Chapter 195 The identity of Ye Qingcheng is about to be revealed

[Investigate whether the pure-blooded Black Dragon clan Elder Mo Wudao is affiliated to the Habitat Alliance Night Emperor. After the investigation is completed, the reward will be exchanged for 500 points. After confirming it, kill him to obtain 3,000 exchange points!)

There are very few exchange point rewards, but the Black Dragon Emperor was first moved, and then, a nameless fire rose in his heart.

He couldn’t help thinking of the abnormality of Mo Wudao not long after he rescued Mo Wudao, and the strangeness of the Great Emperor Realm he suddenly achieved afterward.

In his heart, he had already guessed that Mo Wudao was 80% dependent on the Habitat Alliance!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help burning with anger, and cursed against the bone boy!

As the head of the clan, he naturally did not want to see someone from his clan choose to betray the Black Dragon clan.

But soon, a strange color has flashed out, and he has decided that once the opponent really comes from the Habitat Alliance, he has countless ways to kill it!

Soon, a prompt appeared below the task of investigating Mo Wudao.

[This quest has been accepted by the Dragon King of the West Sea, unless the other party shares or abandons the quest, others cannot continue to accept it!

04 At this time, the Black Dragon Emperor who accepted the mission had secretly placed Divine Sense on Mo Wudao.

Over the millennium, he has observed Mo Wudao many times. Although the other party’s performance is no different in normal times, the other party’s Cultivation Base has advanced very quickly.

In addition, the other party plundered the quasi emperor of the human race many times and used the secret technique Ascension own Cultivation Base.

This method is not unfamiliar to him, because it is a secret method unique to the Human Slayer Alliance.

Thinking of this, he had already determined that Mo Wudao had joined the Habitat Alliance.

But he didn’t know how to submit the task, and for a while, he was a little embarrassed.

However, at this moment, the familiar coldness continued to flicker.

[Ding! The pure-blooded black dragon family, Elder Mo Wudao, detected the identity of the opponent, he is indeed from the Habitat Alliance, choose one: submit the task, get 500 exchange points, task two, kill the opponent, get exchange point three 1,500 points!)

“Kill the opponent!” Heilongdi’s heart was cold, and he directly chose the second one!

Then, he slowly took out the Xihai Dragon King mask and put it on his face.

On this day, Mo Wudao, who received new instructions, left the Black Dragon Valley and headed into the distance.

Suddenly, the surrounding void was ups and downs, and he found that he had been taken to a vacuum.

He was suddenly shocked, and opened up a short vacuum zone in the void, which can only be done by a titled emperor or above. The identity of the other party is self-evident!

“I don’t know where senior has summoned, Junior, the Heilong clan must be polite!”

Mo Wudao’s cupped fist!

Then, in the distance, a man in black with a dragon mask on his face walked slowly.

Mo Wudao suddenly panicked, and a trace of unease emerged.

Heaven Court, the establishment of Underworld and Leiyin Temple, and the Habitat Alliance found that these three forces seem to be targeting them!

Then they discovered that it was not uncommon for the Habitat Alliance to die at the hands of the other party during this period.

For a time, many people in the Habitat Alliance were all in danger, and even their actions were reduced.

At this moment, seeing the masked man, Mo Wudao couldn’t help but panic.

Heilongdi looked at the other party dully and said coldly: “The Habitat Alliance, Ye Emperor’s Great Emperor Mo Wudao, codenamed Ye Shisan, is what this Emperor said right?”

After the mask detected that the other party was the Habitat Alliance, Mo Wudao’s information was detected.

When Heilongdi revealed his identity, Mo Wudao suddenly panicked.

“You are from Heaven Court!”

At this time, he was completely ashamed, knowing that he had no way to escape, and suddenly smiled tragically.

But he still has no regrets about joining the Habitat Alliance.

At this moment, he stared at each other with hatred on his face: “My Habitat Alliance has developed for a long time, and its foundation is more terrifying than the powerhouses of the heavens. One day, I will uproot you!”

“I don’t know what it is!” Heilongdi replied indifferently, with a trace of disdain in his hoarse voice.

If he hadn’t seen the exchange page, he might admire the other party’s words, but when he saw the exchange page, he immediately knew that in front of Heaven Court, the Habitat Alliance might just be a joke!

“Who the hell are you?” Mo Wudao roared as he looked at the Black Dragon Emperor.

What answered him was a dragon claw that penetrated his chest!


The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and Mo Wudao couldn’t help but look at each other, with a strong sense of curiosity in his eyes.

It seems that he thought of the identity of the other party’s father or moved his pity. At the moment when the other party was about to die, the Black Dragon Emperor hesitated for a while, and finally slowly took off his mask.

The familiar face of the patriarch appeared, causing Mo Wudao’s pupils to widen, and a trace of disbelief and horror flashed out.


After just saying two words, Mo Wudao’s life energy instantly vanished and disappeared completely.

He could not have imagined that when he was dying, the one who killed himself would actually be the one who saved the own patriarch!

“It’s not a pity to die for a traitor!” Heilongdi’s iron-blooded voice emerged, and the other party threw the other party’s corpse into the mask of the Dragon King of the West Sea and was taken away by him!

Soon, the 3,500 points exchanged into his hands!

“I don’t know if there are still people in my Black Dragon clan who have joined the Habitat Alliance!”

For a time, a bold wish appeared in Heilongdi’s heart, and even he was startled.

No way, the exchange point is too tempting!

As time passed, the Buddhism of Heaven, Earth, and Earth, the three-party forces, were constantly absorbing major powerhouses and began to grow.

Even Zhuntian is circulating, and in the arms of each titled Great Emperor, there is a mask topic of the three forces hidden in the arms.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Daocang.

At this time, he was constantly practicing his own Magic power and Ascension with his own Cultivation Base, and his intuition told him that there would be earth-shaking changes in the future.

At the same time, as soon as he stepped out of the royal court, Ye Qingcheng, who was sitting alone, slowly opened his eyes.

She showed a look of nostalgia and said slowly: “Between you and me, I’m afraid there must be thousands of years that we haven’t seen each other!”

As her words fell, a beautiful woman in white clothes appeared in front of her.

This woman was dressed in the traditional court dress, but she showed her figure vividly, no more and no less.

The unique stalwart momentum of the titled emperor erupted, facing the sky, covering the eight wastes!

The two were speechless, just stared at each other.

After a long time, there was a trace of clear tears in the woman’s eyes, and she slowly saluted: “My subordinates pay tribute to the palace master!”

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