Chapter 300 Making Money

“Yesterday? Do you still want to eat alone? Save some for Sister Qingcheng!”

“That’s right, things with no conscience, I hurt you in vain when I was a child!”

Now the four of them are nesting in a hidden corner, and there is a fire in front of them, and a few huge pieces of seafood hanging on it are dripping oil down, watching everyone keep rolling in their throats However, Ye Anlan, in particular, took it up and stuffed it in his mouth before it was cooked, obviously very hungry.

On the other hand, Ye Qingcheng had an elegant and dignified personality, and his appearance was also a little more elegant, so he suffered a loss.

In the face of Ye Wu and Ye Daocang’s verbal criticism, Ye Anlan also shrank her neck and said, “I’m sorry, Miss Qingcheng, I’m really hungry!”

“Hey, it seems that not only have our Cultivation Base been sealed, but even our hunger has returned.”

Ye Daocang smiled and didn’t speak. There was a layer of mist floating in his spiritual sea. These mists were the power of belief of the biting clan before. Those mists slowly condensed, and finally, after a long time, the It turned into a drop of Spiritual Qi and deposited it into the spiritual sea, and this seal only sealed their previous Spiritual Qi, while the newly created Spiritual Qi was not affected.

“Relax, although our strength is gone, but we still have strength, have you forgotten the days of body training on the vast continent?”

Ye Wu patted Ye Anlan on the shoulder and said.

“I advise you not to use your strength indiscriminately, the more you move here, the faster you will be hungry!”

Ye Daocang was already lying down at this time, and now the four of them have become mortal existences, they have to do the things of ordinary people, and sleep is naturally essential.

Ye Qingcheng also directly found a place to hurry and was about to lie down when he saw two clothes being handed to him, and looked up to see Ye Wu and Ye Anlan.

“Hey, hey, this seaside is windy at night, don’t catch a cold!”

Ye Qingcheng nodded and took the clothes.

It was as dark as ever, and there was a large black cloud shrouding the head. It was completely impossible to see whether it was day or night. Everyone just felt that they had almost slept, and then they set off early to go to Haiyang City.

They don’t dare to delay now, after all, their stomachs don’t wait for anyone, I’m afraid they will be hungry again soon.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of Haiyang City, they were stopped by two guards: “Stop, if you enter the city, everyone needs to pay a hundred copper coins!”

What the heck “?” Ye Anlan was immediately confused, and just wanted to raise her hand to fight, but she remembered that her Cultivation Base had been sealed, so she could only withdraw her hand angrily, and laughed twice.

But Ye Daocang wasn’t so stupid, he just took out the gold coins, the guard didn’t look like a good person at first glance, if he didn’t give them the money after receiving his gold coins, it would be the end. Ye Daocang is the Ye family. The owner of the family, he must ensure the comprehensiveness of these three people, and then talk about other things.

Ye Daocang smiled and said: “To tell the truth, we are indeed naked now, but if you are willing to let us in, I will borrow money to make up for the four hundred copper coins!”

The guard rolled his eyes and looked at Ye Daocang with a cold smile and said, “Ah, I’ve seen people like you a lot, stop talking nonsense, I know you have a gold coin on you, if you don’t hand over the money today, you won’t even think about it from here. past.”

Ye Daocang’s face turned cold, how could he know about this, suddenly Ye Daocang seemed to understand something, it seemed that they were sold by the old man last night.

“Aah, I know what you’re thinking, that’s right, an old man just found me and made a deal with me. He said that you have a whole gold coin on you, let me exploit a little bit, and then give him another share. Hundred copper coins.”

“Damn old thing!

Ye Anlan said through gritted teeth.

But at this moment, Ye Qingcheng stood up and said, “That’s probably the old man’s misunderstanding that night. Although this is also a gold coin, I don’t know if it can be used!”

I saw Ye Qingcheng spread out his palm, revealing a gold coin.

Ye Anlan was stunned for a moment when she saw the gold coin. It seemed to be the gold coin that he threw into the sky when he and Dage Ye Chen competed on the Alchemy Plaza. In the end, he didn’t pay too much attention, but he was unexpectedly caught by Ye Qingcheng. grabbed.


The guard took the gold coin, and finally said disdainfully: “Although this is real gold, it is not our gold coin, but it can be melted to make some jewelry or something, you go in.”

0… ask for flowers…

After the guard finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and waved his hand impatiently.

“Damn it, Sister Qingcheng is amazing. At that time, I thought that the gold coin was stolen by Ye Chen Dage.”

Ye Anlan flattered and said flatteringly.

As soon as everyone entered the Haiyang City, they were startled by the sight in front of them. They saw beggars kneeling and begging everywhere on the streets here, and strange noises were heard from time to time in the dark alley, and everyone approached to take a look. , I found out that it was an immature wanderer who had been ruined. At this time, he was lying on the edge of a pile of garbage, and his throat made a sound like a broken bellows.

Frightened, Ye Qingcheng hurriedly retreated a few steps.

On the dimly lit street was a dilapidated and lonely scene, and the guard behind them let out a disdainful sneer and said, “Ah, this is a slum area, and the rich area is on the other side of Haiyang City.


Ye Daocang looked back, did not answer him, but continued to walk forward with the crowd.

“Master, I’m so hungry!”

Ye Anlan complained after a while. In fact, he couldn’t blame him. Even Ye Daocang was starving at this time, but the three of them had been enduring it.

Ye Daocang touched the precious gold coin in his arms and said, “Forget it, let’s go eat something.”

“Long live the master!”

“The owner of the family is awesome, believe in the owner of the family and get eternal life!”

Ye Wu and Ye Anlan immediately shouted excitedly.

“My darling! Let’s just change the name of Haiyang City to Bandit City. Is it so dark?”

An ordinary meal that could no longer be ordinary would cost two hundred silver coins! And even the most common house would cost five hundred silver coins to rent for a month.

However, the price of a place is not expensive, not just look at its price, but also look at the income of this place.

However, when the question came, when they asked the people in the store, they found that the compensation here is simply ridiculous, like the money they earn every day is only enough to eat.

Ye Anlan scratched his ears and cheeks angrily. In his previous life, he was known as the Immortal Immortal King. He didn’t expect that one day he would worry about his livelihood, and Ye Wu and Ye Qingcheng were obviously not much better. At

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