"What a coincidence!"

Shen Qingqing smiled.

She did not point out Liu Chunnan's words.

And the netizens in the live broadcast room were not all stupid.

After hearing Liu Chunnan's explanation, some netizens raised doubts.

"(¬‸¬) ?This is too much of a coincidence. Although the county town is not big, it must not be easy for two people who are not developing in the county to meet, right?"

"Could it be that Liu Chunnan came here specially because he knew that the anchor had an appointment with the pretender?"

"I think it's most likely that after Liu Chunnan was rejected when he made an appointment to meet the pretender, he wanted to come and get some of our Qingqing's attention!"

"Don't say that above. Pretending to be an emperor is not a popular thing. It won't attract all the beautiful girls!"

"Haha, the people above probably don't know how popular the"Zhuang Di" is on the Internet!"

Originally, the comments in the live broadcast room were relatively calm.

But soon, many fans of Liu Chunnan suddenly flooded into the live broadcast room.

"(* ̄︿ ̄)Jiang Fan isn’t a handsome guy, is he worthy for our Nan Nan to come over?"

"It's so funny. Can Jiang Fan be as popular as our Nan Nan?"

"Our Nan Nan is already very popular, why does she want to piggyback on Shen Qingqing's popularity? Maybe Shen Qingqing is piggybacking on our Nan Nan's popularity!"

"The person above is here to make a joke, right? Our Qingqing is a multi-millionaire internet celebrity, and your Nannan only has two million fans. How dare you accuse our Qingqing of riding on your Nannan's popularity?"

""Don't worry about Liu Chunnan's stupid fans, they are all a bunch of idiots!"

For a while, three factions were formed in the live broadcast room.

One faction supported Shen Qingqing.

One faction supported Liu Chunnan.

And one faction was neutral.

Qingya Studio saw Liu Chunnan appear in the live broadcast room.

Zhou Shuya frowned, but Xiao Liu beside her was indignant and complained:"Sister Zhou, it's obvious that Liu Chunnan is here to take advantage of Sister Shen's popularity!"

"I know!"

Zhou Shuya said"hmm" to indicate that she knew.

She was not surprised that Liu Chunnan knew where Shen Qingqing was going.

Because when Shen Qingqing took a taxi, she had already exposed the place where she had an appointment with Jiang Fan.

"Sister Zhou, what do you think we should do about this? Should we write an article to discredit Liu Chunnan?"Xiao Liu said anxiously

"It's okay, Liu Chunnan is nothing, you just need to pay attention to the live broadcast room and be ready to write articles to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room at any time!"

Zhou Shuya waved her hand


Xiao Liu was upset, but since the boss of the studio had spoken, it was useless for her to be upset.

…… the other side

"Qingqing, you must be live streaming to meet your high school classmates, right?"

Liu Chunnan smiled innocently, looking at her expression as if she knew nothing about Shen Qingqing's meeting.


Shen Qingqing nodded calmly.

"Which classmate is it?"

Liu Chunnan asked with a curious look.

"Jiang Fan, our classmate in high school!"

Shen Qingqing didn't want to say it, and she felt that Liu Chunnan was asking knowingly, but since the other party asked so, she could only answer.

"Are you talking about Jiang Fan?"

Liu Chunnan's eyes widened, looking very surprised.

"Qingqing, you don't know that Jiang Fan rejected my last date with you, but I didn't expect that Jiang Fan agreed to your date. It seems that our school beauty Shen is still very attractive!"

Liu Chunnan suddenly pouted her lips and pretended to be very angry, as if she was angry about Jiang Fan's rejection of her.

But Shen Qingqing felt a little uncomfortable.

She always felt that Liu Chunnan was hinting at something in her words.

"You misunderstood. Actually, when I met with Jiang last time, Jiang promised me to let me visit his two children, but Jiang Fan had to leave for something, so I had to wait until now!"

Shen Qingqing explained softly.

""Huh? Are you going to meet Jiang's two children?"

Liu Chunnan immediately covered her mouth with a surprised look.

Shen Qingqing felt that Liu Chunnan was very pretentious.

But she noticed that there were many comments in the live broadcast room saying that Liu Chunnan looked so cute and innocent.

To be honest, she really didn't think Liu Chunnan was cute. She always felt that she was teasing!


Shen Qingqing nodded lightly and said,"Didn't you say you wanted to go to junior high school?"

"I've been there!" Liu Chunnan said naturally.

"Hey, why hasn't Jiang arrived yet? As a boy, it's not gentlemanly to make a pretty girl wait. How can you make a girl wait?"

Liu Chunnan suddenly spoke up for Shen Qingqing, and immediately attracted her fans to agree.

"(╬ ̄It's really outrageous of Jiang Fan to make a girl wait for so long!"

"((´-_-)-_-)-_-)Last time Jiang Fan asked the anchor Qingqing to wait, and this time too. Generally, men who procrastinate are the most useless."

"Our Nan Nan is just too loving and cares about her classmates everywhere, but her classmates are pretending to be aloof!"

"It’s not worth it for our Nan Nan!"

Shen Qingqing frowned.

Why did she feel that Liu Chunnan seemed to be causing hatred for Jiang Fan?

"I arrived early!" Shen Qingqing explained


Qingqing, although you arrived early, as a boy, can't you wait a little earlier?"Liu Chunnan said angrily.

"As a girl, I support Liu Chunnan's statement that it is the most basic etiquette for boys to wait for girls."

"The guy above must be a boxer, his punches are awesome!"

"( ̄ェ ̄;)Funny, not to mention that Jiang Fan and the anchor are just classmates, even if they have a good relationship, why should the boy be made to wait? ?"

"It is natural for boys to wait for girls"

"Sisters, don’t argue with those mean men, or you will suffer losses!"

"Please stop joking above. Who stipulated that boys must wait for girls? You always demand equality for everyone, but you are not equal! ?"

The situation of male-female confrontation appeared again in the live broadcast room, and they were arguing fiercely.

Shen Qingqing couldn't help but glance at Liu Chunnan.

At this moment, Liu Chunnan was like a little white flower, as if she didn't know the comments in the live broadcast room.

In fact, in short videos, some people often make some topics of male-female confrontation for traffic and popularity.

And for these people, Shen Qingqing despises them from the bottom of her heart.

""Commissioner Shen, I didn't expect you to come so early?"

Suddenly, a steady voice came.

The originally noisy live broadcast room suddenly became quiet.

Shen Qingqing and Liu Chunnan looked in the direction of the voice and were stunned.

They saw Jiang Fan wearing short-sleeved shorts and riding an electric bike.

"Where are the luxury cars? Where are the luxury cars?"

"Is it possible that he won’t pretend to be the emperor this time?"

"Is it possible that the show-off is reluctant to spend money to rent a luxury car?"

The live broadcast room was boiling.

After all, Jiang Fan's appearance this time was unexpected to everyone.

They thought that Jiang Fan would rent a luxury car that was not expensive.

But they never expected that Jiang Fan would come to pick someone up on a small electric donkey.

Liu Chunnan covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

There was also disdain in her eyes.

He looked unremarkable, poor and sour.

How could such a person get married? I don't know which woman is so blind.

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