Chapter 318 High Price

Ye Anlan scratched his ears as if nothing had happened and said, “But I heard you say just now that we love to sell or not, you know, if you have this attitude, it will make me very angry.

After speaking, a surge of spiritual pressure was like a mountain, pressing it towards the shop owner. I saw that the shop owner’s face suddenly turned pale, and when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of black blood spurted out, and his body was lying on the ground like a dead dog. Can’t move.

I saw that the boss’s eyes were full of fear, and he repeatedly begged for mercy: “I’m sorry, senior, I really know I’m wrong, if you have any requirements, just ask, I will definitely satisfy…

“=Yes, Ruzi can be taught.” With a wave of Ye Andong’s hand, the invisible pressure dissipated instantly, and the shop owner was suddenly amnesty, lying on the ground gasping for breath, making a sound like an old bellows, It was obvious that the internal organs had suffered serious injuries.

Ye Anlan smiled and said: “My request is very simple, buy what we sent, and… I hope you can give a reasonable price

The boss suddenly kowtowed like pounding garlic: “Okay, I promise that the price you will be satisfied with will be satisfied.

At this time, He Linger in the hall was anxiously waiting alone, and put her ear to the door from time to time, but the strange thing was that even at the Cultivation Base on the seventh floor of her Qi Condensation, she could not hear any movement inside, but just When He Linger was in a panic, the door opened with a squeak.

I saw that the boss at this time had completely changed his face, and his face was full of flattery and flattery.

“Hey hey, the girl has been waiting for a long time, and the girl doesn’t know anything. My family just died yesterday, so my condition is really bad today, so I neglected the two of you. I hope you two don’t mind.”

He Linger is very generous: “It’s okay, boss, you can quickly tie up Spirit Stones, we still have things to do.

When the shop owner heard this, he immediately endured his injury and said with a smile: “It’s ridiculous, wait a moment.

I saw that the boss narrowed his eyes and looked at the ghost pill for a while, and then said with a surprised expression: “Aiya, this is the ghost pill of the first-order Great Perfection Realm. It was a small eye just now, but I didn’t realize it. At least ten Spirit Stones.”

“And this blood baby flower, it’s a hundred years old, it’s worth at least five Spirit Stones!

“My God, this is a ghost grass! It’s even a hundred years old, and there must be at least six Spirit Stones…

In this way, under the whistling of the shop owner, this thing that originally only had four Spirit Stones turned tenfold, and there were as many as forty Spirit Stones.

“Oh, little girl, how did you get such good herbs? Well, I’ll be your friend. I’ll give you 50 Spirit Stones this time. If you have such good things in the future, remember to contact me. Send it here!”

Seeing that the boss became inexplicably attentive, He Linger was a little stupid. What’s going on? Could it be that the boss has changed his personality?

But He Linger is only a young demon after all, and he has never been in contact with the Rivers and Lakes. How can he understand some of the twists and turns, I just feel that it is really my luck this time, and the medicinal herbs I have found compare OK, so I don’t care too much.

“Get rich, get rich!” He Linger said excitedly.

You must know that even if the three of them came out, they could only sell ten Spirit Stones each time they found the medicinal materials, but this was the first time he came out to do the task, and he even earned fifty Spirit Stones. That’s five times as much!

At this time, He Linger was like a money fanatic, holding on to the fifty Spirit Stones she just got, as if it was her lifeblood.

It caused many people around to watch secretly, but Ye Anlan was not just a decoration, the coercion he radiated invisibly was enough to make them retreat.

“By the way, what did you tell the boss? Why did his mood suddenly change?”

He Linger asked.

Ye Anlan couldn’t help but smile bitterly, is this guy just reacting now?

“I just talked with him for a while, and then enlightened him and helped him get out of the shadow of losing his relatives. Maybe he is more grateful.”

Ye Anlan scratched his head and said.

He Ling’er nodded, but didn’t say anything. The two of them walked to a shop unknowingly. This was an armor shop, a place specially made for cultivators to make Magic Treasures.

He Linger couldn’t bear her curiosity, put away the Spirit Stones and walked in, followed by Ye Anlan.

I saw that although this shop looks small, it is very clean and spacious inside, with all kinds of clothes and armors neatly placed on both sides.

These clothes and armors are not ordinary things. The materials used for them are extremely sophisticated. The most common defensive clothes are enough to make the wearer’s iron hard to hurt. As for the higher ones, they are not only defensive The power is amazing, and there is even the blessing of formation and spells, which is a must-have for every cultivator.

For example, the robe Ye Anlan was wearing at this time was a high-level defensive vest, which could even block the full-strength attack of the Earth Immortals.

However, there doesn’t seem to be anything very good in this shop, only the low-quality robes of the yellow order.

However, this is only for everyone in the fairyland like Ye Anlan, such as He Linger, a Qi Condensation cultivator, this defensive vest is extremely valuable.

“~ I’ll go, the clothes here are so beautiful!” He Linger said in amazement, looking at the dazzling array of clothes.

At this moment, a servant stepped forward and said with a smile: “The immortals have good eyesight, the robes we have here are the best within a thousand miles, and after wearing them, keeping you safe is like that fairy who came into the world, water and fire. No intrusion, no guns.”

Demons are different from humans, their desires are heavier than that of humans, such as killing, lust, greed and so on.

(Li’s) And He Linger is no exception. At this time, she has been completely attracted by these beautiful clothes. If she has enough Spirit Stones in her hand, I am afraid she will buy them all without hesitation.

I saw He Linger hesitated for a moment, then picked out a red low-cut short skirt and said, “How did you sell this robe?”

The boy smiled and said, “Immortal, you have such a good eye. This is the best vest we have here, but it requires more than thirty Spirit Stones.”

“It’s so expensive!” He Linger sucked in a breath of cold air. Although their demons have desires and evil thoughts, the reality is restricting her. Simply put, they have no money.

But these 30 Spirit Stones are nothing more than small money for An Lan. After all, when he was in the vast continent and the continent of the heavens, it can be said that the leaves in the thousands of flowers are not touching, just inviting those beautiful cultivators to drink I don’t know how much Lingcha’s money has been spent.

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