"Friends, this appointment today is not an ordinary appointment?" Shen

Qingqing quickly changed the subject,"Because today I am going to meet classmate Jiang's two children!"

"(¬‸¬) ?Why does the anchor look so excited?"

"I thought it was something else. What’s so good about watching the children of the emperor?"

"I’m afraid the person upstairs doesn’t know that our Qingqing’s idol is Ye Kexin!"

"Ye Kexin is also my idol, but what does this have to do with the host’s idol being Ye Kexin?

"I looked upstairs and saw that there was a newcomer!"

"Let me reveal the truth, because the twin children of the pretender look very much like the national goddess Ye Kexin!"

"No way? With the appearance of a pretend emperor, can he give birth to a child with the same appearance as the national goddess? Why don't I believe it?"

"There are pictures as proof!"

When a photo appeared in the live broadcast room, the whole live broadcast room was boiling.

"=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)Wow, I didn’t expect the emperor’s children to be so cute!"

"(‧̣̥̇꒪່⍢꒪່ )Are these twins??"

"It’s awesome to pretend to be an emperor!"

"I may not agree with the other points, but I have to agree with this one!"

"This is obviously a trick to trick me into having twins."

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room,

Shen Qingqing really didn't expect that the netizens would change their attitude towards Jiang Fan because of his twin children.

Suddenly, she had a bold idea

"This time, the place where Jiang and I agreed to meet is not in this city, so we can only take a taxi there!"

Shen Qingqing walked to the road in the community while broadcasting live

"No way, no way, last time Jiang Fan came to pick up our Qingqing in a luxury car, why did he change this time?"

"I think he is reluctant to spend money!"

"It's really possible!"

For a moment, many netizens joked.

Shen Qingqing ignored what the netizens said and lowered her head to call a car on her phone.

After a while

, a car stopped in front of her. Shen Qingqing opened the door and got in.

The car started slowly and drove east.

Passing through the bustling and noisy downtown, the noise in my ears gradually faded away, and the quiet and flat asphalt road, and the green trees kept passing by the car window.

"Have you noticed that this road is becoming more and more remote?"

"It’s true, it looks like it’s going to a small county town!"

"I told you, with Jiang Fan’s ability, how could he develop in a big city?"

"In fact, I think that although the economic environment of the county town is not as good as that of the provincial capital, the competitive pressure is not as fierce as that of the provincial capital, so there is nothing wrong with it."

"Yes, compared to the bustling and noisy provincial capital, I prefer the slow pace of life in the county town."

"What do you mean you like the slow pace of county towns? I think most people couldn’t make it in the provincial capital and were eliminated and moved to the county towns!"

"Support the above, the real brave, from���I will not deliberately avoid risks, I will only move forward courageously!"

There was another dispute in the live broadcast room, but it was not because of Jiang Fan, but because of whether the county town was better or the provincial capital was better.

Zhou Shuya watched the live broadcast and knew that there was more material.

Soon, Weibo appeared

【Is it better to work in the county or in the provincial capital?】

【County town VS provincial capital, what is the difference?】

【Is the county town really that peaceful?】


On the other side.

Shen Qingqing sat in the car, looking at the scenery outside the window,"I think the scenery here is pretty good!"

But some netizens in the live broadcast room immediately destroyed the atmosphere.

"The anchor should be careful, especially pay attention to the place. Don’t be taken to the Golden Triangle by Jiang Fan, where you may never come back!"

"Not really. Although Jiang Fan can pretend, he won’t do anything illegal!"

"It's hard to say. A female anchor next door wanted to meet Jiang Fan and called several times, but it showed that Jiang Fan was out of service.

Think about it, our Longguo has the highest mobile phone signal coverage in the world, but Jiang Fan is out of service. What does this mean?

It means that Jiang Fan is in a very remote place. There are several such remote places near our Longguo. As we all know, many people have been deceived into cutting their kidneys in recent years."

"After hearing what the above person said, I really think it makes sense!"

Seeing the speculations of some netizens in the live broadcast room,

Shen Qingqing was somewhat amused.

"Regarding the issue of not being in the service area, Jiang explained to me that there are places in his home where there is no mobile phone signal, so don’t guess!"

However, many netizens in the live broadcast room did not believe this explanation at all and started to comment.

"╮(﹀_﹀")╭I was speechless. How was it possible that Jiang Fan’s home had no signal?"

"This explanation is not very credible in Dragon Country!"

"It's not impossible. The cell phone signal in the basement is usually not that good!"

"( ̄ε(# ̄)Upstairs, given Jiang Fan’s conditions, would his family have a basement?"

"In fact, there is another possibility, that is, Jiang Fan's family lives in a basement-like place!"

Seeing that some netizens speculated that Jiang Fan lived in a dark basement,

Shen Qingqing suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Two small versions of the national goddess lit matches in the dark basement in her mind.

Shen Qingqing shook her head violently, sweeping away the chaotic thoughts.

She wanted to bring Jiang Fan to the studio more and more.


I don't know how long it took.

The car stopped in front of a department store.

Shen Qingqing looked at the name of the department store, confirmed that it was the place where she and Jiang Fan were going to meet, and got out of the car.

There were no dazzling high-rise buildings around here.

There were only a few low buildings.

The wide and flat road was also very quiet.

Only a few people rode battery bikes past.

Because the weather was a bit hot, Shen Qingqing found a place under the building to shade herself.

""What a coincidence, Qingqing!"

Suddenly, a surprised voice came.

Shen Qingqing turned around subconsciously and saw a graceful woman holding an umbrella.���Came here in surprise

"Is it you?"

Shen Qingqing was a little surprised.

Because the person in front of her was none other than Liu Chunnan.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here?"

Liu Chunnan smiled tenderly,"Are you broadcasting live?"


Shen Qingqing nodded, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Hello everyone, I am Qingqing’s high school classmate Liu Chunnan!"

Liu Chunnan waved to the live broadcast room and introduced himself.

"Isn't this the high school classmate that Qingqing met last time? How come we met here?"

"I remember that Liu Chunnan also started a live broadcast to meet with his junior high school classmates!"

"(☆_☆)That's not the anchor, that's a colleague I met on the road!"

"What a shitty colleague! Liu Chunnan started live streaming only after Qingqing made an appointment with him. I wonder how much popularity he has taken advantage of Qingqing!"

"If I remember correctly, Liu Chunnan had been rejected by Jiang Fan before, and Liu Chunnan happened to appear here.

Could it be that Jiang Fan had made an appointment with Qingqing and Liu Chunnan? Otherwise, it couldn't be such a coincidence."

For a while, many netizens turned into Sherlock Holmes.

"Why are you here?"Shen Qingqing asked the question in her heart.

"I just thought of coming to visit my junior high school because it's the weekend, but I didn't expect to meet you?" Liu Chunnan said with a charming smile. Although Liu Chunnan said so, Shen Qingqing didn't believe it at all.

After all, no matter how small this county town is, it is impossible to meet someone familiar by such a coincidence.

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