"Auntie, you said that the fifth generation of Longteng glasses my father bought were fake, do you have any evidence?"

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaoming, who had no sense of presence, asked.

"Xiao Ming, it's not that Auntie doesn't believe this is real, but the company that produced the fifth-generation Longteng glasses has issued a statement saying that these glasses are fake!"

Liu Chunnan spoke in a very gentle tone, but to Shen Qingqing, it was clearly gloating.

Shen Qingqing couldn't understand.

Why did Liu Chunnan insist on arguing about the authenticity of the fifth-generation VR glasses?

"Is what the company said necessarily true?"Jiang Xiaoming asked with a stern face. Liu Chunnan was immediately stunned.

"ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σNo, no, I almost died of laughter at Jiang Fan’s son. He is so arrogant at such a young age. What will he be like when he grows up?"

"You are so arrogant. You said the company that developed the VR glasses was fake, but you still question the level of that company?"

"This person is simply the best at everything he does and is always the best at arguing!"

"Jiang Fan's son said before that he had the previous generations of Longteng glasses. Now I have reason to suspect that his so-called glasses were all fake!"

Looking at the live broadcast room, Li Qizhi was also full of ridicule.

Even if the fifth generation of Longteng VR glasses is real, so what?

As long as he says it is fake, no one will believe it is real.

Because he represents the official.

But seeing Jiang Fan's son questioning his goddess, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, and immediately sprayed wildly in the live broadcast room.

"Li Qizhi!"

But at this moment, a bald man with a gloomy face strode over

""Boss, why are you here?"

Li Qizhi quickly put away his phone and said flatteringly

"Who allowed you to post random videos on the official short video platform at your own will?"

The bald man slammed the table, frightening Li Qizhi so much that he trembled. Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

"Boss, I am also doing this for the good of the company. We don’t have the fifth generation of glasses.……"

Li Qizhi wanted to explain.

In his opinion, everything he did, at least the merits outweigh the faults.

Because no matter whether Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng glasses are real or fake, the company must respond.

Although it was a bit abrupt for him to post without the company's consent, there are only two possible results.

The first one is that Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng glasses are fake.

This situation is the best.

Because he can respond quickly, reply in time, and eliminate netizens' doubts about Longteng Company, which is at least a great achievement.

The second one is that Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng is real.

But even if it is true, it doesn't matter.

Because unlisted products suddenly circulate on the market, it means that there are internal personnel in the company who privately sell the company's products to others for profit.

If this is the case, the company will definitely not make the internal problems public.

It will only be resolved privately.

So, even if Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng is real, the company will only deny it.

But the bald man didn't give Li Qizhi a chance to explain.

"Needless to say, pack up your things and get out of here immediately!"


On the other side.

Facing Jiang Xiaoming's questioning, Liu Chunnan was both angry and amused,"Xiaoming, my company is the one that produces this type of VR glasses, how could they not know whether it's real or fake?"

"The manufacturer naturally knows whether the product is real or fake, but not all employees know whether it is real or fake!"

Jiang Xiaoming had a stern face.

But the words he said were extremely inconsistent with his age.

Shen Qingqing on the side was surprised.

Is this really a child over three years old?

"Look, Longteng Group’s official Weibo has posted something!"

"What's so good about it? You don't even need to look at it to know that it's a statement that Jiang Fan's fifth-generation glasses are fake!"

"Those who are upstairs, please look at the pictures and speak for yourself!"

"What's going on? They actually denied the statement of the official account of the short video!"

Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room exploded.

Shen Qingqing also noticed the comments in the live broadcast room.

She was confused.

What on earth did Longteng Group post that surprised so many people?

After checking it out,

Longteng Group:

【In response to the recent erroneous remarks made by our employees, our employee Li Qizhi resigned from his position in our company because he published indiscreet and erroneous remarks in a short video without the company's approval.

Shen Qingqing was stunned.

Indiscreet and erroneous remarks?

Does this mean that the short video posting that Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng glasses are fake is actually wrong and indiscreet? In fact, Shen Qingqing is not the only one who has this doubt. Many netizens also have a question mark on their heads.

"Everyone, go and have a look, the short video of Longteng Group has been deleted!"

"( ̄mouth ̄)!!This operation is a bit confusing. Not only did they delete the short video, but they also fired the person who posted the video!"

"Yes, that person was fired by Longteng Group just because he said that Jiang Fan’s fifth generation was a fake. I don’t quite understand the operation of Longteng Group."

"What's so unclear about this? Longteng Group’s Weibo has made it clear that the official short video was posted by employees without authorization and has nothing to do with Longteng Group!"

"Upstairs, isn't what you said nonsense? Now the question is whether Jiang Tong's fifth-generation glasses are real?"

"Do you think that Jiang's fifth-generation Longteng glasses are actually real? Otherwise, why doesn't Longteng Group explain it?"

"It's really possible!"

For a moment, a group of netizens were excited.

They originally thought that Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng glasses were fake.

But after the operation of Long's Group, people couldn't help but doubt whether Jiang Fan's fifth-generation Longteng glasses were real or fake?

Many netizens even directly contacted Longteng Group's customer service hotline.

Or comment on Longteng Group's official microblog.

But Longteng Group's reply was also very simple, and it was not clear for the time being.

This confusing operation once again made Longteng's fifth-generation VR glasses a hot search.

Shen Qingqing looked at the comments in the live broadcast room, and then looked at Jiang Xiaoming.

Jiang Xiaoming's words just now suddenly echoed in his mind.

"The manufacturer certainly knows whether the product is real or fake, but not all employees know whether the product is real or fake!"

As Jiang Xiaoming said, the manufacturer certainly knows whether the product is real or fake, but the employees may not know.

"Xiao Ming, I'm not criticizing you, but you are being a little too argumentative.……"

Liu Chunnan was about to scold Jiang Xiaoming, but Shen Qingqing interrupted him.

""Student Liu, Longteng Group has just deleted the video, and also stated that the video was posted by an employee without authorization, so it doesn't count!"

Shen Qingqing reminded softly.


Liu Chunnan was stunned for a moment, and looked through her phone, and found that the video that said Jiang Fan's fifth-generation glasses were fake was gone.

Her face suddenly became ugly.

Shen Qingqing, who was standing by, didn't know what Liu Chunnan was thinking.

She told Yuanyuan about it.

After hearing it, Yuanyuan's little face suddenly lit up with joy.

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