Chapter 193 Heaven Court

In one day, the three titled emperors went to the Emperor Mark Monument to obtain the title, and the entire heavens were horrified.

It seems to mean something.

Ye Wu, Ye Chen and the others stared at the three titled emperors, their eyes flickering, and they seemed to feel a familiar atmosphere from the three titled emperors.

A terrifying momentum flowed, and the aura was earth-shattering, and the terrifying aura could not stop urging everyone’s minds.

Ye Daocang was unmoved, a terrifying breath circulated and boiled.

He borrowed the technique of transforming the three purities of Qi, and used Mutian, Tathagata, Samsara, fellow practitioners, heaven, earth, and Buddha three ways, corresponding to the three talents.

The moment when the three powerhouses had just obtained the title, his Cultivation Base rose again and came to the Eighth Stage of the Great Emperor. It was enough to see that his actions this time were extremely normal.

Tathagata was unmoved by everything around him, his figure slowly disappeared, and he left here.

Soon, the three gathered with Ye Daocang.

The four looked at each other at the same time, and they all saw it clearly from each other’s eyes.

At this time, thousands of masks flew out of the Ye family and headed towards the heavens.

The people on these masks are incomparable, but they contain monstrous power.

For example, in the mask of the Son of Heaven Samsara, there are things like the Great Emperor, Niu Tau Ma Mian, Black and White Impermanence, Day and Night Wandering God, Granny Meng, Ten Temple Yama and so on.

The Jade Emperor mask Mutian himself wore, as well as Erlang God, the Four Heavenly Kings, Nezha and so on.

The masks representing the Buddhism Cultivator contain the Buddha of Dingguang and Joy, the Four Great Bodhisattva, the Eight Great Vajra, several Buddhas and so on.

Among these masks, there is a trace of aura corresponding to the deity. Anyone who can obtain the recognition of the mask will become a member of the three major forces!

These masks are very breathable, and even contain the traditional Heaven Court, Underworld, and Buddhist practice methods!

Moreover, these forces are inherently incompatible with the Habitat Alliance, and even have the ability to instigate the Habitat Alliance.

No way, the Habitat Alliance once possessed the ability to overthrow the ancient Heaven Court, and the Ye family is currently unable to compete with this strength.

Unless, Ye Daocang breaks through the quasi-immortal, then he can push down the Habitat Alliance with invincible hard power.

But now, he doesn’t have that ability.

The disappearance of the mask is unknown, but the entire Human Butcher Alliance is obviously not calm (aecf).

In the vacuum of a certain spiritual sense gathering, no one knows the identity of the other party, but their Cultivation Base is very consistent, they are all Cultivation Bases above the title of Great Emperor.

Those who are lower than Daotai are not even able to survive here.

“The new generation of Tianjun has appeared again. He seems to have planned it long ago and appeared with a mask!”

“Will he be the next day, Emperor?”

“It’s hard to say, but it’s certain that his strength should never be underestimated. Judging from his prestige when he shot outside the Emperor Mark Monument, under the quasi-immortal, the Realm titled Great Emperor, I’m afraid there are few rivals!”

“It looks like he is not as amazing as he was back then!

“You can’t take it lightly, don’t forget that he was unknown in the early days, and it didn’t start to explode until he reached the late stage of the titled emperor, so that as soon as he made a breakthrough, he immediately showed his invincible attitude completely!”

“Yes, no matter what, the new generation of Tianjun cannot appear, and the glory of the ancient Heaven Court must never be reproduced!”

“Good! Use all our forces and try our best to find traces of him. This emperor will not believe it. He is a titled emperor, and he will be nowhere to be found.”

One after another, the spiritual thoughts converged, and all their own goals were said.

Soon, another voice appeared.

Since “that Tathagata and Tianjun appeared with masks, it seems that people with masks have appeared in the whole heaven!”

“I also found that their Cultivation Base and their aura were completely indistinguishable, and the Martial Skills they used seemed to be different.”

“Yes, similar to various traces, they seem to be from three forces!”

“What I’m curious about now is what kind of connection there is between these three forces!”

“It’s hard to say, according to my observation, the Cultivation Base of King Pingping is on the Third Stage of the titled Great Emperor, and behind him seems to be the cloudy emperor, Emperor Samsara!”

The crowd kept discussing, and at this moment, an old voice suddenly came, causing all the voices of countless people to stop.

“Leader’s Order: Ignore Tathagata and Yin Tianzi for the time being, search for traces of Tianjun with all your strength, and find someone similar to the Heaven Court mask, and kill them with all your strength! In addition, secretly investigate the connection between the three, once the three are found If there is any special connection between them, take action directly!”

As soon as this old voice came out, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and a trace of reverence emerged.

This person is a very ancient quasi-immortal powerhouse, but he is not even a deputy leader!

Every time he appeared, he was sending a message to that mysterious leader.

“Follow the orders of the Confederate!

At this moment, in the People Slayer Alliance, everyone cupped their fists and said.

Then, with the departure of countless spiritual thoughts, this mysterious vacuum zone exploded directly.

There are only a few hundred middle and high-level people in the Human Slayer Alliance, all of whom are Cultivation Bases above the title of Great Emperor.

But the forces standing behind them, I don’t know how many, similar to Mo Wudao and other people who serve them, they are even more numerous.

Heilonggu, the patriarch of the Heilong clan slowly opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed directly in his own eyes.

Slowly taking out a mask, he glanced at it and read out the identity of the mask.

West Sea Dragon King!

This is one of Heaven Court’s masks, which he obtained by accident, and even revealed a bit of the horror of masks from it.

At the same time, he has a certain understanding of the new generation of Heaven Court.

This is a very loose force, relying on this mask, their spiritual sense will gather in a secret room.

There, many people who have obtained masks can communicate with each other, and no one will know the identity of each other.

In addition, inside, there is a large task hall, there will be a part of the task, all completed, you can get the corresponding task points.

Mission points can be in Heaven Court, in exchange for anything they want, the whole heavens have them, they have it, and the whole heavens don’t have it, there are all there.

At the beginning, when he obtained the Dragon King mask of the West Sea, he was still hesitating whether it would be discovered by the Habitat Alliance, so that the pure-blooded black dragons all suffered!

But at this time, after getting acquainted with everything about Heaven Court, he immediately put this concern behind him!

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