Chapter 185 Ye Wu’s Past, the Body of Immortal Marrow

Sixty years passed in a blink of an eye, and the sky looked at everyone indifferently, with a dull expression on his face.

Afterwards, he slowly disappeared in the eyes of Li Yuanba, Xiang Yu and others, and left the Heavenly Dao star.

Soon, the regional report appeared, and Feng Poxing won the first place with absolute strength.

[Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you won the first place in this battle of luck, the reward exchange point is 3 million points, the Realm of the Great Emperor First Stage!”

Just after merging with the sky, Ye Daocang heard the voice from the system.

In 60 years, three million exchange points, Ye Daocang was full of emotion, and it was still very rich.

Mainly, there is also a layer of Cultivation Base of the Great Emperor First Stage, which makes his Cultivation Base go a step further and has come to the Seventh Stage of the Great Emperor Realm!

Time is passing by slowly, and in the blink of an eye, another ten thousand years is passing by.

On this day, Ye Wu walked on top of an ancient Galaxy, and the aura of the Heavenly Venerate Ninth Stage erupted directly, radiating out, rushing across all directions.

After a lapse of hundreds of thousands of years, he finally couldn’t control his heart and came here.

His eyes flickered in all directions, and a trace of emotion emerged from the bottom of his heart.

However, when he came here again, he was stunned when he walked towards the land that he was familiar with.

I saw here, the characters have long been empty, and only an ancient ruins are left here.

At this moment, his heart twitched, and a trace of unease emerged from the depths of his heart.

“What’s going on! Mu Family, what happened?” Ye Wu suddenly panicked in his heart.

Divine Sense flickered, and his mind couldn’t help but return to the year when the “three six zeros” knew him, not even Venerable.

Mu Family, Mu Yu, that flower-like girl!

The two suddenly knew each other, only the last step was left, but the two seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not show the last trace of emotion.

Ye Wu was because of the Ye family in his heart. At that time, Ye Wushi and Ye Daocang were not there. The core direct line of the Ye family was only him, the huge Ye family. He couldn’t let it go.

He could not lose the foundation laid by the third uncle, and at that time the Ye family was facing a carpet-like search from the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the Tianfan Ye family, and the Demon Emperor Palace. Even he could not guarantee that he could give the other party a future.

Later, Ye Daocang’s return made him heave a sigh of relief.

Just when he was pulling his own friend Ye Chen, about to find Mu Yu, he showed his heart by the way, and also let his own good friend meet the woman he likes!

After further understanding, he found out that the other party and a quasi-immortal family had a fingertip to marry, and Ye Wu at that time felt very different.

Because Mu Yu’s family was not that powerful, it even had a marriage contract with the Holy Son of the Quanxian family.

Ye Wu, who received this news, suddenly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured into him, and his heart became icy cold.

He directly asked Ye Chen to help him keep this secret, and left without even seeing Mu Yu’s face.

In the remaining time, he practiced frantically, only to make his own strength stronger, so his Cultivation Base could repeatedly lead the Ye Jia Tianjiao.

Today, he finally couldn’t control his heart, and after a lapse of hundreds of thousands of years, he came to fall on himself again.

This is, he did not expect that this time, it turned out that people went to the empty building.

He didn’t hesitate, his body flickered directly, and he came to this Star, and the big city near the Mu family ruins began to inquire.

Hundreds of thousands of years, for ordinary people, is almost an unbelievable time, but in the heavens, it is not that long.Because the Mu family had a marriage contract with the Quanxian family, the Galaxy was also a big family at that time.

Therefore, the news of their disappearance is not a big secret to everyone.

The hard work pays off, and after understanding, he came here, and Mu Yu himself turned out to be the unparalleled body of immortal essence in the world.

Unlike Wu Hou, who was deprived of the heavenly bones and achieved the immortal bone, Mu Yu was born with immortal marrow!

However, such a body of immortal marrow was born to be hated by Heavenly Dao and was cursed. Therefore, over the years, even if he received a lot of resources from the Fang Zhunxian family, the speed of cultivation was still slow, and later a Zhunxian concluded that, She can’t make the Great Emperor Realm.

Afterwards, the quasi-immortal family decided to remove its immortal marrow and connect it to the fiance of the quasi-immortal family who was married to her fingertips.

After the Essence is removed, she does not die.

And if she herself can give birth to immortal marrow, is it possible for their descendants to continue to have the best talent.

Therefore, the Zhunxian family said that the marriage contract would continue and take care of her for the rest of her life.

Mu Yu and the family behind her had almost no ability to resist, and could only be controlled by the quasi-immortal family.

If things go on like this, the family behind Mu Yu will also live a good life.

But later, I don’t know what went crazy in that Mu Yu’s mind, but he refused the marriage contract, expressing his willingness to cooperate with them to remove the immortal marrow, but the condition is to dissolve the marriage contract.

Immortal marrow is different from Heavenly Bone, just dig it out.

If the immortal marrow is unwilling to cooperate, it cannot be removed at all, and even if it is removed, it will lose a lot of spirituality.

Therefore, the Zhunxian family simply agreed to this condition.

Anyway, even if Mu Yu was married, she would be reduced to a fertility machine. Without the immortal marrow, it is hard to say whether she could give birth to a descendant with heaven-defying talents.

However, after the immortal bone was removed, the quasi-immortal family seemed a little unhappy and released a message of dissatisfaction.

Although Duo Yu and the family behind her did not act in the end, for them, the blow was huge.

Afterwards, the Mu family was outnumbered by many forces in just ten thousand years.

And without the blessing of the Zhunxian family, they couldn’t keep so many properties and were eventually swallowed up.

Then, a catastrophe came, and the Mu family died and fled, and Mu Yu also disappeared.

After Ye Hao heard the news, he couldn’t help showing a trace of shock and endless worry.

In the days that followed, Ye Wu spent all day inquiring about several large cities near his home site!

Finally, one day, the owner of a restaurant mentioned this news while chatting with him.

“You said that Linyu is the body of the fairy marrow of that family? I seem to have seen it, but I am not very sure!”


Ye Wu suddenly let out his breath, and the momentum of the peak of Tianzun broke out strongly, which made people shocked and looked at him in horror.

Tianzun “Ninth Stage Heavenly Peak Powerhouse, hiss!”

“This man is young, but Cultivation Base is so terrifying!”

“Tianjiao, what an extraordinary genius!

For a time, everyone began to discuss in shock, and even the voice became several times lighter.

Obviously, the existence of a Celestial Venerable Ninth Stage, only one step away from the Great Celestial Venerable, was enough to shock them.

The restaurant owner couldn’t help but say that he couldn’t help but think that Ye Wu’s strength would be so terrifying.

For a while, he didn’t dare to look down on him in the slightest.

“Senior, it’s like this, my signature dish here is the flaming lamb, and the import of this sheep is from the east of the Wangyou grassland, where there is a woman who grazes there all year round, and she looks a bit like the Miss of that family. , but I’m not sure, because the dignified Miss has become a shepherdess, and I don’t think it’s realistic!”

However, hearing his words, Ye Wu was struck by lightning.

Wangyou Grassland, where he is no stranger.

His thoughts could not help but return to the past.

At that time, he and Yu stood side by side and bought a few roasted milk sheep from a herdsman.

“The taste of this lamb is really good. In the future, when everything settles down, I will come here to live in a lodge, grazing while practicing, and occasionally eating a few fiery sheep. Life must be beautiful!”

Ye Wu sighed in a relaxed and happy mood. At that time, he was also suppressed.

After hearing this, Yumei’s face on the side smiled lightly: “At that time, I will graze you personally, and specially herd the fire sheep for you to eat!”

But after saying these words, Mu Yu seemed to have thought of something, and immediately blushed and lowered his head slightly.

At this moment, the afterglow of the setting sun fell, and the fiery red radiance reflected on her perfect cheeks, becoming the most beautiful landscape.

And such a scene happened to be seen by Ye Wu when he turned around.

The beautiful woman’s blurted words, combined with the beautiful scene at the moment, were deeply imprinted in Ye Wu’s heart.

That is, from that moment on, Ye Wu clearly knew that there was another figure in his heart!

“Worry-free grassland!” Ye Wu kissed on the mouth.

Then, he looked at the boss and put down a Jade Slip: “Thank you! This is the reward!”

After he finished speaking, his figure rose directly into the air and headed towards the grassland…

The boss picked up the Jade Slip suspiciously, Divine Sense sank into it, first surprised, then ecstatic!

“The Quasi-Emperor’s Treasure Technique, hiss!”

In the depths of his heart, thousands of waves were set off, and the waves were surging.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel fortunate that he had one more mouth.

This quasi-emperor technique is enough to give him as a family heirloom.

“Many thanks to senior for giving the treasure, Junior can’t stop!” The boss shouted his thanks to Ye Wu’s back.

At this time, Ye Wu’s figure had long since disappeared.

Wuyou Grassland, Dongfang, Ye Wu came directly to a hillside with purpose.

Looking around, below, millions of calf-sized fiery suns are running on the grassland.

Their hair is fiery red, and when viewed from a distance, it looks like a cloud of fire.

Under the leadership of the head sheep, they are eating grass quietly.

At this moment, in one direction, suddenly, ten thousand gigantic wolves the size of giant tigers appeared. Their imposing manner was extremely terrifying.

In the howl of the alpha wolf, the wolves attacked the flaming sheep.

In the distance, a girl was anxious and angry, looking at this pack of wolves, helpless, obviously, this is not the first time.

Seeing that the wolves are about to break up the sheep, ready to feast.

Suddenly, a figure in white fell from the sky and fell into it, instantly attracting the attention of several people nearby!

Before the alpha wolf could act, the tens of thousands of wolves exploded in an instant, and the boundless blood splattered all over the prairie.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and shocked.

The girls were overjoyed, and under the leadership of several men, they hurried over and thanked the men who turned their backs to them.

Thank you “Senior took action and saved my flock, Junior is grateful!”

Ye Wu heard the words, turned around slowly, glanced at the woman and the people behind him, slightly disappointed.

Isn’t it Muyu?

Thinking of this, Ye Wu was about to leave.

However, at this time, finding him, the girl looked at him with something wrong.

“Senior, dare to ask senior, but his name is Ye Wu?” the girl asked cautiously!

Ye Wu suddenly turned to look at her: “Who are you? Why do you know the name of this seat?

Seeing Ye Wu’s confession, the woman was overjoyed at first, and then sadly.

She couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “Junior Mu Yun, Mu Yu, is Junior’s aunt!”


Ye Wu was shocked and overjoyed: “You are Mu Yu’s junior, where is Mu Yu now?”

Hearing Ye 2.5 Hao’s culture, Mu Yun couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “My aunt’s immortal marrow has been removed, so I can’t continue to practice Ascension, she died ten thousand years ago!”

Ye Wu suddenly trembled, and for a while, his eyes showed a trace of sadness.

Mu Yu, actually died!

At this moment, the few men behind Mu Yun saw this and gave Ye Wu a complicated look, but they still opened their cupped hands and said, “Brother, why don’t you move to the account and rest first, I will wait for Ye Wu to say. Bar!”

They knew very well that if it wasn’t for this man back then, perhaps Yu would not have had too many ideas of his own, and if the marriage contract was dissolved, the Mu family would not face dissolution.

But this is the end of the matter, and it will be useless for them to tangle again!

Ye Wu nodded his head slowly, at this moment, his heart was a little empty, and he didn’t know what to say!

After entering the tent, Ye Mei understood what had happened.

It turned out that after the dissolution of the marriage contract, Mu Yu came to her alone and became a shepherd girl.

Everyone was puzzled, but Mu Yu said, she was waiting for someone!

As for who is waiting, no one knows!

Later, the Mu family disbanded, and Mu Yun came here to join Yu. Although Yu was dug up at that time, he still had the strength of the Void Realm. He was considered a little master, but he was safe and sound.

PS: I can’t do it today, my brain is uncomfortable, I write 4,000 words a day, from the morning to the present, it takes a few hundred words for a while, alas!

The update is not strong, the number of people has dropped a lot, and I feel distressed and helpless, alas. .

Yesterday, my brain was really hot, I started a branch line of National Games, and it ended early!

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