Chapter 177 Bai Yi wins snow, kills the emperor

The emperor was furious, causing the entire meteorite storm to emerge, and the meteorites that were only seen in the void rioted.

The five great emperors rushed to the Galaxy Cluster, and the invincible ultimate moves surged, as if they were going to kill Ye Daocang on the spot.

“This emperor, who has been in the Great Emperor Realm for three million years, what are you? My majesty, it allows your provocation? Death!”

In an instant, the sky was full of thunder, and thousands of rolling thunders rushed towards Ye Daocang.

“If you want to kill our great emperor, you should practice for another million years, alas!”

The blood demon emperor was furious, and the endless blood demon surging, assimilated a starry sky, eroding the fearless time and space.


The other three great emperors were also furious, one after another terrifying ultimate move emerged from their hands, and wherever they passed, there was a sound like a whine, and the end was terrifying!

Facing this strike, Ye Daocang, who held his hands above the void, did not change his expression, and even responded in a mood.

“Sorry wait, it’s enough now, the emperor level, I’m invincible!”

After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but say that with the Qingyun Sword in his hand, one sword smashed all the rules of the world.


The void trembled, and wherever Sword Ray passed, it directly tore apart a void storm, achieving an unprecedented cut-off.

During the circulation of Sword Ray, his strength was vividly displayed.

Even this sword separated the figures of the five great emperors.

Looking at Sword Ray, who had traveled hundreds of millions of distances, the five great emperors were afraid.

Where Sword Ray has passed, the terrifying ultimate moves of many great emperors, under a single strike, appear so bleak.

One sword broke Wanfa!

Ye Daocang’s expression didn’t show any joy, instead, his aura became more turbulent and violent.



The wind in the sky kept whizzing past, reflecting Ye Daocang’s perseverance and cheapness.

Under the eyes of Jianmei, his sword trembled slightly!


Chaos Sword Dao, Devouring the Heavens!

A piece of Sword Ray came, and the overwhelming sword shadow spread all over the void, cutting the ancient world one piece after another with reckless actions.

The terrifying chaotic swordsmanship emerged in the sky, and the meaning of chaos was vented, swallowing all the laws, rules and particles around, and assimilating them.

The entire void seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​chaos, and only Ye Daocang was swimming in it.

And the expressions of the five great emperors changed dramatically, and this power of chaos actually made them have the consciousness of Death.

The five great emperors looked at each other and saw the perseverance and ruthlessness in each other’s eyes.

This time, it’s time to work hard!

Thinking of this, they stopped talking and started rioting!

“The Dark Demon Heaven of the Great Emperor’s Treasures!

“The Great Emperor’s Treasures of Heaven and Blood!”

The Great Emperor “The Northern Emperor of Treasures is rampant!”

“The Vientiane Transit of the Great Emperor’s Treasures!

“The Great Emperor’s Treasures of Ten Thousand Dragons Soar!”

The terrifying ultimate move that belonged to the five great emperors broke out, crushing and shattering everything around them, and finally temporarily separated the power of chaos.

Afterwards, the five great emperors joined hands and shouted in unison, and the five terrifying emperor treasures rioted directly and smashed towards Ye Daocang in front of him.


The rioting sound of the void was deafening, as if it was about to tear the eardrums of the common people.

The emperor’s qi in the sky vented, as if to deprive them of their lives and torn their souls, causing them to tremble with fear.

But even so, they still have no intention of taking back their minds.

The imperial battle is unprecedented, peerless and rare.

They don’t want to miss out.

Asked about the outbreak of the terrifying Great Emperor’s Treasure Technique, shattering the world from one side to the other, smashing through the voids one after another, as if one side of chaos dominates at a glance.

But at this time, Ye Daocang’s Chaos Kendo also broke out.

The dazzling Sword Ray aura of endless catharsis broke through the blockade of one ancient world after another, and went straight to the five great emperors.

It takes time, the six ultimate moves collide together!

“Die!” The five great emperors and the powerhouses all roared and roared with fierce expressions on their faces.

On the other hand, Dao Cang, who was dressed in white and beat the snow, had the Qingyun Sword in his hand, giving him infinite confidence.

Regarding the ultimate moves of several people, his expression did not change in the slightest.

A sword in the air, smashing through the ages.

I saw a trace of coldness in Ye Daocang’s incomparably cold and indifferent eyes.

“This emperor has said that in the Great Emperor Realm, I will be invincible in the world and break it!”

The cold voice echoed in this void, penetrated the eardrums of the common people, and ingested the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Ye Daocang looked extremely bottlenecked, his eyes were extremely cold, and his eyes pierced through the starry sky.

He is the emperor!

What an eternal arrogance, the first practitioner in the world!

What is invincible for eternity, suppressing a terrifying Galaxy’s non-existence!

What an amazing and brilliant generation, when the world is outstanding!

As long as he is in the Great Emperor Realm, in front of him, he will all bow his head.

He is the number one in the world, and the only one who can ignore the Emperor Ninth Stage and kill people.


From his innate self-confidence and invincible will!

For a time, countless people were shocked, however, they were not given any time to prepare.

Ye Daocang strikes again!

He steps, sword like wind!

The power of chaos emerged in the eyes, blessing on the sword body!

A ray of light that is like opening up the sky and the earth is flashing red, and all the existence of matter of innumerable magnitudes, under this sword, disappears, disappears with the wind!

This sword cut through the world and showed his invincibility to the fullest.

Wherever the kendo passes, everything is collapsing, pieces of the void world are shattering, and the kendo that reaches the sky is terrifying between the past and the present!

At this moment, what the emperor’s treasures, what invincible magical powers, under this sword, are like bubbles in the water, and they will shatter at the touch of a finger!


There was a riot in the void, and the void storm that covered the entire Galaxy exploded.

In the blink of an eye, five figures flew out directly from the center of the explosion.

At the moment, their hair flying, look pale, clothes broken, embarrassed endless.

Above the mouth, the great drops of blood are drawn to live with.

At a glance, this sword, let them exceptionally upset.

Cultivation Base lowest Wanlong the Great is not even under control, direct emitting a bruising, drifting in the emptiness.

Seeing a lot of god-tier pass, raspberry unfortunately endless.

That was the blood of Heavenly Emperor, ah, even if it is congestion, as long as pay more refining, the Emperor of the Great extracted, but also the one treasure ah!

But at this moment, where we are concerned about it is obviously not here.

Jiangong sword, Ye Daocang momentum unabated, person sword, terrible things will Jian Shi Fang Xinghai, the party crushed into powder.

Pacific Star a gold flow and kept in the void broken boom exploded, amazing!

He still looks the same, Albatron sword in hand, chaos kendo storm swept across the sky, also a sword, turned and fell, breaking a party.

Massive, grand sword upright, with the Galaxy Cluster eternal light derived indications endless animals, from horizontal strike.

At this moment, Ninth Stage Days, Nine Heavens ten to, empty circles, Xinghai, have burst.

The sword, earth shattering!

The sword, cut off time and space!

The sword, horizontal pressure Qing Ming!

The sword, Posuixukong!

For a time, the crisis of Death comes, directly around the void collapse, called ten all off!

When the real sword resorted to, between heaven and earth, all eyes are brought together in the top of the sword.

Five Great look Sudden pressure Death told they must escape.

However, they are ready to fight Shattering Void space shuttle time to leave.

Ye Daocang heard the cold voice appears! “Earthquake!”


Game time, surrounded by empty, as if a zillion times as strengthened, become particularly real condensate, particularly hard up.

They even shot, can not do it broke.

At this moment, they look great changes are considered together.

“Damn it ah! Give me a break!”

“Darn, Ye Daocang, who gave you the courage, then kill this emperor!”

“You do not let this emperor escape, if this emperor to leave, and you will die endlessly!”

For a time, a voice echoed in the empty road, people to see raspberry endless.

A Great First Stage, Battle five Great forty-five Sixth Stage, only to hit your head random string of them, nowhere to escape!

However, their answer is Ye Daocang that comes from strength.

The endless chaos of the compression force, blessing, Sword Ray looming, as if to give the four Fang Zhenyu broke open the same.

This sword, when the air is still, at this moment, the Great gave up the other five, have resorted to their most powerful Sha Zhao, want to resist!



The whole piece of vanity, I do not know how great it has, how far away.

A static void, because this time even violent collision, began trembling.

Boundless distant places, feel here without fear of the storm, surrounded by countless empty monster scared trembling, toward the distant chaos string together.This time of fighting, unexpectedly caused a beast tide storm of a group of void beasts.

But obviously, at this time, no one cares about this scene.

After a huge blasting sound, everyone looked sideways, and their breathing became rapid.

Although the five great emperors at this time are not dead, it is enough to see that they have suffered heavy losses and are very uncomfortable.

But they healed their wounds flawlessly, but they were staring into the distance.

There, not knowing how far away, another white dot came towards them in an instant.

In the end, Bai Dian turned into a figure in white with a sword, looking down at them indifferently, the indifference in his eyes was undisguised.

Finally, when he came to the front of the five great emperors again, countless eyes came over.

It was still a one-on-five match, but Ye Daocang, who was supposed to be very weak in the eyes of everyone, now appears to be so strong.

His white clothes stirred, his black hair shawls, and the gap between the fluttering hair seems to have three thousand worlds flowing through.

He was completely intact, not even the slightest dirt on his white clothes!

On the other hand, the five great emperors, their clothes burst, blood dripped from the corners of their mouths, their eyes were broken, and they were bleak.

Emperor Beiyun’s expression changed, and at this moment, Emperor Tingfeng and Tianfan Ye Family, who had invited him to come, scolded bloody heads.

I thought it was a trivial matter to divide the dirty and return the friendship of an old friend, but I didn’t expect it, but in the end it threatened my own life.

After the expression changed for a while, Emperor Beiyun held his heavily wounded body and cupped his hands towards Ye Daocang with an extremely embarrassing expression!

~ Daoist brother’s strength is decisive, Beiyun is sincerely convinced, this battle, I am convinced, and I hope Daoist brother will let me go, I am willing to promise Daoist brother three conditions!”


As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion all around. Obviously, no one would have imagined that the existence of the dignified Fifth Stage would be soft on a strong man from the First Stage.

All eyes were on Ye Daocang for a while, wondering, will he accept it (good Li Zhao)?

However, it was Ye Daocang’s sword that answered him.


Sword Ray arrived in an instant, took off the opponent’s head directly, and killed him on the spot.

In front of Ye Daocang, the Great Emperor Beiyun, who was severely injured, was like a child, and he had no ability to resist.

He waved his hand lightly and directly put away the opponent’s body.

The body of the Great Emperor is comparable to the treasure of a Heavenly Emperor. If it were divided, it would be a huge Ascension for everyone in the Ye family.


Countless people looked at the scene in front of them and couldn’t help but gasp.

Obviously, none of them thought that Ye Daocang didn’t let them go.

Facing Emperor Beiyun who begged for mercy, Ye Daocang said he would kill him!

Seeing this, the two great emperors, Wanxiang and Wanlong, looked at each other and saw the determination in each other’s eyes.

“Kill! Let’s die together!”

The two great emperors suddenly began to burn their own Blood Essence, bursting with unprecedented vigor, and the Cultivation Base also climbed again and again, directly to the Seventh Stage of the Great Emperor, and came towards Ye Daocang.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained undiminished, and the indifference in his eyes was particularly strong.

A sword was in the air, and in an instant, the sword force exploded, and the great avenues were directly shattered.

The next moment, Ye Daocang’s sword, once again took the lives of the two great emperors.

At this moment, because of the outbreak of the two, the two great emperors, Blood Demon and Black Demon, broke the barrier of this void and wanted to escape.

However, what responded to them was a Sword Ray, blocking their way!

Ye Daocang dressed in white and slowly appeared!

PS: I asked for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month, my dears, since I have more than 700,000 characters and 800,000 words and I still insist on updating 12,000 daily, please support me with a monthly pass, thank you!,

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