor and the strong will be afraid!!

This was what Ye Wu told him, and his intuition told him that Ye Wu would not easily deceive him in these matters.

Murong Wanqing involuntarily took a deep breath, shocked to the extreme.

The most mysterious ancestor of the Ye family is indeed terrifying and powerful.

It is enough that he has the strength to kill the emperor. Now, even the divine beasts who guard the door are at the quasi-emperor level. This is too shocking!

She was still in shock. She had just stepped into the Valley of Swords, and everything in it once again shocked his heart to the extreme.

She originally thought that the Spiritual Qi system in the Ye family’s residence was extremely terrifying, and that one day of practice again equals five to seven days outside.

But after entering the Valley of Swords, she realized how outrageous the idea of ​​own was.

Here, it is like a hundred thousand peach gardens, harmonious, beautiful, and indisputable from the world!

For a time, she was extremely envious.

After harvesting two pots of monkey wine and some spiritual fruit, the two came to the middle of the mountain.

Ye Daocang sits alone, dressed in white, surpassing the snow, just like an exiled immortal walking out of a painting, detached between heaven and earth.

Around him, all Dao rhyme could not be added, and a random movement, as if the world was shaking.

In front of him, a stone bench, three stone cups, tea in the cups, steaming, obviously prepared for the two of them.

Murong Wanqing was shocked when she saw Ye Daocang’s real person for the first time. She did not expect that such a man would exist in the world.

Set handsome, domineering, arrogant, invincible, self-confidence in one, as if all magic power can not be added to the general terrible.

Fortunately, Ye Zhiqiu pulled her, and she quickly came back to her senses.

“Ye Zhiqiu, Murong Wanqing, meet the ancestors!” The two bowed in unison.

Ye Daocang lightly waved his sleeves, lifted the two up, and said with a smile, “Sit down! Drink!”

The two took their seats, thanked them, and drank the tea.

In an instant, the spiritual platform was clear and bright, as if all the avenues were pouring into him, and all the insights seemed to be blessed by nature.

Ye Zhiqiu was okay, Murong Wanqing was drinking tea for the first time and needed time, but this time, the Cultivation Base (aecf) of the Innate Ninth Stage directly climbed and broke out.

A cup of tea to make her go straight to Nirvana Ninth Stage day!

Seeing the silence in the comprehension, Ye Daocang directly activated the eye of insight!

[Murong Wanqing, Nirvana Realm Ninth Stage Heaven, Nine Tribulations Dao Body, is currently in the ninth Tribulation, and needs a monstrous atmosphere to help him hit the Happy Realm, and from now on he will become a master!”

After an unknown amount of time, Murong Wanqing came back to her senses and found that Ye Zhiqiu and Ye Daocang were no longer around.

In the distant lake, Ye Daocang and Ye Zhiqiu sat side by side, each with a fishing rod.

There is no leakage of Magic power, it seems that it is just like trying to fish.

There is no distinction between the two at the moment, as if old friends, chatting and laughing.

Soon, one fat fish after another was pulled to the shore.

However, Ye Daocang was obviously much faster than Ye Zhiqiu.

“Hehe, this is my home ground, it’s unrealistic for you to compare yourself with me here!” Ye Daocang’s voice came from Lang Shuang.

Ye Zhiqiu was not angry when he heard the words, but smiled faintly: “I am very satisfied to be able to lose so many fish, the Spiritual Qi contained in so many fish is large enough to nourish Wan Qing and help him break through the Nine Tribulations. The bottleneck of the Taoist body!”

After speaking, Ye Zhiqiu was also familiar with it, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly collected all the dozens of fish he had dropped.

This action made Ye Daocang stunned for a moment, and then pointed at the other party and scolded with a smile: “I said, why do you have time to fish with me, it turns out that the drunkard’s intention is not drinking!”

“Hehe! Wanqing woke up, and the boy is leaving today!” Ye Zhiqiu smiled, then bowed and came to Murong Wanqing’s side.

Let’s go, “Your condition Patriarch is clear, he said, let you wait for an opportunity, he will help you break through!” Ye Zhiqiu said with a smile.

Then he took Murong Wanqing’s hand and walked down the mountain.

At this moment, Murong Wanqing was still silent in a state of ignorance.

She never imagined that a quasi-emperor-level existence would be so approachable, without any pretence.

Thinking about the retired elders in my own family, the Cultivation Base is just average, not to mention the Galaxy, it is nothing in Long Yaoxing.

But on weekdays, when I see the younger generation of their family, they are all arrogant and arrogant.

For a time, she couldn’t help but laugh a little.

Sure enough, how could Firefly compete with Haoyue for brilliance!

Time is slipping away, and time does not stop.

In the Tianfan Galaxy, the Ye family, as a family with two quasi-emperor powerhouses, the Tianfan Ye family is really a behemoth in the Tianfan Galaxy.

They, here, have absolute right to speak.

But today, in the Tianfan Ye family’s residence, in a secret room, the three Great Heavenly Venerates and the two quasi-emperors have gathered together, and it seems that they are discussing something important.

All around, terrifying masks emerged one after another, isolating all the auras of Taoism, and no law particle could break through the mask and hear their conversations.

Tingfeng Zhundi, who was headed by him, as one of the two ancestors of Tianfan Ye-level, was the first to speak.

“After 100,000 years, I finally found the traces of the vast Ye family. Unexpectedly, they were quite able to hide, and they were hidden in Long Yaoxing for 100,000 years!”

“Fortunately, I found it in the end. Originally, this emperor thought that they were too bold to provoke us. Unexpectedly, they even dared to provoke the Vientiane Temple and the Demon Emperor and Young Sovereign!”

Another Emperor Zhun, Ting Yu Zhundi couldn’t help frowning: “The Ye family is really weird, the owner Ye Daocang, after 100,000 years, actually owns the Cultivation Base of Emperor Zhun, and also has the ability to kill Mo Wu. Dao’s combat power is truly terrifying and appalling!”

Also, “I don’t know what kind of trump cards they have to be able to Ascension to Emperor Zhundi in such a short period of time. Even the reincarnation of the Great Emperor can’t do it!”

“Humph! Those reincarnated great emperors are still struggling in the Old Sage Realm!” Ting Feng Zhundi said with a sneer, his disdain for those reincarnated emperors was not concealed in his words.

“No matter what, the Cang Mang Ye family can’t grow up. If it continues like this, my Tianfan Ye family will suffer!”

Everyone was chattering and speaking out all their opinions.

It was at this time that Emperor Ting Feng Zhun continued to speak: “Yesterday, this emperor received information from the Demon Emperor Palace and the Vientiane Temple, and they all wanted to join forces with my Tianfan Ye family, wanting to kill Ye Ye in one fell swoop. Family!”

Hearing this, everyone is not surprised, Ye Daocang has grown too fast, giving them endless pressure!

“It’s a pity that the Young Emperor of the Devil Emperor announced the Closed Door Training directly after he returned from the Land of the Fallen Immortal. Now even the people from the Devil Emperor Palace can’t find him where he is, but there are rumors that he seems to have found a way to advance to the quasi-immortal! ”

“It’s a pity, otherwise, Ye Daocang will definitely die if the Demon Emperor and the Young Emperor take action!”

Hearing the words of Emperor Yu Zhundi, he couldn’t help looking at Emperor Tingfeng Zhundi and asked directly, “What do you say now? What exactly did the people from the Vientiane Temple and the Devil’s Palace say?”

Hearing the words of Emperor Feng Zhun, he said lightly: “Demon Emperor Palace, the two great emperors will take action, and in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the two emperor-level palace masters will also take action, and they hope that my Tianfan Ye family will also go all out! “Hearing this, Emperor Ting Yuzhun couldn’t help but sneered: “Joke, this is clearly for my Tianfan Ye family to take the lead!”

A great Heavenly Venerate smiled bitterly: “What can be done, who makes us weaker than others!”

Hearing what Feng Zhundi said, he sneered: “Weak? That’s not necessarily!”

After he finished speaking, he sat up straight, took time, and an incomparably rich surging energy burst out directly.

Feeling this momentum, Emperor Tingyu Zhundi and the three Great Celestial Venerables couldn’t help being shocked, and looked at him in shock: “Great Emperor!”

Yes, this momentum, only the Great Emperor can burst out.

“Yes, I have already broken through to the Great Emperor. The reason why I hold back is to prepare to be the trump card of my Tianfan Ye family. At this time, I will destroy the vast Ye family and divide up their resources. I can’t even drink soup!”

Hearing Ting Feng Zhundi’s acknowledgement, the four of them were immediately overjoyed.

Great Emperor, that proves that their Tianfan Ye family has become a great emperor family from now on!

“I don’t know what the Patriarch has ordered?” Ting Yu Zhundi was also straightforward and spoke directly!

In the past, they discussed it, but after listening to Feng Zhundi’s breakthrough, it was directly up to him to decide.

Hearing this, Emperor Feng Zhun did not refuse, and spoke directly: “The Devil Emperor Palace and the Vientiane Heavenly Palace take us as a big head, how can it be so easy to take advantage of, at that time, my Tianfan Ye family will contribute the most, and will naturally gain the most!”

“I have already contacted the Great Emperor Beiyun, who is a veteran of the Fifth Stage of the Great Emperor. If we join forces, I will definitely have the ability to fight against them. At that time, how would they dare to oppose my Ye family taking the big head?”

Speaking of this, Emperor Tingfeng Zhun, no, it should be Emperor Tingfeng stood up and glanced at it.

Hearing the arrangement of Emperor Tingfeng, several people suddenly looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other’s eyes.

They stood up in unison and shouted in unison: “Follow the order of the head of the family!”

Soon, the three parties seemed to have reached an agreement, and three terrifying auras erupted. Under the leadership of six great emperors, several quasi-emperors, and dozens of great gods, they came towards the Galaxy.

For a time, the entire star field, the people were shocked, countless people, countless forces, and countless unparalleled powerhouses threw the wood over, and the heart was shocked to the point of disbelief.

At the same time, Ye Daocang, who was fishing alone in the Valley of Swords, moved his ears and raised his brows slightly.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that he sensed the other party’s movements, and he was not surprised and washed back.

Finally “moved, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

After he finished speaking, his entire body flashed and disappeared directly into the Valley of Swords.

At this moment, the Fengyun Galaxy was shaking, and countless eyes converged here.

“That! That is, the Vientiane Emperor and the Wanlong Emperor of the Vientiane Temple!”

“Look over there, it’s the Blood Demon Emperor and the Black Demon Emperor from the Demon Emperor Palace!”

“Hey~! There are also two quasi emperors of the Tianfan Ye family. The one behind him turned out to be the Great Emperor Beiyun. This is the stalwart existence of the Great Emperor Ninth Stage!”

“So many great emperors and powerhouses, come to my Galaxy, what is the matter!”

PS: The update will resume tomorrow. There are too many today. Let’s just relax at the end of the month. I wish everyone a happy National Day in advance!

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