
The largest bird in the Falconidae family, with a wingspan of 1.2 to 1.35 meters, it is one of the best hunters among the hawks and owls.

The scientific name is Gyrfalcon.

The way of hunting is mainly flying at low altitude. After finding prey, it tightens its wings and suddenly swoops down to hunt.

The most handsome one in Liaodong is called Haidongqing.

People call it the King of Eagles.

Ji Lin also applied his name to the monster heavy bomber newly developed by the Engineering Academy. He believed that this steel creation that combined a floating stone engine and a lightweight steam turbine was worthy of this name.

The floating stone engine technology can be used to build unreasonably large floating ships. Naturally, it can also be used to build... aircraft.

A fighter plane that is larger than the ball and carries more bombs.

After all, they don't need to think about how to make the plane fly. They only need to install the engine and wings on the floating stone engine, and then put a streamlined stainless steel shell on it to reduce the wind resistance during flight.

A aircraft with a wingspan of fifty meters and a length of forty meters...

뀪꼐Four small 꿨 steam turbine propellers provide propulsion power, with a speed of up to 320km/h. They are responsible for quickly responding to 눓 bombings, and a ten-density heavy bomber with a bomb capacity of 괗 was born.

Standard Mining-Haitongqing bomber.

It seriously sacrificed its dive bombing capability and fighter pull-up capability, but gained an unprecedented bomb load... The bomb load of a Haidongqing can even reach four times that of the high-speed interceptor "Peregrine".

And its level flight speed is more than ten times that of the so-called "high-speed interceptor ship".

This means that a squadron of four Haidongqings, if equipped with specialized 120mm air-to-air dual-purpose aviation rockets, can easily sink an industrial command ship alone.

At this time, it can also rely on its own ultra-high speed to destroy other interceptor ships.

Haidongqing with a wingspan of fifty meters is not a slow flying fortress in this sky. They can use large-diameter aerial rockets to perfectly deal with all aerial ships within a short distance of the enemy.

Attack aircraft and bombers that use aviation rockets are the nemesis of aerospace ships. An unguided rocket with a six kilogram charge can easily tear a crack in the hull of an aerospace ship.

The 20mm automatic cannon carried by the aircraft can effectively intercept approaching small units.

"Haedongqing United Team is crossing the edge of the super large sky island. The weather conditions are good and completed."

The major pressed the radio and looked at the instrument panel, which was flashing green light.

The radio carried by the Haidong Qing heavy attack aircraft can only allow it to communicate among various fleets, but with the help of a large number of radio relay base stations set up by Standard Mining on the air islands, every ship equipped with a military radio can directly The information is sent to the command center.

and received a reply from the headquarters.

"This is the headquarters. The weather observer from the No. 112 Industrial Command Ship reported that there are level 3 winds and 50 mm of rainfall 10 kilometers ahead. Please pay attention to avoid rain clouds. Over."


The major raised his sight. Without the weather observer on the industrial command ship, he could see with the naked eye the clouds swelling in the sunlight not far away.

After passing through the clouds, they would descend to the bottom of the sky island and enter the attack route.

"After descending, please switch to the 눓 surface radio channel and use the 눓 surface radio for transfer. Complete."

"Received. After the first exchange, the alliance will switch to the above channel. It's over."

The major pushed the mechanical device on the instrument panel to switch to the radio relay tower for surface communication. The instrument panel turned off the green light for a minute.

This means that the signal they sent to 눓 has been replied to, and 뀪녊 can often use the relay station on 눓.

"Major, I've checked it and the core is running normally." The first officer said, "I just said there was no problem with the test flight, and there won't be any major problems with the flight..."

Each Haidongqing is equipped with a rune core installed in the steam automatic machine. These intelligent cores, originally used in mechanical spiders and robots, can act as special processors to distribute energy and regulate steam equipment. .

Zhong also specially adjusted the running programs of this batch of rune cores to make them more suitable as auxiliary processors.

Provides aiming assistance and simple ballistic calculations for the pilot of the Haidongqing heavy bomber.

"It's always good to be careful when flying. We don't want our fleet to be on the 'honorary list'." The major smacked his lips, thinking of the big board standing in the standard mine.

Although they cannot die, Standard Mining has an honor roll. Strictly speaking, it is called: "Illegal Operation Accident Record List"

All those who disobey the rules and regulations at work and die will be honored to be listed on the list until the next guy who disobeys the rules and regulations comes.

XX died in a certain month of a certain year because he did not comply with the operating regulations in the XX project. Please bear in mind.

If you think you won't die, you will operate randomly and cause losses to the industry...

The one on the list is already the leader of kindness.

"I have checked according to the procedure, and nothing is missing." The co-pilot touched the work record sheet and waved: "If the two of us are on the list, we will be laughed at by other people in the fleet... I estimate 180 Ten years from now, textbooks will still contain..."

He paused and continued.

"Officer X and officer X turned themselves into the earliest large-scale loitering bomb in history due to improper operation while flying a heavy bomber."

Now there must be two names in the textbooks, which can be regarded as leaving their names in history.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I don't want the impression of us later on is this - notify others to prepare to descend." The major gently pressed the joystick and asked the co-pilot to start the radio to notify others to follow him to descend: "We have to give gifts to our friends in the Holy See."

They were about to enter the bottom of the sky island and the stone forest of the Nayu Mountains.

They had to be very alert to ensure that they would not get disoriented in space, and would not mistake the inverted mountains for the direction of land.

The fleet descended, dragging ten white tracks in the clouds.

The inverted mountains watched these giant steel birds roaring in the night and swooping into the darkness.

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