Chapter 187 Ye Wu enters the world of covering the sky, Ye Daocang’s indifference

The middle-aged man instantly saw that his only son was bound by Ye Wu. He was shocked at first, and then he looked directly at Ye Wu.

This “friend, I don’t know how my son offended your Excellency, and let Your Excellency treat you like this?”

His words are very strong. After all, he is a supreme-level powerhouse who dominates one side. Naturally, he has a lot of courage and dignity.

However, what he answered was Wu’s indifferent eyes.

A supreme being is not even qualified to talk to himself on an equal footing, and he is not even willing to talk to him.

He just snorted!


It took time, the sky could not help rolling thunder, and the sound of countless thunderbolts appeared in the clear sky, resounding through the eardrums of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Daocang’s aura was like a rainbow, and his mighty shore was like a mountain, conquering all directions.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of the public, the terrifying Supreme City Lord suddenly seemed to be bombarded by something in the chest, and blood spurted out in one breath!

Afterwards, he saw his body fly upside down and fall to the ground, his expression extremely pale.

His body smashed directly into the city lord’s mansion, and most of the entire city lord’s mansion exploded and shattered.


For a time, everyone couldn’t help but turn pale with shock, and they were shocked to the extreme.

“He is Tianzun, the peak Tianzun!”

Accompanied by the exclamations, there were countless shocking eyes, and their eyes were astonished to the extreme.

At this moment, countless people were shocked, and the shock in their hearts was like thunder, roaring into their ears.

No one would have imagined that the young man in white in front of him had such a terrifying strength!


Still the pinnacle of heaven!

That is an invisible existence, and it is only one step away from the Great Heavenly Venerate who became the ancestor of the sect!

How did the Young Master of the City Lord’s Mansion provoke a kind of existence!

However, after thinking about this person’s daily personalities, they were not surprised.

Even many people who have been bullied by him have their faces full of excitement, and their eyes are full of joy.

A cold snort hit the peak of Tianzun, Ye Wu was unmoved, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

The university hanging above the city lord’s mansion continued to erupt, the endless terrifying prestige crashed down, and everything in the void exudes countless terrifying flames!

At this time, the City Lord’s Mansion was in a panic, and the stability and indifference of the past were no longer there.

At this time, the figure of the city lord had already appeared in everyone’s eyes.

At this moment, he lowered his head, endured the injury, and gritted his teeth: “I don’t know how the dog offended your Excellency, but I hope Your Excellency Haihan, Junior is willing to make amends, and even donate all the accumulated resources of the City Lord’s Mansion over the years!”

He respectfully opened his mouth and bowed down directly, and everyone was not surprised.

Unfortunately, what he faced was Ye Wu’s ignoring gaze.

That big palm, like a talisman, continued to fall.

Around the void, thunder rolled in the void, and countless deafening voices appeared, making people look dazed.

With the crisis of life and death added to his body, the Tianlei City city lord’s face changed with shock, and his mind was trembling. He knew that he couldn’t wait any longer!

“If Your Excellency still feels that it is not enough to relieve your anger, Xiao’er is willing to deal with Your Excellency, and I only ask Your Excellency to spare my life in the City Lord’s Mansion of Tianlei City!”

Although he was old enough to have children, at this juncture, he couldn’t care about anything else.

After all, he has a long future, not necessarily only this son!

The young city lord opened his eyes wide, looking at his own father in disbelief, his eyes filled with astonishment.

He couldn’t imagine that the father who spoiled him to the core would abandon him one day.

Ye Wu looked down at him indifferently, and replied indifferently: “Unfortunately, what your son has done, your City Lord’s Mansion has been destroyed 10,000 times, and it can’t be offset””!”

After finishing speaking, the lobby will not stay any longer. The lobby is pressed down in the air, and the sky will take time to shatter.

The city lord suddenly shouted: “My Tianlei City is small, but this city lord is the only disciple of the Yunhai Great Heavenly Venerate. If you kill me, my master will never let you go! I have just contacted the master, he You will be here in an instant, and those who are cognizant, leave now!”

Yunhai Datianzun is definitely one of the old-fashioned Tianzun!

However, this title is nothing like Ye Wu!

I saw him unmoved, condescending, looking down at the bottom indifferently: “The Great Heavenly Venerate of the Sea of ​​Clouds? Then let him try it and see if the deity can kill him!”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t even hesitate anymore, and the stalwart power, which was so strong, was directly suppressed in the air.


The void trembled, unbelievable.

The city lord opened his eyes wide and exclaimed involuntarily: “No!”

A miserable cry spread almost all over the star, causing countless people to paint and shudder.


However, with a dull sound falling from the sky, thousands of meters of smoke and dust rose directly.

call om

One after another storm roared, and when the big palm disappeared, the City Lord’s Mansion of Tianlei City was annihilated on the spot, and millions of creatures died because of this!

The entire City Lord’s Mansion was directly razed to the ground, no longer as grand and huge as before!

The young city lord looked at all this in front of him tremblingly, his biggest support, in front of the other party, was so fragile and vulnerable!

At this moment, if Ye Wu’s Magic power hadn’t supported him, he would have even softened.

“Kill me!” He looked pale and said directly.

Obviously, he knew that Ye Wu would never let him go no matter what!

However, Ye Wu smiled indifferently: “Kill you? Wouldn’t that be too cheap for you?”

After he finished speaking, he slapped the palm of his hand and directly knocked the opponent unconscious into his own cave world.

Just when he was about to leave with everyone, suddenly, in front of him, an old man in a robe in his fifties slowly blocked in front of him!

“It’s you, who killed my apprentice and destroyed the City Lord’s Mansion in Tianlei City?” The old man looked down at Ye Wu indifferently and asked directly.

Ye Wu smiled coldly: “It seems that you are the Great Heavenly Venerate of the Sea of ​​Clouds, just right, the Qi Sea of ​​this deity is not finished yet!”

“Presumptuous! The ants also dare to shout and seek death!” The old man was furious and slashed with one finger. In an instant, a sword beam of ten thousand feet merged with the power of countless worlds, attacking and killing Ye Wu.

Jiang Shi, the entire Star trembled, a terrifying force sent the two directly above the starry sky.

“Old thing, it’s you! Die for me!”

Ye Wuyi showed his indifference before, flicked one hand in the void, and a virtual divine sword emerged directly. The monstrous sword force permeated the entire sea of ​​​​stars, cutting one ancient Star after another!

In an instant, the long swords collided with the sword light, and the power of the endless stalwarts fluctuated in all directions!

Above the sea of ​​​​starry sky, a bright light appeared, and it took time to pull across hundreds of thousands of feet, dividing the entire starry sky in two, one side was a sword, the other was a knife!

Ye Wu and Yunhai Datianzun each occupy one side, looking at each other, and in their eyes, there are thousands of killings rising!

At this moment, the eyes of the entire Galaxy were attracted, and when he saw that Ye Wu had the ability to leapfrog the challenge, he was immediately horrified.

Originally, they were still shocked at who got impatient and tried to provoke the Great Heavenly Venerate Cloud Sea, but after seeing Ye Wu’s terrifying strength, they immediately shut up!

At this time, the Great Heavenly Venerate of the Sea of ​​Clouds is already a little regretful!

But at this point, how could he back down: “Something! Unfortunately, you shouldn’t provoke the deity, the strength of the Great Heavenly Venerate is far from what you can compare and imagine, death!”


In the void, the thunder light exploded, causing a sensation like a mountain. At some point in his hand, a golden long saber appeared. On the saber, the aura of fearless years emerged from it, soaking the hearts of everyone!

This “Knife! Send you back to the West! A knife for all ages, it will be broken!”


The starry sky was shattered, and an extremely terrifying knife light suddenly appeared, emerging into the sky, with the power of swallowing the sky and eating the earth, killing Ye Wuzhen.

Ye Wu was unmoved, his expression was flat and calm!

He raised his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed through his eyes, frozen for thousands of miles!

“Damn you, old man, you dare to show your strength, this deity kills you like a slaughtering dog! The true meaning of the sea of ​​blood, fall!”

Clenched a fist and shook the air!

The ultimate strength swept through, setting off a sea of ​​waves!


The entire starry sky is shaking, and all the life stars in the entire Galaxy have billions of waves flickering, as if dragons and snakes are rising to the ground!

This punch, seemingly mediocre, actually contains the power of no dykes!

The Great Heavenly Venerate of the Sea of ​​Clouds is like seeing himself in a boundless sea of ​​blood. Here, every drop of water in the sea of ​​blood seems to contain the power to assimilate himself, which makes people tremble involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, without giving him any time to be surprised, Ye Hao landed with a punch, and his seemingly invincible sword light was instantly shattered and scattered under this sword.

Afterwards, a boundless punch, with stalwart prestige, slammed towards him.


The fist is like the wind, it has come in an instant, and it landed on his chest with a bang.

Heaven and Earth!

Immediately afterwards, a stalwart figure exploded directly in the void!

For a time, blood splattered all over the sky, and the entire starry sky was covered with blood rain, as if Heavenly Dao was feeling the fall of a great Heavenly Venerate.

Countless people were stunned to see this scene in front of them, unable to speak for a long time, the horror in their eyes reached the extreme!

No one could have imagined that in less than a few rounds of the fight, the Great Heavenly Venerate Yunhai would die in the hands of Ye Wu!

Ye Wu looked down at the Quartet indifferently, stood with his hands behind his back, and vented his eternal spirit.

He looked indifferently at the sky and the rain of blood around him, indifferent;After saying this, his figure suddenly disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

In the Wuyou Grassland, Mu Yun and the others looked at Ye Wu in astonishment. Obviously, no one thought that this person’s strength would be so terrifying!

A Great Heavenly Venerate, he actually said that he would kill him!

Mu Yun stared at the scene in front of her eyes. At this time, she finally understood why her aunt refused to join a quasi-immortal family for him.

If it were her, perhaps, she would make the same decision as her aunt!

Unparalleled in elegance and invincible in the world, Ye Wu is the most perfect one she has ever seen, no matter in terms of image or imposing manner!

Even, she didn’t even know that this stalwart figure in white appeared in her heart at an unknown time.

Ye Wu stayed here for half a year, and then left behind a jade!

“In this, there is an incarnation of me. Below the Great Heavenly Venerate, I can cut everything. Leave it to you for self-defense!”

Ye Wu handed the jade in his hand to Mu Yun to explain.

Mu Yun originally wanted to refuse, but when she saw a miniature version of Ye Wu entrenched in the jade, she involuntarily took it over!

Ye Wu nodded lightly at her, and then the figure disappeared directly above the worry-free grassland.

Mu Yun looked at Ye Wuyuan’s figure, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, nothing was said.

Afterwards, he glanced at the jade in his hand again, and a trace of perseverance flashed involuntarily!

Fengyun Galaxy, Fengpoxing, Ye Family!

After decades of rushing, Ye Wu returned to the Ye family.

Soon, the Ye family found out that Ye Wu was unusual.

In the past, Ye Wu would chat and nod with (Good King Hao), but today’s Ye Wu is expressionless!

This made the Ye family immediately look at each other, not knowing why.

Ye Wu did not explain, but went directly to the Valley of Swords in the Back Mountain.

The Howling Dog is now a veritable Emperor Cultivation Base, and instantly noticed Ye Wu’s unusualness, and did not pester him, just nodded at him.

Ye Wu also returned, and then walked all the way to the place halfway up the mountain.

Ye Wu is waiting for him as always!

“Third Uncle, I want to become stronger!” Ye Wu didn’t even talk nonsense, the first sentence he came was very straightforward, even Ye Daocang was stunned.

Ye Daocang knew how hard Ye Wu worked, but the other party still wanted to become stronger, which immediately made him clear that Ye Wu might have been hit by something outside!

He didn’t point it out, but said indifferently: “There is a place where the strong are rampant, which can be called a near-death situation, and even this seat can’t intervene in it, you are willing to go in and row!”

Nephew “Wish to go!” Ye Wu looked at Ye Daocang firmly, without even the slightest hesitation!

Ye Daocang nodded lightly, then with a big wave, Ye Wu’s figure disappeared instantly!

The place he sent Ye Wu to was not anywhere else, but in the world of covering the sky. Originally, he wanted the other party to go to the deserted world, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

The barren world is much more dangerous than the world that covers the sky, even if Ye Wu enters, he may not be able to escape death!

After sending Ye Wu away, Ye Daocang said lightly: “System, use the exchange point, I want to know what happened to Wu Er?”

Ye Daocang has also gained some understanding of the system over the years.

On weekdays, he is so cold and outrageous that he will not answer any questions, but once the exchange point is involved, the other party can’t sit still!


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