Chapter 196 The new secret realm opens

Ye Qingcheng looked at this woman with emotion, and a trace of nostalgia was revealed involuntarily.

“Wan’er, I haven’t seen you for many years, and even you have entered the title of Great Emperor!”

A trace of sighing involuntarily surfaced, looking at the little girl she rescued back then, she was also filled with emotion!

If someone was here, they would definitely recognize that the woman in front of her was none other than Qin Wan’er, the Palace Master of the Moon Shadow Temple of the Hidden World Immortal Sect!

The Moon Shadow Temple, created by Ye Qingcheng back then, especially after she was promoted to the title of Great Emperor, is even more invincible.

Even many people have asserted that Ye Qingcheng can definitely lead the Moon Shadow Temple to set foot on the continent of the heavens.

However, in the end, it was Ye Qingcheng who died because he competed for the rumored “Casting Heaven Court” and disappeared. Qin Wan’er, who succeeded the palace lord, had to announce that he was hiding from the world.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Qin Wan’er has excellent talent, but compared to Ye Qingcheng, she is a step behind.

At this moment, Qin Wan’er said with a face of shame: “My subordinates are ashamed of their trust in the Palace Master, and they have not been able to continue the glory of the Moon Shadow Temple!”

Ye Qingcheng shook his head lightly: “There is no need for this, you can save the continuation of the Moon Shadow Temple, which is good enough!”

Qin Wan’er breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to say: “Fortunately, Palace Master, you are back, I will lead the people of Sect to visit!”

Ye Qingcheng patted his jade hand to stop it and said: “Don’t act rashly for the time being, I will leave the Moon Shadow Temple to you, I am very relieved, I have created the Daxia Royal Court now, but I can’t expose it for the time being. Bar!”

Hearing this, Qin Wan’er nodded, and then asked strangely: “By the way, Palace Master, how did you disappear back then? Even the one that hit Immortal, why did mysterious disappear all of a sudden? And it ended up being rebuilt?”

Ye Qingcheng heard the words, took a deep breath, and said deeply: “This matter is complicated, and I will not be able to explain it for a while, but at this moment, I have too many enemies in my past and present life, and the Moon Shadow Temple is not enough to protect me, so I can’t show it!”

Qin Wan’er nodded obediently and did not continue to ask.

Ye Qingcheng continued: “After you see me this time, don’t come again. I am afraid that I will expose her. She has become a quasi-immortal. I am not sure about facing her for the time being!”

Qin Wan’er hesitated for a while, after all, Ye Qingcheng was also a teacher and a mother to her, and she still didn’t want to leave!

After hesitating for a while, Qin Wan’er still took out a mask.

“Guanyin Bodhisattva! You joined Buddhism?” Ye Qingcheng said suddenly.

Palace Master “You actually know this mask?” Qin Wan’er was suddenly surprised.

Regarding the Guanyin Bodhisattva mask, how could she not know that when Ye Daocang did this, he did not hide it from them, but told them these things.

Heaven Court, Underworld, Buddhism, these three forces were all created by Ye Daocang and transformed from the technique of transforming the three cleans.

They are no strangers to the fact that the head of the family is playing a big game of chess.

Ye Qingcheng glanced at Qin Wan’er, and then took out a mask.

“Pharmacist Glazed Light King Buddha Mask, this!” Qin Wan’er was suddenly shocked and almost didn’t exclaim.

According to the history of Buddhism, the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata is on the same level as Tathagata Buddha!

Unexpectedly, “Palace Master, you are also a Buddhist. Wan’er was a little nervous before, but now she is finally relieved!” Qin Wan’er said with a relaxed expression.

Ye Qingcheng smiled lightly, and was extremely beautiful: “Don’t worry, you can join at ease. Speaking of which, this Buddhist sect and the family I belong to now still have some connections. For you, it must not be regarded as a betrayal!”

“Then I’m relieved!” Qin Wan’er smiled.

“By the way, Palace Master, you didn’t leave this family this time?” Qin Wan’er couldn’t help but say something different.

As the Ninth Empress, every time she returns, Ye Qingcheng is alone, with endless desolation, loneliness and loneliness, but this time, she returned with an entire family!

Ye Qingcheng heard the words, his eyes were lost, Ye Daocang was as majestic as a mountain, and the heroic appearance of white clothes surpassing snow couldn’t help but emerge in his heart.

“This time, I didn’t bring my family back, but this family brought me back!”

Ye Qingcheng spoke slowly, and then explained everything!


Hearing Ye Qingcheng’s explanation and the history of the Ye family’s development, Qin Wan’er couldn’t help but gasp.

She originally thought that her own palace lord was absolutely amazing.

But I didn’t expect that there is someone more amazing than the palace master in this world.

Ye Daocang, the head of the Ye family!

This name was deeply remembered by Qin Wan’er.

She knew very well how strong the arrogance in her heart, Ye Qingcheng, the empress of the ninth rehab.

But it is such a legendary woman that she would have an admiration for a man, which is enough to see Ye Daocang’s powerful and mysterious.

Later, after the two sides explained some things, Qin Waner reluctantly chose to leave.

However, she didn’t stay, and with the Avalokitesvara Bodhisatva mask, she could still come to Ye Qingcheng often.

Looking at Qin Wan’er who was leaving, Ye Qingcheng’s face that was going to Closed Door Training suddenly froze.

~Patriarch wants to recruit? Could it be that a new secret realm is about to open? Just right, take this opportunity to attack the Great Heavenly Venerate, and even the quasi-Emperor, it should be no problem!”

Thinking of this, she moved her body, and her body rose directly into the air, leaving the Daxia Royal Court, and heading towards the Ye family’s residence.

At the same time, Ye Wu, Ye Chen and others received news from Hao Wang Zhao and came one after another.

Ye Daocang’s call this time is indeed to open a new secret realm.

With the exposure of the Habitat Alliance, coupled with the strangeness of Zhutian Continent, and some news from the secret realm of Xianzhi, he also felt a strong pressure and chose to open the secret realm in advance.

Speaking of which, since he created Heaven Court and Buddha Gate, his exchange points have started to rise without limit.

When the subordinates of the three parties complete the task, he can also get feedback on exchange points. The corpse of the Emperor Zhundi and the Emperor of the title submitted by the other party can even be exchanged for a lot of exchange points.

This is why he has enough exchange points to exchange new secret realm.

After countless secret realms stayed for a while, Ye Daocang no longer hesitated and fixed his eyes on a secret realm!

Afterwards, he stopped talking nonsense, glanced at enough exchange points, and directly chose to exchange!,

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