"Boss Liu, this picture came from a live broadcast room of a millionaire internet celebrity!"

The tall female secretary told the story of Shen Qingqing's live broadcast room.

"Where does Jiang Tong's family come from?"

The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses pushed his glasses and asked softly.

"According to what is said online, Jiang Fan's family is a nouveau riche!" the tall woman explained softly.

"Nouveau riche?" the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses asked in confusion.

"Yes, I heard that Jiang received hundreds of millions of yuan from the demolition in the early years!"The tall woman explained.

"Can you compensate so much for demolition now?"The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses said in surprise.

The tall woman was speechless.

Is this the point?

"Mr. Liu, you have also seen that this VR glasses actually contains our Longteng Group’s exclusive card. This is not just an imitation of our Longteng fifth-generation glasses, but a blatant infringement!"

"Now many netizens are questioning our Longteng Group for being dishonest. Do you think we need to send an official microblog to explain?"

Since the fifth-generation glasses were announced at the beginning of the year, many fake VR glasses imitating the fifth-generation appearance have appeared on the market, but they are just imitating the appearance, and Longteng Group doesn't care at all.

But if they are sold as counterfeit Longteng Group products, they will not sit idly by.

"Okay, I understand this matter. You go out first and tell the people below not to talk nonsense!"

The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses shook his head.

But suddenly, he saw that the official account of Longteng Group had actually issued a statement.

Longteng Group official:

"We solemnly declare that our company has not sold the fifth-generation VR glasses. All the information about the fifth-generation Longteng VR glasses on the market is fake. Our company will take all legal means to protect our rights according to law."

"Who sent this? Are you blindly defining it before you have figured out the matter?"

The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses suddenly changed his expression.

"Mr. Liu, I don't know either!"

Although the tall female secretary was a little confused and didn't understand why Mr. Liu reacted so strongly, she hurriedly explained.

"Hurry up and ask him to delete it!"

The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses looked very unhappy.

As a senior executive of Longteng Group, he naturally knew some things.

For example, although the fifth-generation Longteng glasses were not sold on the market

, they could actually be produced a long time ago. It was just that for some reasons, they could not be officially mass-produced and sold. The fifth- generation Longteng glasses in the picture were obviously real.

No one knew whether someone inside the Longteng Group sold the fifth-generation Longteng glasses privately.

If this was the case, it would be easy to solve.

But if it was another possibility, it would be difficult.


On the other side.

Jiang Family

"What is this?"

Liu Chunnan also saw a black metal card in the box and asked curiously

"This is the exclusive card of Longteng glasses. Generally, only genuine Longteng glasses have it. And this Longteng card says"fifth generation", which means that these glasses are the fifth generation of Longteng!"

Shen Qingqing was slightly excited when she saw this metal card.

It turned out that this fifth generation of Longteng glasses was real.

"Qingqing, could you have seen it wrong? Maybe this card is also fake?"Liu Chunnan said without thinking.

"No, this is real!!"Yuanyuan pouted and said angrily

"Mr. Liu, counterfeiting a Dragon Teng card is a crime, and most people wouldn't do that!"Shen Qingqing corrected

"You can't blame me for this. The fifth generation of Longteng glasses has not been released yet, so how could it appear on the market? And aren't there a lot of pirated and counterfeit products in Longguo?"

Liu Chunnan retorted.

Shen Qingqing frowned slightly.

To be honest,

Liu Chunnan's words made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Live broadcast room.

Liu Chunnan's fans were very supportive of Liu Chunnan's words.

"I totally agree. There are too many counterfeit and shoddy products in our Long Country, so it shouldn't be difficult to forge a fake Longteng fifth generation, right?"

"The guy upstairs, the last person who counterfeited Longteng glasses is still on trial!"

"These glasses are fake, they are not the fifth generation Longteng glasses at all!"

"How can you be so sure? This pair of glasses has an exclusive card for Longteng Group!"

"I am from Longteng Group, how could I not know? It is obvious that Jiang Fan bought a fake Longteng fifth generation, even the Longteng card is forged!"

"Are you bragging above?"

"He must be exaggerating. The thing that short video platforms lack the least is imposters!"

"Everyone knows that Longteng Group is the most difficult company to enter, but netizens in the short video said otherwise, there is Longteng Group per capita!"


Li Qizhi is the public relations operator of Longteng.

But he is also a fan of Liu Chunnan.

In his opinion, Liu Chunnan is sexy and cute.

So, when Jiang Fan refused to meet Liu Chunnan before, he did not stop slandering Jiang Fan online.

Later, he was envious and jealous when he saw that Jiang Fan really had hundreds of millions of compensation.

In his opinion, Jiang Fan was just lucky.

But even if Jiang Fan had hundreds of millions of compensation, what's the use? He is still an uneducated upstart.

Not like him.

He is from Longteng Group.

You know, when he joined Longteng Group, how many classmates envied him. Even the class flower who had never looked at him before asked him for his contact information.

Now he saw Jiang Fan's daughter showing off the fifth generation of Longteng glasses.

He was also rude to his goddess in every way.

Li Qizhi couldn't stand it.

He immediately posted a comment saying that the Longteng glasses were fake.

But the people in the live broadcast room didn't believe it. Even if he said he was from Longteng Group, no one believed it.

Li Qizhi was so angry that he immediately posted a message on the official short video account.

They said that the Jiang family's so-called Dragon Teng fifth-generation glasses were fake. They suspected that the Jiang family had forged the Dragon Teng fifth-generation glasses, and they would pursue the Jiang family's criminal responsibility. As soon as the official short video of the Dragon Teng Group was released, it was like a stone that caused a thousand waves, and quickly attracted the attention of countless netizens.

"It turned out to be fake. That’s what I said. The fifth generation of Longteng hasn’t been released yet, how could it be there!"

"I still don't believe it. Not only does it look the same, but it also has pneumatic tactile gloves and even a Longteng card. Would anyone really risk going to jail to forge a Longteng Group exclusive card? Is this because they think their life is not long enough?"

"The above person, even the official has released a video, so it must be correct!"

"It looks like classmate Jiang is in trouble!"


"Qingqing, you see, among my fans there are people from Longteng Group. Even he said it was fake, and you see he even posted on the official account!"

Liu Chunnan said with a bit of show-off while holding the phone.


Shen Qingqing's eyes flashed with suspicion.

When she saw the exclusive card of Longteng glasses, she thought it was real, but she didn't expect that Longteng Group had already issued a statement to deny it.

"Yuanyuan, maybe your father bought a fake product!"Liu Chunnan smiled and looked at Yuanyuan.

"You are the fake one, you are the fake one!" Yuanyuan said angrily.

Liu Chunnan's expression froze.

"Big sister, these glasses are real, Daddy won't lie to us!" Yuanyuan looked at Shen Qingqing and said

"Auntie, believe it!" Shen Qingqing forced a smile. Liu

Chunnan on the side sneered in his heart.

What's the use of believing? What's fake will always be fake, and it won't become real!

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