Chapter 317 Selling Goods


After an unknown amount of time, He Linger suddenly opened her eyes after hearing a hello, holding the Flying Sword tightly in her hand, staring vigilantly at the forest in front of her, but found that there was no one around.

“What about them?”

He Linger knows the people of the Holy Demon Sect. They will never give up until their goals are achieved, and their methods are extremely cruel. It can be said that there is no one who is easy to deal with. There was a festival with them before, and it must not have ended so easily, but the reality is But there is not even a shadow around.

At this moment, He Linger suddenly heard a rushing voice coming from behind, He Linger immediately looked back vigilantly, and found that it was Ye Anlan, which made him relieved.

“Where are those from the Holy Demon Sect?” He Linger asked.

Ye Anlan put down the dry firewood in her arms and said with a relaxed expression: “Just after you fainted, a Demon Clan Foundation Building cultivator passed by and drove them away.”

“It’s so uncomfortable! Why can’t you tell the story of this kind of hero’s pretending to save the United States and win the heart!!!”

Ye Anlan roared silently in her heart at this time.

“That’s right.”

He Linger didn’t suspect too much, otherwise Ye Anlan couldn’t have driven them away, which was a little too unrealistic.

After being silent for a while, He Linger sat in front of the fire and said, “Just now….I was demonized?”

Ye Anlan nodded and said, “It’s fortunate that the senior of the Demon Race saved you, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.”

“That’s how we demons are. Everyone has a Heart’s Demon in their hearts. As long as there is a little chance, the Heart’s Demon will take advantage of it and turn us into murderous machines.”

Ye Daocang nodded to show his understanding: “That’s why you are called the Demon Race, no one can change this innate thing.

After a night of silence, the two of them woke up early the next day to complete yesterday’s mission, hunted down a dozen low-level ghosts, and collected a lot of herbs, and then He Linger left contentedly.

However, the two did not directly return to the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, but came to a small town not far from it. As soon as they came here, He Linger let go of the whole person, although it was far from the Ten Thousand Demons Sect. It’s not far, but the previous tasks were all done by Ning Cheng and the others, and it was not her turn at all, so it was the first time that she came to such a prosperous place.

He Linger felt extremely fresh and curious about everything here. She had to stop and watch for a long time when she walked through a place, just like a cat who was aroused by curiosity.

Ye Anlan followed behind her, looking at the jumping back, the corners of her mouth unknowingly raised a radian.

In fact, Ye Anlan didn’t know before that, it turns out that the people of the demon race also have such a kind and innocent side, maybe not because of their physical reasons and the cultivation technique, but they are really no different from the human race.

Seeing that He Linger was about to forget the purpose of their coming here, Ye Anlan reminded: “Senior sister, let’s sell the things first and then come back and have a look!

He Linger immediately patted her head and said, “I almost forgot about the business, but thank you for reminding me this time.”

After wandering around here for a long time, the two found a small shop at the end of the street in the town. This is the place to do business with the demon cultivators.

“Boss! Sell stuff!”

As soon as He Linger entered the door, she said carelessly on the chair.

At this time, there was a slightly chubby demon cultivator sitting inside the counter. When a customer came to the door, he didn’t even lift his eyelids, he just pulled a long voice and said weakly, “What is it?”

“Thirteen ghost pills and three blood baby flowers… He Linger reported what he had earned in the past two days.

“Well, four Spirit Stones in total.”

After that, the shop owner threw out four Spirit Stones directly from the counter, and then he was about to see off the customer. When He Linger saw the four Spirit Stones, his eyes instantly filled with anger, and he took the Spirit Stones. To get up and leave.

However, at this moment, one hand held down the Spirit Stones, and the boss behind the counter who was doing the accounting saw that the four Spirit Stones he threw out were pushed back along the table.

It was only then that the boss looked up and saw that it was a wolf demon, and the wolf demon was Ye Anlan.

“Boss? Are you deceiving people too much?”

Ye Anlan is by no means a good man and a woman, and what he absolutely cannot tolerate is that others look down on him.

But who knew that the boss sneered disdainfully, the wolf demon in front of him was clearly only a cultivator on the second floor of Qi Condensation, and was not worth mentioning in front of him.

“Boy, so you’re not satisfied with the price?”

Ye Anlan laughed: “I’m not satisfied, please open your dog’s eyes to see clearly, are the quality of these ghost pills good?”

But the boss hummed disdainfully: “There are many dead people in our demon continent, and this ghost pill is not a rare thing. If you want to sell this thing, I will not accept it as a daddy!”

He Linger was anxious when he heard it. This shop is the only one in this town that does cultivator business. If he refuses to accept it, he will have to travel thousands of miles away. Time and the consumption of Spirit Power back and forth, I am afraid it can only barely breakeven.

So he hurriedly said: “Sell, sell, my little junior brother is ignorant, so don’t compare yourself with him.

As he spoke, he kept winking at Ye Anlan, motioning him to say a few words less.

However, Ye Anlan did not panic at all, but said slowly: “Boss, can we two go into the back room to discuss in detail?”

The boss smiled and said, “You’re looking for something to do, right? Daddy would like to see what kind of storm you can create on the second floor of a Qi Condensation!”

After saying that, she took the lead and walked into the back room. Ye Anlan just turned her head and motioned for He Linger to wait here, and then followed in.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Anlan waved a barrier and appeared out of thin air. The boss was shocked when he saw it. This is not the second-floor method of Qi Condensation.

“Hehe, don’t be nervous, I don’t like to use violence, and I always convince people with reason.

Ye Anlan’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and the momentum on her body also skyrocketed. Cultivation Base reached the Nascent Soul level with just one breath.

“This…this is the power of Nascent Soul!”

At this time, the owner of the shop was already so frightened that his face turned pale, he slid from the chair, fell to his knees with a thud, and hurriedly begged for mercy: “Senior, senior, the strange little one just had no eyes, I neglected you, and I hope you The adults don’t remember the villains, let me go as a dog!!!”

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