Chapter 180 Ten thousand years, a new secret realm opens

“Okay!” Ye Mo nodded lightly, looking at Mo Wudao with a determined face, he nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he lightly took out a fruit and handed it to Mo Wudao.

“Countercurrent Fruit!” Mo Wudao was instantly overjoyed, Yedi really never deceived him!

The countercurrent fruit, the countercurrent source, the body of the conversion emperor, with it, the own Tao body can definitely be converted perfectly.

Ye Di smiled lightly: “Don’t worry, as long as you practice seriously, the Habitat Alliance will never treat you badly!”

The subordinate “I respectfully obey the emperor’s order!” Mo Wudao was very straightforward, and directly called himself a subordinate.

Ye Di waved his hand: “The Habitat Alliance has regulations, and it is not easy to reveal your identity. Once it is revealed, there will be strong people who will come to take your life.

“After you go back, remember to abide by the essence of your own, and do whatever you need to do. Remember, you are only responsible for this emperor, and when you need you, this emperor will naturally come to find you!”

“Yes!” Mo Wudao was also very straightforward and spoke directly.

Seeing this, Ye Di waved his hand: “So, this emperor will send you back, remember, everything will be business as usual when you go back!”

After he finished speaking, he was about to start, but he thought of something and couldn’t help but said: “Remember, you must not reveal your own identity, otherwise, you will definitely die. I might as well tell you a little more, whether it is Baixiao Pavilion or Tianjilou. , there are people from my Habitat Alliance, once you dare to mention these five words, they will definitely trace the origin immediately, find you, and kill you!”

“Three Five Seven” Hearing the other party’s words, Mo Wudao couldn’t help being shocked, and he was secretly shocked. He did not expect that the other party would penetrate so terrifyingly.

It was not enough to think that this force was established during the Heaven Court period, and he was relieved.

Maybe, all the heavens have their people, even if it is its own Heilong clan, there is not necessarily no one.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but be cautious.

Afterwards, he asked again: “Yes, but what is the mission of the subordinates after they return?”

Ye Di said indifferently: “Look for something to deal with the Ye family, try to win over the people to deal with them, and advertise the other party’s journey from the emperor’s cultivation to the emperor in less than ten thousand years, which is extremely mysterious!”

Mo Wu Dao was startled in his heart, and then, he seemed to think of something again, and he couldn’t help but said: “Before I have been asking the patriarch to decide for me, wanting to destroy the Ye family, the patriarch originally promised well, but now directly I rejected it, and I don’t know why!”

When Mo Wudao said this, he was extremely depressed.

However, he also has to thank the other party, otherwise, the Habitat Alliance may not be able to find him, and he will not get the fruit of rebellion!

Hearing this, Ye Di curled his lips involuntarily: “It’s normal for him to do this, don’t you think that Ye Daocang is the most powerful among the Ye family?”

When Mo Wudao heard the words, he couldn’t help being surprised: “Could it be that there is someone more powerful than Ye Daocang?”

Ye Di smiled lightly: “Naturally, his name is Ye Wushi, and he has the title of Great Emperor. Before, my slaughter alliance underestimated him, and he actually killed a titled Great Emperor!”

“However, this person is really strong. When the secret of Ye Daocang’s practice was exposed, several titled emperors wanted to arrest Ye Daocang and forced him to find out what happened, but Ye Wushi blocked them. , even effortlessly, forced them back!”


Mo Wu Dao’s heart lingered in fear, and he couldn’t help taking a breath of cold air, shocked to the extreme.

He didn’t expect that the Ye family was so mysterious, no wonder the patriarch didn’t want to help him out.

For a time, he couldn’t help but feel a little more jealous of the Ye family.

When Ye Di saw this, he couldn’t help but wave his hand: “Ye Wushi has our own way to deal with it, and even Ye Daocang will have someone to trouble him, your purpose is to make trouble for him, don’t expose it easily. Just do it yourself!

Hearing this, Mo Wudao slowly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a lot more relaxed.

Following Ye Di’s wave, Mo Wudao quietly appeared in his palace. This time, even the head of the Black Dragon Clan did not notice.

“Emperor Ye is worthy of being Emperor Ye, it’s really scary!” Mo Wudao said sincerely.

Afterwards, he took out the fruit of rebellion, and without a word, he ate it in one mouthful.

At this moment, in the vacuum after he left, Ye Di did not leave.

He moved towards a certain direction and slowly bowed: “I have seen Hai Zhunxian!”

As his voice fell, in this boundless vacuum, the barrenness of the ages flowed and brushed past.

Immediately afterwards, an exceptionally young figure slowly appeared in this vacuum.

His arrogance is compelling, and he has appeared. Time and space are collapsing in all ages, all worlds collapse, and pieces of void directly begin to collapse.

He is Lei Hai Quanxian, one of the quasi-immortals in the world.

Lei Hai Zhunxian nodded lightly, as if he didn’t care about this.

Then, the two stood directly side by side.

Yeti will own doubts it out: “Why, quasi-immortal adults will select him?”

This is the night emperor’s own confusion, a mere second stage emperor, and even the body of a half emperor, how could he possibly see it?

Lehigh quasi-immortal faint smile: “First, he leaves home and grudges, because Ye Daocang, he suffered ridicule the world, so in dealing with leaves home, he would choose to go all out, this cautious than those of small It is much easier to control a small emperor and a strong man!”

“Second, while this man won a rebellious fruit, but because the body is half the reason Emperor, had no hope of lifelong title the Great, which also can save most of the opportunity!

Third, “his identity, well controlled, no one would suspect him, to have him involved with leaves home, Wudeng can go all out to deal with that leaves no beginning of!

“Habitat Alliance in the Great title has begun exposed, especially human race, once completely broke, Wudeng future of counsel would be particularly difficult!”

“In recent years, the human race has repeatedly lost titled emperors and quasi-immortal powerhouses, and has begun to be vigilant!

Lei Haizhun said, he couldn’t help sighing, as if he was blaming some people above for being a little impatient, which led to the dissatisfaction of the accelerated plan.

After hearing these words, Ye Di nodded!

Then, he said involuntarily: “A mere human race, now I don’t know how many lost soldiers will be lost, how long can I jump? Even if they know about it? Why should I fear them in the Habitat Alliance?”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but pouted, as if a little disdain.

Lei Hai Zhunxian didn’t see it that way.

With solemn eyes, he looked at Ye Di and said, “Your thoughts are very dangerous. Human race, as the top ten or even the top five races in the heavens, has a profound heritage and unfathomable strength, far beyond your imagination!”

“You must know that the human race was definitely the first race in the heavens when that existence created the Heaven Court back then. How can such a top-level existence be underestimated?”

It seems that “In these years, I have planned so many titled emperors and quasi-immortals, but compared with the glorious human race at the peak period, it is still nothing!”

“What’s more, the human race is best at hiding. Who knows how many strong people they have?”

“I’ll just tell you this. Back then, Heaven Court disintegrated. Although three of Heaven Court’s nine human quasi-immortal elders were attacked and killed by the Alliance, and one died of old age, five are still alive! ”

“Think about it for yourself, how much Magic power have these five old monsters accumulated since the days of Heaven Court, and what is their strength?

After listening to Lei Hai Zhunxian’s words, Ye Di’s casual eyes suddenly became serious.

Thinking of his previous thoughts, he couldn’t help being dignified to the extreme.

Lei Hai Zhunxian smiled lightly: “Okay, you don’t need to worry so much, the human race has a deep heritage, and our slaughter alliance is not built. The terrifying Heaven Court can be dismantled by us, so why worry now? As long as Just be careful!”

Hearing this, Ye Di nodded involuntarily.

Afterwards, Lei Hai Zhunxian waved his hand slowly, and in time, all the matter around him annihilated and disappeared.

The figures of the two also disappeared here, and then, the entire vacuum zone collapsed directly, and there was no trace of the two of them coming.

Time flies, and among the heavens, time seems to be the least valuable thing.

In an instant, another thousand years passed by.

In ten thousand years, the strength of the Ye family has grown exponentially.

Ye Daocang only Ascension First Stage Day Realm, came to Second Stage Day, but it is still very scary.

As for Ye Hao and others’ Cultivation Base, after ten thousand years of practice and the return of Ye Daocang, each family has awakened their spirituality. The breakthrough is very fast, and they have come to the Supreme Ninth Stage. One step away.

After Ye Chen and Ye Qingcheng, the Supreme Eighth Stage peaked, and the rest of the people also came to the Supreme Eighth Stage.

Ye Xiaoxiao and Ye Yiyi lived up to expectations and were promoted from Saint to Realm.

Ye Zhiqiu and Murong Wanqing’s Cultivation Base also broke out, especially for Murong Wanqing, the nine calamities of the Nine Tribulations Dao Body, a large amount of accumulation, made his Cultivation Base directly equalize with Ye Zhiqiu.

Now, both of them are Cultivation Bases of the God King Realm, and they are only one step away from the God King.

This time, after the new Dragon Tiger List, everyone was called to the back mountain.

More than 3,000 people, with the lessons learned from the past, all of them for a while, but also forcing their inner excitement and perseverance, and walked over.

Asked about the sword in the valley, accompanied by a big wave of Ye Daocang’s hand.

Everyone found that the surrounding pictures began to shatter.

Immediately afterwards, they appeared on a blood-red earth, and the blood mist wafted all over the sky. Even though it was blocked by ten thousand layers of time and space and the world, everyone still felt the monstrous blood rushing towards them.

The magnificent earth on this side is now full of blood-colored aura, as if it has dyed the world red.

Then, all around, the disintegrating primordial spirit, the fluttering soul, and the fragile soul power floated above this great wasteland, attracting the attention of countless people.

“This is the Great Desolation?” Ye Wu, Ye Chen and the others were all very surprised, and involuntarily looked towards Ye Daocang.

Ye Daocang nodded slowly: “This is after the first Lich War, and it also happened after Chang’e flew to the moon!”

Hearing Ye Daocang tell the time line here, everyone felt their hearts tremble, and they watched silently without saying a word.

Ye Daocang didn’t talk nonsense, and explained it directly: “After the battle that year, after Chang’e flew to the moon, the two Lich clans have completely torn their faces.

“The ancestors of the Wu clan seem to have found something to refine the physical quality of the Wu clan, and the strength of the Wu clan suddenly increased by 2.5! The physical strength surpassed that of the most powerful Donghuang Taiyi in the demon clan. Except for the East Emperor Taiyi, almost no one has broken the defense of Zuwu!”

Ye Daocang said with emotion, and the overall strength of the Wu clan was that of Ascension at that time.

Since then, the big witch has the strength to fight against the quasi-sage early stage. If it is not for the breakthrough of the quasi-sage by the ten demon saints, I am afraid the consequences will be even more unimaginable!

Feeling the terrifying and powerful ancestors, the demon emperor Dijun discovered that the Divine Armament, which was condensed from the human body and blood, had the power to destroy the ancestors’ physical body, so he launched a war of annihilation against the human race. The Human Cultivator of billions and billions of calculations was killed and became the material for refining Divine Armament and Slayer Sword!

“On the other hand, the witch tribe also felt the secrets of the monster tribe. In order to prevent the monster tribe from refining too much Divine Armament, they also issued a slaughter order for the human tribe. In the slaughter!”

“The two hegemons in the world slaughtered the human race at the same time, causing the human race to almost be annihilated!

Hearing these words, the people of the Ye family were shocked and sighed that the human race in this world is not easy!

Ye Daocang was unmoved and continued to talk.

“Death of the human race, the soul has nowhere to be placed, only drifting in the wild land, which is what we are seeing now!”

After saying this, Dad Ye Dao waved his hand, The next moment, the picture began to spin continuously, and an ancient sea of ​​blood appeared, imprinted in everyone’s eyes!

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