Chapter 176 breakthrough, killing the emperor with one eye

Time is flowing, the battlefield of Sanqing Daoist is particularly fierce, and the collision between the two sides can be described as needle-point to Maimang, showing no mercy.

The six great emperor-level powerhouses, no matter how they acted, were unable to obtain the Sanqing Daoist. For a time, countless people were shocked.

Pieces of ancient great worlds were shattered, one side of the world was annihilated from then on, and one after another Primordial Star rioted in the air, bursting endlessly.

Hundred years of time are fleeting, and here, a large area of ​​space has been punched out.

And at this moment, the sky above the Galaxy, I do not know how many figures of ancient giants have been attracted.

Their battle has attracted countless ancient beings to open, looking towards this side.

“Who is this so-called Sanqing Daoist, and why is it so terrifying?”

“It doesn’t seem to be in this world, but it is detached from the world, very strange!”

“But no matter what, they are going to dissipate. I wonder if the vast Ye family has other cards?

“Let’s try it out!”

The voices of discussion appeared one after another, attracting the attention of not knowing how many people.

On this day, the six emperor-level powerhouses seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, and the terrifying aura of the stalwart broke out.


In the emptiness, I don’t know who opened this mouth first, The next moment, the aura of Wu Wu can’t stop flowing, deafening.

“Death!” The Black Demon Emperor roared angrily, and an imperial soldier’s long spear pierced all directions, piercing towards Yuqing Daoist.

The Blood Demon Emperor on the side was also not to be outdone, a terrifying spear pierced through the starry sky, pointing directly at Yuqing Daoist.

“It’s over, old thief, everything is over, die!”

The Great Emperor of Vientiane rushed to the Galaxy Cluster with a sword, cutting through time and space, annihilating nothingness!

The Great Emperor Wanlong on the side was full of riots, surrounded by ancient real dragons, gathered together, and rushed towards the Shangqing Daoist.

Taiqing “Old thief, you 04 die for me!”

At the same time, Emperor Beiyun and Emperor Tingfeng rioted at the same time. With a knife and hammer, they broke through the sky at the same time, and fell towards Ye Daocang.


A vacuum zone appeared directly, and the surrounding void storm seemed to be stagnant at this moment.

Almost in an instant, the terrifying ultimate move fell on Sanqing.

This time, Sanqing Daoist did not resist and let these ultimate moves fall on his own.

The picture is almost frozen at this moment.

Seeing that Sanqing Daoist had endured such a killing move, the eyes of the six emperor-level powerhouses flashed with pleasure.

The fear and fear hidden in the depths of the heart slowly drained away and disappeared.

However, at this time, Sanqing Daoist smiled faintly, opened his mouth inexplicably, his voice was exceptionally consistent, and said almost at the same time: “Yeah! It’s time to end!”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the six great emperors suddenly condensed, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.

Their eyes kept changing and they were about to ask questions, but at this time, Sanqing Daoist’s body had slowly disappeared in front of them.

At this moment, in the entire void area, no trace of them could be found anymore.

The six great emperors gathered together, looked at each other, and saw the unease in each other’s eyes.

Where does this unease come from?

At this moment, the answer has appeared!


A terrifying stalwart power came, and the aura of the sky that could be broken rose into the sky, covering one side and annihilating one side and another side of the great world.

“This is?”

At this moment, the expressions of countless people changed, and a trace of horror and emotion emerged.

“Someone has made a breakthrough! Hiss~~!”

“Who is it? The breakthrough Emperor Realm at this time?”

“Unbelievable, who is it?”

“That direction? It’s the Ye family. Could it be that Ye Daocang, the head of the Ye family, made a breakthrough?”

“Hey~~! If the deity guessed correctly, it won’t take long for him to break through the quasi emperor!”

“This! What kind of shocking secret does this person have to be able to break through to the emperor in such a short period of time?”

At this moment, everyone was talking about it, and many strong people were curious to inquire.

In an instant, when he learned that Ye Daocang’s breakthrough was only a thousand years later, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

For a time, complex eyes flowed out, and in the vast void, a group of stalwart figures began to appear looming.

Unsurprisingly, Ye Daocang’s secret caught their attention.

At this moment, the eyes of the six great emperor-level powerhouses also changed, and all kinds of brilliance could not stop flowing.


Above the boundless void, six imposing great emperors looked down at the world below indifferently, and the killing intent in their eyes seemed to be condensed into reality.

There is no need to “talk more, if you don’t make a move at this time, when will you wait? Kill!”

A clear drink sounded, and a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the six great emperors.

Now there is no turning back, as emperors, they have wisdom beyond ordinary people.

When they shot Ye Daocang, there was no turning back.

“Take the two animals to open the knife first!” In the eyes of Emperor Tingfeng, a killing intent flickered, and a terrifying knife light pierced the sky and came towards the head of the Roaring Dog.

Just now, it was he who killed a great Heavenly Venerate of his Tianfan Ye family, causing their Tianfan Ye family to be injured and broken.

The terrifying sword light directly broke the power of the rules in the sky, and a knife that stretched hundreds of millions of distances came directly to the roaring dog.


this strike, irresistible!

At this moment, Ye Daocang has a breakthrough, but Roaring Dog and Bifang Crane have not completely transformed.

The Howling Dog is not as evil as Ye Daocang, and cannot resist the power of the Great Emperor.

Seeing that he was about to die under this knife.

at this time!


Two terrifying rays of light were projected from the Valley of Swords, penetrating the void Galaxy Cluster!

Where the rays of light passed, an invincible killing intent traversed the sky, captivating people’s minds, causing people to change color immediately.

Directly penetrated by this ray of light, the terrifying sword light with a distance of hundreds of millions, which took time, exploded with a bang.

Not only that, these two radiant prestige still undiminished, and the powerful force broke through this powerful void and extended towards Emperor Tingfeng.

The monstrous and terrifying killing intent is known for eternity, as if it can shatter time.

Emperor Tingfeng felt an unprecedented killing intent, but he did not panic because he had experienced life and death and suffering.

“The great emperor is also divided into superiors and inferiors, don’t use Mo Wudao to describe me as a land that relies on the power of the ancestors’ blood to make breakthroughs.

A majestic voice came out of his mouth, The next moment, he slashed through the void with a knife, and when the emperor’s divine sword in his hand passed, the eternal void area trembled.


How powerful, how powerful, and how invincible this sword is!

With a single strike, all the ten directions will be destroyed, and I am invincible, sweeping away thousands of armies!

That is, at this moment, the two sides collided directly.

In an instant, the ten thousand Dao exploded, and the rules turned into particles, which drifted away with the void storm.

A collision between the two sides, high and low, and the boiling void stagnates for a moment.

The two laser beams and the sword glow stopped at this moment.

It seems like a moment, and it seems like eternity!

The next moment, a huge explosion came.


I saw that a moment later, among the two terrifying lasers, a terrifying power of chaos suddenly appeared and blessed it, and the terrifying pupil light directly crushed the sword light of Emperor Tingfeng with an invincible attitude.

Then, two terrifying laser beams directly penetrated his body.

Two huge blood holes were directly broken open from his body, and an infinite amount of qi and blood slowly dripped out from them.

Listening to the Great Emperor Feng, his eyes were shocked, and then, an incredible look appeared.

He couldn’t imagine that he was defeated like this, and was killed by one move!

“You can’t help but open your mouth and want to say something, but in the end, the body fell directly, pulled by the endless void storm, and fell into the void.

This is the horror of the void. When you have no emperor energy in your body, in front of the void storm, you are no different from the ants.

One blow, the emperor falls!

For a time, the entire void was silent.

The figures of the giants who had been eyeing the tigers, ready to capture Ye Daocang and asked him what happened, stopped one after another!

Emperor Tingfeng is not strong, only the Great Emperor First Stage Heaven, but even if the Great Emperor Seventh Stage Heaven wants to kill him, it takes a little effort.

But it is such a terrifying existence, in front of Ye Daocang, it seems so insignificant.

For a time, the whole place was dead silent.

Immediately afterwards, everyone’s eyes followed the source of the laser.

I saw a figure in white slowly standing there in Fengpo Xing, the back mountain where the Ye family was stationed, and in Wenjian Valley.

In his eyes, there is still a boundless Killing intent flowing, the terrifying Chaos Qi and the two lasers that killed the emperor and powerhouse just now have the same origin!


All around, the sound of inhalation appeared directly.

It was the eyes of this white-robed emperor who killed the powerful emperor.

Ye Daocang put his hands behind his back and looked at the void above the Galaxy with indifference.

He ignored everyone’s gaze and looked indifferently at the place where Emperor Tingfeng disappeared.

“The great emperors of the same level are also divided into superior and inferior, but this sentence is obviously not suitable for this emperor!

Ye Daocang’s cold voice echoed in the eardrums of the common people.

Anyone who heard this would feel that 353 was struck by an invincible and supreme spirit.

For a time, their hearts began to tremble.

Then, ignoring everyone’s eyes, Ye Daocang stepped out.


The moment his footsteps crossed, it was as if thousands of worlds flowed under his feet.

In an instant, his figure appeared directly above the void, and the five statues were still in front of the shocking Great Emperor.

Afterwards, an independent world, the aura that overwhelmed the time and space of the ages, burst out from his body.

He looked around at the countless figures of the stalwart giants, and spoke indifferently.

“This emperor has become a great emperor, when he is invincible in the world, and under the title of the great emperor, everything is ants!”

Plain, indifferent, indifferent, beer off, unparalleled breath, with Ye Daocang’s voice, it is an immersive sense of sight.

“What kind of existence can utter such arrogant words that reveal supreme arrogance!

“These words made my heart swell and my whole body trembled and excited!”

“There is no easy person who can become a great emperor, I have a feeling that the imperial battle is about to break out!

Eyes lit up in the void, looking down at the stalwart figure, telling excitedly.

Imperial War!

Only battles above the emperor level can be called imperial battles!

Feeling the endless Emperor Qi floating in the vast and ancient void, countless people’s eyes showed an expression of incomparable expectation.

The invincible aura that rushed toward the face shocked the five great emperors, and at the same time, they were also furious.

They burst out one by one, and their killing intent was overwhelming, and they came straight from all directions.

“You are too arrogant and arrogant. You think that Mo Wudao, who is defeated by the power of blood, kills a quasi-emperor, First Stage’s Tingfeng, and you can call us?”

“You alone want to fight against our five great emperors, are you qualified?”

Hearing their words, Ye Daocang smiled slightly and stepped out, the surrounding void was subverted, and time and space seemed to be stagnant at this moment.

“Just me alone is enough!

Ye Daocang smiled faintly, the Qingyun sword appeared in his hand, and the sword swept across the sky, and the eternity collapsed!


The boundless voice of anger resounded through this void Galaxy Cluster, and the sound echoed endlessly!

PS: The third is coming as promised, the beginning of the month, give a monthly pass, lovely babies!

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