Chapter 175 Complete the task, massive rewards!

“what is that?”

“Who! He Fang, dare to touch my Tianfan Ye family?”

“Stop! My family Tingfeng Zhundi has been promoted to the emperor. If you dare to take action against my Ye family, Tingfeng will kill you at the ends of the earth!”

At this time, a huge hall descended from the sky, and wherever it passed, it seemed that pieces of the ancient world were bursting.

One after another, the power of terrifying aura emerged, shattering the sky and destroying everything!

The lines on the lobby are clearly visible, as if thousands of voids are bursting and shattering.

Wherever I passed, I saw an ancient world piece shattered, countless great worlds collapsed, turned into mirrors and drifted with the wind!

In this hall, there is a prestige that covers trillions of billions of worlds. Wherever it goes, the sky is shattered, and all the particles are broken and exploded.

Ye Daocang’s aura couldn’t stop flowing, and under the palm of his hand, pieces of the void split.

After opening the layers of void blockade, he came towards Tianfan Yejia’s residence.

At this moment, the countless forces in the entire Tianfanxing raised their heads in awe, and did not dare to move the shrapnel.

The residual power of this palm was revealed, making them feel like they were about to suffocate.

“This emperor Ye Daocang, today, is here to destroy the Ye family of Tianfan!”

Above the sky, the fire is burning, as if to refine the ancient dome of the world, and the fiery breath burns Qingming!

At the very center of the flame, an ancient white-robed giant soared into the sky, looking down at this ancient land.

Ye Daocang’s expression did not change, the stalwart aura swept across Xiong Qiong, and the big palm fell into the air under the incredible eyes of countless people!

Finally, under the eyes of countless people, this palm finally fell.

I don’t know that the hundreds of millions of square meters of the lobby are covered with empty lids, and all materials are destroyed at this moment.

In the eyes of everyone, one after another flickered in horror, separated by several light-speed distances, they could still see clearly, the unbelievable shock on Tianfan Ye’s face at this time.

And, under the big palm, the members of the giant family who just happened to be above, panicked at this time, and the color of fear filled with tears.


A shrill scream spread all over the place, attracting the attention of countless people, making people tremble for a while.

Then, in the eyes of countless people, the lobby was empty!


A huge deep pit appeared, the eyes of countless people changed color, and complex eyes fell into the dissipated lobby.

After the big palm, it was dead silent here!

Under the lobby, all the breath of life disappeared, and nothing emerged.

Everyone’s eyes were horrified to the extreme, and no one thought that the Ye family would be destroyed like this.

The mountain-guarding formation, which is said to be able to block the attack of the Emperor, has no effect at all under this palm, like a bubble in the water, the joy will be broken!

After the Tianfan Ye family was destroyed, under Ye Daocang’s eyes, everyone’s eyes slowly revealed.

I saw the white-clothed figure of Raging Flame Brahma in the Qionglu of Eternal Age, slowly dissipating, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

After everything dissipated, everyone slowly came back to their senses and was full of emotion.

The Tianfan Ye family was destroyed like this?

For a while, everyone fell silent.

“No! Not yet, don’t forget, although the Tianfan Ye family has been destroyed, their high-level officials are still there. The three Great Heavenly Venerates and the two Zhun Emperors are still alive. No, it is said that Feng Zhundi has already broken through to the Great Emperor. !”

“Yeah, if Ye Daocang can’t kill them, even killing them won’t help the wolf, and the other party will come after them!”

“Let’s wait and see, I always feel that Ye Daocang is not easy, every time he makes a move, it is earth-shaking!

Everyone kept talking, and at this moment, Ye Daocang, standing on the vast void, the void storm whistling around, blowing his ink hair can’t stop blowing, and his strong and powerful cheeks are exposed. .

Beneath Jianmei’s starry eyes, there is a relaxed indifference and freehand brushwork.

“The Tianfan Ye family was destroyed, the next one should be the Vientiane Temple!”

A strange color flashed in his eyes, and then, Ye Daocang’s figure appeared, heading towards the Vientiane Galaxy.

Different from the Tianfan Ye family, the Vientiane Temple is a well-deserved top giant that has survived for tens of millions of years.

The Galaxy they occupy is in no way inferior to Fengyun Galaxy and Longteng Galaxy!

From this, it can be seen how terrifying the existence of a great emperor is!

Arriving alone on the Vientiane Galaxy, Ye Daocang stared indifferently at the most central Primordial Star, his expression did not change at all.

Qing Yunjian did not know when it appeared in his hand, and with his knot, it kept spinning and getting bigger.

A majestic and terrifying aura agitated in the air, kept clamoring and soaring.

The terrifying Sword Qi flowed violently, even if it was only a trace of leakage, the surrounding space swayed suddenly, and a space crack exploded directly.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged, looking at the Qingyun sword that had been extended indefinitely, he said lightly: “Go!


The roaring void storm was thunderous, and a void was directly shattered. Above the Vientiane Galaxy, a void broke open, and the Azure Cloud Sword emerged from it.


The terrifying swordsmanship suddenly emerged, and the four square temples were born, and the ancient Stars exploded, shattered, and turned into endless powder.

One after another terrifying power of the world was pushed aside, pointing directly at the Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, the giants of the entire Galaxy opened their eyes one after another and looked towards the sky in horror.

I saw thousands of visions derived from the giant sword.

There are bull demons trampling the void, there are real dragons soaring into weak waters, there are pure-blooded fire phoenixes opening their mouths, the fire of Nirvana erupts, burning the world, there are terrifying giant tortoises uttering bursts of tortoises, it takes time, the waters of the seas will explode Pot, soaring into the sky.


For a time, I don’t know how many air-conditioning sounds, and one after another terrified eyes fell on it, awe to the extreme.

At this moment, countless terrified voices appeared, invading the hearts of everyone, and one after another shocking voice appeared.

“What kind of magic is this, why is it so terrifying!”

“What a terrifying swordsmanship, with just a hint of Sword intent, it can blow up a star and make it explode directly!”

“Who is it? How dare you attack the Vientiane Temple? Don’t you know that it has an emperor in charge?

For a time, countless people opened their mouths in astonishment, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Since the Vientiane Temple has stood in the Vientiane Galaxy for tens of millions of years, no one party has dared to attack it.

At this time, in the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, there was a young figure. He looked young and vigorous, but he also exuded the Cultivation Base of the ancient sage, which was shocking.

Looking at this giant sword, his heart moved, The next moment, the color of fear was endless.

“This is Qingyun Sword, the enlightened Divine Armament of the Patriarch of the Cang Mang Ye Family, how could it appear here?”

Palace Master, “Aren’t they going to destroy the Cangmang Ye family? Why did the other party’s family master come here and take action against my Vientiane Heavenly Palace?”

However, at this time, no one could answer his question.

The giant sword flowed, and all the pictures flickered. Above the boundless void, the giant sword pierced through the void in an instant, rolling Sword Ray flowing, and plunged into the Vientiane Heavenly Palace below.


The sword’s momentum was pressed down, like a torrent of the ages, and it fell in the air!

The terrifyingness of this strike is beyond everyone’s imagination. The terrifying Sword Qi is facing the sky, rioting, and shaking the world alone. No matter where any Divine Armament technique appears, it can’t be touched, and it is directly annihilated and crushed by it. break, disappear.

In the end, the giant sword fell from the sky and submerged into the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, setting off thousands of waves, and the rivers flowed endlessly!


In an instant, the void trembled, time and space were subverted, all ages were destroyed, and all beings were annihilated.

The smoke and dust rose from the sky, and a huge mushroom cloud suddenly appeared, like a riot in the starry sky.

All matter, at this moment, turned into thousands of particles, annihilated, and dissipated in the eyes of the common people.

After everything dissipated, a blue light flickered with these words, and the void seemed to be broken by a hole.

Everyone followed this huge void hole and looked over.

I saw the boundless eternity divine light flowing, and the air of the sky flickered, urging the minds of the common people.

Above the air in the sky, a stalwart supreme being clothed in dazzling golden light, independent above the void, the unparalleled air waves emerge from the sky…

Everyone just felt terrified, and they heard more than they heard.

I saw that stalwart existence stretched out his hand faintly, a terrifying light surging Galaxy Cluster, the brilliance of the sky rioted, the Qingyun Sword turned into a streamer, and it fell into Ye Daocang’s hands with a large amount of resources.

Afterwards, Ye Daocang glanced back at the surroundings lightly, and disappeared at the end of the void!


This scene has a deep impact on the hearts of all beings!

But this time, almost no one cares about them.

Ye Daocang held the Qingyun Sword, beer roaring the world, surging the common people, and a pinnacle Sword Qi washed the eyes of the common people.

In the vast void storm, a man in white clothes exuding divine light protection was rushing through.

Pieces of ancient Galaxy were shuttled by him.

His speed has surpassed the speed of light, reaching an extreme.

The Movement Technique, which is so far away, has soared his speed to an extreme.

Finally, in the fast rush, Ye Daocang’s figure slowly appeared on the Fengyun Galaxy.

Looking indifferently at the several places where they were fighting, the three incarnations of the three incarnations were still fighting against the six great emperors.

But the naked eye can see that Sanqing’s avatar body has a lot of embroidered butterflies!

“Attention, they are not real bodies, they are just incarnations from time and space that are summoned by a secret technique. Just work harder and break them!”

The excited voice of the Blood Demon Emperor appeared.

The other five great emperors obviously also discovered this scene, and the strength of the shot was even stronger.

If things go on like this, Sanqing’s incarnation won’t last long.

His expression remained unchanged, the blue light flashed, without attracting anyone’s attention, he returned to the Valley of Swords.

[Ding~! After completing the main task 1 and destroying the Vientiane Temple and the Tianfan Ye family, do you choose to receive the reward?)


[Ding~! Successfully received, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Cultivation Base of the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage, the Qingyun Sword to the Divine Armament of the Divine Armament, the success of plundering the luck of the two clans, and obtaining 10 million exchange points!

Hearing this news, Ye Daocang’s whole body, Cultivation Base began to climb continuously, and in an instant, he broke through the Cultivation Base that countless people could not reach, the quasi emperor Ninth Stage!

Feeling the power doubled dozens of times, Ye Daocang glanced outside the door.

Although he already has great confidence to compete against the powerhouses of the six great emperors, this is not what he wants.

Among the six great emperors, Blood Demon and Black Demon are not at the Sixth Stage, Vientiane Wanlong is the Fourth Stage, Beiyun is the Fifth Stage, and only Tingfeng is the First Stage.

The Great Emperor is a Realm, First Stage, 2.5 Even if he is promoted to the Quasi Emperor Ninth Stage, there is no possibility of killing them after joining forces.

But what if the breakthrough reached the First Stage of the Great Emperor?

He has absolute certainty that the Great Emperor – Heavy, can be invincible to the Great Emperor Realm!

Thinking of this, he didn’t say any more, exchanged for a 1-turn Gold Core, and with the luck of the two clans, he directly started this Closed Door Training.

At this moment, in the Ye family, Ye Zhiqiu and Murong Wanqing were watching the battle above the void.

Suddenly, a majestic force of luck, a bit like the Qi of Xuanhuang Qi, fell directly on Murong Wanqing’s body.

“Breakthrough!” Ye Daocang’s flat voice fell into the ears of the two of them.

Murong Wanqing didn’t dare to neglect her, and before she could even say her thanks, she sat up in the middle of the stream.

This power of luck is something she has seen before, and it is terrifying before.

Soon, she entered the Closed Door Training.

At this time, Ye Daocang had already fallen into Closed Door Training.

For this breakthrough, he even consumed 2 million exchange points to exchange the time flow rate and the gold core of the pole.

At this moment, the battle of Fengyun Galaxy continues.

Anyone with discerning eyes can see that Sanqing’s incarnation is getting weaker and weaker, and it may be exploded at some point.

One day the incarnation of Sanqing was broken, and the battle was about to be rewritten.

Ye family, do you have any other cards and backgrounds?

For a time, everyone’s eyes were full of doubts!

PS: I’m sorry, I didn’t see that chapter 173 was blocked, and I’m contacting the editor.

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