Chapter 182 The end of the secret realm, lots of feedback

Time passed quickly, Ye Daocang was independent above the void, looking down at the many Ye family members below, his eyes of insight observed the four directions, and calmly looked at the group of people who were searching for treasures. ,

His expression was extraordinarily indifferent. In the past, he might have been excited or shook his head because of this, but now, his heart is calm.

However, the figure of Houtu will flash in his eyes unconsciously.

In addition, Wang Shu’s figure gradually emerged in his heart.

For a while, he didn’t know what to say.

Time keeps flowing, searching for time, and ten years pass slowly.

After the upgrade, the system has Ascension both in terms of age and number of people.

The original three hundred people, the current three thousand, the original one month, the current ten years.

However, compared to the boundless sea of ​​blood that is boundless and boundless, this time is still too little.

In addition, above the sea of ​​blood, there is the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the underworld is also an extraordinarily huge site.

But even so, the Ye family’s harvest is still full.

Ye Zhiqiu and Murong Wanqing opened their eyes almost at the same time, and then, an aura that only belonged to a powerful god emperor emerged.

This time, they harvested two other side flowers. After swallowing them, they not only broke through, but also realized a little bit of the meaning of the other side, which laid a solid foundation for them to advance to the other side of the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock and emotion in each other’s eyes.

At the same time, there was a trace of shock and admiration for Ye Daocang, the mysterious owner of the house.

The owner of the house is so mysterious, what exactly is his identity?

Even the mysterious woman who incarnates Samsara seems to be very unusual to him.

Ye Yiyi found a mandala flower and other treasures in one place, and directly became a great sage-level powerhouse.

Ye Xiaoxiao is also not bad, actually in the place where he transformed into Samsara, he realized one of the weak Samsaras, and directly practiced Samsara Kendo, which was extremely terrifying.

Ye Futian holds the Heavenly Burial Spear in his arms. For him, this Ascension has completely narrowed the gap between him and the previous great talents.

Before, because of the grade, although the Cultivation Base kept up, it was still a little behind in terms of combat power.

This time, he realized the supreme true meaning of Samsara, far beyond ordinary people.

Fengdu City, Guimenguan, Huangquan Road, Sanshengshi, Wangxiang Terrace, Bridge of Helplessness, The Underworld, the Eighteenth Floor, The Underworld, Yama Hall, the Judge’s Office…

These buildings came from the underworld, and every time Ye Futian walked through them, he felt the rich atmosphere from inside.

And he, as if he was integrated with these buildings, one after another terrifying brilliance penetrated into his body.

For the perception of these things, he was even more terrifying than ordinary people imagined.

As if he was born to be in charge of these things.

A terrifying strong aura emerged, sweeping across the four directions, the sky kept surging, very emerging and powerful.

Somewhere in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, a terrifying thunderbolt continued, and then a figure flew out forcefully.

Immediately afterwards, seeing his figure flew out directly, and around him, a fist of jet-black, shimmering thunder was flowing.

This thunder god was extremely dull, not like a thunderous thunder, shaking the sky.

Put away the Thor’s Hammer, Ye Youran stood proudly above the sea of ​​blood, clasped her hands tightly, and squeezed hard.

“Hahaha, Ming Lei has finally been controlled by me. This time, my strength has increased greatly!” Ye Youran showed a slight smile.

It was at this time that a stalwart fist light crashed down, pointing directly at his face.

“Eat me a big Samsara punch!” The voice was particularly loud, it was Emperor Murong Yi!

“Good job!” Ye Youran smiled lightly, raised her head proudly, and greeted her with a punch.


A collision between the two sides, each took a few steps back, then looked at each other, and laughed.

Obviously, the progress of both sides is rapid, no one loses to the other!

“What a strange woman, even if it’s just a trace of the blood of the ancestor witch after hundreds of millions of years, it still gives me an unprecedented Ascension, it’s really scary!”

Ye Anlan raised her head slightly, her boundless aura soared into the sky and went straight to the sky.

“Give me such a big Ascension, and one day, this seat will become an existence just like you, and even surpass you. The brilliance of my Ye Anlan will surely illuminate the earth and make it possible for the common people!”

Ye Anlan smiled faintly, clenched a fist with one hand, and traversed the sky!

In front of him, Anlan Spear and Immortal Shield seemed to become more powerful.

Ye Yan took Gu Qingyao to swim in the sea of ​​​​blood and found a red lotus fire. Although it was not as powerful as the karmic fire, it was still not to be underestimated.

Gu Qingyao, who was on the side, also realized the laws of the netherworld that belonged to the ancestors of Ming He, which was extraordinarily terrifying and powerful.

After integrating Hong Lianhuo into himself, Ye Yan’s strength began to soar again, and an unparalleled terrifying aura suppressed one world, which was extraordinarily terrifying and powerful.

The terrifying power of flames seemed to evaporate this sea of ​​blood.

Almost at this moment, a powerful Sword intent erupted in shock, charging towards the sky, and where it passed, it was in pieces.

The majestic Sword intent Yun Wushuang is mixed with the true meaning of Taoism from the sky.

For a time, swords and fire were constantly intertwined in the sky over the entire sea of ​​blood, spreading all over the ancient world one after another.

“Ye Chen!” Gu Qingyao on the side said loudly.

Just a terrifying swordsman, even his own husband, in front of the other party, seems a little less interesting.

She originally thought that Ye Yan was the most terrifying genius in her heart, and even that so-called father had never been as strong as Ye Yan before.

But she soon discovered that in the Ye family, there was still more than one genius who surpassed Ye Yan.

Ye Wu, Ye Qingcheng, Ye Chen, these three geniuses suppressed Ye Yan when they were in the vast world. Unexpectedly, they would still suppress him to the death.

Not only that, the few people behind Ye Yan, he is very clear, as long as Yan has a little slack, there is a possibility of being surpassed immediately, and even the kind that can’t catch up.

But after thinking of the mysterious Patriarch named Dao Cang, she felt relieved.

“The meaning of the Emperor Fengdu, the true meaning of the King of Hell,

Ye Qingcheng looked at the capital city, and the Yan Luo Temple, na na more than that.

In it, she felt the understanding of the master of one side of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, which surprised her unceasingly.

Afterwards, she couldn’t help but say, a terrifying aura swept across the sky, annihilating one ancient world after another.

Slowly opening his eyes, an aura that only belongs to Tianzun slowly erupted.

“Daxia Royal Court, it’s time to be born, are you ready?” Ye Qingcheng said loudly.

Ye Wu stood on the edge of Xu Hai in white clothes and hands behind his back. This time, he did not go anywhere, neither did he search for opportunities in the sea of ​​blood, nor did he enter the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

However, his harvest is not weaker than any Tianjiao.

At this moment, all over his body, the overwhelming Blood Qi swayed this world, hitting the heartstrings of the common people.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and in his eyes, the sea of ​​blood that was hundreds of millions of distances boiled and shook.

“The true meaning of the sea of ​​blood!”

Above the void, Ye Daocang nodded in admiration, very emotional.

Sure enough, Tianjiao, no matter where he goes, the chance he gets is the most powerful. Even if you don’t look for the chance, the chance will automatically come to your door.

Then, his eyes looked at one by one, and the brilliance in his eyes revealed.

The strength of the nine core elders Ascension is also not bad. After going out for Closed Door Training, it should be stronger. Now he is the powerhouse of God Emperor III and Fourth Stage, and he is getting closer to Saint Realm.

Others, one by one, Cultivation Base, all started a large Ascension.

Ten years have finally come, with a big wave of Ye Daocang’s hand.

Everyone suddenly discovered that the surrounding pictures began to shatter, and they appeared in the Valley of Swords.

Afterwards, Ye Daocang waved his hand and signaled everyone to leave.

Seeing this, everyone also said goodbye to cupped hands.

At this time, they have harvested a lot of treasures and opportunities, and are preparing to make breakthroughs. At this time, they have no intention to care about other things.

Ye Daocang didn’t say much, just sank his mind into the system space.

【Ding~! This secret realm search is completed, do you choose to receive rewards?)

Hearing this voice, Ye Daocang said lightly: “Pick up!”

[Ding~! Successfully received, congratulations to the host, you have obtained two realms of the emperor’s perception, one red lotus seed of karma, two swordsmanship marks, a small Six Paths of Reincarnation underworld, exchange points for one million points, blood sea essence One soul, other side flower seeds * 99, Tiandao Dao body plus fearless heart! 】

【Red Lotus Seeds of Karma: You can cultivate the Red Lotus of Karma. Although it is not as scary as the Four Great Lotus Platforms, if you use it well, it will also have the ability to rebel against Innate and become Innate’s comprehension!”

【Mark of Killing Kendo: Connotation Yuanju, Sword Intent of Abi Sword, after fusion, it can burst out invincible prestige, making one understand the true meaning of killing, and Kendo is greatly Ascension!)

[Small Six Paths of Reincarnation One: A Minor World that contains a simplified version of Six Paths of Reincarnation. If you create an underworld in the heavens, so that the soul can be placed, you will definitely get a great opportunity, Heavenly Dao favors, you can get infinite With merit and luck, it can be converted into massive exchange points! 】

[Blood Sea Essence: A spirit born in the depths of the blood sea can generate a huge Blood Qi land after being placed, which will last for a long time!)

[Otherside Flower: A kind of petal that grows by absorbing Blood Qi. It usually opens on both sides of Yellow Springs. When it matures, it can obtain three thousand years of Magic power. It can also be used to refine Medicine Pill!

[Heavenly Sword Dao Body and Fearless Heart: The host can choose a family Tianjiao to fuse, and the strength will inevitably increase after the fusion, and become a top Tianjiao!)

You can make your own arrogance!

Ye Daocang says it is different!

But soon, the realization of the great emperor’s double heaven added, so that Ye Daocang did not think much, and directly entered the practice and Closed Door Training.

Time goes by and the years don’t stop.

In the blink of an eye, another 30,000 years passed by.

After 30,000 years had passed, the overall strength of the Ye family had undergone another earth-shaking change.

Ye Daocang’s Cultivation Base was one step closer to the Fourth Stage of the Great Emperor and reached the peak of the Fifth Stage. The poor (good king’s) know how many times Ascension is.

Besides, Ye Wu’s Cultivation Base has come to the Eighth Stage of Tianzun!

Not only that, his combat power has soared by an unknown amount, and there is a sea of ​​blood in his every move.

Every ultimate move fell, as if there was a huge sea of ​​blood rushing towards him.

Ye Qingcheng’s Daxia Royal Court was established, and now it has occupied a Galaxy and is developing.

With the blessing of power and luck, she is indeed not weak, and once again tied Ye Xiu and came to the Eighth Stage of Heavenly Venerate.

Ye Chen is slightly inferior, Tianzun Seventh Stage is the peak of the sky, and it is possible to break through at any time.

With the remaining five, they also came to the Seventh Stage of the Heavenly Venerate.

Over the years, there are not a few Great Heavenly Venerate powerhouses who have died in their hands!

And Ye Yiyi and Ye Xiaoxiao also lived up to expectations, the Holy King Seventh Stage!

Ye Zhiqiu and Murong Wanxia also stepped over the threshold and entered the First Stage of the Ancient Sage, and followed closely behind!

In addition, the Cultivation Base Ascension of the Nine Elders also quickly entered the Fourth Stage of the Saint.

In other words, the current Ye family’s strength has doubled!

On this day, the wind is surging, the world is turning, and the breath of eternity emerges, urging the minds of the common people.

Above the entire heavens, the wind and thunder gathered, and the golden light of the sky swayed the world.

For a time, countless people opened their eyes and looked up, secretly different.

However, there are still many people who feel something, and their hearts move!

Could it be…

PS: There are too many things from yesterday to this morning, alas, today I will try to make up the chapter from yesterday!

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