Chapter 197 Nuwa, the God of Creation

Ye Daocang stared at the secret realm in front of him and couldn’t help being stunned. He couldn’t tell how he felt, just like when he saw Shu Wang and Houtu.

It didn’t take long for Ye Wu, Ye Chen, Ye Qingcheng and others to come over one after another, Ye Daocang looked at a few people and smiled, and then looked at a few people and said.

“It’s quite fast to come here, you know what I called you to come.”

“You know, is the owner opening a new secret realm?

Ye Qingcheng hurried over to look at Dao Cang, and then looked at the group of people standing around him. He knew it in his heart, but he couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes, the new secret realm.

Ye Daocang nodded.

When everyone heard Ye Daocang’s words, they had the experience of the previous few times, and they all suppressed their inner excitement, and everyone’s faces were eager to try.

Ye Daocang waved his hand, and the pictures around everyone shattered again.

Immediately afterwards, they appeared in a lush forest. When everyone thought that the secret realm was so good this time, the scene suddenly changed, and a beautiful woman appeared in the 370 scene. The woman was sitting on a clear wall. On the edge of the creek, holding a little man in his hand, with a kind smile on his face.

It didn’t take long for the woman to squeeze out a lot of villains. Nuwa held a jade bottle in his hand, took out a fairy branch from the jade bottle and threw it at will, and threw out two drops of bright red blood, which was baptized by blood.

When Nuwa used the blood, Ye Daocang could clearly feel that the blood flow on his own body increased significantly.

In the dark, his own blood seems to have figured out with himself with the blood in the bottle.

Ye Daocang didn’t dare to forcibly suppress his own blood, so he could only calm down slowly. Fortunately, only Ye Daocang could feel it.

Ye Daocang looked at Nuwa’s delicate face, something flashed in his mind, Nuwa’s face could be clearly seen, but he couldn’t see another person’s face.

Ye Daocang’s heart moved, a familiar feeling surrounded himself.

Nuwa’s pinched little man turned into a human in an instant, and more and more human beings appeared in this forest.

The woman stood at the top and looked at the human who gradually became aware of her own and smiled, and a man in a blue shirt appeared beside Nuwa, looking down at the human below and said slowly.

“Humans are so nice and carefree.

Nuwa, who was standing beside him, changed his face in an instant, as if he was terrified to the extreme for a moment, and he looked a little hideous.

Ye Daocang paused for a while and then slowly said, this is the god who created the first human beings named Nuwa.

The jade bottle in her hand can purify the foul air. Anyone who can drink the contents of the jade bottle can cure all diseases and bring the dead back to life.

When everyone heard Ye Daocang’s words, they all opened their mouths wide, being able to revive the dead and purify the filthy qi, which was really something they could not ask for.

The Ye family immediately started to talk about it as if they were in a frenzy. No one paid attention to Ye Daocang, Ye Daocang just stared at Nuwa closely.

Before the Ye family finished discussing, the picture began to change again. Nuwa created human beings, but what he did not expect was that human beings will gradually have their own consciousness in the later time.

Human beings are born with hostility, they live in the soil, and even the ghostly hostility underneath is equally restless. Nuwa, for seven, seven and forty-nine days, humans are everywhere, and they find that there are so many factors in the crowd that are beyond their control.

Outside the secret realm, the Ye family can clearly see that there is a trace of black energy surrounding humans more or less.

“Is this the popular sentiment? It’s terrifying.”

Ye Jia’s hot watch (aecf) Ruo this picture has a lot of discussion.

Nuwa suddenly covered his face and began to cry. The man in the blue shirt looked at the suffering Nuwa and could do nothing. After a long time, Nuwa seemed to accept this fact.


Seeing this, Ye Daocang said indifferently, “This is Emperor Fuxi, the Big Brother of Nuwa.”

“I’m here.”

Nuwa borrowed Fuxi’s three thousand galaxies, and asked Fuxi to follow him to create a big net to isolate the place where humans live from the gods, as well as the ghosts under the ten thousand feet. This big net covers the entire earth.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. It didn’t take long for Fu Yi to disappear. In this world, Nuwa was left alone on the earth. The Heavenly Emperor and Nuwa watched the human beings kill each other for land and food, and couldn’t help shaking their heads.

The underworld is also about to move, the desires of the human beings above are not satisfied, and the atmosphere is increasing, and Nuwa can use his own body to make up for it.

Nuwa took out his own holy sword of Hongmeng and divided the human Realm into two pieces. The Ye family was shocked when they saw the holy sword in Nuwa’s hand.

Everyone couldn’t help being shocked. The sword in Nuwa’s hand was able to split a whole piece of land and split the land into two.

For a time, they looked at the two pieces of land that Nuwa had split, and they were filled with emotion.

“This is Nuwa’s holy sword of Hongmeng, and the holy sword of Hongmeng is Nuwa’s treasure of enlightenment, the treasure of companionship, and the treasure of the first good fortune of the Great Dao.

Hearing Ye Daocang introduce the treasure in Nuwa’s hand, everyone couldn’t help taking a deep breath. They thought that the jade bottle was enough to make people move, but Nuwa’s sword was even more…

Nuwa looked desperately at the human beings he created with his own hands. He couldn’t destroy you all. Nuwa watched the blood flow into rivers on the ground. Humans were fighting for spirit beast to make themselves immortal. Nuwa couldn’t bear it.

Nuwa turned his head sharply, as if looking at the place where Ye Daocang was standing, Ye Daocang’s heart moved, the two seemed to be looking at each other, Nuwa murmured a few words to Ye Daocang.

Everyone looked at the two people in surprise. It seemed to be the same in Houtu last time. The head of the family called Dao Cangyi’s hiding too deep.

“Nuwa, do you regret it?”

Heavenly Emperor looked at the chaotic appearance of the world, with corpses all over the ground, and turned to look at Nuwa, who was kneeling on the ground in despair.

“I don’t regret it, I am willing to use everything I own to save the human beings I created.

Nuwa’s use of own can’t change this fact. After Nuwa left, the world is even worse. The gods in the sky also let it go. Slowly everything seems to be in chaos, but in this riot, here on the earth, Countless spirit beasts, cultivators, and gods were born. ”

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