Chapter 174 The Terrifying Technique of One Gasification and Three Purification

“Look, the direction they are heading is Fengpoxing!”

“Hey~! Fengpoxing, isn’t that the Ye family’s territory? Could it be that they are going to find the Ye family’s bad luck?”

“It’s 80% true. The mysterious head of the Ye family, Mo Wudao, who almost killed the emperor’s strongman with Zhundi’s Cultivation Base. It seems that 80% of the time there is a festival between the two sides!”

“Hey~! This Ye family’s patriarch is a ruthless man! He has provoked so many great forces in one fell swoop, and wants to kill the Ye family together!”

“Maybe it was provoked a few years ago. Now that he is so powerful, I don’t want to give him any more time to grow up!”

“Eighty percent of it is true! It’s a pity that this Ye family is gone!”

Everyone couldn’t help but sigh, as if it was a pity for the rising human race.

At this time, although everyone in the Ye family looked cautious, there was still no fear or fear at all.

At this moment, Ye Wu walked out slowly, and a voice spread through everyone’s eardrums.

“The family already has a solution, you can just wait and see what happens!

Hearing Ye Wu’s voice and seeing Ye Wu standing up in white clothes, everyone’s expressions suddenly softened.

Ye Zhiqiu squeezed Murong Wanqing’s hand and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, trust the owner, in my Ye family, there is nothing that the owner can’t do!”

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu’s words, Murong Wanqing remembered the peerless figure in white, and couldn’t help but smile: “Well, I believe in you!”

Afterwards, she couldn’t help but start to guess, six great emperors, several quasi emperors, dozens of great heavenly deities, the mysterious head of the family, can it really be done?

At this time, the three parties did not intend to stop, they continued to move forward, and soon, they came to the edge of Fengpoxing.

At this moment, a voice appeared.

“Everyone, stay here, the poor road is arrogant!”

A dull voice with Dao rhythm appeared, which shocked everyone and stopped unconsciously.

Afterwards, everyone was startled, and suddenly found that, at some point, a middle-aged man appeared beside them.

Several people looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

The Blood Demon Emperor and the Black Demon Emperor looked at each other, and then, the Blood Demon Emperor stepped forward. He found that he could not see the other’s Cultivation Base, and was very cautious for a while.

“Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?” The Black Demon Emperor stepped forward and asked with a cold look at the other party.

The middle-aged man didn’t have a brain to face the questioning, but smiled lightly: “I want to know my origin, you are very good!”

After he finished speaking, a singing voice came from his mouth!

“Hongmeng first sentenced to have a reputation, and practiced Innate to gather Five Elements.

The three flowers on the top face north, and the five breaths in the chest permeate the Nanxi River.

In the group of immortals, it is called Yuanshi, and the words of Xuanmiaomen have not yet arisen.

The fragrant flowers follow the valley, and the vicissitudes of life are the same. ”

After saying this, the middle-aged man in Taoist robe gave a faint smile: “Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, poor Taoist Yuqing Daoist!”

Hearing these words and hearing the other party’s poems, everyone just felt a terrifying aura coming towards them, this middle-aged man gave people a sense of ignorance and sternness!

The black demon was even more gloomy, and he directly scolded: “What Hongmeng and Innate Five Elements, you are also worthy of being called a fairy? Get out of the way, otherwise, kill!”

After he finished speaking, an endless stream of imperial power came out of the body of the Black Demon Land, and the vast soup came out, heading towards Yuqing Daoist.

As soon as this momentum came out, everyone’s heart suddenly trembled, and a trace of fear immediately flowed out.The might of the great emperor is really terrifying~!

However, this terrifying aura came to Yuqing Daoist and immediately disappeared.

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, everyone, this road is dead!” Yuqing Daoist explained with a slight smile.

Presumptuous “!” The Dark Lord opened his mouth in anger, The next moment, a punch fell in the air.

The terrifying giant fist turned into a huge luminous body for a moment, as if it had gathered the power of thousands of Golden Crows, and rushed towards Yuqing Daoist, as if to kill him on the spot.

Wherever he passed, a vacuum was created, and all the mysteries and laws dissipated under this punch.

Seeing that Yuqing Daoist was about to be annihilated under a single strike, he smiled faintly: “Break!


As if the words follow the law, accompanied by his words, The next moment, the terrifying light of thousands of punches, it will take time to dissipate cleanly and disappear into ashes!

Then, I saw that Yuqing Daoist smiled and waved his sleeves!

The Black Demon Emperor’s expression changed drastically, he felt a powerful force coming towards his face, and without saying a word, he directly resorted to his most powerful defensive trick.

Just after the deployment, a terrifying stalwart force erupted directly, resounding the eternal Galaxy Cluster.

The Black Demon Emperor was struck by lightning, and he couldn’t control it any longer, and flew backwards directly behind him.

The Blood Demon emperor on the side quickly stepped forward to assist him!

“How is it?” Blood Demon Emperor stared at Yuqing Daoist and asked.

The Black Demon Emperor shook his head: “It’s fine, but it’s not easy to wipe, so be careful!” Yes

The Blood Demon Emperor nodded slowly. At this moment, he could see that this Yuqing Daoist was not easy.

He couldn’t help but turn his head and said to the team: “We will stop him, and we will go and destroy the Ye family first!

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and shot one after another, terrifying killing moves, killing Yuqing Daoist.

Yuqing Daoist was not afraid, he stepped forward directly, transformed into a Pangu flag, and fought against the opponent.

For a time, three terrifying beings fought on this side of the Galaxy.

Seeing this, the team didn’t talk nonsense and continued on their way. However, at this moment, another sound of singing came.

“Opening up Heavenly Dao, talking about scriptures and discussing Fabi’s travels in Beijing.

The Five Qis are passed down from the Yuan Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, and the Three Flowers Gather on the Top to perform No Life.

The golden light on the top is divided into five colors, and the red lotus under the foot travels thousands of miles.

Eight Trigrams Xianyi Fei Ziqi, Three-Edged Sword No. Green Apple. ”

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were startled again, and they quickly turned around to see that a young man in Taoist robe stepped out of the air, with a long sword with a gleaming blue light around his waist!

Everyone looked at each other and saw the shock and caution in each other’s eyes!

Good guy, that guy just now claimed to be an immortal, and he was the first judge of Hongmeng, and he was also a member of Innate Five Elements.

This is a good thing in front of me, I will give you a sentence that opens up the world!

At this moment, not only them, the wind and rain Galaxy, and the people around the Galaxy all cast their attention, wondering who this person is!

“Who are you!” The Master of the Vientiane Heavenly Palace stepped out and asked directly.

Hearing the words, the young man smiled lightly: “The impoverished Daoist, everyone, this road is dead!”

After he finished speaking, he slashed out with a sword, and a terrifying Sword Qi flickered, coming directly towards the Great Emperor of Vientiane.

The Great Emperor of Vientiane did not dare to neglect, and directly showed its original shape, but it was an abyss demon.

I saw him roaring up to the sky, stepping on the ground, and when he needed time, a thunderclap in the clear sky shook the galaxy, and the void began to tremble.

But even so, he was still forced back by this Sword Qi.

Seeing this, the Great Emperor Wanlong on the side knew that the Great Emperor Wanxiang was unsupportive, and immediately followed suit.

At this moment, he didn’t forget to shout at the people beside him: “You keep moving forward, the two emperors will kill this wipe and come!”

After speaking, the three of them fought in one area again.

At this moment, the team became heavier, and a surge of pressure increased sharply.

Before reaching Fengpoxing, there are already four less great emperors!

But at this moment, under the gazes of countless people, they could only bite the bullet and move on under the leadership of the Great Emperor Beiyun.

I don’t know the way forward, is there any other way?

However, at this moment, a faint, slightly old, but clear, old voice came over again, accompanied by a singing sound.

“Fuermen, Chinese and French are even more mysterious, mercury and lead meet immortals.

Before leaving the mother’s belly, the head will turn white, and then the qi of the gods is full.

Indoor pill refining is Shenwuji, and there is medicine in the furnace, Innate.

To create a guest in the Eight Views Palace, regardless of the tens of thousands of years in the world. ”

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, everyone, the poor Daoist Taiqing Daoist is polite!”

In front, another Taoist-robed old man bowed slightly, smiled faintly, looked at the team and said.

Good guy, just passed a so-called immortal and a pioneer, and now there is another immortal fetus, each of them is too arrogant!

The Great Emperor Beiyun looked gloomy, he felt that he seemed to be on a pirate ship, and the vast Ye family did not seem to be as easy to deal with as he imagined!

“Blockers, die!”

He couldn’t help roaring, and the Great Emperor Fifth Stage Cultivation Base erupted, killing Taiqing Daoist directly.

0… ask for flowers…

However, Taiqing Daoist just smiled faintly, stretched out one hand, and a virtual pole began to condense and form directly.

The two sides only had a few simple fights, and the Great Emperor Beiyun fell into the disadvantage.

Of course, this is also related to the reason why he is unwilling to go all out to shoot!

He yelled directly at the team: “Don’t come to help!”

Hearing this, the hidden Emperor Tingfeng finally stopped hiding. He was afraid that if he was hiding, the Emperor Beiyun would quit his job, which would be embarrassing!

Thinking of this, a stalwart aura rose up into the sky, killing Taiqing Daoist.

Seeing this, Taiqing Daoist didn’t care, but smiled lightly: “Good day!”

It takes time, and another battlefield takes shape!

Hearing the appearance of Emperor Feng, the blood demon and the four great emperors of Wanxiang Wanlong in the distance looked gloomy, and there were all kinds of curses in their hearts.

Obviously, they did not expect that Ye Daocang was hiding so deeply!

But at this moment, the six great emperors were all entangled, and the team suddenly appeared the phenomenon of six gods and no masters.

Fortunately, at this time, Emperor Ting Yu Zhun said directly: “Let’s go, destroy the Ye family first!”

After that, the team will move on.

However, on the edge of Fengpoxing, at some point, a black dog with a thin leg and a fiery red one-legged ominous bird spread its huge wings, staring at them with fierce flames. The aura belonging to the quasi emperor burst out unabashedly.

Seeing this, everyone immediately knew that the other party was blocking the way!

They glanced at each other, no longer concealed it, no nonsense at all, their momentum skyrocketed, and they came directly to kill them.


Bifang Crane and Howling Dog didn’t care, and the stalwart aura directly rioted, and they took time to kill them.

Soon, the horror of Bifang Crane and Howling Dog was shocking.

Fortunately, they reacted very quickly and set up two great formations, temporarily trapping and suppressing the two!

“Trap them first, and when the emperor returns, they will die!”

Hearing the Emperor Zhun speak directly, many of the Emperor Zhun and the Great Heavenly Venerable nodded their heads in agreement!

At this moment, in a place they didn’t know, above the void, a figure in white looked down at the scene in front of him.

The man in white is Ye Daocang.

This is the first time he has used Yi Qi Hua San Qing, although it is not known how many times worse than Tai Shang Lai.

However, this technique of transforming the three clears can still rely on a trace of the holy power of the three clears, plus the Cultivation Base of the Emperor Zhun, to fight against two emperor-level powerhouses.

Of course, there are still drawbacks. The other party can’t keep the real body forever. After a certain period of time, they will disappear, and the next time they reappear, it will take a long time!

But for Ye Daocang, it was enough.

He looked at the blindly battling side lightly, his expression remained unchanged, and then he directly pulled away and went into the distance.

No one has been able to find his trace from beginning to end!

Pieces of the void were shattered by him, and then he plunged into it, and when he appeared again, it was already several galaxies away.

If a strong man sees this, he will definitely be shocked.

Shattering Void can be done in the Other Shore Realm, but traveling through the Void is something that only the Great Emperor can do.

But Ye Daocang, the Emperor Cultivation Base, was running wildly.

In the Tianfan Galaxy, Tianfanxing, and the Ye family, several Tianzun-level powerhouses sat alone, chatting and laughing.

“Everyone, after all, the Patriarch and the others should almost arrive at Fengpoxing!”

“Aah, the Ye family will be destroyed. I hope that the mysterious thing of the Ye family will be acquired by my Tianfan Ye family!”

“Definitely, the owner has hidden Cultivation Base for so long, waiting for this moment!”

“That’s right, the time for my Tianfan Ye family to flourish is coming!

Several people looked at each other very confidently, and saw the shock in each other’s eyes, as if their Ye family was about to rise!

However, at this time!


Between heaven and earth, all the void is shaking and bursting.

In the sky above Tianfan Ye’s house, a terrifying aura of stalwart descended, and countless auras fell, as if it meant to shatter the heavenly palace!

At this moment, countless people are afraid and change color!

PS: Yesterday there were very few updates, and I was very frightened. The first thing I woke up today, I quickly wrote an update! Do,

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