Chapter 319 Trouble?

Ye Anlan glanced at He Linger helplessly and said, “Forget it, let me buy it.

So he took out thirty Spirit Stones from the storage bag and handed them over to the boy.

“Where did you get so many Spirit Stones?”

He Linger asked in surprise.

“Although none of us belong to the Cultivation Family, our ancestors were also the strong ones who came out of Gold Core. It’s just that something changed and the family declined, but there are still Spirit Stones.”

However, just when He Linger was going to ask Ye Anlan’s background, a few people suddenly appeared at the door. Ye Anlan looked back and found that it was a young man dressed as a son and some followers behind him.

The young man’s eyes lit up the moment he saw He Linger: “Ming, this is Miss Linger, the granddaughter of the Sect Leader of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, what a coincidence!

“Yeah, it’s a coincidence!” He Linger said in a bad tone.

“You know him?” Ye Anlan asked.

“This guy’s father is the elder of the Holy Demon Sect. He is the one who has been suppressing 4.5 million of our Ten Thousand Demon Sect on weekdays.” He Linger said without shyness.

The young man was not at all displeased when he heard this, but said with a smile: “I have heard that your sect has recruited four new disciples this time, so this kid must be the one, but you, a demon clan, actually joined the demon clan. Sect, this is a bit unreasonable, isn’t it?”

He Linger’s eyes turned cold and he said, “Peng Lin, what do you mean? These two demons have lived on a continent since ancient times, so why do they say that?”

“Aah, it’s a joke, it is said that your demons are just those who defected to our demon clan after the demon ancestor was killed by Hongjun Daoist. Originally, your demon clan had already decided to be our demon clan’s vassals, but I didn’t expect that. After our demon clan died, your demon clan actually started a rebellion again, as expected, it is difficult to change the nature of the country, the demon clan is the demon clan, and it will always be this virtue.”

Peng Lin sneered.

We “the demons are just trying to fight for their due status. If your demons hadn’t been enslaving our demons, would we have launched a rebellion?”


Hearing the quarrel between the two, Ye Anlan roughly understood why the Holy Demon Sect and the Ten Thousand Demon Sect had been so misunderstood. Emotional co-authorship was a racial issue, and it sounded like this conflicting issue had its origins. long time.

But when the two were quarreling, the servant walked into the hall and said, “Immortal, we have already packed the vestments you want for you!”

When He Linger saw the beautifully packaged box, most of her anger disappeared immediately, so she gave Peng Lin a blank look and said, “I’m too lazy to argue with you, don’t forget that the demon elders in Yuanyu you were in the past few years were not. You personally ordered to abandon the discrimination between the two clans, but your Holy Demon Sect has been suppressing our demon clan, aren’t you afraid they will hold you accountable?”

But who knew that instead of being afraid, Peng Lin laughed and said: “I’m afraid you don’t know yet, the reason why the patriarch of our demon clan gave this order is only because the current patriarch of your demon clan is willing to use the demons. In exchange, the Holy Maiden of the clan will marry the holy son of our demon clan, so this order is actually a piece of paper, let alone pursue it, I am afraid it is too late for the elders of the demon clan to encourage him.


He Ling’er’s expression was gloomy, as if water were about to drip.

However, at this moment, Peng Lin smiled and said, “Shop, how much is this dress? My lord, I bought double!”

Before the servant could speak, he heard a burst of laughter from behind the hall: “Oh, who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be Young Master Peng, please come in!”

“Boss Yu, long time no see!” Peng Lin said with a smile.

Boss Yu waved his hand and said, “Mr. Peng, come over to pick a gift for the female nun in your Sect?”

“Yes, the clothes in the box in the boy’s hand are very good, I am willing to pay double the price…

Before Peng Lin finished speaking, Boss Yu said with a smile: “Sell, Mr. Peng has already given us enough Face if he can come to our store. Is there any reason not to sell it?”

Hearing the words, the little servant turned around and said, “But the shopkeeper, we only have one of the vestments left here.”

Boss Yu frowned when he heard the words and said, “Are you a pig’s brain? Wouldn’t it be enough to give Peng Gongzi what you have in your hand?”

This can be regarded as touching Ye Anlan’s brows, and seeing Ye Anlan’s furious eyes, she is about to come forward to reason: “The shopkeeper. Are you the pig’s brain? I have already given this money, you are now with me. Say you won’t sell it to me?”

Boss Yu’s face suddenly sank: “Hmph, isn’t it just thirty Spirit Stones? I’ll just give it back to you.

“Is this a matter of Spirit Stones? It’s a fucking question of daddy’s dignity, who do you look down on, kid?” Thinking of him, Ye Anlan has been around all his life, but he didn’t expect to be looked down upon by a guy in the Qi Condensation realm.

“Damn! How dare you talk to Boss Yu like that, what are you guys still doing, don’t hurry up and throw these two people out, it’s shameful to stay here.”

Peng Lin said coldly.

The three followers of Qi Condensation’s third-floor Realm also directly bullied themselves and wanted to teach Ye Anlan a good lesson, but at this moment, He Linger shot, their Qi Condensation third-floor Realm In front of the Realm on the seventh floor of her Qi Condensation, it was really not enough to see, and they all flew out one by one.

We “will go!” We saw that He Linger’s breath was unstable at this time, and it was obviously a sign that he was about to lose control of his emotions.

“Why are you leaving? Is this bullying?” Ye Anlan said angrily.

I saw He Linger turned her head and said: “It’s useless, we can’t fight them, they are right, it’s just shameful for us to stay here.”

However, Ye Anlan broke free from He Linger’s hand and said, “Today I will show you who is embarrassing.

I saw Ye Anlan waved his hand directly, and the entire shop hall was suddenly enveloped by a burst of light.

Boss Yu and Na Penglin suddenly felt a stinging pain in their eyes, and it took a while to recover: “This is…so many Spirit Stones!?”

I saw that Boss Yu seemed to have been hooked away, staring straight at the pile of Spirit Stones on the table, and the whole person involuntarily stood up and walked towards the pile of Spirit Stones.

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