Chapter 192 Title, Tathagata

“It turned out to be the title of Tianjun!

“I don’t know what’s the difference between the title and the title of Heavenly Emperor?”

“Could it be that this heralds the emergence of a new Heaven Court?”

For a time, countless people spoke involuntarily, and they flowed in a strange way.

At this moment, in countless places in the entire heavens, eyes flickered one after another, appearing in the eyes of everyone.

One after another, the silhouettes of ancient giants slowly emerged, appearing in the minds of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient spirits rose into the sky one by one, boiling for eternity.

“My God! Humph!

“What an arrogant title, I don’t know what kind of difference there was between emperors that day!

“How could there be a difference? Don’t forget, before the Heavenly Emperor created the Heaven Court, the title given to him by the Emperor Mark Stele was Heavenly Emperor!”

“Yeah, God, it’s the title he got when he created Heaven Court!”

“Could it be that another new Heaven Court is about to appear?”

“Aah, my Habitat Alliance will never allow the emergence of any force that can subdue the ten thousand races and order the quasi-immortal!”

“Go ahead and do your best to strangle this Heavenly Monarch wearing the Jade Emperor mask, and you can put aside the search for Ye Wushi first!”

One after another roaring voices emerged, urging the minds of the people, making people terrified.

“No wonder wearing a mask, it turned out to be a premeditated plan!”

“So what? My Habitat Alliance is deeply rooted, and it’s easy to find him!

For a time, one after another voice appeared and communicated in the boundless void.

I have to say, Mu Tian’s terrifying once again gave everyone a heavy blow!

Mu Tian’s expression remained unchanged, and a terrifying aura permeated the sky.

He ignored everyone’s eyes, and just flowed through the void indifferently, like an emperor who reflected the ages, looking down at the common people below.

Then, a hoarse voice came from his mouth, echoing above the void.

“Ben Emperor, want to create Heaven Court, Habitat Alliance, wait for Ben Emperor to liquidate!”

The stalwart’s voice echoed in the sky, causing an uproar since then.

“Hey~! Created Heaven Court, could it be that as soon as he said this, he completely stood on the opposite side of all races!”

“The Habitat Alliance? What kind of power is this? It seems that the two sides have hatred!”

“This deity has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, and I have never heard of the power of the Alliance of Humans. Sure enough, the waters of the heavens are very deep!”

One voice after another echoed, and ordinary people had never heard of this name.

However, many of those quasi-emperor powerhouses who have lived for more than millions of years have changed their expressions, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

Others don’t know the Daoist Resident Alliance, but they are very familiar with it.

The original Lord of Heaven Court was calculated by them, and it is still unknown whether the other party is Immortal Ascension or fallen!

But what is certain is that the moment Tianjun opened his mouth, the two sides became a feud!

Mu Tian’s expression did not change, the stalwart aura ran through the sky, and a strong aura emerged and exploded, hitting the hearts of everyone.

After saying these words, Mu Tian’s figure slowly disappeared and disappeared from everyone’s eyes.

However, the turmoil he left behind is still boiling this world.

Just when everyone thought that everything was coming to an end, a mellow voice appeared directly, echoing in the hearts of everyone.

“!! Atuo! Buddha!”

An ancient Buddha name appeared and reverberated. The crowd who had bowed their heads raised their heads again and looked towards the sky in disbelief.

“This is it! Could there be more?”

“Hey~! This is too unbelievable! – In a day, there are actually three strong men who want to get the title?”

“It’s incredible, it’s incredible!”

At the same time that everyone was horrified, their eyes flickered, and fearless voices echoed directly in the hearts of everyone.

Then, in the distance, a monk with nine ring scars on his head came barefoot, a unique Buddha-nature brilliance reverberated in the eyes of the common people.

Everyone was startled at first, and originally thought that this would be an old monk from a Buddhist temple.

However, when they looked over, they found that this was another masked man.

His mask is very different from Tianjun’s Jade Emperor mask, one can tell at a glance that he is not from the same force!

“This mask is so scary!

“What a rich Buddha-nature, he, in the end is that great Buddha coming into the world?

“Why is he wearing a mask, and what kind of connection does he have with Tianjun?”

“Look, he’s about to shoot!”

Suddenly, someone spoke, and everyone’s eyes looked directly over.

In an instant, the golden Buddha light flickered and reverberated around, and a fearless aura burst out, rushing the minds of everyone.

It was at this time that the ring scar man directly stretched out his hand and shot down the Emperor Mark tablet.

A huge ” character appeared, and boundless breath flickered.


Above the sky, a voice that entered the ear emerged, and a unique Buddha nature erupted.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying Ninja Seal with invincible prestige landed directly on the Emperor Mark Monument.


The tide of eternity is boiling, echoing in the hearts of everyone.

Countless people were shocked. This is another giant-level existence of the ages!


The stalwart voice reverberated, flowing in the hearts of everyone.

Afterwards, the Emperor Mark Stele flashed with white light, and two huge titles appeared again!

(Good King Zhao)【Tathagata!】


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but be shocked!

“Tathagata? What does this mean?”

“It is rumored that the fruit of the Tao that the Buddhist Cultivator has attained throughout his life is Tathagata!”

“This person uses the title of Tathagata, which is enough to see how terrifying his strength is, and how unparalleled his understanding of Buddhism is!”

At this moment, in the heavens, in the thousands of Buddhist temples, white light flickers, and countless monks flicker with enthusiasm!

“Tathagata, if I smell it, I can see Tathagata!”

“The true Buddha has come into the world, God bless my Buddhism!”

“The day of the great prosperity of Buddhism has finally arrived!”

“To see the true Buddha today is a great joy in life!”

At this moment, the entire Buddhism is in turmoil because of this incident.

Tathagata, it turns out, is not a legend!,

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