Chapter 183 The Battle of Destiny Begins

The shimmering golden light yellow, like a ray of light, flashes brilliantly, giving people a fascinating feeling.

In the whole sky, almost all living beings felt the radiance from Heavenly Dao.

Afterwards, after the radiance spread all over the heavens, a huge ancient rune flickered in the air of black and yellow between the heavens and the earth. in front of the crowd.

[The battle for luck is officially opened!

Battle of Fortune?

For a time, almost everyone was stunned, including Ye Daocang.

He also thought that this time, it was the legendary list again!

The result is not!

Soon, with the appearance of cuneiform characters, the rules of the battle of fortune slowly emerged and became well known to everyone.

The battle of fortune is a battle of fortune that Heavenly Dao started feeling that the resources of the heavens are getting thinner and thinner!

Among the ancient Stars, a representative is selected to go to Heavenly Dao Star for experience. Heavenly Dao Star covers all things and contains various mysterious things.

What the heavens have, they have in them, and what the heavens do not have, none of them exist in them.

In each Primordial Star, there can only be one place, and each person who enters it, what kind of treasure they get in it, can be fed back to that side Galaxy a hundred times, and that side’s forces will also get extra.

Of course, if there is a character Death in it, the entire Taikoo Star will be severely hit by deprivation of luck!

For the first time, take Shifang Galaxy as an area and start a regional battle!

And the top 1000 in the regional battle will advance to start the Star Wars, and then the top 10,000 will advance to start the battle of the heavens!

Every time the rankings are announced, the power representatives who are on the list can get a lot of feedback themselves, and the Taikoo Stars behind them can get countless resource rewards and luck rewards!

Moreover, each faction can only send one person, and if it has a quota, it will be obtained by the second force!

After watching all this, everyone was shocked and moved with emotion.

Ye Daocang touched his chin, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

“Battle of luck?”

Ye Daocang said with a sigh of relief, as to what kind of weirdness Heavenly Dao Star 360 in the Battle of Fortune has, he doesn’t know anything about it!

At this time, the entire heavens have already exploded, turning the sky upside down!

“In the battle for luck, resources are scarce, and the only big resources are almost all in the hands of those top forces. This time my family is finally turning over!”

“Yes, after entering Heavenly Dao, everything is about starting again, and there is no slight difference. This is our chance!”

“Heavenly Dao is indeed the most noble, this time, this seat must lead the rise of Ji Sect!”

“Opportunity, this is a great opportunity!”

Just when everyone was discussing, the stream of light from the ages passed through the heavens and the earth, blowing down one after another.

Soon, in almost every Primordial Life Star, a golden radiance appeared in the hands of the most powerful force.

Ye Daocang held one of them in his hand, and his eyes flickered.

The next moment, the Eye of Insight landed directly on it.

【The key of the Heavenly Dao Star Road: With this item, you can enter it when Heavenly Dao starts the battle of luck. Those who do not have this item cannot enter. This item is the only item that cannot be copied or imitated! 】

The key to the Heavenly Dao star?

At this moment, a cold voice appeared directly in his heart.

[Ding~! It is detected that the battle of luck is open, and the main task is released: get the top ten of the current regional battle, in addition to the system rewards, you can get a small amount of rewards, get the top five, you can get general rewards, get the top three, you can get a lot of rewards Rewards, get the first, get unlimited rewards!)

Hearing this, Ye Daocang couldn’t help touching his chin!

Ten Galaxy, the ancient life Star contained in each Galaxy, ranging from hundreds to thousands, as many as tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and the top ten selected by millions of people can only get a small amount of rewards!

It seems that the system is forcing him to take the first place!

He touched his chin, and soon, a flash of light fell on his eyes and flashed out.

Soon, 10,000 years passed, he once again made a breakthrough and achieved the Sixth Stage of the Great Emperor, and at this time, the battle of luck started by Heavenly Dao also started directly (aecf).

On this day, the rays of light flickered, and countless Star representatives rose into the air one after another. They were led by the keys of Heavenly Dao and headed towards a certain place.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged, looking at his side, a man who looked a little like him disappeared following Heavenly Dao’s lead.

Soon, countless pictures appeared directly above the vast void, with the representatives of Stars printed on them one after another.

Heavenly Dao star, vast and boundless, boundless, the land is so big, I don’t know its hundreds of millions of distances!

At this moment, one figure after another fell into it, disappearing like a piece of dust.

Among them, the man with a slight resemblance to Ye Daocang slowly appeared in a tribe.

And at this time, the rules of Heavenly Dao were perfectly revealed at this moment.

This is a tribe of ordinary people. Everyone can become the tribe’s patriarch for 60 years. Their task is to lead the tribe to become stronger and stronger.

The patriarch of each tribe has only sixty years of life, after sixty years, the rewards and rankings will be settled!

In addition, the representatives of each force, no matter what their strength, can’t take action, even if they start a tribal battle, they can only command from behind the scenes.

Once the tribe is broken, the patriarch will die, and the resources and the heavens, Spiritual Qi, will also be weakened in an instant!

At this moment, the man who was somewhat similar to Ye Daocang watched this scene calmly.

Around, there appeared one after another ancient animal skin men, after seeing him, he immediately knelt down in excitement.

“Patriarch! Patriarch!”

This is the patriarch who came down to them from God, leading their tribe to become stronger.

He looked down at the tribe of only a few hundred people, and said slowly: “My name is Cangtian, and from now on, I will be the patriarch of this tribe!”

As a person who has traveled through, he is naturally aware of the life of ordinary people.

When other tribes began to lead their tribes to attack other tribes, Ye Daocang took some warriors from the tribes and entered the deep mountains.

Heavenly Dao really didn’t tell a lie. Above this Star, there is everything.

After half a month, he found five grains and transplanted them into the tribe.

“Patriarch, I’m going hunting!” A young strong man walked over with a dozen men of the same size and spoke to the sky.

He was the captain of the tribe’s hunting party.

“Wait, what’s your name?” Heaven stopped him for the first time.

The young man couldn’t help rubbing his head and smiled honestly: “I don’t know either, I don’t have a name, they all call me Shan-!”

Heaven is not surprised at all. This tribe has just broken away from blowing hair and drinking blood, and has learned to communicate. It is still early to name this thing.

To have his own name like Cangtian, in the eyes of the tribe, is a supreme honor.

Because only Wu Zhu and the patriarch can have their own names, and the others can only be replaced by titles.

Cangtian smiled lightly, came to him, and put his hand on him: “I will give you a name, from now on, you will be called Li Yuanba, how about it?”

Yamaichi was stunned at first, The next moment, he immediately knelt down in excitement.

“I am willing, Li Yuanba will meet the patriarch!

At this moment, his face was full of excitement, and he was so excited that the dozen or so warriors on the side were immediately envious when they saw this.

Li Yuanba actually has his own name.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Cang Tian smiled lightly and did not explain: “Go, go hunting, remember, as I explained before, don’t kill the young beasts, bring them back, and I will raise them. !

“Yes!” Li Yuanba’s eyes were bright, looking at the sky full of loyalty!

Looking at their backs, the sky smiled lightly: It became “!”

When naming the other party, Cangtian had secretly implanted Li Yuanba’s template into the other party’s body.

In other words, Li Yuanba at this time has already achieved the courage of ten thousand husbands!

And his identity is not fake, that is, Ye Daocang created a clone.

Originally this wouldn’t work, but with Ye Daocang’s systematic blessing, Heavenly Dao can still hide it from the mere heavens.

At this time, Shan Yi, that is, Li Yuanba, brought everyone to the deep mountains and started a new round of hunting.

Li Yuanba was a little confused along the way, as if he had a dream that he had become the enemy of ten thousand people. Gradually, the figure became more and more clear, and even the moves he used began to merge with him. .

Slowly, he felt his own power becoming stronger and stronger.

“Li Yuanba, be careful!” At this moment, a voice appeared, pulling his mind back completely.

He couldn’t help but look back and was surprised.

I saw, in front, an unprecedented huge wild boar, staring at its own huge fangs, launched a collision towards him.

“The Wild Boar King!”

This was the first thought in his heart. In the past, when encountering such an invulnerable beast, everyone could only climb a tree or run away.

But at this moment, he didn’t even have the slightest fear, instead he burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

Seeing that he was about to defeat the wild boar king and swept away.

at this time


A loud shout came, and he saw his hands with a force, directly holding the two long fangs of the wild boar king.

Afterwards, he lucked out Dantian, and with all his strength, he lifted the wild boar king with ease.

The wild boar king kept calling out, but in his hands, it didn’t have the slightest effect.

Immediately afterwards, the warriors of the Great Wilderness tribe saw that Li Yuanba, who should have been killed by the crash, directly held the huge wild boar and smashed it wildly on the ground.

For a time, the rocks burst and the trees flew.

In the end, the wild boar king was smashed to death by him!

Seeing this scene, the warriors of the Great Wilderness Tribe were immediately surprised.

“Li Yuanba, you… Everyone gathered around looking at monsters,

Li Yuanba also wondered why he became so strong.

Soon, he thought of the patriarch, and couldn’t help but said with longing: “It’s all the patriarch’s credit, it is because of his name that I have the power I have now, you must do your best, and strive for the patriarch to give you a name!

Hearing Li Yuanba’s words, these simple-minded people suddenly became excited, and when they thought of the patriarch Cangtian, their faces suddenly became longing.

They secretly made up their minds that they must perform well and strive for the patriarch to give them a name!

At this moment, on Fengpo Star, many creatures see that the sky is taking everyone to sow five grains, burn giant trees to open up wasteland, etc., neither attacking other tribes, nor looking for opportunities that can be fed back to Fengpo Star. Complain a little bit!

Nowadays, more and more Taikoo Star forces are starting to exert their strength.

“The one from Donglin Star led the tribe to find an ancient healing herb. Donglin Star got feedback and gave birth to millions of acres of artistic conception grass. The representative’s family even obtained two One hundred thousand acres of artistic conception grass!”

“Xue Yunxing also received news. They just destroyed a tribe and obtained a large number of resources and people to join. Xue Yunxing received feedback that their temporary Ascension comprehension is 1%, and the time limit is one year. Within one year, As long as it is a person from Xue Yunxing, the success rate of enlightenment can be blessed by 1%!”

“Hey~! I don’t know what the representative of Fengpoxing is doing, he is fiddling with those seeds and beasts every day!”

“What is the Ye family thinking?”

Perhaps, “The Ye family has a great business, and they don’t care about this resource at all. They just randomly dispatched a side disciple to mess around!”

“Hey, his Ye family doesn’t need it, my Fengpoxing other forces need it!” Someone shook his head with a wry smile.

But no one dared to provoke and insult the Ye family, there is no way, the great emperor is really not just talking.

Time flies, and three years have passed in an instant.

In three years, some tribes began to become stronger, some tribes were destroyed, and some tribes stood still.

And the Great Wilderness Tribe, that is, the tribe where the sky is located, the three-year development is visible to the naked eye!

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