Chapter 365 Tianyao Tower was bombed

Two days later, Ye Daocang breathed a long sigh of relief. Looking at the Medicine Pill in his hand, he couldn’t help raising the corners of his mouth. This Medicine Pill was recorded in the classics as a sixth rank Medicine Pill, a real high rank Medicine Pill, Ye Daocang is also quite proud of being able to refine such a Medicine Pill. After all, he has no experience in pill refining before.

“Don’t say it, my motherfucker is really a genius of pill refining. If it wasn’t for the position of the Ye family’s patriarch that restricted me, maybe I would be a pill refining master admired by everyone on the continent!”

Ye Daocang thought of this, and immediately planned to strike while the iron was hot, wanting to refine a higher rank Medicine Pill.

“Sword intent Dan? No, only the sixth rank Medicine Pill.

“Shui Lingdan? Ah, fifth rank Medicine Pill is also for me to refine?

“Jueyang Pill? Seventh Grade Medicine Pill, it seems to be okay, but this refining method is too simple!”

Finally, after Ye Daocang read through several books, he stopped his gaze in one place.

“The Fire Pill, a seventh-grade intermediate medicine pill, can increase the strength of the person who takes this medicine for a long time, and the magic has its own flame, which can turn thousands of miles into a sea of ​​fire in an instant!”

Ye Daocang saw the introduction of the Medicine Pill and immediately decided to refine it.

Ye Daocang’s powerful Divine Sense allows him to easily control the temperature of the flame. He has already refined more than 200 kinds of medicinal materials in less than a day. However, when the medicinal materials were fused, Ye Daocang suddenly felt that something appeared in the pill furnace. Terrifying energy fluctuations.

Ye Daocang didn’t care too much at first, but with the continuous addition of medicinal materials, several medicinal materials in the pill furnace began to be strongly repelled, and even with Ye Daocang’s Divine Sense power, they could not be fused together. .

The next terrifying scene appeared, I saw the Dan furnace made a sound of being overwhelmed, and then cracks and spider webs covered the whole body of the Dan furnace. It was the first time Ye Daocang encountered such a situation, how would he handle it? , Just running Spiritual Qi quickly, a strong light flashed, and the Spiritual Qi shield appeared in front of Ye Daocang.

At this moment, a strong light suddenly appeared in the pill furnace in front of you, which made people dare not look directly, followed by a terrifying flame and a violent explosion.


The people outside the Heavenly Demon Pagoda felt that the ground under their feet trembled violently, and then saw the energy fluctuations suddenly appeared at the tower of the towering Heavenly Demon Pagoda, spreading out like a chain.

Many people were stunned by this scene, and the elders in the Heavenly Demon Pagoda immediately became alert.

The elder elder moved directly towards the center of the explosion, and the cabinet and the outer cabinet elder also moved.

“Everyone is on alert, I’m afraid those people from the Demon Race want to take away their Holy Maiden!”

Formation “Meet the Enemy!

At the same time, Xuandong also appeared here. This explosion almost completely destroyed the building of the Tianyao Pagoda with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, and there were a few broken stone pillars supporting it all around, just like supporting the heavenly palace. Not like a mountain.

Looking at the scene, this explosion is probably comparable to the strongest blow of the Earth Immortals Realm. Many demon patriarchs who were meditating and cultivating even suffered serious injuries in the explosion.

However, when they saw Ye Daocang flying out of the flames, shock was written all over their faces.

Among them, the elder snorted coldly and said: “I knew that this girl suddenly promised to come to our demon clan, she must have no good intentions, she is trying to blow up our demon tower!”

Xuandong looked at “Qinglan” and said, “You made this explosion?”

Ye Daocang’s mind suddenly changed, and he quickly explained: “Didn’t I just come to your demon clan, and I don’t have anything to give to the elder, so I thought about refining a Medicine Pill and giving it to him, but it didn’t work. think…”

Xuan Dong didn’t say anything when he heard the words, but turned around and said to the elder: “Elder, you heard it too, this Qinglan didn’t do it on purpose, that’s it.

But the elder said coldly: “I think you are fascinated by this woman. Do you believe what she said?”

However, at this moment, “Qing Lan” slowly took out a Medicine Pill, which was the one he had been refining before.

“Who said I lied? Although there was an accident during pill refining, this Medicine Pill was saved. I wanted to give it to you as a welcome gift, but since you don’t believe me, I might as well throw this Medicine Pill away. .

The elder originally wanted to reprimand Qing Lan, but when he saw this Medicine Pill, he suddenly felt as if someone was strangling his neck, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.

0… ask for flowers…

As soon as this Medicine Pill Rong appeared, a strange medicinal fragrance drifted into the nose of everyone present, and then they felt that Spiritual Qi in their bodies was faintly restless under this Dan Xiang, and the strength was even All have a certain level of Ascension, which they have never seen again.

Even Fang Lao, the chief pharmacist in their cabinet, the Medicine Pill that was refined did not have this effect.

Although they didn’t know what effect this Medicine Pill had at this time, they could tell from the danxiang alone that this dan was an extraordinary product, and it might even surpass the category of fifth rank Medicine Pill!

The elder stared at the Medicine Pill in “Qinglan”‘s hand, wriggling his dry throat, and the greed in his eyes did not hide at all.

“This Medicine Pill, did you really refine it and give it to this old man!?” the elder asked.

“Qing Lan” sneered and said: “It was just now, but not now.

After saying that, “Seiran” wanted to destroy this Medicine Pill with a flip of his palm, but at this moment, the elder hurried forward, grabbed his arm and said, “Aiya, Seiran Holy Maiden, you What’s the matter, isn’t it a waste of money to destroy the Medicine Pill like this? Your kind old husband will accept it, and if you need anything in the future, feel free to tell the old man.

When the elder said that, he took the Medicine Pill from “Qinglan” and held it tightly in his palm.

“Qing Lan” smiled and said: “When I saw you, I felt that you seemed to have a hidden disease. This Medicine Pill can treat your injury.”

When the elder heard the words, a gleam flashed in his eyes. He fought against the elder of the demon race. Although the elder of the demon race lost to him and suffered injuries, even the Cultivation Base fell back to the late stage Realm of Jinxian. But he was also injured by the exhaust gas, let alone the sun, even the faint light of the candle would make him feel very uncomfortable now.

Ye Daocang felt relieved when he saw that the elder elder believed it to be true. This Medicine Pill does have the effect of treating injuries, but it cannot completely expel the demonic energy. People just believe it. Do,

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