Fortress, the first line of defense.

This front line of defense, one kilometer away from the fortress and thirty kilometers long, is the longest and widest screen line of defense of the coalition forces on the battlefield.

It consists of a large number of machine gun fortifications and front-line field artillery, connected to the rear through a large number of staggered traffic trenches, and a twenty-kilometer-long double-layer barbed wire fence is arranged to intercept the charging enemy troops.

It was this double-layer barbed wire that sentenced the failure of the first wave of the attack of the Vatican troops, turning their death charge, which had been repeated tens of millions of times, into a real "death charge".

Barbed wire, a common and extremely effective defensive fortification, is a barbed wire made of thin and long barbed wire.

Barbed wire alone can even cause serious damage to infantry like a mine.

From hiding its own traces, it is obvious that everyone who steps on the battlefield can clearly see its existence.

As long as there is enough time, the soldiers can even slowly cut the barbed wire and pull up the wooden stakes that hold the barbed wire from the ground.

The purpose of facilities such as barbed wire is not to directly kill infantry, but to buy time and opportunities for the defenders.

The barbed wire that seems to be easily crossed will become a deadly obstacle for infantry in battle. Even a thin layer of temporary barbed wire that seems to be harmless will become a fence that soldiers cannot cross.

So much so that later infantry were equipped with special barrier-breaking blasting tubes on a large scale to deal with these cheap and deadly fortifications... and concrete bunkers.

Iron chevaux de frise, concrete interception stakes, and interception pits are just like this, but they are committed to stopping larger armored units from moving.

Stop, and wait for death.

When the target is forced to stop moving, it becomes the best target for shooters.

The allied soldiers all wore disposable gas masks, carried the raw ash powder from the rear, and stepped back into the battlefield filled with the smell of blood.

"How much ammunition is left?"

Gao Yu crossed the defense line and knocked on the door of the first line of defense headquarters.

As one of the few reserve support troops in the fortress, even if he did not receive an action order, he felt that it would be better for him to take a look at the situation on the front line.

They would fill in this trench line as a reserve force when they were determined.

"The first line of defense has run out of ammunition, the second line only has about 10% of the ammunition reserves, and the third line has 50% of the ammunition left."

The allied officers wore the rank unique to the lord, indicating that he was a lord rather than a unit under a lord, not a hero unit, and not an ordinary unit.

He commanded the soldiers to dump raw ash on the battlefield, covering and burying the bodies of the Vatican soldiers.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and handed it to Gao Yu, and when the latter waved his hand to refuse, he took a cigarette himself.

"If the next wave of attacks from the Holy See is still of this magnitude, our current ammunition reserves can stop their attack."

Or we can only be forced to abandon the first line of defense and retreat to the safer second line of defense.

Bullets, shells, explosives.

The premise of sufficient firepower is sufficient supply.

Compared with the energy-dependent spellcaster and divine civilization, the technological civilization can pour out huge firepower in a very short time, but the price is absolutely sufficient supply.

(Shoigu, Gerasimov!)

"Our reserve team's ammunition is still... I can go back and hold a meeting to discuss with other reserve teams..." Gao Yu hesitated. As a reserve team, they can allocate more ammunition to the front line.

But, it is not so in line with the norm.

"Your ammunition is yours. I hope you will find that you don't have enough ammunition when you come to fill the line." The Allied Lord officer shook his head: "We have applied to the headquarters for ammunition supply... and the soldiers are using automatic weapons for the first time, and they are not familiar with how to save ammunition..."

The rifle ammunition and medium-caliber shells are okay, but the machine gun ammunition has run out.

If this goes on, there will never be enough ammunition.

"Damn, are those people crazy? They directly pulled ten divisions to attack the defense line." The Allied Lord officer cursed: "If there were automatic weapons, we really could withstand the charge of these crazy people."

Gao Yu hesitated, but he did not receive the order for the reserve troops to act.

There is a large radio base station in the fortress. The highest command should have received the battle report from the front line as soon as possible, but the reply to the Allied forces is still to continue defending according to the original plan.

Everything went according to plan.

His sight drifted to the barbed wire area in the distance where white mist was rising. There was no barbed wire there. There were only corpses everywhere and a few lonely pillars that were either flagpoles or wooden stakes.

The coalition soldiers were holding torches and pouring raw ash on the corpses, using high-temperature alkaline substances to treat the bacteria that may be carried in the organisms.

"The raw ash transported from the cement factory makes this ghost place look a little cleaner." The coalition officer lit the cigarette in his mouth: "It was originally used to build fortifications. I see that there is still a lot, so I will use it to disinfect the front line."

Although they can be resurrected, if a plague really breaks out at such a close distance, they will have to bear the consequences.

They can't stand the smell of decaying corpses alone.

If they wanted to burn it all down... the smell would probably be enough to smoke out all the garrison troops on the first line of defense.

Raw ash was the best solution they could find right now.

"Okay, stop looking, this place is just like that." The allied lord officer waved his hand and asked Gao Yu to go back and prepare: "We will need your reserve support at a certain time. The artillery sent by Standard Mining said that their support will arrive soon, and we don't know when it will arrive."

It's better to look forward to the troops of the Ring Island Alliance. At least the arcane technology tree they use is not so dependent on logistics.

It's more suitable for this kind of long-term tug-of-war.

Although the output damage per unit time of spell equipment is low, it can be slowly cooled and charged, and a component can be replaced to cast hundreds of times.

Even if it is an arcane artillery that fires ion fireballs, the war mage who uses it is a kind of "rechargeable battery". The human body battery can continue to be used after it is fully charged.

Bullets and shells are good, but they are really one less shot.

Humans always have an inexplicable pursuit of long endurance.

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