Chapter 194 The Great Emperor Heilong’s return and the shock to Heaven Court

Xihai “Dragon King mask, what kind of connection does it have with the legendary god of heaven?

The Great Emperor Heilong touched his chin and said curiously.

Afterwards, he couldn’t help but continue to check the various benefits of the Dragon King mask of the West Sea.

Soon, some treasures in the exchange area made him nervous.

Not for anything else, because there are so many things that can be exchanged inside.

Even if he is a titled emperor, he still feels an unprecedented heartbeat at this time.

Originally, he had to work hard to reach the title emperor, and he thought this Realm was the end.

But at this time, he saw Zhunxian beckoning to him.

Realm, who had never dared to think about it at first, had a feeling of being close at hand at this time.

Even the rumored Immortal realm seems to be no longer so embroidered!

Thinking of this, his heart burst into flames, and endless fierce flames were burning “three six seven”.

Later, he discovered that any treasures of the heavens and Divine Armament can be absorbed through masks and exchanged for exchange points.

Originally, he was still doubting whether these treasures were real, and his heart moved.

The next moment, in front of him, dozens of Divine Armament pieces appeared, floating around.

Then, he ordered to the mask: “Convert to exchange points!

Detection [Thirteen pieces of Divine Armament of the Emperor Zhundi can be converted into 1,300 exchange points, do you want to convert?)

A figure like a machine appeared in his mind.

The corners of Heilongdi’s mouth twitched a few times. The quasi-divine Divine Armament was enough to make countless clan powers treat them like a family treasure. Here, they could only exchange one hundred exchange points.

But these things are useless to him, he still chooses to exchange his teeth, just to see if the introduction on the mask is true.

With the movement of his mind, The next moment, these Quasi-Emperor Divine Armament disappeared without a trace, but, on the exchange interface, his exchange point was displayed, which was 1,300 points!

Looking at the huge amount of exchange items, and at the own exchange point, Heilongdi felt helpless.

“Never mind, let’s see if those exchangeables really exist!”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but say it, and directly turned over the massive exchange, and soon, a Medicine Pill appeared in front of him.

[Emperor Qi Pill: The titled emperor’s exclusive Medicine Pill, each titled emperor can only take one in his life, after taking it, there is a very high chance to help the realm of the titled emperor Seventh Stage day and below the Ascension First Stage day, need to exchange points: three Thousand points!

[Detected “Xihai Dragon King, as a newcomer, can get benefits, the first item is half price, whether to consume 1,500 points to buy it!)

Seeing this, Emperor Heilong’s heart suddenly moved, and without saying a word, he directly chose to consume.

After consuming three pieces of Quasi-Emperor Divine Armament again, he slowly obtained this Medicine Pill.

Looking at the medicine that was spinning in his hands, as if it was about to escape, he was excited for a while, and then took it directly.


A stalwart medicinal power came, and the endless Spiritual Qi began to be absorbed by it.

The Cultivation Base, which had not moved for a long time, actually began to stride forward at this moment.

Time passed slowly, and a hundred years passed by in a flash.

When Heilongdi opened his eyes again, a bright light had already appeared in his eyes.

“Title Emperor Sixth Stage, unfortunately, this Medicine Pill, even the title Emperor, can only take one!”

Heilongdi was both emotional and sighed.

But now, he cherished the West Sea Dragon King mask to an unprecedented level.

“I don’t know who created these masks, even the Heavenly Emperor back then probably couldn’t create them!”

“It doesn’t matter, this emperor must keep his mouth shut. Whether he can become a quasi-immortal in the future, or even the legendary Realm, depends on it!”

Holding the West Sea Dragon King mask tightly, the Black Dragon Emperor said firmly in his heart.

Afterwards, he looked towards the exchange interface again, withdrew his gaze hotly, and looked aside.

In addition to using the treasures of the heavens to exchange points, there is also access to tasks. You can also get exchange points for completing tasks, and even the exchange points are even more generous!

It’s just that the tasks in it are too terrifying, even if he is titled Great Emperor, he feels dangerous.

[Destroy the Habitat Alliance: Uproot the Habitat Alliance, so that no one in the heavens mentions them. After completing the task, you can choose three treasures in the three exchange columns at will, and get an additional three million exchange points!

[Kill the strongmen of the Killer Alliance without intention to be immortal; after completion, you can get 300,000 exchange points!”

[Kill the killer alliance powerhouse flawless quasi-immortal: After completion, you will get 330,000 exchange points! 】

[Investigate the resident branch and address of the Habitat Alliance, and get 180,000 exchange points after completion!

A series of tasks appeared, dazzling everyone.

Heilongdi looked very excited, but he was helpless. He really didn’t have the courage to exchange these rich exchange points!

However, he still found that many tasks in it were still accepted!

[Investigate the identity of the titled emperor Yuanxi, whether he is a member of the Human Butchers Alliance, and the reward is exchanged for 3,000 points. After confirming, kill him and the reward is exchanged for 50,000 points!”

[This quest has been accepted by Monkey King, other than the other party sharing the quest or giving up the quest, no one else can accept it! 】

Seeing this, Heilongdi’s heart skipped a beat, Yuanxi, but an old titled emperor, Cultivation Base is the same as him now, titled emperor Sixth Stage heaven!

But such an existence actually looks like someone from the Human Butcher Alliance!

Moreover, if you kill it, there will only be no million points to exchange for points!

However, if these 50,000 exchange points were given to him, he would even be expected to hit the Eighth Stage of the Titled Great Emperor!

Monkey King, the other party dared to accept it, it is enough to show that the other party is not afraid of the title of the Great Emperor Sixth Stage, and he is sure to kill him. . . .

It is very likely that it is the terrifying existence of the titled emperor Ninth Stage or even Half-step quasi-immortal!

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the name of the Great Sage Abandoning Heaven!

[The Great Emperor Cang Yue, the owner of Cang Yue Building, who is suspected of being a member of the Habitat Alliance, went to investigate his identity and obtained 3,000 exchange points after completion. After confirming his identity, kill him and get 80,000 exchange points! 】

[This quest has already been accepted by Emperor Zhenwu, other than the other party sharing or giving up the quest, no one else can accept it again! 】


Seeing this, Heilongdi couldn’t help but take a deep breath!

The Great Emperor Cang Yue, that is definitely a giant, Cang Yue Tower is a giant in the entire heaven, and it can be compared to the existence of a big family.

The Great Emperor Cang Yue 2.5 is a terrifying existence at the peak of the Ninth Stage of the titled Great Emperor.

But it is such an existential mission, and it was accepted, which means that this Emperor Zhenwu is definitely a quasi-immortal!

Thinking of this, he was first numb, then relieved, and even relaxed a lot.

The benefits brought by the mask of the Dragon King of the West Sea are far more than that.

The Cultivation Technique and Martial Skill corresponding to Cultivation Base are sealed inside, and it can also cover up all Cultivation Base and breath.

The above introduction is extraordinarily detailed, even if the real immortal arrives, it cannot be distinguished!

For a time, the Black Dragon Emperor relaxed a lot!

However, he also knew that he could not complete such powerful tasks, but there was still a chance that small tasks could be completed.

Soon, a mission caught his attention!

PS: Writing books enriches me, and writing books makes me strong!

I’m back!.

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