"Yuanyuan, let auntie take a look?"

Although Yuanyuan took out the fifth-generation Longteng glasses, Liu Chunnan didn't believe that this was the unreleased fifth-generation glasses of Longteng.

"Don't touch it, just look at it. If you want to take it, you have to get Yuanyuan's consent!"

Seeing Liu Chunnan was about to reach out to take it, Shen Qingqing quickly reached out to stop him, and said in a somewhat cold voice

"I just want to see if it's true."

Liu Chunnan didn't expect Shen Qingqing to be so disrespectful.

"Of course it's true!" Yuanyuan pouted and said

""Yuanyuan, it's not that I don't believe you, but the fifth generation of Longteng glasses is not on sale now. Think about it, if no one is selling them, how can they be available?"

Liu Chunnan said softly in a coaxing tone.

She thought, will this little brat cry when he finds out that these glasses are fake?

"Daddy would never lie to us!" Yuanyuan said seriously.

"That's hard to say!"

Liu Chunnan said in a sarcastic tone.

Even if Jiang Fan had hundreds of millions of relocation compensation, some things couldn't be bought with money.

"I won't show it to you, I'll show it to my elder sister!"

Seeing Liu Chunnan's unbelieving look, Yuanyuan handed the box to Shen Qingqing angrily.

"How can I be so embarrassed?"

Shen Qingqing didn't expect Yuanyuan to give her the box.

This made her a little overwhelmed.

From the box, it looked like Longteng glasses.

But who knew if the glasses inside were really Longteng glasses?

Even if they were, she didn't think they were the fifth generation of Longteng glasses.

After all, the fifth generation of Longteng glasses had been announced at the beginning of the year, but they had not been put on the market until now.

Most of the online photos only had pictures of the fifth generation of Longteng glasses, but no real ones.

"It's okay, big sister!" Yuanyuan said generously.

"If Yuanyuan asks you to open it, you should open it!"

Liu Chunnan crossed his arms and watched the show from the side.

"Qingqing, this is not a valuable thing. Yuanyuan asked you to open it, so just open it!"

Mother Jiang didn't know what Longteng VR glasses were. In her eyes, they were just children's toys.

Shen Qingqing hesitated.

But after hearing what Mother Jiang said and looking at Yuanyuan's bright and innocent eyes, she sighed in her heart and opened the box.

There were several items in the box, including a pair of extremely sci-fi gloves, a small black box, a pair of VR glasses, etc.

"Oh my god, could that pair of gloves be the high-tech pneumatic tactile gloves that appeared at the launch of Longteng’s fifth-generation glasses?"

"(⊙ˍ⊙)It’s true!"

"I heard that this pneumatic tactile glove allows users to experience the real touch when grabbing virtual objects!"

"(‧̣̥̇꒪່⍢꒪່ )Could this really be Longteng's fifth-generation glasses?"

"Impossible! This must be a knockoff product that just imitates the fifth-generation appearance. It is actually just a small panoramic display, which is far from the real Longteng VR!"

"How about pneumatic tactile gloves?"

"(¬◡¬)✧Maybe the pneumatic tactile gloves are also a knockoff?"

In the live broadcast room, all kinds of discussions were flying around.

Some netizens thought that this might be the fifth-generation Longteng glasses.

But more netizens still didn't believe it.

After all, how could a pair of glasses that had not yet been launched appear on the market?

Even if it used the latest pneumatic tactile gloves launched by Longteng Group.

Although Shen Qingqing didn't know about the pneumatic tactile gloves.

But looking at the VR glasses in the box, they were somewhat similar to the cousin's third-generation Longteng glasses, but it was obvious that these glasses were more technological.

Shen Qingqing had an illusion in her heart.

This was the fifth-generation glasses that Longteng had not yet released.

But how did Jiang Fan get them?

"Why does this VR glasses have a pair of gloves?"

Liu Chunnan saw a pair of gloves in the box and said with a bit of cold eyes.

Shen Qingqing looked up at Liu Chunnan and didn't bother to pay attention.

What's more, she didn't have time to pay attention.

Because she found a black metal card in the box.

This black metal card has the brand logo of Longteng Group. It even has Longteng fifth generation VR glasses and a series of numbers written on it.

Shen Qingqing's heart jumped suddenly.

This kind of black metal card.

She once saw her cousin take it out to show off.

Her cousin said that this metal card is unique to Longteng glasses.

"=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)Isn’t this the Dragon Teng card exclusive to the Dragon Teng glasses?"

"If you look carefully, you can see the fifth-generation identification mark on it. Could this pair of glasses really be the fifth generation of Longteng Group?"

"( ̄mouth ̄)!!How is it possible? Didn't they say that the fifth generation has not been released? How come Jiang Tong's family has it?"

When the black metal card appeared, the whole live broadcast room seemed to explode.

Qingya Studio.

Zhou Shuya didn't believe that the Jiang family would have the fifth generation of Longteng glasses.

But when the black metal card appeared, she was not sure.

Because this black metal card is a unique item of Longteng Group.

Although this thing can be counterfeited, if you really dare to counterfeit it, the other party will inevitably suffer serious consequences.

Because someone was sent to prison. For a while.

The whole network was boiling.

Many netizens went to the official website of Longteng Group to comment, and some even called the customer service number of Longteng Group.

"(ꐦಠ ಠ)Tell me quickly, when was the fifth generation of yours released?"

"You are so dishonest. You have already released the fifth generation of VR glasses privately, but you didn't tell us, making us loyal fans wait for so long?"

The customer service lady at Longteng Group was also confused.

They originally thought that they were here to ask about the release of the fifth generation.

After all, this kind of thing has happened frequently in the past six months.

But what they never expected was that someone questioned them about the release of the fifth generation of VR glasses, but they didn't tell them, the loyal fans.

But the problem is���The fifth generation of VR glasses produced by Longteng Group is not on sale at all.

In order to calm down the anger, they patiently explained that the fifth generation of glasses produced by their group is not on sale on the market at all. But the people who questioned them did not believe them at all, and said that the evidence is all on the Internet, so there is no need to continue to quibble.

【Shocked, Longteng's fifth-generation VR glasses are already on sale!】

【Is Longteng's fifth-generation VR glasses deceiving consumers? Or is it starvation marketing?】

【Routine! Longteng Group will pay the price for its arrogance!

Soon, a series of articles about Longteng's fifth-generation VR glasses quickly became a hot search, and even alarmed the internal staff of Longteng Group.

"General Manager, look at this picture. Jiang Fan has two pairs of identical glasses, but our Longguo Group has never released the fifth generation of glasses!"A tall and beautiful female secretary handed the tablet to a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

"What is this?"

The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses took the tablet, took a look at it, and a look of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes.

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