Chapter 301 Status

Ye Daocang said slowly: “Forget it, it’s not a problem if it goes on like this, let’s go to the rich city first.

If Ye Daocang and the others want to survive, they must get money, and there will definitely be more opportunities in the wealthy area.

As soon as everyone came to a wealthy area, they suddenly felt that their eyes were bright, which was completely different from the previous scene of the dilapidated and dirty slums.

I saw that on a street in front of everyone at this time, there was a lot of traffic on the road with dim lights everywhere, and there was an endless stream of hawkers and pedestrians.

This is the first time Ye Daocang and the others have come to the mortal world, and they have never seen so many strange things, so they looked around curiously.

Even Ye Qingcheng, who had a cold personality to outsiders and was not allowed to enter, became like an ordinary little girl at this time, running away from time to time.

“440” “This bead hairpin is really good looking!” Ye Qingcheng stopped in front of a small vendor, holding a string of bead hairpins in his hand and said lovingly.

Ye Anlan glanced at it and said, “What’s this? The hairpin on your head is Magic Treasures, you can buy this city if you take it out.”

“You don’t understand, it doesn’t matter whether it is expensive or not, this is really beautiful.”

Ye Qingcheng said humbly.

“Hehe, little girl, I think you really want this bead hairpin, so let’s just sell it to you for fifty silver coins.”


Everyone was stunned when they heard the small vendor’s words, it was too expensive.

When Ye Qingcheng heard this, there was a hint of loss on his face, and then he silently put the pearl hairpin in its place, and then turned around and smiled as if nothing had happened: “Let’s go!”

Ye Daocang looked at each other and followed closely.

“Hey! Recruiting! Recruiting! The City Lord’s Mansion needs to be repaired, and each person has five hundred copper coins a day for food and shelter!”

At this moment, a man dressed as a servant shouted from the side of the road, and many people immediately surrounded him.

“And such good things? Five hundred copper coins a day, won’t I have a gold coin in a few months?

One person spoke.

Unexpectedly, the person who was with him sneered and said, “Aah, do you really believe it? Did you know that a few years ago this city lord’s mansion hired someone to work as a laborer? He went to more than 200 people, and the last one came back. A few, and according to what they said, this city owner is extremely insidious and stingy, and will find various reasons to deduct wages.”

The man’s voice was extremely low, but Ye Daocang’s Spiritual Qi in his body was condensed a little, and he was barely a cultivator on the second floor of Qi Condensation. Naturally, he could hear the whispers between the two of them.

So he turned to Ye Wu and Ye Anlan who were very interested and said, “Let’s go,” there’s nothing to see.

So the four of them walked around the city for a long time, but they didn’t have a clue at all. At this moment, the stomachs of several people began to growl on time.

“His grandma’s, can’t you be quiet? Look at your unpromising appearance.” Ye Anlan said angrily, pointing to her own stomach.

However, at this moment, Ye Anlan suddenly twitched her nose: “What does it smell like!

Ye Daocang also smelled it, but it was not the smell of food, but a scent of rouge gouache.

Suddenly, a charming woman appeared behind Ye Daocang, just when his weak and boneless hand was about to touch Ye Daocang’s shoulder, he saw a strong and powerful hand suddenly hold her. forearm.

Even if Ye Daocang didn’t have a Cultivation Base, his physical strength was still there, and it was impossible for an ordinary person to succeed in a sneak attack.

“If you have something to say, you might as well say it, why bother?” Ye Daocang turned his head and looked coldly at the charming woman who was still charming.

Unexpectedly, the woman was not angry, but smiled and said, “How many of you came out to find a job?”

Ye Anlan looked at the woman with interest and said, “Beauty, what are we going to do, it seems that you can’t control it!”

The woman covered her mouth and chuckled: “Little Brother, you really know how to speak, but if you want to live, I really have a share here, I just don’t know if this woman is willing or not.”

Killing intent suddenly appeared in Ye Daocang’s eyes: “What are you trying to say?

The woman smiled again and again: “Don’t be so excited, we are serious jobs, we don’t show off our bodies…

After hearing the woman’s explanation, everyone knew that the woman was running this Goulan restaurant here, but the singing and dancing girl in this restaurant was taken away by the son of the city lord’s mansion a few days ago, so they wanted to find A young and beautiful going to work as a song and dance 0…

The woman said: “To be honest, this girl is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Even if I saw her, I couldn’t help but love it. If I let her sing and dance, it would definitely be a hit. I am willing to pay a hundred silver coins every day. remuneration.

But Ye Anlan became unhappy as soon as this remark came out: “What? Do you know that Sister Qingcheng is a dear friend of my siblings? … I have to pay more!”

The three Ye Daocang looked over in surprise when they heard the words.

“Hahaha, as long as this girl is willing to go, there is no problem, and one hundred and fifty silver coins a day is also acceptable!” The woman said with a smile.

“I dont go!

Ye Qingcheng didn’t even think about it, and said directly.

Ye Daocang smiled, it happened that he didn’t want Ye Qingcheng to bow down to that kind of place, but at this moment, Ye Qingcheng’s stomach began to growl unsatisfactorily.

The woman understood immediately, so she said, “Aaaa, you are hungry. As long as this girl promises to be here with me, I promise that none of you will be hungry.”

“Oops! It’s delicious!”

Ye Anlan’s cheeks were bulging on both sides, and she kept stuffing things into her mouth.

“Eat, eat, eat, as far as the mother knows to eat, sister Qingcheng has been sold by you!”

Ye 2.5 Wu threw his chopsticks halfway after eating, and blamed himself for being dazed with hunger, but he didn’t stop them from coming here at that time.

“What is it for sale? It’s called sustainable development. If you say it, you don’t understand it. Besides, the owner of the house doesn’t say anything!”

Ye Daocang looked at the two people in front of him and said, “What do you see me doing? If you come here, you will be at peace, and you will eat when you are full.

Just as the three of them were talking, the people in the room were suddenly opened, and they turned around to see that it was the proprietress.

As soon as the proprietress entered the door, she smiled and said, “Oh, this time we have found a treasure!”

As soon as the words fell, Ye Daocang and the three saw Ye Qingcheng, who was dressed in red, wearing a tube top on the upper body, showing a flat belly and delicate collarbone, and wearing a red and gold long skirt on the lower body.

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