Chapter 366 Distortion of human nature? No, this is the loss of morality!

The elder looked at the Medicine Pill in his hand, and the smile was a mouth-watering smile. The dozen elders who were seriously injured saw this, and quickly said, “Elder, this girl is pill refining here, and it will blow us all into pieces. With this appearance, you have to call the shots for us!”

“Yeah, she is a spy sent by the demon ancestor. If you want to kill us, you can’t ignore it!”

“Elder Elder, look at my face, I’ve been blown up like this, and the hair on my body is scorched!”

But who knows, the big elder suddenly stared and said: “Don’t talk to me about this useless, call the shots? What are you calling the shots? Don’t you all pay back or jump around?”

Hearing the elder elder’s words, those cabinet elders immediately shut their mouths obediently, they dare not touch the elder elder’s fraction, otherwise they may die without knowing how to die.

The elder looked at “Qinglan” A’Ayi and “473” and said with a smile: “I will arrange for someone to do the aftermath work on this floor. You should live on the upper floor recently.”

When the elders heard the words, their expressions changed immediately and said, “It’s impossible for the elders. Except for our demon clan, there has never been a precedent for outsiders!”

The elder glared at the elders and said, “Miss Qinglan, kindly refine Medicine Pill for this old man. That’s how you thank them? And this old man’s injury is not even a rule?”

The elders were silent when they heard the words, although they felt helpless, but the elders had spoken, and they naturally had nothing to say.

That night

The Elder couldn’t wait to take out the Medicine Pill. After running Spiritual Qi, he swallowed the Medicine Pill. In an instant, the Elder felt as if there was an evil fire burning in his abdomen, even inside his body. Under the influence of this evil fire, the demonic energy that had been lingering in every cell became extremely panicked, trying their best to avoid the evil fire.

Seeing that the Medicine Pill really had a suppressing effect on the exhaust gas in the body, the elder elder’s face showed a happy look, but what he didn’t notice was that his brother, who had not had any movement for many years, even raised his head at this time.

After the elder had suppressed the demonic energy, what he didn’t expect was that a primitive instinctual desire suddenly occupied his sea of ​​consciousness, his body seemed to be like a burning furnace, and he wanted to find an outlet urgently. .

The big elder’s face suddenly turned red. Since he arrived in the fairyland, he has not given much thought to such worldly desires, but today’s feeling,

It is said that demons are creatures influenced by desires, and the elder is no exception. Once his desires are aroused, they will be stronger than humans.

After a while, the elder elder had red eyes and rushed out of the Closed Door Training secret room. At this time, a woman who turned into a thousand-year-old tree demon was walking on the street. Suddenly, a rainbow light appeared in the sky. , The tree demon woman disappeared under the eyes of the public.

Originally, the elder thought that after indulgence, he would be able to suppress that desire, but it turned out that he thought too much, and this desire not only did not decrease with the release, but even worse.

The elder elder’s eyes were suddenly split, and he rushed into the fireworks place of their demon clan. Suddenly, a woman’s scream came from the Goulan workshop. It was really sad for those who heard it….

This matter spread in the Heavenly Demon Pagoda the next day.

“Hey, Brother Leopard, have you heard? The elder of our demon clan actually broke into the homes of several banshees last night!”

The leopard demon nodded when he heard the words, looked around and whispered: “There is something even more outrageous. It is said that this elder even kidnapped a tree demon woman.”

Just as the two demon clans were talking, a male demon turned into a tiger walked up and said: “What you said is nothing, it is said that the elder broke into the hook last night, causing complaints from all over the place, and after hearing about it. After that, I left without giving me any money!”

The people around were shocked: “What? Is there such a thing?”

The tiger demon sneered when he heard the words and said: “Although he is the elder of our demon clan, this kind of thing is too disgusting, even when our tiger gang is robbing the demon girl, they cover their faces. , at least you have to carry some people behind your back, disgusting, so disgusting, is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!”

Everyone heard it and gasped in amazement. This person is not a big elder. Strictly speaking, none of the people present are human, but this moral distortion must have disappeared.

“Hey, I really don’t know how the eldest elder did it. With such a big grade, his physical strength is still so good!”

For a time, the whole Tianyao Pagoda began to talk about this kind of thing, and soon this incident reached the ears of Ye Daocang who was drinking tea. Hearing these rumors, Ye Daocang felt quite surprised. I didn’t expect that the Medicine Pill, which was made by hand, would cause such consequences…

But fortunately, this is a monster clan after all, and there is no concept of chastity like a human clan woman, otherwise, because of the record of the elder last night, the woman who committed suicide today would have to wait in line.

But these don’t care about Ye Daocang’s affairs. Since yesterday’s incident, he has never dared to pill refining any more. If one layer of Tianyao Pagoda was blown up, it can be said to be an accident. If it exploded two layers, guess what Will they do it?

However, at this moment, an elder suddenly came to Ye Daocang’s house and shouted loudly: “Qinglan Holy Maiden, please come over there!”

With this sound, the people on the street suddenly quieted down. Almost all of the people living here are the family members of the elders of the demon clan, as well as some noble people. They naturally know that this Qinglan Holy Maiden belongs to the demon clan. Holy Maiden, they also know that this Holy Maiden has made a marriage contract with the Holy Son of the Demon Race.

“This….Could it be that the elder is going to attack the Holy Maiden of the Demon Race!?”

“Isn’t that true? The demon Holy Maiden had a marriage contract with our demon holy son in 2.5, and although the affairs of the demon clan are now fully handled by the elder, the holy son will inherit the great heaven demon in the future. If he does this, he won’t be afraid of the Son’s revenge in the future?”

“I’m scared, this big elder has done too much!

Not to mention these people, even some elders in the cabinet couldn’t bear it any longer, and they all denounced the elder elders for doing something outrageous.

Ye Daocang heard that and followed the man to the Heavenly Demon Pagoda on the top floor. There was only one Great Hall on this layer of Heavenly Demon Pagoda, and there was nothing left. On both sides of the Great Hall, there were Pieces of Jade Slip are piled up. This Jade Slip records the Cultivation Technique and inheritance of the Yaozu of the Yaozu. For the Yaozu, this is the most confidential core area.

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