Chapter 188 Refining the Fusang Tree Clone, No. Samsara

After consuming nearly 10,000 exchange points, Ye Daocang finally knew everything he wanted to know.

A cold light flickered in his eyes, rushing in all directions, with amazing aura.

Whether he admits it or not, he has to admit that in the Ye family, in terms of blood, Ye Wu is really the only descendant of his lineage.

Let me ask, how could he be able to ignore and ignore Ye Wu?

A cold light flickered in his eyes, traversing the sky, and the air was soaring.

His eyes flickered, his thoughts were full of thoughts, and soon, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Later that time when Samsara was transformed, Ye Daocang realized something far beyond ordinary people.

Coupled with the small Six Paths of Reincarnation given by the system, at this moment, he had a little insight.

His intuition told him that in his primeval times, he might be very terrifying, but he also had strong enemies, and his former love might have suffered greatly because of him.

Whether it is Wang Shu’s bitter and loving eyes, or the Queen’s relieved and nostalgic eyes, every time he thinks of it, he is infinitely uncomfortable.

He is still like this, suffering all his life, how can he bear the same for his own nephew?

Ye Wu inherited Huang’s will, but he didn’t want Ye Wu to inherit the loneliness and desolation of the other party’s battle against the sky alone!

He didn’t hesitate, the whole person walked directly into his own cave world.

Here, many things rewarded by the system take root and grow here.

His expression did not change, and with an eternal thought, he appeared directly on top of a huge giant tree.

It has a whole body of white jade, with even forks, and streams of innumerable Spiritual Qi are released from it.

Emperor Pin Spiritual Roots, hibiscus, even the heavens, it is one of the top Spiritual Roots unparalleled in the world.

Although there are still countless distances from Spiritual Roots, the energy contained in them can even attract the peeps of titled emperors and even quasi-immortals.

Ye Daocang’s expression remained unchanged, and he directly consumed millions of exchange points.

Afterwards, he took out a drop of Blood Essence, separated out a ray of divine soul, and slowly poured it into the bead of hibiscus.

As a branch of hibiscus, its growth is not as dazzling as Innate Spiritual Roots, but it is still not to be underestimated.

There is hope for the future, and it may even reverse Innate’s.

But 363 at this time, Ye Daocang obviously did not have this idea. At this time, he also gave up this idea and chose a more powerful method.

Condense this bead of hibiscus into a separate body.

In his heart, a huge idea has arisen spontaneously.

It was another consumption of 3 million exchange points, which directly helped Fusang Mu to go further, and then he began to cultivate his own avatar.

Thousands of years have gone by!

On this day, in Wenjian Valley, the hibiscus tree suddenly appeared in the soil and appeared in front of the common people, with a mighty riot like a mountain.

An aura that was no longer under Ye Daocang burst out and smashed across the side.

Gradually, this momentum even surpassed Ye Daocang, and finally, it stabilized on the Realm of the titled Great Emperor First Stage.

Immediately afterwards, a stalwart aura erupted from the void.

Immediately after, Fusang Mu began to transform into a middle-aged man who had a similar resemblance to Ye Daocang, and walked over slowly.

If the nine elders, Ye Chen, Ye Youran and others were still there, they would definitely know each other.

This middle-aged man was stunned to look like Ye Daocang when he was still in the Innate realm breakthrough Great Master period.

Feeling the other party’s realm and spirit, Ye Daocang nodded slowly.

The Realm of the Titled Great Emperor First Stage, once he establishes the Six Paths of Reincarnation, then, within his territory, with the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he can even defeat the titled Great Emperor Great Perfection, and even be able to compete with the ability of the quasi-immortal. !

Five million exchange points, there are really no white flowers!

“I have seen the deity!” The middle-aged man gave Ye Daocang a bow.

He perfectly inherited Ye Daocang’s will and fighting power, and even because of Realm, he is much stronger than Ye Daocang.

After all, the consumption of nearly five million exchange points almost bottomed out his exchange points.

Ye Daocang was unmoved, stared at him lightly and said, “You don’t need to be polite, fellow daoist, do you know why I created you?”

The middle-aged man smiled faintly: “I know, go to the Underworld of Death, create an underworld, and establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation!”

Ye Daocang nodded slowly: “You and I are one, I don’t worry about it if it’s yours!”

After he finished speaking, he directly took out the small Six Paths of Reincarnation rewarded by the system, from which he could even feel the breath of the back soil.

The middle-aged man took it, put it away directly, and nodded lightly: “This emperor is out, he is a martial artist, can fellow daoist give him a title!”

Ye Daocang was silent for a while, then slowly said: “Since you are creating Samsara, then you should be named Samsara!”

The middle-aged man smiled faintly and seemed very satisfied: “In this case, Samsara has seen the deity, and the emperor will go!”

Ye Daocang looked at the back of the other party that was about to disappear, and reminded: “Don’t forget, find that woman named Mu Yu!”

“The deity can rest assured, the day the Six Paths of Reincarnation is established is when you return with your nephew!

In the boundless void, Samsara’s voice echoed faintly, very flat, but very confident.

Ye Daocang nodded slowly, he was very clear about Samsara’s strength!

Time flies by…

At this moment, in an ancient vacuum zone, Ye Chen was wearing a blue shirt that has not changed all the year round, and waves of wind and waves roared past.

The boundless Sword intent rushes in all directions, setting off a wave of kendo after another.

The great sword is in the air, thousands of swordsmen are united, and they move towards the stalwart fist in front of them.


The roaring sound in the sky came, and it couldn’t stop hearing it. Wherever it went, everything became shattered.

After the sound of thousands of explosions passed, above the void, only Ye Chen and a man of the same age stood opposite each other.

This man had a face like Pan An, and was extraordinarily handsome, even Ye Chen had to admit it.

In terms of appearance alone, what he has seen, even the owner Ye Daocang and his close friend Wu, are not comparable to each other.

His name is Liu Rufeng, and he is indeed a man like the wind.

The other party was a good friend who had been strong when he came to the heavens, and had known each other for hundreds of thousands of years.

The two looked at each other, then smiled at each other.

Liu Rufeng stepped out and came to Ye Chen.

“Unexpectedly, after 30,000 years, you are only one step away from the Great Heavenly Venerate, it is amazing!”

Liu Rufeng looked at Ye Chen and was amazed. This was the first time he was amazed by a person.

When he first met Ye Chen, in his mind, the opponent’s Cultivation Base was several times lower than himself, but in terms of combat power, it surprised him for the first time.

After a few realms lower, the opponent actually has a combat power that is not inferior to his.

However, he was not surprised, but in the following hundreds of thousands of years, every time he met, Ye Chen opened his eyes.

Over the years, he has watched Ye Chen level the Realm gap with him step by step.

Hearing the admiration of the opposition, Ye Chen smiled lightly: “Aren’t you the same? It took more than 100,000 years to reach the Ninth Stage of Tianzun, your talent has surpassed that of the young emperor, and you are still unknown. It seems that, You have a deep plan!”

Hearing this, Liu Rufeng shook his head with a smile and didn’t explain much!

“I know that you love drinking tea, and your Ye family’s several treasured teas are indeed the best teas that are rarely seen in the heavens. You must not despise ordinary teas, but this time is different!”

(aecf) Liu Rufeng said, waved his hand, a wooden table, a set of tea sets, and two stools visited the void.

“This is my family’s rare treasure, Bi Luo Yellow Springs tea, which is almost impossible to find on the market. Come and try it!”

After he finished speaking, he immediately started to brew.

Ye Chen sat down curiously, and was still very happy. His friend knew what he liked and collected what he wanted!

Looking at Liu Rufeng, who was like a fairy in the world, Ye Chen observed it carefully.

For the first time, he found that the other party’s tea-making technique was very good, and it was not inferior to his own master, Ye Daopa.

This time, he was actually interested in tea other than Ye Daocang’s hands!

“Please!” Liu Rufeng smiled proudly and spoke confidently.

Ye Chen suddenly showed a look of interest.

He is very aware of Liu Rufeng’s personality, and when the other party generally shows a confident look, he must have a unique arrogance.

Then, he picked up the tea and tasted it carefully.

A cup of tea, he drank a third of the stick of incense, and the tea between his throat brushed, as if moisturizing his soul.

After a long time, he slowly opened his own eyes.

“How?” Liu Rufeng asked involuntarily.

Ye Chen commented: “The aftertaste is sweet, with the unique flavor of tea but not the slightest bit of bitterness. The tea itself has the ability to wash the soul, and your perfect processing method perfectly supports the fragrance of the tea!”

Hearing Ye Chen’s comment, Liu Rufeng smiled lightly, looking quite proud, and was preparing to be humble.

As a result, Ye Chen said again: “Besides the tea made by the owner of my family, you are the first person to make me so praised by everyone!”Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Liu Rufeng, who was about to humble himself, suddenly stiffened.

“You, you! If there is a chance, I really want to meet the mysterious Patriarch you mentioned!” Liu Rufeng pointed at Ye Chen and scolded with a smile.

Because this is not the first time he has said Ye Daocang’s mysterious and powerful from Ye Chen’s mouth.

Kendo, Martial Dao, momentum, and even others, Ye Chen respected them very much, as if he regarded them as a lifelong role model.

He knew very well that people like Ye Chen who could be admired by the heavenly arrogance were definitely not the ones who got a false reputation.

Moreover, he also knew about the opponent’s record, and he dared to underestimate the terrifying powerhouse who could fight against the Emperor in the Zhundi Realm.

Ye Chen smiled and didn’t say much, but took out a few small crock pots and threw them to the other party.

“I know you love to drink, but these have been saved for you for tens of thousands of years, and this pot of Monkey King wine was given to me when I promised to help the Monkey King to do one thing. People drank it!”

Ye Chen likes tea, Liu Rufeng likes wine, every time Liu Rufeng comes, he will bring the best spirit tea to Ye Chen, and Ye Chen will also bring out the monkey wine to the other party.

After all, as one of the few Ye family members who can enter Wenjian Valley, he is also familiar with those monkeys!

So, in this vacuum, Ye Chen was alone, Liu Rufeng was drinking fine wine, and both parties were drinking their favorite things, but there was no discord at all.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Ye Chen seems to have discovered that something is wrong with Liu Rufeng, and the other party seems to be drinking several times more than usual.

But he did not dismantle it, but waited quietly.

He did not mean to let the other party speak, if the other party is willing to say it, he will naturally say it himself.

Finally, after a long time, Liu Rufeng even finished drinking two pots of wine. This pot of wine can be said to be more than a lake of water, but Liu Rufeng drank two pots in a short period of time.

“Ye Chen, aren’t you curious about my identity?” Liu Rufeng asked suddenly.

He knew Ye Chen’s identity very well, but Ye Chen had no way of knowing his identity.

Ye Chen smiled lightly: “When I make friends, I never ask the other party’s identity, as long as they have an appetite for me, even if it is a demon, a blood, an evil, or even a ghost!”

Liu Rufeng smiled, his heart was slightly warm, and after a little silence, he still opened his mouth: “You should know about Heaven, Emperor and Heaven Court? Then if I tell you, I am the only one who existed after the disintegration of Heaven Court. A descendant of one of the branches, do you believe it?”

Chen Chen smiled faintly: “I believe, it is rumored that the emperor is also a believer!”

Liu Rufeng nodded and asked involuntarily, “Do you remember the few monster-like people who followed me when we met?”

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words, and couldn’t help but look in a trance.

In previous years, Liu Rufeng had been accompanied by several inhuman characters, as if they were innate rulers of the power of rules.

Under the same Cultivation Base, Ye Chen needs to work hard to kill them!

You must know that Ye Chen’s Talent is a genius of the same level, he can instantly kill him, but the existence of those few monsters actually requires him to spend a lot of time, so it can be seen that the other party is terrifying!

“Then do you know their identities?” Liu Rufeng suddenly stared at Ye Chen and asked seriously!

Ye Chen was silent for a while, then guessed: “Is it the servants you cultivated in the Heaven Court affair?”

Liu Rufeng shook his head, and suddenly his eyes turned on, staring at Ye Chen, and said word by word: “Wrong, they are my brothers, brothers with the same father and mother!”


Ye Chen even stood up in surprise, looking at Liu Rufeng in disbelief, horrified!

PS: The state is slowing down, ready to resume the third watch!

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