Chapter 181 Not for the reconciliation, just to wait for your return in Samsara

The terrifying blood that rises from the void to the sky ravages the minds of everyone. A smear of terrifying Blood Qi seems to be able to invade everyone’s minds through the fearless time and space.

If it takes time, everyone is involuntarily surprised!

“What is this place? Why does it give me the feeling of the dirtiest place in the world!”

“Even the blood purgatory of the blood race of the heavens does not have such a terrifying feeling!”

“It’s so powerful, it’s worthy of the prehistoric times, every place is so mysterious, so terrifying and unparalleled!”

The people of the Ye family started to talk about it.

“This place is called, Sea of ​​Blood!” Ye Daocang said indifferently, solving the doubts for everyone.

“Sea of ​​blood?” Everyone was stunned again, this was the first time they had heard of such a place!

Ye Daocang smiled lightly: “You will naturally know the origin of the sea of ​​​​blood in the future, but you only need to know that this is the place where the blood of the great and desolate tribes gathers after every war!”


Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but be startled, it turned out to be the gathering place of the blood of the heavens.

For a time, they looked at the boundless sea of ​​blood and sighed with emotion.

Afterwards, they looked at Ye Daocang again, not quite understanding, what was Ye Daocang bringing them here this time?

Ye Daocang smiled faintly, seeming to sense everyone’s doubts, and then he waved his hand involuntarily.


Time was accelerating in an instant, and not long after, a beautiful image slowly came over from a distance, her face was covered with clear tears, and a feeling of grief filled the hearts of everyone.

Ye Daocang’s heart moved, and a trembling feeling emerged.

He didn’t understand why he would care so much when he saw this woman.

The woman’s tears 04 The tears were not stopped, and she kissed her mouth, not knowing what she was talking about.

All the way to the sea of ​​​​blood, her sea of ​​knowledge seemed to be opened, and a trace of enlightenment came to her heart.

“It’s the Queen’s Ancestor Witch, one of the Twelve Ancestor Witches!” Someone recognized the identity of the other party and said immediately.

At this time, Hou Tu stood on the edge of the sea of ​​​​blood, looking down at the place where the blood of the Father God turned, and said nothing for a long time.

“Is this my destiny?” Houtu couldn’t help but feel relieved and sighed again.

At this time, in the sea of ​​blood, the blood waves were surging into the sky, and the boundless Blood Qi tossed away, ravaging the Eight Wastelands.

Immediately afterwards, in the sea of ​​blood, an old man in a blood-red Taoist robe walked out slowly. ,

“It’s him!” Seeing this, many people in the Ye family couldn’t help but say, they recognized the old man and had seen it in the Zixiao Palace.

“His name is Styx, also known as the ancestor of Styx. He is one of the first Heavenly Demon gods, and he was transformed by one of the only two remaining true spirits in the sea of ​​​​blood. The sea is his dojo!”

“When he was born, he was born with the two best Innate spirit treasures around Yuantu Abi, Blood Qi soared to the sky and burst into waves. Later, when he was traveling in the sea of ​​blood, he found the Red Lotus of Karma, one of the four major lotus platforms, and the five squares. One of the flags, Xuan Yuan’s water-controlled flag, is accompanied by these treasures, and with his own god-tier powerhouse, even if the East Emperor Taiyi comes, he may not be his opponent!

“Afterwards, this person even imitated the god-tier powerhouse to create a human being and created the Ashura clan. This clan is one of the great clans in the wild. You have seen the Ashura clan of the heavens, and it has evolved because of this!

“This is not over yet, this person created the Ashura Sect later on, and even more condensed the blood god son, who claims that the sea of ​​blood will not dry up, the river Styx will not die, the god of blood will not dry up, and the river Styx will not be destroyed!”

Ye Daocang acted as the gold medal commentator and explained the origin of the other party clearly!


Hearing Ye Daocang tell the origin of this blood-red Taoist robe old man, everyone could not help but gasp, shocked to the extreme.

They did not expect that this Styx ancestor would be so strong.

At this moment, the negotiation between the two sides has been completed. Even though Old Ancestor Ming He has all kinds of Taoist methods, he still shrinks from the Wu clan, the prehistoric hegemony.

He demarcated a huge territory for the back soil, and the two sides reached an agreement.

He chose to leave unwillingly.

Seeing this, Houtu did not feel the slightest joy, but instead had a face of holiness and compassion.

Through that infinite holy light, Ye Daocang could see each other’s cheeks clearly.

“Heavenly Dao is supreme, today, I feel that after death, there is nowhere for the soul to be placed, may the likeness of the father be incarnated as Samsara, Six Paths of Reincarnation, stand!”


It takes time, and the rhythm of the sky can’t stop blessing, and the back soil directly shows the true body of the ancestor witch.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light fell from it and hit her.

In an instant, the body of the Ancestral Witch disintegrated directly and began to evolve towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Heavenly Dao, Human Dao, Hungry Ghosts Dao, The Underworld Dao, Ashura Dao, Animal Dao, the Six Dao directly emerged.

Gradually, a huge boundary was opened up, and the capital city, Guimenguan, Huangquan Road, Sanshengshi, Biganhua, and the eighteenth floor The Underworld emerged one after another.

Everyone in the Ye family was completely horrified by the scene in front of them.

They never thought that there are people who have great compassion and are willing to transform into Samsara in order to achieve all beings, to achieve the soul of all things, so that they have their own destination.

“Dust to dust to dust, soul to thick soil

A series of murmurs appeared, and gradually, slowly, on the ground, countless souls drifted towards the sea of ​​blood and fell into the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

At the same time, in the soul of the Queen Ancestor Wu, a figure slowly walked out of it.

“From now on, there will be no future land in the world, only peace of mind!”

With the flow of her voice, Ye Daocang waved his hand.

Under the long sky, everyone suddenly found countless pictures in all directions.

In the picture, there are pictures of kneeling and bowing one after another.

Immeasurable “The merit is the most holy, and the queen of Houtu is the most kind!”

For a time, an incomparable voice echoed over the entire prehistoric wasteland, attracting the attention of countless people.

The Ye family was shocked to see the scene in the picture, and they were shocked to the extreme.

“That is, Demon Emperor Dijun, even he has saluted Houtu!”

“Besides him, Dong Huangtai Yihuang Fuxi, the demon master Kunpeng, and thousands of demon clans are all salute!

“The Zhen Yuanzi from the Wuzhuang Temple also saluted, and that one, the Patriarch of Hongyun!”

“Hi~! Well, that’s Zixiao Palace! Daozu! Daozu actually bowed his head to her!”

For a time, countless voices came out of the Ye family’s mouth, and the shocking voice was extraordinarily rich.

At this time, before they had any ideas, a soft and gentle voice echoed in the ears of everyone, and also echoed in the hearts of everyone.

“is it you?”

As soon as this voice came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and their hearts were shocked.

They looked back quickly, and couldn’t help being surprised.

I don’t know when, in the crowd, there was a woman with a total yarn. He was merciful, holy, approachable, and had a big heart.

“Miss Pingxin!” The people of the Ye family were shocked and recognized the identity of this woman.

She is Pingxin, that is, Houtu.

At this time, she stood in front of Ye Daocang with a face of love, and everyone could see from her eyes that although Ye Daocang was standing in front of her, in her eyes, there was nothingness.

is it you?

This voice could not help revealing the bottom of Ye Daocang’s heart, causing his calm mood to stir up thousands of feet of waves, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Whether it is Houtu or Pingxin, the state at this moment makes him extremely uncomfortable.

He clearly couldn’t remember, but he clearly felt an unprecedented discomfort.

This feeling, prompted the ghostly nodded!

Hou Tu, that is, Ping Xin suddenly showed a soft smile, and the two lines of Qing tears could not stop flowing out.

Looking at each other’s tears, two thick tears dripped from Ye Daocang’s eyes.

He didn’t even notice this scene himself.

“It feels so good to see you again, I really hope you can come back soon!” He said calmly, the love in his eyes could not be hidden no matter what.

The people of the Ye family fell silent, looking at these two people who were separated by time and space and the world, as if they were watching a dialogue that spanned time and space.

After she finished speaking, she didn’t say any more, she stretched out her jade hand, tapped her own chest, and then tapped towards Ye Daocang’s chest.

Taking time, Ye Daocang only felt a shock all over his body, as if the feeling and traction of the two were connected.

Without waiting for Ye Daocang to speak, he suddenly stretched out calmly and landed on Ye Daocang’s cheek.

A cold touch came from his cheeks, which made Ye Daocang very touched.

Seemingly knowing that Ye Daocang couldn’t speak, he just caressed his face lovingly, his eyes full of tenderness.

After a long time, she said slowly: “Just now, a voice appeared in my heart, asking me if I would like to fit in with the Tao, become the master of the Tao, and become a figure like the Taoist ancestor Hongjun! I refused. !”

What Ping Xin said was very insipid, but the voice echoed in the hearts of everyone in the Ye family, but it was so touching.

Fit in with the Tao and become a character like the Taoist ancestor Hongjun!

That is Daozu Hongjun. If nothing else, although they know very little, it is obvious that the opponent’s strength is definitely a stalwart existence that penetrates the sky and the earth.

However, when an opportunity to achieve that kind of existence was placed in front of him, the other party actually refused.

They can’t help but think in a different position and change themselves, can they refuse such temptations?

But soon, they were confused again.

Why did the back earth refuse?

This puzzles them!

Fortunately, Houtu’s explanation also came at these 357 times.

“I am afraid, I am afraid that I will become like Hongjun, the deeper the union, the stronger the strength, but the more ruthless, I am afraid, I am afraid that even you will be forgotten in the end, I am afraid that when I see you again, I will be like Hongjun. Jun-like, ruthless, cold-blooded, like a machine!”

Hearing Hou Tu’s words, everyone in the Ye family was slightly stunned. Although they didn’t know much about it, they knew a little bit, and they were not as good as they thought. It was all about benefits.

I don’t know when, Hou Tu’s figure also began to change, becoming extraordinarily blurred.

“I remember the words you once said, I still remember, I am worthy of the world, worthy of the witch clan, I have reserved a trace of blood for them, and left a fire for the blood of Pangu, repaying his rebirth. Well, I don’t owe anyone any more! You, see?”

Ye Daocang has more tears, he doesn’t know why, but his heart has been blocked!

“It’s time for me to go!” The queen smiled decisively, a trace of desolation flowing and flickering.

At this time, her figure is even more nihilistic and dazzling!

“Come back quickly, I’m waiting for you, I, I gave up the way, not for the achievement of stronger, just want to wait for your return quietly in Samsara, until forever, always, always

That holy, graceful voice just dissipated.

In the entire Ye family team, a sad atmosphere emerged and invaded the hearts of everyone.

Slowly, a peaceful figure slowly appeared.

He decisively glanced back in the direction of the Ye family, and fixed on Ye Daocang’s figure.

Afterwards, she turned around and said lightly, “From now on, you will be able to keep Samsara in peace, and you will not be able to do it without limit!”

After speaking, he resolutely walked into Samsara, in the deepest part under the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and completely disappeared!

I don’t know how long it took for Ye Daocang to slowly come back to his senses.

This is his second touch, the first time is Wangshu, the second time is Houtu!

What happened back then? What kind of connection did he have with Honghuang?

I don’t know how long has passed, the slow picture has stagnated, and the playback is over!

Ye Daocang couldn’t help but waved his hand lightly: “The opportunity is ahead, just wait and go!”

After saying this, Ye Daocang’s figure disappeared directly from everyone’s eyes.

He needs time, but he jokes slowly to calm down his restless heart!

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