Chapter 186 Angry Ye Wu,

Mu Yun looked at Ye Wu curiously, but was filled with emotion.

Is this the person my sister-in-law has been thinking about for tens of thousands of years?

For her sake, my aunt did not hesitate to break the contract or marry into the Zhunxian family, which made the Zhunxian family feel humiliated and ignored the family. It can be said that it was entirely because of him that the Mu family declined!

But she had to admit that this person was really the first perfect person she had met over the years.

No matter in terms of momentum, image, or daring, he is an invincible representative of the world.

“Tell me about Linyu’s story over the years!” Ye Wuyou said.

Seeing this, Mu Yun nodded: “For the past 100,000 years, my aunt has spent almost all of her life in shepherding sheep, her immortal marrow has been deprived, and her cultivation path has been cut off!”

“I ask her all the time why she is always entangled in the status quo. She just said that she is waiting for someone. Now it seems that the person she is waiting for should be you!”

After speaking, Mu Yun looked at Ye Wu with complicated eyes.

“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t hesitate, I should have come earlier!” Ye Wu held his head in remorse.

Mu Yun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, nothing came out.

With the departure of his beloved, Yin and Yang are separated, and his heart is particularly uncomfortable at this time.

At this time, suddenly, a terrifying momentum came from outside the tent, attracting the attention of several people.

“My lord, isn’t it usually enough to have 100,000 sheep every thousand years? Why is there a five-fold increase now?” An old voice appeared, attracting everyone’s attention.

Ye Wu was a little familiar with it. He knew that this old man was the old man from the wolf pack he met before.

“Humph! It was a previous year, but don’t forget, your strongest man, Mu Yu of the Void Realm, has already settled down. Do you still think you can stand these sites?”

At this time, an arrogant and domineering voice came, which also attracted everyone’s attention.

His words are so arrogant!

“I’m not afraid to tell you that someone will take over your territory in a short time. If there is no hole in the virtual realm, you are not afraid of panic when you are full!”

“Old man, let me tell you the truth, my city lord has taken a fancy to your family Mu Yun, and that’s what I said, as long as you agree to let Mu Yun marry the city lord son as a concubine, my Tianlei City can not only bless you, but also save your salary. How do you feel about returning to the past?”

“Don’t think about it, although my family is poor, it is absolutely impossible for a Miss who is a direct descendant to be a concubine!”

The old man’s voice was angry, but it contained a trace of firmness.

Obviously, as the old man of the family, he is maintaining his final majesty!

And at this moment, that voice was very embarrassed.

“Humph! Today is different from the past, old man. It’s already a fact that your home has come to an end. I can’t afford to climb up the city of Thunder in the past. Now, it’s an extra-judicial blessing to give your Miss a name. Do you really think that the current home is still there Do you have the Zhunxian family to take care of you?”

“Anyway, I want my direct descendant Miss to be a concubine, wishful thinking!” The old man’s voice was extraordinarily firm, which made Ye Huang a little weird.

“Not wanting face, tell you, my son said, you don’t have to agree, anyway, you can’t protect her, wait for him to get tired of playing, then throw it into Tianfenglou, I believe, the Mu family is Miss. It should be able to attract countless people, and by then, maybe those of us at the bottom will be able to try it out!”

Saying this, that person’s voice seems to be different!

“You are courting death!” The old man was furious, as if he had shot!

But, with a sound, followed by the sound of vomiting blood!

“It’s you who are looking for death!”

Hearing this, Mu Yun hurriedly walked outside, ignoring Ye Wu.

Seeing this, Ye Wu also followed.

Just in time to see a fat-headed and big-eared steward, Qi Zhang stared domineeringly at the old man of the Mu family with a look of disdain.

At this time, the old man of the Mu family vomited blood, and it was obvious that the other party did not take lightly.

Seeing this, the general terrifying aura erupted directly, and the Cultivation Base of the Divine Human Realm jumped into the audience.

“Uncle Yun!” Mu Yun hurried over and helped him up.

At this moment, the steward also saw Mu Yun, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a Y Cheng flashed from his eyes.

“As expected of Miss, the direct descendant of the Mu family, this aura, this face, is really unparalleled, no wonder my son can’t forget it at a glance!”

The steward greedily looked at Mu Yun’s bumpy figure and coveted his mouth.

Afterwards, he broke out directly, with a big hand towards Mu Yun: “Mu Xiaojia, follow me back to serve the young master!

The big hand is stagnant in the void, and the terrifying aura has burst out.

“Don’t! Miss, run!” Seeing this, the old man immediately pulled away to block in front.

“I think you don’t want to live, die!”

Seeing this, the steward’s eyes flashed fiercely, and boundless killing intent erupted.

However, his movement stopped abruptly, no matter how much he moved, he couldn’t move!

At this moment, he was startled at first, and then panicked.

“Which senior is in charge, Tianlei City’s City Lord’s Mansion is polite!” At this moment, he didn’t talk nonsense, and directly carried it out of the City Lord’s Mansion.

The lord of Tianlei City, the Cultivation Base, is very extraordinary. He is the supreme Cultivation Base, and he is quite famous in the entire Star!

After all, not every Star has a Daotai Emperor Realm powerhouse.

In many places, even one Galaxy could not see a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse.

Many times, a Great Celestial Venerable is the strongest of the ancient Star, and the Celestial Venerable is strong enough to establish a sect and dominate a party.

And a supreme, is also a rare master!


The steward took a few steps backwards, and managed to stabilize his mind, just in time to see Ye Wu approaching.

He glanced at Yun Jiren, and then a life essence hit the old man of the Mu family, directly leaving his heavily injured body intact.

The old man straightened up immediately and saluted at Ye Wu’s cupped fist: “Thank you little brother for saving your life!”

Ye Wu shook his head slowly, and didn’t say much. After all, he owed the Mu family!

At this moment, the steward was originally shocked by Ye Wu’s terrifying strength, but when he saw Ye Wu’s excessively young cheeks and the old man’s address to him, he felt relieved.

In his opinion, Ye Wu’s strength should not be too low, otherwise, the old man of the Mu family would not call him that.

Also, the other party didn’t kill him just now, and he didn’t even hurt himself. He should be very afraid of the city lord’s mansion behind him.

Thinking of this, he immediately straightened up.

In the heavens, it is very simple to judge whether a young person is young. It can be judged from the breath, and it can almost be judged the year of cultivation of the other party.

“Who are you, how dare you interfere in the affairs of my Tianlei City? My son of Tianlei City is about to arrive, and the sensible person is leaving now. This steward can pretend that nothing has happened!” The steward haze said.

Ye Wu was unmoved by his clamor, what was there to pay attention to the opening of an ant!

This “what city, they often bully you?” Ye Ling couldn’t help looking at Yun and the others.

Mu Yun nodded slowly, and the old man on the side even said, “The son of the city lord has harassed Miss Mu Yun more than once, and even Miss Yu has been harassed by him!”

Hearing this, Ye Wu’s eyes flickered: “Oh? Is that so?”

However, before he could take any action, a terrifying aura descended, pointing straight into the sky.

In the distance, a god-level youth came with a group of people, among them, there were even two bodyguards of saints in the Sea of ​​Bitterness realm.

It can be seen that this person is very favored by the Lord of Tianlei City!

“Humph! How dare you ignore the words in charge, now that my young master is here, you can’t leave if you want to!”

Seeing this, the steward smiled coldly and looked at Ye Wulai with disdain.

Afterwards, he hurried over, came to the side of the young man, and told something.

It seems that he heard the words of the steward, and in the young man’s eyes, a strong light burst out and flickered directly.

Afterwards, a terrifying momentum swept across the sky, facing the Quartet.

He glanced at Ye Wu, smiled disdainfully, and then landed on Mu Yun.

“How is it? Miss Mu Yun, how are you thinking about this young master’s proposal? As long as you agree to become a concubine for this young master, you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth!”

“Don’t think about it, if you want me to be your concubine, it’s impossible for me to die!” Mu Yun’s anger flashed, and coldly responded.

Hearing Mu Yun’s words, the young master’s expression suddenly flashed, and a fierce light flashed: “Give the face not wanting face, if your aunt agreed to look down on this young master, she would not die later! Do you think Can’t you go back to your aunt’s old path?”

He looked at several people with a sneer, and smiled coldly.

As soon as he said that, before Mu Yun and the others spoke, Ye Wu suddenly turned his head and looked at him indifferently: “Are you saying that the death of Yu has something to do with you?”

The young master was looked down upon by Ye Wu’s expression, and was surprised at first, but then he straightened his waist proudly, and said arrogantly: “So what? That Mu Yumo shepherds for so many years, and has accumulated a lot of wealth, enough to Exchange a third rank life-sustaining pill and increase her income by 100,000 years, but unfortunately, she rejected this young master, how could this young master make her feel better!

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was silent, and Mu Yun and the others who had originally spoken did not even speak.

It’s just that their eyes looked at each other as if they were looking at a dead person.

The young master didn’t seem to be affected, and still greedily looked at Mu Yun’s bumpy figure and said, “Although I can’t play with my aunt and nephew, one of you is enough, take it away for this young master!”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand directly.

Behind him, the two entourages of the God Emperor saw this, they burst out, and grabbed the clouds with their big hands.

But for a moment…The sound of two bursts of death appeared, attracting everyone’s attention.

Everyone looked sideways, and they were shocked.

I don’t know when, the two god-tier emperors actually exploded and died on the spot!

When the young master saw this, he was immediately startled, and hurriedly looked sideways, just about to meet Shang Ye Wu’s indifferent gaze.

“You! Who are you?” he asked in a trembling voice.

Ye Wu was unmoved, the Killing intent in his eyes devoured people’s hearts, as if he could devour everything.

This is the first time in the past 360 years that Ye Wu was angry, and the white robe was agitated, and he rushed to the Galaxy Cluster!

The young master was so frightened by Ye Wu’s eyes that he couldn’t help but say, “What are you waiting for, come on, kill him!”

The two great saints had solemn expressions on their faces at the moment, but they couldn’t do anything if they didn’t make a move.

However, Ye Wu didn’t seem to give them a chance to do it!

I saw him wave at random.

Almost exactly the same, the two saint-level powerhouses directly exploded and died.

Ye Wu was unmoved, just walked step by step!

“You, what do you want to do! I am the young master of Tianlei City and the only son of the city master. If you kill me, my father will not let you go!”

Ye Wu glanced at it and needed time, and immediately scared the other party to the ground. He didn’t dare to make the slightest move, so he could only move out of his own father.

Seeing this, Ye Wu waved his hand, and in an instant, a group of people on the young master exploded and died, without the slightest defense.

– A terrifying aura directly lifted the young master, and then Ye Wu looked at him coldly: “Young master of Tianlei City, right, I’ll let you know that you took a decision that you will regret forever!”

After he finished speaking, he directly flew into the air, holding the young master, Mu Yun and others in one hand, and in a flash, he came to the city outside Tianlei.

The next moment, without giving everyone a chance to speak, Ye Wu stood in the air with one hand outstretched.


The boundless aura is turbulent, and over the Tianlei City City Lord’s Mansion, the endless aura can’t stop exploding, urging the heartstrings of the common people!

A big palm pushed aside the cloud and mist, with a sense of devouring everything, depriving the law, and bursting out towards the City Lord’s Mansion.

This terrifying scene shocked countless people to the extreme, and they were terrified.

For a time, the residents of the entire Tianlei City, their eyes fell on the sky above the Tianlei City City Lord’s Mansion, and they were horrified.

They didn’t understand who the Tianlei City City Lord’s Mansion had offended, and the other party made such a strong move.

Almost at this moment, a stalwart aura erupted directly from the City Lord’s Mansion, accompanied by a powerful aura.

“Who attacked my City Lord’s Mansion?” A middle-aged and majestic voice appeared, resounding throughout the sky, causing the panicked people to breathe a sigh of relief!

“Father!” At this moment, the young master who was captured by Ye Wu couldn’t help but exclaimed with great joy!

Parenting “!” The middle-aged voice was stunned, The next moment, a middle-aged man in black robe walked out of the city master’s mansion!

PS: In today’s update, the state is still no longer. Sigh, I feel that I have used my brain too much, and I feel a little confused. It seems that I am still stuck!.

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