Chapter 191 In one day, three titled emperors

Hearing his words, everyone was moved for a while, and then a trace of curiosity in their hearts had surfaced.

They are also very curious about what kind of title Samsara can get?

When Samsara heard this, after being silent for a while, he slowly opened his eyes. Then, his heart moved. At this moment, he was also very curious about what kind of title he could get!

Time flies, and since then, the little Six Paths of Reincarnation has taken shape.

Then, Samsara traced back the power of the source, found the soul of Mu Yu, and brought it to Ye Daocang.

In Wen Jian Valley, in a three-color green lotus, the power of a soul slowly merged into it.

Another thousand years have passed, and suddenly, a perfect woman, wearing a purple court dress, slowly turned into a human form from a tricolor green lotus!

“I, this? Come back to life?” The woman looked at her own state without saying a word, and said strangely.

Afterwards, she hurriedly turned her gaze to the man beside her, and directly bowed and thanked: “Junior language, thank you senior for your rescue!”

Ye Daocang waved his hand with a light smile, and said, “There’s no need for that. There are many connections between you and me. After a thousand years, you’ll know!”

After he finished speaking, he did not explain in detail, but just left to find a place to practice in Wenjian Valley.

Another hundred years later, Ye Chen came back, and he brought back a message to Ye Daocang.

“You mean, over the years, the people who have repeatedly targeted my Ye family are behind the Habitat Alliance? And the person they pushed out was the Mo Wudao who was rescued by the Heilong clan’s patriarch?

Ye Daocang sat in Lotus Position and looked at Ye Chen and said strangely.

Over the years, the Ye family’s children have been injured every time they go out to practice, and some people have even died because of it.

It seemed like a normal Death to the extreme, but Ye Daocang always felt that behind him, there was a huge invisible giant pushing everything.

Ye Chen nodded miraculously, and then told Liu Rufeng everything and said it all.

Ye Daocang’s expression flickered, the Habitat Alliance, a group that disintegrated the ancient Heaven Court of the past, really scary!

04 Perhaps, if they hadn’t been jealous of Ye Wushi, they would have already made a move against the Ye family!

At the same time, he also discovered that the Habitat Alliance is not simple, the thoughts in his heart flickered, and thousands of times flowed out.

He glanced at Ye Chen, nodded and said, “Go tell that friend of yours, I asked Daocang to owe him a favor!”

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled lightly and nodded,

Afterwards, the two sides chatted for a while. After Ye Daocang answered some things for the other party, he directly chose to leave.

Just before leaving, he gave a strange look, and the shepherd girl at the foot of the mountain gave a strange look.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Daocang’s voice fell and entered Ye Chen’s ears.

Ye Chen was shocked at first, and then, a terrifying cold light flashed across his eyes.

He never thought that Ye Wu went out and went through so many things.

As a close friend, he cannot tolerate it.

For a time, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps, it is time to open the place of trial, help oneself become the Great Heavenly Venerate, and ascend to the throne of the quasi-emperor as soon as possible!

In this way, in the future, he will have the possibility to compete with many strong players!

Ye Daocang was alone on the mountainside, his eyes twinkling.

Human Butcher Alliance, a terrifying color flashed directly in his eyes.

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

Time flies, and after three hundred years, he slowly opened his own eyes.

“The technique of transforming one gas into three cleanliness is really mysterious!” Ye Daocang sighed and said with emotion.At this moment, as the Cultivation Base is soaring day by day, the mystery of one gasification and three cleanliness is more handy for him.

But he also discovered the terrifying degree of this Cultivation Technique.

From the prehistoric point of view, this spell was created by Taishang Laojun, who broke the mystery of the Immortal Execution Sword Array with the power of one person!

From the point of view of mythology, Sanqing is nothing more than the three avatars of Daozu Taishang.

The unity of the three avatars corresponds exactly to the mysterious and mysterious in the Tao Te Ching, the door to all wonders!

A strange color flashed in his eyes, and an idea emerged spontaneously.

Perhaps, I can follow the example of Taishang and create the body of the Three Purities. When all the avatars of the main body have entered the realm of the quasi-immortal peak, it will be the time when his three avatars are united. At that time, the real Immortal immortal can be achieved!

Thinking of this, he suddenly had such a clear plan.

Soon, millions of exchange points were thrown into it, and after consuming two Spiritual Roots, in front of Ye Daocang, two more clones were condensed by him.

Ye Daocang didn’t talk nonsense, and said lightly: “From now on, you will be called Mutian, the Lord of Heaven Court, and you will be called Tathagata, the Lord of Buddhism!”

“Mutian, Tathagata, I have seen the deity!” The two clones said lightly.

I saw Mu Tian and Tathagata, no matter their appearance or grade, and Ye Daocang, there was no change at all!

Afterwards, the two of them left and disappeared in front of Ye Daocang.

Ye Daocang smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and a trace of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

On this day, in the middle of the mountain, a huge teleportation formation slowly emerged from it, and then, Ye Wu, dressed in white, slowly emerged.

“Dream for thousands of years, to achieve the perfect emperor’s body, to cover the sky, to understand the law of the world, to be the emperor, and to break!”

Ye Wu spoke lightly, and his voice echoed in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, he directly wandered into Taixu, peeped into Dongxu, crossed the Sea of ​​Bitterness, landed on the other side, and boarded the Taoist platform.


The shackles belonging to the quasi-emperor were directly broken, so it should not be too easy.

After a trip to the Great World of Covering the Sky, he achieved the status of a perfect emperor from scratch, and after returning from a lifetime, the shackles of the emperor were directly broken.

In addition, the time he needs to practice in the future will be shortened even more, because he has already understood the various mysteries of the Taoist realm.

“As a quasi-emperor, it seems that in these ten thousand years, you have experienced extraordinary sufferings!

Ye Chen’s voice echoed in Ye Wu’s ears, making his vicissitudes and sighing eyes slowly become clear!

“You’re here!” Ye Wu smiled lightly, reliving his life and seeing his best friend again, he was still very happy.

See you again, Ye Chen has already achieved the Second Stage of the Great Heavenly Reverend!

Ye Chen nodded lightly: “I can’t help but come back, the owner has prepared a surprise for you, come with me!”

After speaking, he took Ye Wu directly towards the foot of the mountain. Ye Wu was a little weird, but he still followed.

Soon, at the foot of the mountain, a grass hut was built, and below, on a huge plain, a shepherdess was grazing with thousands of fiery sheep.


Ye Wu seemed to be struck by lightning, looking at the shepherdess with unmoving eyes, the horror and shock in his heart reached a level that could not be concealed.

A trace of shock that was so intense was boiling in his heart, rushing to Ye Wu’s heartstrings!

Ye Chen smiled and left quietly.

Ye Wu’s figure moved slowly and appeared directly at the door of the Caolu, his eyes pierced through countless voids, looking at the shepherdess who drove the sheep.

I don’t know how long has passed, the shepherdess returned from grazing, and after she finished imprisoning the sheep, she would go back.

At this time, her eyes found a person at the door.

She was startled at first, and then she thought it was the powerful and powerful man on the mountainside who was about to salute.

However, when she saw the face of the man at the door, she stopped.

Afterwards, she looked at each other naively, and said nothing.

For a time, the picture seemed to freeze at this moment.

Soon, the two faced each other, looked at each other with affection, and burst into tears.

“You’re back!”

For a long time, Mu Yu’s pear blossomed with rain, and the soft voice invaded Ye Wu’s heart, and he couldn’t leave for a long time in his heart.

Ye Wu nodded heavily, and then, without giving Mu Yu time to speak, he hugged her fiercely!

“This time, I will never let go of your hand again!” Ye Wu said firmly.

Mu Yu smiled with tears in her eyes, nodded happily, and then slowly hugged the reunited couple after a long absence.

That is at this time, not long after.


There was a thunderclap in the clear sky, and the domes in all directions seemed to be collapsing.

Immediately after, above the vast void, a terrifying aura flickered in the space, piercing the false name.

The breath of the fearless river of time and space flickered, and then, a breath of virtual dart energy slowly came out.

At this moment, countless people raised their heads in shock, looking at everything in front of them in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

“What is this? What happened?”

“The breath of nothingness, could it be that there is a titled great emperor who broke into the void world and wants to hear the emperor’s mark monument?”

“Eighty percent!”

“It’s only been 100,000 years since the Demon Emperor Young Emperor was named Emperor, and has a new titled Great Emperor been born?”

For a time, countless people started talking.

Many people are waiting, they want to know, this time, who has successfully become emperor?

Time flew by, and then, a stalwart figure slowly appeared in everyone’s eyes.

“This is?”

“It’s him! Emperor Samsara!”

Sure enough, “it’s him, after hiding for so long, is he finally ready to leave his mark on the Emperor Mark Tablet?

“I don’t know, what title will the Emperor Mark Stele give him?”

“I’m looking forward to it too!

Everyone couldn’t stop talking, and sure enough, at this time, a terrifying momentum slowly appeared in everyone’s heart.

I saw Samsara standing proudly above the sky, looking down at the Emperor Mark Stele indifferently, with a deep gleam of light that landed directly on the Emperor Mark Stele.


The barrier above the Emperor Mark Monument rose in an instant, but it shattered cleanly in an instant.


For a time, countless people gasped and were shocked.

“It’s even faster to be defeated by the Demon Emperor and the Young Emperor!”

“A single ray of light can break the blockade of the Emperor Mark Tablet. This momentum is too terrifying!”

“Strong! It really is an invincible existence!”

Everyone suddenly exclaimed, and one after another inconceivable gaze fell on Samsara.

When the Demon Emperor and the Young Emperor came to the Emperor Mark Monument, they saw it with their own eyes, and it wasn’t that scary.

But compared to Samsara, nothing at all!

At this time, above the Emperor Mark monument, endless aura boiled, burst, and erupted.

Then, a light flashed slowly and fell on Samsara’s body.

Immediately afterwards, three ancient characters appeared slowly on the Emperor Mark Stele.

【Son of Clouds!」


For a time, everyone started to talk differently, and they were shocked to see all of 363 in front of them, unable to speak for a long time.

“It turned out to be the title of the Son of Heaven. What does this title mean?”

“Yes, every title given by the Emperor Mark Stele has a profound meaning!

“For example, the title of the Devil Emperor and Young Emperor, and the title of Heavenly Emperor who created Heaven Court, the title of the invincible Night Emperor under the night sky, etc.!”

“To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard of the title Yin Tianzi!

“Exactly how, we won’t know in the future!”

Samsara naturally would not choose to pay attention to the words of the crowd.

His expression remained the same, his stalwart aura surpassed the heavens, boiling through the ages.

After that, after staying on the Emperor Mark Stele for a while, he slowly disappeared and left the Void Realm!

Seeing this, everyone withdrew their gazes and was about to leave.

Suddenly, above the void, a faint brilliance flickered, and another stalwart figure slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Without giving everyone the slightest time to think, a stalwart figure appeared, generally thick and invincible, and the aura that shocked the ages erupted.

The terrifying emperor qi surges, urging the heart card of the common people!

It’s just that on his face, there is a terrifying mask. On top of this mask, is the pattern of a stalwart middle-aged man, full of countless rhymes!

There was nothing on the mask, but when everyone looked at it, two big characters appeared!

【Jade Emperor!


For a time, thousands of thoughts flashed in everyone’s heart!

“This! Could it be that he also came to pick up the title?”

Could it be, “In this day, two titled emperors will appear?”

“Why is he wearing a mask?

“Yeah, also, what does the word Jade Emperor mean?”

Everyone was chatting and discussing, staring at each other’s masks, curious.

Without giving the other person time to think, the masked man suddenly shot, pointed his finger across the sky, and a long river of time and space flickered, flowing under his feet, and the breath of time and air suddenly burst out.

It took time, and a terrifying finger fell directly on the Emperor Mark Monument.



A crisp shattering sound appeared directly, and the defense above the Emperor Mark Stele exploded directly.

Then, on the Emperor Mark Stele, two huge titles appeared again!

[Heaven’s Soldiers!)

See this title, all eyes could not blink, do not know what thoughts!

PS: update yesterday, but because there were two words, directly banned, speechless!

Obviously do not want to shut two words together, it has become a dangerous word. . . .

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